path: root/src/third_party/boost-1.60.0/libs/date_time/data/README.zone_spec_csv_file
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1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.60.0/libs/date_time/data/README.zone_spec_csv_file b/src/third_party/boost-1.60.0/libs/date_time/data/README.zone_spec_csv_file
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..069cac21950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/boost-1.60.0/libs/date_time/data/README.zone_spec_csv_file
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+The csv file containing the zone_specs used by the
+boost::local_time::tz_database is intended to be customized by the
+library user. When customizing this file (or creating your own) the
+file must follow a specific format.
+This first line is expected to contain column headings and is therefore
+not processed by the tz_database.
+Each record (line) must have eleven fields. Some of those fields can
+be empty. Every field (even empty ones) must be enclosed in double-quotes.
+ "America/Phoenix" <- string enclosed in quotes
+ "" <- empty field
+Some fields represent a length of time. The format of these fields must be:
+ "{+|-}hh:mm[:ss]" <- length-of-time format
+Where the plus or minus is mandatory and the seconds are optional.
+Since some time zones do not use daylight savings it is not always necessary
+for every field in a zone_spec to contain a value. All zone_specs must have
+at least ID and GMT offset. Zones that use daylight savings must have all
+fields filled except: STD ABBR, STD NAME, DST NAME. You should take note
+that DST ABBR is mandatory for zones that use daylight savings (see field
+descriptions for further details).
+********* Fields and their description/details *********
+* ID
+ Contains the identifying string for the zone_spec. Any string will
+ do as long as it's unique. No two ID's can be the same.
+ These four are all the names and abbreviations used by the time
+ zone being described. While any string will do in these fields,
+ care should be taken. These fields hold the strings that will be
+ used in the output of many of the local_time classes.
+ Ex:
+ time_zone nyc = tz_db.time_zone_from_region("America/New_York");
+ local_time ny_time(date(2004, Aug, 30), IS_DST, nyc);
+ cout << ny_time.to_long_string() << endl;
+ // 2004-Aug-30 00:00:00 Eastern Daylight Time
+ cout << ny_time.to_short_string() << endl;
+ // 2004-Aug-30 00:00:00 EDT
+ NOTE: The exact format/function names may vary - see local_time
+ documentation for further details.
+* GMT offset
+ This is the number of hours added to utc to get the local time
+ before any daylight savings adjustments are made. Some examples
+ are: America/New_York offset -5 hours, & Africa/Cairo offset +2 hours.
+ The format must follow the length-of-time format described above.
+* DST adjustment
+ The amount of time added to gmt_offset when daylight savings is in
+ effect. The format must follow the length-of-time format described
+ above.
+##### TODO: more rule capabilities are needed - this portion of #####
+##### the tz_database is incomplete #####
+* DST Start Date rule
+ This is a specially formatted string that describes the day of year
+ in which the transition take place. It holds three fields of it's own,
+ separated by semicolons.
+ * The first field indicates the "nth" weekday of the month. The
+ possible values are: 1 (first), 2 (second), 3 (third),
+ 4 (fourth), 5 (fifth), and -1 (last).
+ * The second field indicates the day-of-week from 0-6 (Sun=0).
+ * The third field indicates the month from 1-12 (Jan=1).
+ Examples are: "-1;5;9"="Last Friday of September",
+ "2;1;3"="Second Monday of March"
+* Start time
+ Start time is the number of hours past midnight, on the day of the
+ start transition, the transition takes place. More simply put, the
+ time of day the transition is made (in 24 hours format). The format
+ must follow the length-of-time format described above with the
+ exception that it must always be positive.
+* DST End date rule
+ See DST Start date rule. The difference here is this is the day
+ daylight savings ends (transition to STD).
+* End time
+ Same as Start time.