path: root/src/third_party/boost-1.60.0/boost/date_time/local_time/posix_time_zone.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/boost-1.60.0/boost/date_time/local_time/posix_time_zone.hpp')
1 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.60.0/boost/date_time/local_time/posix_time_zone.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.60.0/boost/date_time/local_time/posix_time_zone.hpp
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index 00000000000..d0ef31d5b82
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+++ b/src/third_party/boost-1.60.0/boost/date_time/local_time/posix_time_zone.hpp
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+/* Copyright (c) 2003-2005 CrystalClear Software, Inc.
+ * Subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+ * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
+ * Author: Jeff Garland, Bart Garst
+ * $Date$
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/time_zone_names.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/time_zone_base.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/local_time/dst_transition_day_rules.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/string_convert.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/time_parsing.hpp>
+namespace boost{
+namespace local_time{
+ //! simple exception for UTC and Daylight savings start/end offsets
+ struct bad_offset : public std::out_of_range
+ {
+ bad_offset(std::string const& msg = std::string()) :
+ std::out_of_range(std::string("Offset out of range: " + msg)) {}
+ };
+ //! simple exception for UTC daylight savings adjustment
+ struct bad_adjustment : public std::out_of_range
+ {
+ bad_adjustment(std::string const& msg = std::string()) :
+ std::out_of_range(std::string("Adjustment out of range: " + msg)) {}
+ };
+ typedef boost::date_time::dst_adjustment_offsets<boost::posix_time::time_duration> dst_adjustment_offsets;
+ //! A time zone class constructed from a POSIX time zone string
+ /*! A POSIX time zone string takes the form of:<br>
+ * "std offset dst [offset],start[/time],end[/time]" (w/no spaces)
+ * 'std' specifies the abbrev of the time zone.<br>
+ * 'offset' is the offset from UTC.<br>
+ * 'dst' specifies the abbrev of the time zone during daylight savings time.<br>
+ * The second offset is how many hours changed during DST. Default=1<br>
+ * 'start' and'end' are the dates when DST goes into (and out of) effect.<br>
+ * 'offset' takes the form of: [+|-]hh[:mm[:ss]] {h=0-23, m/s=0-59}<br>
+ * 'time' and 'offset' take the same form. Time defaults=02:00:00<br>
+ * 'start' and 'end' can be one of three forms:<br>
+ * Mm.w.d {month=1-12, week=1-5 (5 is always last), day=0-6}<br>
+ * Jn {n=1-365 Feb29 is never counted}<br>
+ * n {n=0-365 Feb29 is counted in leap years}<br>
+ * Example "PST-5PDT01:00:00,M4.1.0/02:00:00,M10.1.0/02:00:00"
+ * <br>
+ * Exceptions will be thrown under these conditions:<br>
+ * An invalid date spec (see date class)<br>
+ * A boost::local_time::bad_offset exception will be thrown for:<br>
+ * A DST start or end offset that is negative or more than 24 hours<br>
+ * A UTC zone that is greater than +14 or less than -12 hours<br>
+ * A boost::local_time::bad_adjustment exception will be thrown for:<br>
+ * A DST adjustment that is 24 hours or more (positive or negative)<br>
+ *
+ * Note that UTC zone offsets can be greater than +12:
+ *
+ */
+ template<class CharT>
+ class posix_time_zone_base : public date_time::time_zone_base<posix_time::ptime,CharT> {
+ public:
+ typedef boost::posix_time::time_duration time_duration_type;
+ typedef date_time::time_zone_names_base<CharT> time_zone_names;
+ typedef date_time::time_zone_base<posix_time::ptime,CharT> base_type;
+ typedef typename base_type::string_type string_type;
+ typedef CharT char_type;
+ typedef typename base_type::stringstream_type stringstream_type;
+ typedef boost::char_separator<char_type, std::char_traits<char_type> > char_separator_type;
+ typedef boost::tokenizer<char_separator_type,
+ typename string_type::const_iterator,
+ string_type> tokenizer_type;
+ typedef typename tokenizer_type::iterator tokenizer_iterator_type;
+ //! Construct from a POSIX time zone string
+ posix_time_zone_base(const string_type& s) :
+ //zone_names_("std_name","std_abbrev","no-dst","no-dst"),
+ zone_names_(),
+ has_dst_(false),
+ base_utc_offset_(posix_time::hours(0)),
+ dst_offsets_(posix_time::hours(0),posix_time::hours(0),posix_time::hours(0)),
+ dst_calc_rules_()
+ {
+#ifdef __HP_aCC
+ // Work around bug in aC++ compiler: see QXCR1000880488 in the
+ // HP bug tracking system
+ const char_type sep_chars[2] = {',',0};
+ const char_type sep_chars[2] = {','};
+ char_separator_type sep(sep_chars);
+ tokenizer_type tokens(s, sep);
+ tokenizer_iterator_type it = tokens.begin(), end = tokens.end();
+ if (it == end)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Could not parse time zone name"));
+ calc_zone(*it++);
+ if(has_dst_)
+ {
+ if (it == end)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Could not parse DST begin time"));
+ string_type dst_begin = *it++;
+ if (it == end)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Could not parse DST end time"));
+ string_type dst_end = *it;
+ calc_rules(dst_begin, dst_end);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual ~posix_time_zone_base() {}
+ //!String for the zone when not in daylight savings (eg: EST)
+ virtual string_type std_zone_abbrev()const
+ {
+ return zone_names_.std_zone_abbrev();
+ }
+ //!String for the timezone when in daylight savings (eg: EDT)
+ /*! For those time zones that have no DST, an empty string is used */
+ virtual string_type dst_zone_abbrev() const
+ {
+ return zone_names_.dst_zone_abbrev();
+ }
+ //!String for the zone when not in daylight savings (eg: Eastern Standard Time)
+ /*! The full STD name is not extracted from the posix time zone string.
+ * Therefore, the STD abbreviation is used in it's place */
+ virtual string_type std_zone_name()const
+ {
+ return zone_names_.std_zone_name();
+ }
+ //!String for the timezone when in daylight savings (eg: Eastern Daylight Time)
+ /*! The full DST name is not extracted from the posix time zone string.
+ * Therefore, the STD abbreviation is used in it's place. For time zones
+ * that have no DST, an empty string is used */
+ virtual string_type dst_zone_name()const
+ {
+ return zone_names_.dst_zone_name();
+ }
+ //! True if zone uses daylight savings adjustments otherwise false
+ virtual bool has_dst()const
+ {
+ return has_dst_;
+ }
+ //! Local time that DST starts -- NADT if has_dst is false
+ virtual posix_time::ptime dst_local_start_time(gregorian::greg_year y)const
+ {
+ gregorian::date d(gregorian::not_a_date_time);
+ if(has_dst_)
+ {
+ d = dst_calc_rules_->start_day(y);
+ }
+ return posix_time::ptime(d, dst_offsets_.dst_start_offset_);
+ }
+ //! Local time that DST ends -- NADT if has_dst is false
+ virtual posix_time::ptime dst_local_end_time(gregorian::greg_year y)const
+ {
+ gregorian::date d(gregorian::not_a_date_time);
+ if(has_dst_)
+ {
+ d = dst_calc_rules_->end_day(y);
+ }
+ return posix_time::ptime(d, dst_offsets_.dst_end_offset_);
+ }
+ //! Base offset from UTC for zone (eg: -07:30:00)
+ virtual time_duration_type base_utc_offset()const
+ {
+ return base_utc_offset_;
+ }
+ //! Adjustment forward or back made while DST is in effect
+ virtual time_duration_type dst_offset()const
+ {
+ return dst_offsets_.dst_adjust_;
+ }
+ //! Returns a POSIX time_zone string for this object
+ virtual string_type to_posix_string() const
+ {
+ // std offset dst [offset],start[/time],end[/time] - w/o spaces
+ stringstream_type ss;
+ ss.fill('0');
+ boost::shared_ptr<dst_calc_rule> no_rules;
+ // std
+ ss << std_zone_abbrev();
+ // offset
+ if(base_utc_offset().is_negative()) {
+ // inverting the sign guarantees we get two digits
+ ss << '-' << std::setw(2) << base_utc_offset().invert_sign().hours();
+ }
+ else {
+ ss << '+' << std::setw(2) << base_utc_offset().hours();
+ }
+ if(base_utc_offset().minutes() != 0 || base_utc_offset().seconds() != 0) {
+ ss << ':' << std::setw(2) << base_utc_offset().minutes();
+ if(base_utc_offset().seconds() != 0) {
+ ss << ':' << std::setw(2) << base_utc_offset().seconds();
+ }
+ }
+ if(dst_calc_rules_ != no_rules) {
+ // dst
+ ss << dst_zone_abbrev();
+ // dst offset
+ if(dst_offset().is_negative()) {
+ // inverting the sign guarantees we get two digits
+ ss << '-' << std::setw(2) << dst_offset().invert_sign().hours();
+ }
+ else {
+ ss << '+' << std::setw(2) << dst_offset().hours();
+ }
+ if(dst_offset().minutes() != 0 || dst_offset().seconds() != 0) {
+ ss << ':' << std::setw(2) << dst_offset().minutes();
+ if(dst_offset().seconds() != 0) {
+ ss << ':' << std::setw(2) << dst_offset().seconds();
+ }
+ }
+ // start/time
+ ss << ',' << date_time::convert_string_type<char, char_type>(dst_calc_rules_->start_rule_as_string()) << '/'
+ << std::setw(2) << dst_offsets_.dst_start_offset_.hours() << ':'
+ << std::setw(2) << dst_offsets_.dst_start_offset_.minutes();
+ if(dst_offsets_.dst_start_offset_.seconds() != 0) {
+ ss << ':' << std::setw(2) << dst_offsets_.dst_start_offset_.seconds();
+ }
+ // end/time
+ ss << ',' << date_time::convert_string_type<char, char_type>(dst_calc_rules_->end_rule_as_string()) << '/'
+ << std::setw(2) << dst_offsets_.dst_end_offset_.hours() << ':'
+ << std::setw(2) << dst_offsets_.dst_end_offset_.minutes();
+ if(dst_offsets_.dst_end_offset_.seconds() != 0) {
+ ss << ':' << std::setw(2) << dst_offsets_.dst_end_offset_.seconds();
+ }
+ }
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ private:
+ time_zone_names zone_names_;
+ bool has_dst_;
+ time_duration_type base_utc_offset_;
+ dst_adjustment_offsets dst_offsets_;
+ boost::shared_ptr<dst_calc_rule> dst_calc_rules_;
+ /*! Extract time zone abbreviations for STD & DST as well
+ * as the offsets for the time shift that occurs and how
+ * much of a shift. At this time full time zone names are
+ * NOT extracted so the abbreviations are used in their place */
+ void calc_zone(const string_type& obj){
+ const char_type empty_string[2] = {'\0'};
+ stringstream_type ss(empty_string);
+ typename string_type::const_pointer sit = obj.c_str(), obj_end = sit + obj.size();
+ string_type l_std_zone_abbrev, l_dst_zone_abbrev;
+ // get 'std' name/abbrev
+ while(std::isalpha(*sit)){
+ ss << *sit++;
+ }
+ l_std_zone_abbrev = ss.str();
+ ss.str(empty_string);
+ // get UTC offset
+ if(sit != obj_end){
+ // get duration
+ while(sit != obj_end && !std::isalpha(*sit)){
+ ss << *sit++;
+ }
+ base_utc_offset_ = date_time::str_from_delimited_time_duration<time_duration_type,char_type>(ss.str());
+ ss.str(empty_string);
+ // base offset must be within range of -12 hours to +14 hours
+ if(base_utc_offset_ < time_duration_type(-12,0,0) ||
+ base_utc_offset_ > time_duration_type(14,0,0))
+ {
+ boost::throw_exception(bad_offset(posix_time::to_simple_string(base_utc_offset_)));
+ }
+ }
+ // get DST data if given
+ if(sit != obj_end){
+ has_dst_ = true;
+ // get 'dst' name/abbrev
+ while(sit != obj_end && std::isalpha(*sit)){
+ ss << *sit++;
+ }
+ l_dst_zone_abbrev = ss.str();
+ ss.str(empty_string);
+ // get DST offset if given
+ if(sit != obj_end){
+ // get duration
+ while(sit != obj_end && !std::isalpha(*sit)){
+ ss << *sit++;
+ }
+ dst_offsets_.dst_adjust_ = date_time::str_from_delimited_time_duration<time_duration_type,char_type>(ss.str());
+ ss.str(empty_string);
+ }
+ else{ // default DST offset
+ dst_offsets_.dst_adjust_ = posix_time::hours(1);
+ }
+ // adjustment must be within +|- 1 day
+ if(dst_offsets_.dst_adjust_ <= time_duration_type(-24,0,0) ||
+ dst_offsets_.dst_adjust_ >= time_duration_type(24,0,0))
+ {
+ boost::throw_exception(bad_adjustment(posix_time::to_simple_string(dst_offsets_.dst_adjust_)));
+ }
+ }
+ // full names not extracted so abbrevs used in their place
+ zone_names_ = time_zone_names(l_std_zone_abbrev, l_std_zone_abbrev, l_dst_zone_abbrev, l_dst_zone_abbrev);
+ }
+ void calc_rules(const string_type& start, const string_type& end){
+#ifdef __HP_aCC
+ // Work around bug in aC++ compiler: see QXCR1000880488 in the
+ // HP bug tracking system
+ const char_type sep_chars[2] = {'/',0};
+ const char_type sep_chars[2] = {'/'};
+ char_separator_type sep(sep_chars);
+ tokenizer_type st_tok(start, sep);
+ tokenizer_type et_tok(end, sep);
+ tokenizer_iterator_type sit = st_tok.begin();
+ tokenizer_iterator_type eit = et_tok.begin();
+ // generate date spec
+ char_type x = string_type(*sit).at(0);
+ if(x == 'M'){
+ M_func(*sit, *eit);
+ }
+ else if(x == 'J'){
+ julian_no_leap(*sit, *eit);
+ }
+ else{
+ julian_day(*sit, *eit);
+ }
+ ++sit;
+ ++eit;
+ // generate durations
+ // starting offset
+ if(sit != st_tok.end()){
+ dst_offsets_.dst_start_offset_ = date_time::str_from_delimited_time_duration<time_duration_type,char_type>(*sit);
+ }
+ else{
+ // default
+ dst_offsets_.dst_start_offset_ = posix_time::hours(2);
+ }
+ // start/end offsets must fall on given date
+ if(dst_offsets_.dst_start_offset_ < time_duration_type(0,0,0) ||
+ dst_offsets_.dst_start_offset_ >= time_duration_type(24,0,0))
+ {
+ boost::throw_exception(bad_offset(posix_time::to_simple_string(dst_offsets_.dst_start_offset_)));
+ }
+ // ending offset
+ if(eit != et_tok.end()){
+ dst_offsets_.dst_end_offset_ = date_time::str_from_delimited_time_duration<time_duration_type,char_type>(*eit);
+ }
+ else{
+ // default
+ dst_offsets_.dst_end_offset_ = posix_time::hours(2);
+ }
+ // start/end offsets must fall on given date
+ if(dst_offsets_.dst_end_offset_ < time_duration_type(0,0,0) ||
+ dst_offsets_.dst_end_offset_ >= time_duration_type(24,0,0))
+ {
+ boost::throw_exception(bad_offset(posix_time::to_simple_string(dst_offsets_.dst_end_offset_)));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Parses out a start/end date spec from a posix time zone string.
+ * Date specs come in three possible formats, this function handles
+ * the 'M' spec. Ex "M2.2.4" => 2nd month, 2nd week, 4th day .
+ */
+ void M_func(const string_type& s, const string_type& e){
+ typedef gregorian::nth_kday_of_month nkday;
+ unsigned short sm=0,sw=0,sd=0,em=0,ew=0,ed=0; // start/end month,week,day
+#ifdef __HP_aCC
+ // Work around bug in aC++ compiler: see QXCR1000880488 in the
+ // HP bug tracking system
+ const char_type sep_chars[3] = {'M','.',0};
+ const char_type sep_chars[3] = {'M','.'};
+ char_separator_type sep(sep_chars);
+ tokenizer_type stok(s, sep), etok(e, sep);
+ tokenizer_iterator_type it = stok.begin();
+ sm = lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*it++);
+ sw = lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*it++);
+ sd = lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*it);
+ it = etok.begin();
+ em = lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*it++);
+ ew = lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*it++);
+ ed = lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*it);
+ dst_calc_rules_ = shared_ptr<dst_calc_rule>(
+ new nth_kday_dst_rule(
+ nth_last_dst_rule::start_rule(
+ static_cast<nkday::week_num>(sw),sd,sm),
+ nth_last_dst_rule::start_rule(
+ static_cast<nkday::week_num>(ew),ed,em)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ //! Julian day. Feb29 is never counted, even in leap years
+ // expects range of 1-365
+ void julian_no_leap(const string_type& s, const string_type& e){
+ typedef gregorian::gregorian_calendar calendar;
+ const unsigned short year = 2001; // Non-leap year
+ unsigned short sm=1;
+ int sd=0;
+ sd = lexical_cast<int>(s.substr(1)); // skip 'J'
+ while(sd >= calendar::end_of_month_day(year,sm)){
+ sd -= calendar::end_of_month_day(year,sm++);
+ }
+ unsigned short em=1;
+ int ed=0;
+ ed = lexical_cast<int>(e.substr(1)); // skip 'J'
+ while(ed > calendar::end_of_month_day(year,em)){
+ ed -= calendar::end_of_month_day(year,em++);
+ }
+ dst_calc_rules_ = shared_ptr<dst_calc_rule>(
+ new partial_date_dst_rule(
+ partial_date_dst_rule::start_rule(
+ static_cast<unsigned short>(sd), static_cast<date_time::months_of_year>(sm)),
+ partial_date_dst_rule::end_rule(
+ static_cast<unsigned short>(ed), static_cast<date_time::months_of_year>(em))
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ //! Julian day. Feb29 is always counted, but exception thrown in non-leap years
+ // expects range of 0-365
+ void julian_day(const string_type& s, const string_type& e){
+ int sd=0, ed=0;
+ sd = lexical_cast<int>(s);
+ ed = lexical_cast<int>(e);
+ dst_calc_rules_ = shared_ptr<dst_calc_rule>(
+ new partial_date_dst_rule(
+ partial_date_dst_rule::start_rule(++sd),// args are 0-365
+ partial_date_dst_rule::end_rule(++ed) // pd expects 1-366
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ //! helper function used when throwing exceptions
+ static std::string td_as_string(const time_duration_type& td)
+ {
+ std::string s;
+#if defined(USE_DATE_TIME_PRE_1_33_FACET_IO)
+ s = posix_time::to_simple_string(td);
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << td;
+ s = ss.str();
+ return s;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef posix_time_zone_base<char> posix_time_zone;
+} } // namespace boost::local_time