path: root/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/thread/sync_bounded_queue.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/thread/sync_bounded_queue.hpp')
1 files changed, 733 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/thread/sync_bounded_queue.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/thread/sync_bounded_queue.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3e3958dae61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/boost-1.56.0/boost/thread/sync_bounded_queue.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+// (C) Copyright Vicente J. Botet Escriba 2013. Distributed under the Boost
+// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for documentation.
+#include <boost/thread/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/thread/condition_variable.hpp>
+#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
+#include <boost/thread/detail/move.hpp>
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+#include <boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/smart_ptr/make_shared.hpp>
+#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp>
+namespace boost
+ { success = 0, empty, full, closed, busy }
+ struct no_block_tag{};
+ BOOST_CONSTEXPR_OR_CONST no_block_tag no_block = {};
+ struct sync_queue_is_closed : std::exception
+ {
+ };
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ class sync_bounded_queue
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef ValueType value_type;
+ typedef std::size_t size_type;
+ // Constructors/Assignment/Destructors
+ BOOST_THREAD_NO_COPYABLE(sync_bounded_queue)
+ explicit sync_bounded_queue(size_type max_elems);
+ template <typename Range>
+ sync_bounded_queue(size_type max_elems, Range range);
+ ~sync_bounded_queue();
+ // Observers
+ inline bool empty() const;
+ inline bool full() const;
+ inline size_type capacity() const;
+ inline size_type size() const;
+ inline bool closed() const;
+ // Modifiers
+ inline void close();
+ inline void push(const value_type& x);
+ inline void push(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(value_type) x);
+ inline bool try_push(const value_type& x);
+ inline bool try_push(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(value_type) x);
+ inline bool try_push(no_block_tag, const value_type& x);
+ inline bool try_push(no_block_tag, BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(value_type) x);
+ inline void push_back(const value_type& x);
+ inline void push_back(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(value_type) x);
+ inline queue_op_status try_push_back(const value_type& x);
+ inline queue_op_status try_push_back(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(value_type) x);
+ inline queue_op_status nonblocking_push_back(const value_type& x);
+ inline queue_op_status nonblocking_push_back(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(value_type) x);
+ inline queue_op_status wait_push_back(const value_type& x);
+ inline queue_op_status wait_push_back(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(value_type) x);
+ // Observers/Modifiers
+ inline void pull(value_type&);
+ // enable_if is_nothrow_copy_movable<value_type>
+ inline value_type pull();
+ inline shared_ptr<ValueType> ptr_pull();
+ inline bool try_pull(value_type&);
+ inline bool try_pull(no_block_tag,value_type&);
+ inline shared_ptr<ValueType> try_pull();
+ inline void pull_front(value_type&);
+ // enable_if is_nothrow_copy_movable<value_type>
+ inline value_type pull_front();
+ inline queue_op_status try_pull_front(value_type&);
+ inline queue_op_status nonblocking_pull_front(value_type&);
+ inline queue_op_status wait_pull_front(ValueType& elem);
+ private:
+ mutable mutex mtx_;
+ condition_variable not_empty_;
+ condition_variable not_full_;
+ size_type waiting_full_;
+ size_type waiting_empty_;
+ value_type* data_;
+ size_type in_;
+ size_type out_;
+ size_type capacity_;
+ bool closed_;
+ inline size_type inc(size_type idx) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return (idx + 1) % capacity_;
+ }
+ inline bool empty(unique_lock<mutex>& ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return in_ == out_;
+ }
+ inline bool empty(lock_guard<mutex>& ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return in_ == out_;
+ }
+ inline bool full(unique_lock<mutex>& ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return (inc(in_) == out_);
+ }
+ inline bool full(lock_guard<mutex>& ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return (inc(in_) == out_);
+ }
+ inline size_type capacity(lock_guard<mutex>& ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return capacity_-1;
+ }
+ inline size_type size(lock_guard<mutex>& lk) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ if (full(lk)) return capacity(lk);
+ return ((out_+capacity(lk)-in_) % capacity(lk));
+ }
+ inline void throw_if_closed(unique_lock<mutex>&);
+ inline bool closed(unique_lock<mutex>&) const;
+ inline bool try_pull(value_type& x, unique_lock<mutex>& lk);
+ inline shared_ptr<value_type> try_pull(unique_lock<mutex>& lk);
+ inline bool try_push(const value_type& x, unique_lock<mutex>& lk);
+ inline bool try_push(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(value_type) x, unique_lock<mutex>& lk);
+ inline queue_op_status try_pull_front(value_type& x, unique_lock<mutex>& lk);
+ inline queue_op_status try_push_back(const value_type& x, unique_lock<mutex>& lk);
+ inline queue_op_status try_push_back(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(value_type) x, unique_lock<mutex>& lk);
+ inline queue_op_status wait_pull_front(value_type& x, unique_lock<mutex>& lk);
+ inline queue_op_status wait_push_back(const value_type& x, unique_lock<mutex>& lk);
+ inline queue_op_status wait_push_back(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(value_type) x, unique_lock<mutex>& lk);
+ inline void wait_until_not_empty(unique_lock<mutex>& lk);
+ inline void wait_until_not_empty(unique_lock<mutex>& lk, bool&);
+ inline size_type wait_until_not_full(unique_lock<mutex>& lk);
+ inline size_type wait_until_not_full(unique_lock<mutex>& lk, bool&);
+ inline void notify_not_empty_if_needed(unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ if (waiting_empty_ > 0)
+ {
+ --waiting_empty_;
+ lk.unlock();
+ not_empty_.notify_one();
+ }
+ }
+ inline void notify_not_full_if_needed(unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ if (waiting_full_ > 0)
+ {
+ --waiting_full_;
+ lk.unlock();
+ not_full_.notify_one();
+ }
+ }
+ inline void pull(value_type& elem, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ elem = boost::move(data_[out_]);
+ out_ = inc(out_);
+ notify_not_full_if_needed(lk);
+ }
+ inline value_type pull(unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ value_type elem = boost::move(data_[out_]);
+ out_ = inc(out_);
+ notify_not_full_if_needed(lk);
+ return boost::move(elem);
+ }
+ inline boost::shared_ptr<value_type> ptr_pull(unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ shared_ptr<value_type> res = make_shared<value_type>(boost::move(data_[out_]));
+ out_ = inc(out_);
+ notify_not_full_if_needed(lk);
+ return res;
+ }
+ inline void pull_front(value_type& elem, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ elem = boost::move(data_[out_]);
+ out_ = inc(out_);
+ notify_not_full_if_needed(lk);
+ }
+ inline value_type pull_front(unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ value_type elem = boost::move(data_[out_]);
+ out_ = inc(out_);
+ notify_not_full_if_needed(lk);
+ return boost::move(elem);
+ }
+ inline void set_in(size_type in, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ in_ = in;
+ notify_not_empty_if_needed(lk);
+ }
+ inline void push_at(const value_type& elem, size_type in_p_1, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ data_[in_] = elem;
+ set_in(in_p_1, lk);
+ }
+ inline void push_at(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(value_type) elem, size_type in_p_1, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ data_[in_] = boost::move(elem);
+ set_in(in_p_1, lk);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::sync_bounded_queue(typename sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::size_type max_elems) :
+ waiting_full_(0), waiting_empty_(0), data_(new value_type[max_elems + 1]), in_(0), out_(0), capacity_(max_elems + 1),
+ closed_(false)
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(max_elems >= 1, "number of elements must be > 1");
+ }
+// template <typename ValueType>
+// template <typename Range>
+// sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::sync_bounded_queue(size_type max_elems, Range range) :
+// waiting_full_(0), waiting_empty_(0), data_(new value_type[max_elems + 1]), in_(0), out_(0), capacity_(max_elems + 1),
+// closed_(false)
+// {
+// BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(max_elems >= 1, "number of elements must be > 1");
+// BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(max_elems == size(range), "number of elements must match range's size");
+// try
+// {
+// typedef typename Range::iterator iterator_t;
+// iterator_t first = boost::begin(range);
+// iterator_t end = boost::end(range);
+// size_type in = 0;
+// for (iterator_t cur = first; cur != end; ++cur, ++in)
+// {
+// data_[in] = *cur;
+// }
+// set_in(in);
+// }
+// catch (...)
+// {
+// delete[] data_;
+// }
+// }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::~sync_bounded_queue()
+ {
+ delete[] data_;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ void sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::close()
+ {
+ {
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ closed_ = true;
+ }
+ not_empty_.notify_all();
+ not_full_.notify_all();
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::closed() const
+ {
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return closed_;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::closed(unique_lock<mutex>& ) const
+ {
+ return closed_;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::empty() const
+ {
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return empty(lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::full() const
+ {
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return full(lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ typename sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::size_type sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::capacity() const
+ {
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return capacity(lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ typename sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::size_type sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::size() const
+ {
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return size(lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_pull(ValueType& elem, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ if (empty(lk))
+ {
+ throw_if_closed(lk);
+ return false;
+ }
+ pull(elem, lk);
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ shared_ptr<ValueType> sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_pull(unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ if (empty(lk))
+ {
+ throw_if_closed(lk);
+ return shared_ptr<ValueType>();
+ }
+ return ptr_pull(lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_pull(ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return try_pull(elem, lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_pull_front(ValueType& elem, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ if (empty(lk))
+ {
+ if (closed(lk)) return queue_op_status::closed;
+ return queue_op_status::empty;
+ }
+ pull_front(elem, lk);
+ return queue_op_status::success;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_pull_front(ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return try_pull_front(elem, lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_pull(no_block_tag,ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_, try_to_lock);
+ if (!lk.owns_lock())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return try_pull(elem, lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ boost::shared_ptr<ValueType> sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_pull()
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return try_pull(lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::nonblocking_pull_front(ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_, try_to_lock);
+ if (!lk.owns_lock())
+ {
+ return queue_op_status::busy;
+ }
+ return try_pull_front(elem, lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ void sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::throw_if_closed(unique_lock<mutex>&)
+ {
+ if (closed_)
+ {
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( sync_queue_is_closed() );
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ void sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::wait_until_not_empty(unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (out_ != in_) break;
+ throw_if_closed(lk);
+ ++waiting_empty_;
+ not_empty_.wait(lk);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ void sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::wait_until_not_empty(unique_lock<mutex>& lk, bool & closed)
+ {
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (out_ != in_) break;
+ if (closed_) {closed=true; return;}
+ ++waiting_empty_;
+ not_empty_.wait(lk);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ void sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::pull(ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ wait_until_not_empty(lk);
+ pull(elem, lk);
+ }
+// template <typename ValueType>
+// void sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::pull(ValueType& elem, bool & closed)
+// {
+// unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+// wait_until_not_empty(lk, closed);
+// if (closed) {return;}
+// pull(elem, lk);
+// }
+ // enable if ValueType is nothrow movable
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ ValueType sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::pull()
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ wait_until_not_empty(lk);
+ return pull(lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ boost::shared_ptr<ValueType> sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::ptr_pull()
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ wait_until_not_empty(lk);
+ return ptr_pull(lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ void sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::pull_front(ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ wait_until_not_empty(lk);
+ pull_front(elem, lk);
+ }
+ // enable if ValueType is nothrow movable
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ ValueType sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::pull_front()
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ wait_until_not_empty(lk);
+ return pull_front(lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::wait_pull_front(ValueType& elem, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ if (empty(lk) && closed(lk)) {return queue_op_status::closed;}
+ wait_until_not_empty(lk);
+ pull_front(elem, lk);
+ return queue_op_status::success;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::wait_pull_front(ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return wait_pull_front(elem, lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_push(const ValueType& elem, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ throw_if_closed(lk);
+ size_type in_p_1 = inc(in_);
+ if (in_p_1 == out_) // full()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ push_at(elem, in_p_1, lk);
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_push(const ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return try_push(elem, lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_push_back(const ValueType& elem, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ if (closed(lk)) return queue_op_status::closed;
+ size_type in_p_1 = inc(in_);
+ if (in_p_1 == out_) // full()
+ {
+ return queue_op_status::full;
+ }
+ push_at(elem, in_p_1, lk);
+ return queue_op_status::success;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_push_back(const ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return try_push_back(elem, lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::wait_push_back(const ValueType& elem, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ if (closed(lk)) return queue_op_status::closed;
+ push_at(elem, wait_until_not_full(lk), lk);
+ return queue_op_status::success;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::wait_push_back(const ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return wait_push_back(elem, lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_push(no_block_tag, const ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_, try_to_lock);
+ if (!lk.owns_lock()) return false;
+ return try_push(elem, lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::nonblocking_push_back(const ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_, try_to_lock);
+ if (!lk.owns_lock()) return queue_op_status::busy;
+ return try_push_back(elem, lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ typename sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::size_type sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::wait_until_not_full(unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ throw_if_closed(lk);
+ size_type in_p_1 = inc(in_);
+ if (in_p_1 != out_) // ! full()
+ {
+ return in_p_1;
+ }
+ ++waiting_full_;
+ not_full_.wait(lk);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ void sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::push(const ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ push_at(elem, wait_until_not_full(lk), lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ void sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::push_back(const ValueType& elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ push_at(elem, wait_until_not_full(lk), lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_push(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(ValueType) elem, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ throw_if_closed(lk);
+ size_type in_p_1 = inc(in_);
+ if (in_p_1 == out_) // full()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ push_at(boost::move(elem), in_p_1, lk);
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_push(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(ValueType) elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return try_push(boost::move(elem), lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_push_back(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(ValueType) elem, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ if (closed(lk)) return queue_op_status::closed;
+ size_type in_p_1 = inc(in_);
+ if (in_p_1 == out_) // full()
+ {
+ return queue_op_status::full;
+ }
+ push_at(boost::move(elem), in_p_1, lk);
+ return queue_op_status::success;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_push_back(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(ValueType) elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return try_push_back(boost::move(elem), lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::wait_push_back(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(ValueType) elem, unique_lock<mutex>& lk)
+ {
+ if (closed(lk)) return queue_op_status::closed;
+ push_at(boost::move(elem), wait_until_not_full(lk), lk);
+ return queue_op_status::success;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::wait_push_back(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(ValueType) elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ return try_push_back(boost::move(elem), lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ bool sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::try_push(no_block_tag, BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(ValueType) elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_, try_to_lock);
+ if (!lk.owns_lock())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return try_push(boost::move(elem), lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ queue_op_status sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::nonblocking_push_back(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(ValueType) elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_, try_to_lock);
+ if (!lk.owns_lock())
+ {
+ return queue_op_status::busy;
+ }
+ return try_push_back(boost::move(elem), lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ void sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::push(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(ValueType) elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ push_at(boost::move(elem), wait_until_not_full(lk), lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ void sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>::push_back(BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(ValueType) elem)
+ {
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx_);
+ push_at(boost::move(elem), wait_until_not_full(lk), lk);
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>& operator<<(sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>& sbq, BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF(ValueType) elem)
+ {
+ sbq.push_back(boost::move(elem));
+ return sbq;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>& operator<<(sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>& sbq, ValueType const&elem)
+ {
+ sbq.push_back(elem);
+ return sbq;
+ }
+ template <typename ValueType>
+ sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>& operator>>(sync_bounded_queue<ValueType>& sbq, ValueType &elem)
+ {
+ sbq.pull_front(elem);
+ return sbq;
+ }
+#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp>