path: root/src/third_party/boost-1.68.0/boost/container/detail/multiallocation_chain.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/boost-1.68.0/boost/container/detail/multiallocation_chain.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 298 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.68.0/boost/container/detail/multiallocation_chain.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.68.0/boost/container/detail/multiallocation_chain.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c10f809bb48..00000000000
--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.68.0/boost/container/detail/multiallocation_chain.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-// (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2005-2013. Distributed under the Boost
-// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
-// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// See for documentation.
-# include <boost/config.hpp>
-# pragma once
-#include <boost/container/detail/config_begin.hpp>
-#include <boost/container/detail/workaround.hpp>
-// container
-#include <boost/container/container_fwd.hpp>
-// container/detail
-#include <boost/move/detail/to_raw_pointer.hpp>
-#include <boost/container/detail/transform_iterator.hpp>
-#include <boost/container/detail/type_traits.hpp>
-// intrusive
-#include <boost/intrusive/slist.hpp>
-#include <boost/intrusive/pointer_traits.hpp>
-// move
-#include <boost/move/utility_core.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-namespace container {
-namespace dtl {
-template<class VoidPointer>
-class basic_multiallocation_chain
- private:
- typedef bi::slist_base_hook<bi::void_pointer<VoidPointer>
- ,bi::link_mode<bi::normal_link>
- > node;
- typedef typename boost::intrusive::pointer_traits
- <VoidPointer>::template rebind_pointer<char>::type char_ptr;
- typedef typename boost::intrusive::
- pointer_traits<char_ptr>::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef bi::slist< node
- , bi::linear<true>
- , bi::cache_last<true>
- , bi::size_type<typename boost::container::dtl::make_unsigned<difference_type>::type>
- > slist_impl_t;
- slist_impl_t slist_impl_;
- typedef typename boost::intrusive::pointer_traits
- <VoidPointer>::template rebind_pointer<node>::type node_ptr;
- typedef typename boost::intrusive::
- pointer_traits<node_ptr> node_ptr_traits;
- static node & to_node(const VoidPointer &p)
- { return *static_cast<node*>(static_cast<void*>(boost::movelib::to_raw_pointer(p))); }
- static VoidPointer from_node(node &n)
- { return node_ptr_traits::pointer_to(n); }
- static node_ptr to_node_ptr(const VoidPointer &p)
- { return node_ptr_traits::static_cast_from(p); }
- BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE(basic_multiallocation_chain)
- public:
- typedef VoidPointer void_pointer;
- typedef typename slist_impl_t::iterator iterator;
- typedef typename slist_impl_t::size_type size_type;
- basic_multiallocation_chain()
- : slist_impl_()
- {}
- basic_multiallocation_chain(const void_pointer &b, const void_pointer &before_e, size_type n)
- : slist_impl_(to_node_ptr(b), to_node_ptr(before_e), n)
- {}
- basic_multiallocation_chain(BOOST_RV_REF(basic_multiallocation_chain) other)
- : slist_impl_(::boost::move(other.slist_impl_))
- {}
- basic_multiallocation_chain& operator=(BOOST_RV_REF(basic_multiallocation_chain) other)
- {
- slist_impl_ = ::boost::move(other.slist_impl_);
- return *this;
- }
- bool empty() const
- { return slist_impl_.empty(); }
- size_type size() const
- { return slist_impl_.size(); }
- iterator before_begin()
- { return slist_impl_.before_begin(); }
- iterator begin()
- { return slist_impl_.begin(); }
- iterator end()
- { return slist_impl_.end(); }
- iterator last()
- { return slist_impl_.last(); }
- void clear()
- { slist_impl_.clear(); }
- iterator insert_after(iterator it, void_pointer m)
- { return slist_impl_.insert_after(it, to_node(m)); }
- void push_front(const void_pointer &m)
- { return slist_impl_.push_front(to_node(m)); }
- void push_back(const void_pointer &m)
- { return slist_impl_.push_back(to_node(m)); }
- void_pointer pop_front()
- {
- node & n = slist_impl_.front();
- void_pointer ret = from_node(n);
- slist_impl_.pop_front();
- return ret;
- }
- void splice_after(iterator after_this, basic_multiallocation_chain &x, iterator before_b, iterator before_e, size_type n)
- { slist_impl_.splice_after(after_this, x.slist_impl_, before_b, before_e, n); }
- void splice_after(iterator after_this, basic_multiallocation_chain &x)
- { slist_impl_.splice_after(after_this, x.slist_impl_); }
- void erase_after(iterator before_b, iterator e, size_type n)
- { slist_impl_.erase_after(before_b, e, n); }
- void_pointer incorporate_after(iterator after_this, const void_pointer &b, size_type unit_bytes, size_type num_units)
- {
- typedef typename boost::intrusive::pointer_traits<char_ptr> char_pointer_traits;
- char_ptr elem = char_pointer_traits::static_cast_from(b);
- if(num_units){
- char_ptr prev_elem = elem;
- elem += unit_bytes;
- for(size_type i = 0; i != num_units-1; ++i, elem += unit_bytes){
- ::new (boost::movelib::to_raw_pointer(prev_elem)) void_pointer(elem);
- prev_elem = elem;
- }
- slist_impl_.incorporate_after(after_this, to_node_ptr(b), to_node_ptr(prev_elem), num_units);
- }
- return elem;
- }
- void incorporate_after(iterator after_this, void_pointer b, void_pointer before_e, size_type n)
- { slist_impl_.incorporate_after(after_this, to_node_ptr(b), to_node_ptr(before_e), n); }
- void swap(basic_multiallocation_chain &x)
- { slist_impl_.swap(x.slist_impl_); }
- static iterator iterator_to(const void_pointer &p)
- { return slist_impl_t::s_iterator_to(to_node(p)); }
- std::pair<void_pointer, void_pointer> extract_data()
- {
- std::pair<void_pointer, void_pointer> ret
- (slist_impl_.begin().operator->()
- ,slist_impl_.last().operator->());
- slist_impl_.clear();
- return ret;
- }
-template<class T>
-struct cast_functor
- typedef typename dtl::add_reference<T>::type result_type;
- template<class U>
- result_type operator()(U &ptr) const
- { return *static_cast<T*>(static_cast<void*>(&ptr)); }
-template<class MultiallocationChain, class T>
-class transform_multiallocation_chain
- : public MultiallocationChain
- private:
- BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE(transform_multiallocation_chain)
- //transform_multiallocation_chain(const transform_multiallocation_chain &);
- //transform_multiallocation_chain & operator=(const transform_multiallocation_chain &);
- typedef typename MultiallocationChain::void_pointer void_pointer;
- typedef typename boost::intrusive::pointer_traits
- <void_pointer> void_pointer_traits;
- typedef typename void_pointer_traits::template
- rebind_pointer<T>::type pointer;
- typedef typename boost::intrusive::pointer_traits
- <pointer> pointer_traits;
- static pointer cast(const void_pointer &p)
- { return pointer_traits::static_cast_from(p); }
- public:
- typedef transform_iterator
- < typename MultiallocationChain::iterator
- , dtl::cast_functor <T> > iterator;
- typedef typename MultiallocationChain::size_type size_type;
- transform_multiallocation_chain()
- : MultiallocationChain()
- {}
- transform_multiallocation_chain(BOOST_RV_REF(transform_multiallocation_chain) other)
- : MultiallocationChain(::boost::move(static_cast<MultiallocationChain&>(other)))
- {}
- transform_multiallocation_chain(BOOST_RV_REF(MultiallocationChain) other)
- : MultiallocationChain(::boost::move(static_cast<MultiallocationChain&>(other)))
- {}
- transform_multiallocation_chain& operator=(BOOST_RV_REF(transform_multiallocation_chain) other)
- {
- return static_cast<MultiallocationChain&>
- (this->MultiallocationChain::operator=(::boost::move(static_cast<MultiallocationChain&>(other))));
- }
- void push_front(const pointer &mem)
- { holder_.push_front(mem); }
- void push_back(const pointer &mem)
- { return holder_.push_back(mem); }
- void swap(transform_multiallocation_chain &other_chain)
- { holder_.swap(other_chain.holder_); }
- void splice_after(iterator after_this, transform_multiallocation_chain &x, iterator before_b, iterator before_e, size_type n)
- { holder_.splice_after(after_this.base(), x.holder_, before_b.base(), before_e.base(), n); }
- void incorporate_after(iterator after_this, pointer b, pointer before_e, size_type n)
- { holder_.incorporate_after(after_this.base(), b, before_e, n); }
- pointer pop_front()
- { return cast(this->MultiallocationChain::pop_front()); }
- bool empty() const
- { return holder_.empty(); }
- iterator before_begin()
- { return iterator(holder_.before_begin()); }
- iterator begin()
- { return iterator(this->MultiallocationChain::begin()); }
- iterator end()
- { return iterator(holder_.end()); }
- iterator last()
- { return iterator(holder_.last()); }
- size_type size() const
- { return holder_.size(); }
- void clear()
- { holder_.clear(); }
- iterator insert_after(iterator it, pointer m)
- { return iterator(this->MultiallocationChain::insert_after(it.base(), m)); }
- static iterator iterator_to(const pointer &p)
- { return iterator(MultiallocationChain::iterator_to(p)); }
- std::pair<pointer, pointer> extract_data()
- {
- std::pair<void_pointer, void_pointer> data(this->MultiallocationChain::extract_data());
- return std::pair<pointer, pointer>(cast(data.first), cast(data.second));
- }
- MultiallocationChain &extract_multiallocation_chain()
- { return holder_; }*/
-// namespace dtl {
-// namespace container {
-// namespace boost {
-#include <boost/container/detail/config_end.hpp>