path: root/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp
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index 00000000000..5a37eacfec3
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+++ b/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+// trivilally-copyable version of the storage
+template<class T>
+class tc_optional_base : public optional_tag
+ private :
+ typedef tc_optional_base<T> this_type ;
+ protected :
+ typedef T value_type ;
+ protected:
+ typedef T & reference_type ;
+ typedef T const& reference_const_type ;
+ typedef T && rval_reference_type ;
+ typedef T && reference_type_of_temporary_wrapper ;
+ typedef T * pointer_type ;
+ typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
+ typedef T const& argument_type ;
+ tc_optional_base()
+ :
+ m_initialized(false) {}
+ tc_optional_base ( none_t )
+ :
+ m_initialized(false) {}
+ tc_optional_base ( init_value_tag, argument_type val )
+ :
+ m_initialized(true), m_storage(val) {}
+ tc_optional_base ( bool cond, argument_type val )
+ :
+ m_initialized(cond), m_storage(val) {}
+ // tc_optional_base ( tc_optional_base const& ) = default;
+ template<class Expr, class PtrExpr>
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( Expr&& expr, PtrExpr const* tag )
+ :
+ m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ construct(boost::forward<Expr>(expr),tag);
+ }
+ // This is used for both converting and in-place constructions.
+ // Derived classes use the 'tag' to select the appropriate
+ // implementation (the correct 'construct()' overload)
+ template<class Expr>
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( Expr const& expr, Expr const* tag )
+ :
+ m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ construct(expr,tag);
+ }
+ // tc_optional_base& operator= ( tc_optional_base const& ) = default;
+ // ~tc_optional_base() = default;
+ // Assigns from another optional<T> (deep-copies the rhs value)
+ void assign ( tc_optional_base const& rhs )
+ {
+ *this = rhs;
+ }
+ // Assigns from another _convertible_ optional<U> (deep-copies the rhs value)
+ template<class U>
+ void assign ( optional<U> const& rhs )
+ {
+ if ( rhs.is_initialized() )
+ m_storage = rhs.get();
+ m_storage = static_cast<value_type>(rhs.get());
+ m_initialized = rhs.is_initialized();
+ }
+ // move-assigns from another _convertible_ optional<U> (deep-moves from the rhs value)
+ template<class U>
+ void assign ( optional<U>&& rhs )
+ {
+ typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME optional<U>::rval_reference_type ref_type;
+ if ( rhs.is_initialized() )
+ m_storage = static_cast<ref_type>(rhs.get());
+ m_initialized = rhs.is_initialized();
+ }
+ void assign ( argument_type val )
+ {
+ construct(val);
+ }
+ void assign ( none_t ) { destroy(); }
+ template<class Expr, class ExprPtr>
+ void assign_expr ( Expr&& expr, ExprPtr const* tag )
+ {
+ construct(boost::forward<Expr>(expr),tag);
+ }
+ template<class Expr>
+ void assign_expr ( Expr const& expr, Expr const* tag )
+ {
+ construct(expr,tag);
+ }
+ public :
+ // Destroys the current value, if any, leaving this UNINITIALIZED
+ // No-throw (assuming T::~T() doesn't)
+ void reset() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { destroy(); }
+ // **DEPPRECATED** Replaces the current value -if any- with 'val'
+ void reset ( argument_type val ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { assign(val); }
+ // Returns a pointer to the value if this is initialized, otherwise,
+ // returns NULL.
+ // No-throw
+ pointer_const_type get_ptr() const { return m_initialized ? get_ptr_impl() : 0 ; }
+ pointer_type get_ptr() { return m_initialized ? get_ptr_impl() : 0 ; }
+ bool is_initialized() const { return m_initialized ; }
+ protected :
+ void construct ( argument_type val )
+ {
+ m_storage = val ;
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ // Constructs in-place
+ // upon exception *this is always uninitialized
+ template<class... Args>
+ void construct ( in_place_init_t, Args&&... args )
+ {
+ m_storage = value_type( boost::forward<Args>(args)... ) ;
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ template<class... Args>
+ void emplace_assign ( Args&&... args )
+ {
+ construct(in_place_init, boost::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ template<class... Args>
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( in_place_init_t, Args&&... args )
+ :
+ m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ construct(in_place_init, boost::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ template<class... Args>
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( in_place_init_if_t, bool cond, Args&&... args )
+ :
+ m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ if ( cond )
+ construct(in_place_init, boost::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ template<class Arg>
+ void construct ( in_place_init_t, Arg&& arg )
+ {
+ m_storage = value_type( boost::forward<Arg>(arg) );
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ void construct ( in_place_init_t )
+ {
+ m_storage = value_type();
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ template<class Arg>
+ void emplace_assign ( Arg&& arg )
+ {
+ construct(in_place_init, boost::forward<Arg>(arg)) ;
+ }
+ void emplace_assign ()
+ {
+ construct(in_place_init) ;
+ }
+ template<class Arg>
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( in_place_init_t, Arg&& arg )
+ :
+ m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ construct(in_place_init, boost::forward<Arg>(arg));
+ }
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( in_place_init_t )
+ :
+ m_initialized(false), m_storage() {}
+ template<class Arg>
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( in_place_init_if_t, bool cond, Arg&& arg )
+ :
+ m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ if ( cond )
+ construct(in_place_init, boost::forward<Arg>(arg));
+ }
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( in_place_init_if_t, bool cond )
+ :
+ m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ if ( cond )
+ construct(in_place_init);
+ }
+ template<class Arg>
+ void construct ( in_place_init_t, const Arg& arg )
+ {
+ m_storage = value_type( arg );
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ template<class Arg>
+ void construct ( in_place_init_t, Arg& arg )
+ {
+ m_storage = value_type( arg );
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ void construct ( in_place_init_t )
+ {
+ m_storage = value_type();
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ template<class Arg>
+ void emplace_assign ( const Arg& arg )
+ {
+ construct(in_place_init, arg);
+ }
+ template<class Arg>
+ void emplace_assign ( Arg& arg )
+ {
+ construct(in_place_init, arg);
+ }
+ void emplace_assign ()
+ {
+ construct(in_place_init);
+ }
+ template<class Arg>
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( in_place_init_t, const Arg& arg )
+ : m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ construct(in_place_init, arg);
+ }
+ template<class Arg>
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( in_place_init_t, Arg& arg )
+ : m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ construct(in_place_init, arg);
+ }
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( in_place_init_t )
+ : m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ construct(in_place_init);
+ }
+ template<class Arg>
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( in_place_init_if_t, bool cond, const Arg& arg )
+ : m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ if ( cond )
+ construct(in_place_init, arg);
+ }
+ template<class Arg>
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( in_place_init_if_t, bool cond, Arg& arg )
+ : m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ if ( cond )
+ construct(in_place_init, arg);
+ }
+ explicit tc_optional_base ( in_place_init_if_t, bool cond )
+ : m_initialized(false)
+ {
+ if ( cond )
+ construct(in_place_init);
+ }
+ // Constructs in-place using the given factory
+ template<class Expr>
+ void construct ( Expr&& factory, in_place_factory_base const* )
+ {
+ boost_optional_detail::construct<value_type>(factory, boost::addressof(m_storage));
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ // Constructs in-place using the given typed factory
+ template<class Expr>
+ void construct ( Expr&& factory, typed_in_place_factory_base const* )
+ {
+ factory.apply(boost::addressof(m_storage)) ;
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ template<class Expr>
+ void assign_expr_to_initialized ( Expr&& factory, in_place_factory_base const* tag )
+ {
+ destroy();
+ construct(factory,tag);
+ }
+ // Constructs in-place using the given typed factory
+ template<class Expr>
+ void assign_expr_to_initialized ( Expr&& factory, typed_in_place_factory_base const* tag )
+ {
+ destroy();
+ construct(factory,tag);
+ }
+ // Constructs in-place using the given factory
+ template<class Expr>
+ void construct ( Expr const& factory, in_place_factory_base const* )
+ {
+ boost_optional_detail::construct<value_type>(factory, m_storage.address());
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ // Constructs in-place using the given typed factory
+ template<class Expr>
+ void construct ( Expr const& factory, typed_in_place_factory_base const* )
+ {
+ factory.apply(boost::addressof(m_storage)) ;
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ template<class Expr>
+ void assign_expr_to_initialized ( Expr const& factory, in_place_factory_base const* tag )
+ {
+ destroy();
+ construct(factory,tag);
+ }
+ // Constructs in-place using the given typed factory
+ template<class Expr>
+ void assign_expr_to_initialized ( Expr const& factory, typed_in_place_factory_base const* tag )
+ {
+ destroy();
+ construct(factory,tag);
+ }
+ // Constructs using any expression implicitly convertible to the single argument
+ // of a one-argument T constructor.
+ // Converting constructions of optional<T> from optional<U> uses this function with
+ // 'Expr' being of type 'U' and relying on a converting constructor of T from U.
+ template<class Expr>
+ void construct ( Expr&& expr, void const* )
+ {
+ m_storage = value_type(boost::forward<Expr>(expr)) ;
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ // Assigns using a form any expression implicitly convertible to the single argument
+ // of a T's assignment operator.
+ // Converting assignments of optional<T> from optional<U> uses this function with
+ // 'Expr' being of type 'U' and relying on a converting assignment of T from U.
+ template<class Expr>
+ void assign_expr_to_initialized ( Expr&& expr, void const* )
+ {
+ assign_value( boost::forward<Expr>(expr) );
+ }
+ // Constructs using any expression implicitly convertible to the single argument
+ // of a one-argument T constructor.
+ // Converting constructions of optional<T> from optional<U> uses this function with
+ // 'Expr' being of type 'U' and relying on a converting constructor of T from U.
+ template<class Expr>
+ void construct ( Expr const& expr, void const* )
+ {
+ m_storage = value_type(expr) ;
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ // Assigns using a form any expression implicitly convertible to the single argument
+ // of a T's assignment operator.
+ // Converting assignments of optional<T> from optional<U> uses this function with
+ // 'Expr' being of type 'U' and relying on a converting assignment of T from U.
+ template<class Expr>
+ void assign_expr_to_initialized ( Expr const& expr, void const* )
+ {
+ assign_value(expr);
+ }
+ // BCB5.64 (and probably lower versions) workaround.
+ // The in-place factories are supported by means of catch-all constructors
+ // and assignment operators (the functions are parameterized in terms of
+ // an arbitrary 'Expr' type)
+ // This compiler incorrectly resolves the overload set and sinks optional<T> and optional<U>
+ // to the 'Expr'-taking functions even though explicit overloads are present for them.
+ // Thus, the following overload is needed to properly handle the case when the 'lhs'
+ // is another optional.
+ //
+ // For VC<=70 compilers this workaround dosen't work becasue the comnpiler issues and error
+ // instead of choosing the wrong overload
+ //
+ // Notice that 'Expr' will be optional<T> or optional<U> (but not tc_optional_base<..>)
+ template<class Expr>
+ void construct ( Expr&& expr, optional_tag const* )
+ {
+ if ( expr.is_initialized() )
+ {
+ // An exception can be thrown here.
+ // It it happens, THIS will be left uninitialized.
+ m_storage = value_type(boost::move(expr.get())) ;
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ }
+ // Notice that 'Expr' will be optional<T> or optional<U> (but not tc_optional_base<..>)
+ template<class Expr>
+ void construct ( Expr const& expr, optional_tag const* )
+ {
+ if ( expr.is_initialized() )
+ {
+ // An exception can be thrown here.
+ // It it happens, THIS will be left uninitialized.
+ m_storage = value_type(expr.get()) ;
+ m_initialized = true ;
+ }
+ }
+ void assign_value ( argument_type val ) { m_storage = val; }
+ void assign_value ( rval_reference_type val ) { m_storage = static_cast<rval_reference_type>(val); }
+ void destroy()
+ {
+ m_initialized = false;
+ }
+ reference_const_type get_impl() const { return m_storage ; }
+ reference_type get_impl() { return m_storage ; }
+ pointer_const_type get_ptr_impl() const { return boost::addressof(m_storage); }
+ pointer_type get_ptr_impl() { return boost::addressof(m_storage); }
+ private :
+ bool m_initialized ;
+ T m_storage ;
+} ;