path: root/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/random/gamma_distribution.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/random/gamma_distribution.hpp')
1 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/random/gamma_distribution.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/random/gamma_distribution.hpp
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index 00000000000..c9bda4ca9d3
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+++ b/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/random/gamma_distribution.hpp
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+/* boost random/gamma_distribution.hpp header file
+ *
+ * Copyright Jens Maurer 2002
+ * Copyright Steven Watanabe 2010
+ * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+ * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ *
+ *
+ * See for most recent version including documentation.
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include <boost/config/no_tr1/cmath.hpp>
+#include <istream>
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/limits.hpp>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/exponential_distribution.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace random {
+// The algorithm is taken from Knuth
+ * The gamma distribution is a continuous distribution with two
+ * parameters alpha and beta. It produces values > 0.
+ *
+ * It has
+ * \f$\displaystyle p(x) = x^{\alpha-1}\frac{e^{-x/\beta}}{\beta^\alpha\Gamma(\alpha)}\f$.
+ */
+template<class RealType = double>
+class gamma_distribution
+ typedef RealType input_type;
+ typedef RealType result_type;
+ class param_type
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef gamma_distribution distribution_type;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a @c param_type object from the "alpha" and "beta"
+ * parameters.
+ *
+ * Requires: alpha > 0 && beta > 0
+ */
+ param_type(const RealType& alpha_arg = RealType(1.0),
+ const RealType& beta_arg = RealType(1.0))
+ : _alpha(alpha_arg), _beta(beta_arg)
+ {
+ }
+ /** Returns the "alpha" parameter of the distribution. */
+ RealType alpha() const { return _alpha; }
+ /** Returns the "beta" parameter of the distribution. */
+ RealType beta() const { return _beta; }
+ /** Writes the parameters to a @c std::ostream. */
+ template<class CharT, class Traits>
+ friend std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
+ operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os,
+ const param_type& parm)
+ {
+ os << parm._alpha << ' ' << parm._beta;
+ return os;
+ }
+ /** Reads the parameters from a @c std::istream. */
+ template<class CharT, class Traits>
+ friend std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>&
+ operator>>(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, param_type& parm)
+ {
+ is >> parm._alpha >> std::ws >> parm._beta;
+ return is;
+ }
+ /** Returns true if the two sets of parameters are the same. */
+ friend bool operator==(const param_type& lhs, const param_type& rhs)
+ {
+ return lhs._alpha == rhs._alpha && lhs._beta == rhs._beta;
+ }
+ /** Returns true if the two sets fo parameters are different. */
+ friend bool operator!=(const param_type& lhs, const param_type& rhs)
+ {
+ return !(lhs == rhs);
+ }
+ private:
+ RealType _alpha;
+ RealType _beta;
+ };
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(!std::numeric_limits<RealType>::is_integer);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new gamma_distribution with parameters "alpha" and "beta".
+ *
+ * Requires: alpha > 0 && beta > 0
+ */
+ explicit gamma_distribution(const result_type& alpha_arg = result_type(1.0),
+ const result_type& beta_arg = result_type(1.0))
+ : _exp(result_type(1)), _alpha(alpha_arg), _beta(beta_arg)
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(_alpha > result_type(0));
+ BOOST_ASSERT(_beta > result_type(0));
+ init();
+ }
+ /** Constructs a @c gamma_distribution from its parameters. */
+ explicit gamma_distribution(const param_type& parm)
+ : _exp(result_type(1)), _alpha(parm.alpha()), _beta(parm.beta())
+ {
+ init();
+ }
+ // compiler-generated copy ctor and assignment operator are fine
+ /** Returns the "alpha" paramter of the distribution. */
+ RealType alpha() const { return _alpha; }
+ /** Returns the "beta" parameter of the distribution. */
+ RealType beta() const { return _beta; }
+ /** Returns the smallest value that the distribution can produce. */
+ RealType min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION () const { return 0; }
+ /* Returns the largest value that the distribution can produce. */
+ { return (std::numeric_limits<RealType>::infinity)(); }
+ /** Returns the parameters of the distribution. */
+ param_type param() const { return param_type(_alpha, _beta); }
+ /** Sets the parameters of the distribution. */
+ void param(const param_type& parm)
+ {
+ _alpha = parm.alpha();
+ _beta = parm.beta();
+ init();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Effects: Subsequent uses of the distribution do not depend
+ * on values produced by any engine prior to invoking reset.
+ */
+ void reset() { _exp.reset(); }
+ /**
+ * Returns a random variate distributed according to
+ * the gamma distribution.
+ */
+ template<class Engine>
+ result_type operator()(Engine& eng)
+ {
+ // allow for Koenig lookup
+ using std::tan; using std::sqrt; using std::exp; using std::log;
+ using std::pow;
+ if(_alpha == result_type(1)) {
+ return _exp(eng) * _beta;
+ } else if(_alpha > result_type(1)) {
+ // Can we have a boost::mathconst please?
+ const result_type pi = result_type(3.14159265358979323846);
+ for(;;) {
+ result_type y = tan(pi * uniform_01<RealType>()(eng));
+ result_type x = sqrt(result_type(2)*_alpha-result_type(1))*y
+ + _alpha-result_type(1);
+ if(x <= result_type(0))
+ continue;
+ if(uniform_01<RealType>()(eng) >
+ (result_type(1)+y*y) * exp((_alpha-result_type(1))
+ *log(x/(_alpha-result_type(1)))
+ - sqrt(result_type(2)*_alpha
+ -result_type(1))*y))
+ continue;
+ return x * _beta;
+ }
+ } else /* alpha < 1.0 */ {
+ for(;;) {
+ result_type u = uniform_01<RealType>()(eng);
+ result_type y = _exp(eng);
+ result_type x, q;
+ if(u < _p) {
+ x = exp(-y/_alpha);
+ q = _p*exp(-x);
+ } else {
+ x = result_type(1)+y;
+ q = _p + (result_type(1)-_p) * pow(x,_alpha-result_type(1));
+ }
+ if(u >= q)
+ continue;
+ return x * _beta;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<class URNG>
+ RealType operator()(URNG& urng, const param_type& parm) const
+ {
+ return gamma_distribution(parm)(urng);
+ }
+ /** Writes a @c gamma_distribution to a @c std::ostream. */
+ template<class CharT, class Traits>
+ friend std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>&
+ operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>& os,
+ const gamma_distribution& gd)
+ {
+ os << gd.param();
+ return os;
+ }
+ /** Reads a @c gamma_distribution from a @c std::istream. */
+ template<class CharT, class Traits>
+ friend std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>&
+ operator>>(std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>& is, gamma_distribution& gd)
+ {
+ return is;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the two distributions will produce identical
+ * sequences of random variates given equal generators.
+ */
+ friend bool operator==(const gamma_distribution& lhs,
+ const gamma_distribution& rhs)
+ {
+ return lhs._alpha == rhs._alpha
+ && lhs._beta == rhs._beta
+ && lhs._exp == rhs._exp;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the two distributions can produce different
+ * sequences of random variates, given equal generators.
+ */
+ friend bool operator!=(const gamma_distribution& lhs,
+ const gamma_distribution& rhs)
+ {
+ return !(lhs == rhs);
+ }
+ /// \cond hide_private_members
+ template<class CharT, class Traits>
+ void read(std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is)
+ {
+ param_type parm;
+ if(is >> parm) {
+ param(parm);
+ }
+ }
+ void init()
+ {
+ // allow for Koenig lookup
+ using std::exp;
+ _p = exp(result_type(1)) / (_alpha + exp(result_type(1)));
+ }
+ /// \endcond
+ exponential_distribution<RealType> _exp;
+ result_type _alpha;
+ result_type _beta;
+ // some data precomputed from the parameters
+ result_type _p;
+} // namespace random
+using random::gamma_distribution;
+} // namespace boost