path: root/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/win
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/win')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 534 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/win/chrono.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/win/chrono.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 570dc02a15b..00000000000
--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/win/chrono.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-// win/chrono.cpp --------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes 2008
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// See
-// Windows //
-#include <boost/winapi/time.hpp>
-#include <boost/winapi/timers.hpp>
-#include <boost/winapi/get_last_error.hpp>
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-namespace boost
-namespace chrono
-namespace chrono_detail
- BOOST_CHRONO_INLINE double get_nanosecs_per_tic() BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- {
- boost::winapi::LARGE_INTEGER_ freq;
- if ( !boost::winapi::QueryPerformanceFrequency( &freq ) )
- return 0.0L;
- return double(1000000000.0L / freq.QuadPart);
- }
- steady_clock::time_point steady_clock::now() BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- {
- double nanosecs_per_tic = chrono_detail::get_nanosecs_per_tic();
- boost::winapi::LARGE_INTEGER_ pcount;
- if ( nanosecs_per_tic <= 0.0L )
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(0 && "Boost::Chrono - get_nanosecs_per_tic Internal Error");
- return steady_clock::time_point();
- }
- unsigned times=0;
- while ( ! boost::winapi::QueryPerformanceCounter( &pcount ) )
- {
- if ( ++times > 3 )
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(0 && "Boost::Chrono - QueryPerformanceCounter Internal Error");
- return steady_clock::time_point();
- }
- }
- return steady_clock::time_point(steady_clock::duration(
- static_cast<steady_clock::rep>((nanosecs_per_tic) * pcount.QuadPart)));
- }
- steady_clock::time_point steady_clock::now( system::error_code & ec )
- {
- double nanosecs_per_tic = chrono_detail::get_nanosecs_per_tic();
- boost::winapi::LARGE_INTEGER_ pcount;
- if ( (nanosecs_per_tic <= 0.0L)
- || (!boost::winapi::QueryPerformanceCounter( &pcount )) )
- {
- boost::winapi::DWORD_ cause =
- ((nanosecs_per_tic <= 0.0L)
- : boost::winapi::GetLastError());
- if (::boost::chrono::is_throws(ec)) {
- boost::throw_exception(
- system::system_error(
- cause,
- ::boost::system::system_category(),
- "chrono::steady_clock" ));
- }
- else
- {
- ec.assign( cause, ::boost::system::system_category() );
- return steady_clock::time_point(duration(0));
- }
- }
- if (!::boost::chrono::is_throws(ec))
- {
- ec.clear();
- }
- return time_point(duration(
- static_cast<steady_clock::rep>(nanosecs_per_tic * pcount.QuadPart)));
- }
- system_clock::time_point system_clock::now() BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- {
- boost::winapi::FILETIME_ ft;
- boost::winapi::GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ft ); // never fails
- return system_clock::time_point(
- system_clock::duration(
- ((static_cast<__int64>( ft.dwHighDateTime ) << 32) | ft.dwLowDateTime)
- - 116444736000000000LL
- //- (134775LL*864000000000LL)
- )
- );
- }
- system_clock::time_point system_clock::now( system::error_code & ec )
- {
- boost::winapi::FILETIME_ ft;
- boost::winapi::GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ft ); // never fails
- if (!::boost::chrono::is_throws(ec))
- {
- ec.clear();
- }
- return system_clock::time_point(
- system_clock::duration(
- ((static_cast<__int64>( ft.dwHighDateTime ) << 32) | ft.dwLowDateTime)
- - 116444736000000000LL
- //- (134775LL*864000000000LL)
- ));
- }
- std::time_t system_clock::to_time_t(const system_clock::time_point& t) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- {
- __int64 temp = t.time_since_epoch().count();
- temp /= 10000000;
- return static_cast<std::time_t>( temp );
- }
- system_clock::time_point system_clock::from_time_t(std::time_t t) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- {
- __int64 temp = t;
- temp *= 10000000;
- return time_point(duration(temp));
- }
-} // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/win/process_cpu_clocks.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/win/process_cpu_clocks.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a3a838a5cee..00000000000
--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/win/process_cpu_clocks.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-// boost process_timer.cpp -----------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes 1994, 2006, 2008
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2014
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// See
-// See for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/process_cpu_clocks.hpp>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/detail/winapi/get_last_error.hpp>
-#include <boost/detail/winapi/get_current_process.hpp>
-#include <boost/detail/winapi/get_process_times.hpp>
-namespace boost
-namespace chrono
-process_real_cpu_clock::time_point process_real_cpu_clock::now() BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- clock_t c = ::clock();
- if ( c == clock_t(-1) ) // error
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(0 && "Boost::Chrono - Internal Error");
- }
- typedef ratio_divide<giga, ratio<CLOCKS_PER_SEC> >::type R;
- return time_point(
- duration(static_cast<rep>(c)*R::num/R::den)
- );
-process_real_cpu_clock::time_point process_real_cpu_clock::now(
- system::error_code & ec)
- clock_t c = ::clock();
- if ( c == clock_t(-1) ) // error
- {
- boost::throw_exception(
- system::system_error(
- errno,
- ::boost::system::system_category(),
- "chrono::process_real_cpu_clock" ));
- }
- if (!::boost::chrono::is_throws(ec))
- {
- ec.clear();
- }
- typedef ratio_divide<giga, ratio<CLOCKS_PER_SEC> >::type R;
- return time_point(
- duration(static_cast<rep>(c)*R::num/R::den)
- );
-process_user_cpu_clock::time_point process_user_cpu_clock::now() BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- // note that Windows uses 100 nanosecond ticks for FILETIME
- boost::detail::winapi::FILETIME_ creation, exit, user_time, system_time;
- if ( boost::detail::winapi::GetProcessTimes(
- boost::detail::winapi::GetCurrentProcess(), &creation, &exit,
- &system_time, &user_time ) )
- {
- return time_point(duration(
- ((static_cast<process_user_cpu_clock::rep>(user_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
- | user_time.dwLowDateTime) * 100
- ));
- }
- else
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(0 && "Boost::Chrono - Internal Error");
- return time_point();
- }
-process_user_cpu_clock::time_point process_user_cpu_clock::now(
- system::error_code & ec)
- // note that Windows uses 100 nanosecond ticks for FILETIME
- boost::detail::winapi::FILETIME_ creation, exit, user_time, system_time;
- if ( boost::detail::winapi::GetProcessTimes(
- boost::detail::winapi::GetCurrentProcess(), &creation, &exit,
- &system_time, &user_time ) )
- {
- if (!::boost::chrono::is_throws(ec))
- {
- ec.clear();
- }
- return time_point(duration(
- ((static_cast<process_user_cpu_clock::rep>(user_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
- | user_time.dwLowDateTime) * 100
- ));
- }
- else
- {
- boost::detail::winapi::DWORD_ cause = boost::detail::winapi::GetLastError();
- if (::boost::chrono::is_throws(ec))
- {
- boost::throw_exception(
- system::system_error(
- cause,
- ::boost::system::system_category(),
- "chrono::process_user_cpu_clock" ));
- }
- else
- {
- ec.assign( cause, ::boost::system::system_category() );
- return time_point();
- }
- }
-process_system_cpu_clock::time_point process_system_cpu_clock::now() BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- // note that Windows uses 100 nanosecond ticks for FILETIME
- boost::detail::winapi::FILETIME_ creation, exit, user_time, system_time;
- if ( boost::detail::winapi::GetProcessTimes(
- boost::detail::winapi::GetCurrentProcess(), &creation, &exit,
- &system_time, &user_time ) )
- {
- return time_point(duration(
- ((static_cast<process_system_cpu_clock::rep>(system_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
- | system_time.dwLowDateTime) * 100
- ));
- }
- else
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(0 && "Boost::Chrono - Internal Error");
- return time_point();
- }
-process_system_cpu_clock::time_point process_system_cpu_clock::now(
- system::error_code & ec)
- // note that Windows uses 100 nanosecond ticks for FILETIME
- boost::detail::winapi::FILETIME_ creation, exit, user_time, system_time;
- if ( boost::detail::winapi::GetProcessTimes(
- boost::detail::winapi::GetCurrentProcess(), &creation, &exit,
- &system_time, &user_time ) )
- {
- if (!::boost::chrono::is_throws(ec))
- {
- ec.clear();
- }
- return time_point(duration(
- ((static_cast<process_system_cpu_clock::rep>(system_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
- | system_time.dwLowDateTime) * 100
- ));
- }
- else
- {
- boost::detail::winapi::DWORD_ cause = boost::detail::winapi::GetLastError();
- if (::boost::chrono::is_throws(ec))
- {
- boost::throw_exception(
- system::system_error(
- cause,
- ::boost::system::system_category(),
- "chrono::process_system_cpu_clock" ));
- }
- else
- {
- ec.assign( cause, ::boost::system::system_category() );
- return time_point();
- }
- }
-process_cpu_clock::time_point process_cpu_clock::now() BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- // note that Windows uses 100 nanosecond ticks for FILETIME
- boost::detail::winapi::FILETIME_ creation, exit, user_time, system_time;
- if ( boost::detail::winapi::GetProcessTimes(
- boost::detail::winapi::GetCurrentProcess(), &creation, &exit,
- &system_time, &user_time ) )
- {
- time_point::rep r(process_real_cpu_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()
- ,
- ((static_cast<process_user_cpu_clock::rep>(user_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
- | user_time.dwLowDateTime
- ) * 100,
- ((static_cast<process_system_cpu_clock::rep>(system_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
- | system_time.dwLowDateTime
- ) * 100
- );
- return time_point(duration(r));
- }
- else
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(0 && "Boost::Chrono - Internal Error");
- return time_point();
- }
-process_cpu_clock::time_point process_cpu_clock::now(
- system::error_code & ec )
- // note that Windows uses 100 nanosecond ticks for FILETIME
- boost::detail::winapi::FILETIME_ creation, exit, user_time, system_time;
- if ( boost::detail::winapi::GetProcessTimes(
- boost::detail::winapi::GetCurrentProcess(), &creation, &exit,
- &system_time, &user_time ) )
- {
- if (!::boost::chrono::is_throws(ec))
- {
- ec.clear();
- }
- time_point::rep r(process_real_cpu_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()
- ,
- ((static_cast<process_user_cpu_clock::rep>(user_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
- | user_time.dwLowDateTime
- ) * 100,
- ((static_cast<process_system_cpu_clock::rep>(system_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
- | system_time.dwLowDateTime
- ) * 100
- );
- return time_point(duration(r));
- }
- else
- {
- boost::detail::winapi::DWORD_ cause = boost::detail::winapi::GetLastError();
- if (::boost::chrono::is_throws(ec))
- {
- boost::throw_exception(
- system::system_error(
- cause,
- ::boost::system::system_category(),
- "chrono::process_cpu_clock" ));
- }
- else
- {
- ec.assign( cause, ::boost::system::system_category() );
- return time_point();
- }
- }
-} // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/win/thread_clock.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/win/thread_clock.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 776e5b4cd0c..00000000000
--- a/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/win/thread_clock.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// boost thread_clock.cpp -----------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// See
-// See for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/thread_clock.hpp>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/detail/winapi/get_last_error.hpp>
-#include <boost/detail/winapi/get_current_thread.hpp>
-#include <boost/detail/winapi/get_thread_times.hpp>
-namespace boost
-namespace chrono
-thread_clock::time_point thread_clock::now( system::error_code & ec )
- // note that Windows uses 100 nanosecond ticks for FILETIME
- boost::detail::winapi::FILETIME_ creation, exit, user_time, system_time;
- if ( boost::detail::winapi::GetThreadTimes(
- boost::detail::winapi::GetCurrentThread (), &creation, &exit,
- &system_time, &user_time ) )
- {
- duration user = duration(
- ((static_cast<duration::rep>(user_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
- | user_time.dwLowDateTime) * 100 );
- duration system = duration(
- ((static_cast<duration::rep>(system_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
- | system_time.dwLowDateTime) * 100 );
- if (!::boost::chrono::is_throws(ec))
- {
- ec.clear();
- }
- return time_point(system+user);
- }
- else
- {
- if (::boost::chrono::is_throws(ec))
- {
- boost::throw_exception(
- system::system_error(
- boost::detail::winapi::GetLastError(),
- ::boost::system::system_category(),
- "chrono::thread_clock" ));
- }
- else
- {
- ec.assign( boost::detail::winapi::GetLastError(), ::boost::system::system_category() );
- return thread_clock::time_point(duration(0));
- }
- }
-thread_clock::time_point thread_clock::now() BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- // note that Windows uses 100 nanosecond ticks for FILETIME
- boost::detail::winapi::FILETIME_ creation, exit, user_time, system_time;
- if ( boost::detail::winapi::GetThreadTimes(
- boost::detail::winapi::GetCurrentThread (), &creation, &exit,
- &system_time, &user_time ) )
- {
- duration user = duration(
- ((static_cast<duration::rep>(user_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
- | user_time.dwLowDateTime) * 100 );
- duration system = duration(
- ((static_cast<duration::rep>(system_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
- | system_time.dwLowDateTime) * 100 );
- return time_point(system+user);
- }
- else
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(0 && "Boost::Chrono - Internal Error");
- return time_point();
- }
-} // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost