path: root/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/test/utils/runtime/cla/parser.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/test/utils/runtime/cla/parser.hpp')
1 files changed, 625 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/test/utils/runtime/cla/parser.hpp b/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/test/utils/runtime/cla/parser.hpp
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/boost-1.69.0/boost/test/utils/runtime/cla/parser.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+// (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2001.
+// Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for the library home page.
+//!@brief CLA parser
+// ***************************************************************************
+// Boost.Test Runtime parameters
+#include <boost/test/utils/runtime/argument.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/utils/runtime/modifier.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/utils/runtime/parameter.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/utils/runtime/cla/argv_traverser.hpp>
+// Boost.Test
+#include <boost/test/utils/foreach.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/utils/algorithm.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/detail/throw_exception.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/detail/global_typedef.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/cxx11/all_of.hpp> // !! ?? unnecessary after cxx11
+// STL
+// !! ?? #include <unordered_set>
+#include <set>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/test/detail/suppress_warnings.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace runtime {
+namespace cla {
+// ************************************************************************** //
+// ************** runtime::cla::parameter_trie ************** //
+// ************************************************************************** //
+namespace rt_cla_detail {
+struct parameter_trie;
+typedef shared_ptr<parameter_trie> parameter_trie_ptr;
+typedef std::map<char,parameter_trie_ptr> trie_per_char;
+typedef std::vector<boost::reference_wrapper<parameter_cla_id const> > param_cla_id_list;
+struct parameter_trie {
+ parameter_trie() : m_has_final_candidate( false ) {}
+ /// If subtrie corresponding to the char c exists returns it otherwise creates new
+ parameter_trie_ptr make_subtrie( char c )
+ {
+ trie_per_char::const_iterator it = m_subtrie.find( c );
+ if( it == m_subtrie.end() )
+ it = m_subtrie.insert( std::make_pair( c, parameter_trie_ptr( new parameter_trie ) ) ).first;
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ /// Creates series of sub-tries per characters in a string
+ parameter_trie_ptr make_subtrie( cstring s )
+ {
+ parameter_trie_ptr res;
+ BOOST_TEST_FOREACH( char, c, s )
+ res = (res ? res->make_subtrie( c ) : make_subtrie( c ));
+ return res;
+ }
+ /// Registers candidate parameter for this subtrie. If final, it needs to be unique
+ void add_candidate_id( parameter_cla_id const& param_id, basic_param_ptr param_candidate, bool final )
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST_I_ASSRT( !m_has_final_candidate && (!final || m_id_candidates.empty()),
+ conflicting_param() << "Parameter cla id " << param_id.m_tag << " conflicts with the "
+ << "parameter cla id " << m_id_candidates.back().get().m_tag );
+ m_has_final_candidate = final;
+ m_id_candidates.push_back( ref(param_id) );
+ if( m_id_candidates.size() == 1 )
+ m_param_candidate = param_candidate;
+ else
+ m_param_candidate.reset();
+ }
+ /// Gets subtrie for specified char if present or nullptr otherwise
+ parameter_trie_ptr get_subtrie( char c ) const
+ {
+ trie_per_char::const_iterator it = m_subtrie.find( c );
+ return it != m_subtrie.end() ? it->second : parameter_trie_ptr();
+ }
+ // Data members
+ trie_per_char m_subtrie;
+ param_cla_id_list m_id_candidates;
+ basic_param_ptr m_param_candidate;
+ bool m_has_final_candidate;
+// ************************************************************************** //
+// ************** runtime::cla::report_foreing_token ************** //
+// ************************************************************************** //
+static void
+report_foreing_token( cstring program_name, cstring token )
+ std::cerr << "Boost.Test WARNING: token \"" << token << "\" does not correspond to the Boost.Test argument \n"
+ << " and should be placed after all Boost.Test arguments and the -- separator.\n"
+ << " For example: " << program_name << " --random -- " << token << "\n";
+} // namespace rt_cla_detail
+// ************************************************************************** //
+// ************** runtime::cla::parser ************** //
+// ************************************************************************** //
+class parser {
+ /// Initializes a parser and builds internal trie representation used for
+ /// parsing based on the supplied parameters
+ template<typename Modifiers=nfp::no_params_type>
+ parser( parameters_store const& parameters, Modifiers const& m = nfp::no_params )
+ template<typename Modifiers>
+ parser( parameters_store const& parameters, Modifiers const& m )
+ {
+ nfp::opt_assign( m_end_of_param_indicator, m, end_of_params );
+ nfp::opt_assign( m_negation_prefix, m, negation_prefix );
+ BOOST_TEST_I_ASSRT( algorithm::all_of( m_end_of_param_indicator.begin(),
+ m_end_of_param_indicator.end(),
+ parameter_cla_id::valid_prefix_char ),
+ invalid_cla_id() << "End of parameters indicator can only consist of prefix characters." );
+ BOOST_TEST_I_ASSRT( algorithm::all_of( m_negation_prefix.begin(),
+ m_negation_prefix.end(),
+ parameter_cla_id::valid_name_char ),
+ invalid_cla_id() << "Negation prefix can only consist of prefix characters." );
+ build_trie( parameters );
+ }
+ // input processing method
+ int
+ parse( int argc, char** argv, runtime::arguments_store& res )
+ {
+ // save program name for help message
+ m_program_name = argv[0];
+ cstring path_sep( "\\/" );
+ cstring::iterator it = unit_test::utils::find_last_of( m_program_name.begin(), m_program_name.end(),
+ path_sep.begin(), path_sep.end() );
+ if( it != m_program_name.end() )
+ m_program_name.trim_left( it + 1 );
+ // Set up the traverser
+ argv_traverser tr( argc, (char const**)argv );
+ // Loop till we reach end of input
+ while( !tr.eoi() ) {
+ cstring curr_token = tr.current_token();
+ cstring prefix;
+ cstring name;
+ cstring value_separator;
+ bool negative_form = false;
+ // Perform format validations and split the argument into prefix, name and separator
+ // False return value indicates end of params indicator is met
+ if( !validate_token_format( curr_token, prefix, name, value_separator, negative_form ) ) {
+ // get rid of "end of params" token
+ tr.next_token();
+ break;
+ }
+ // Locate trie corresponding to found prefix and skip it in the input
+ trie_ptr curr_trie = m_param_trie[prefix];
+ if( !curr_trie ) {
+ // format_error() << "Unrecognized parameter prefix in the argument " << tr.current_token()
+ rt_cla_detail::report_foreing_token( m_program_name, curr_token );
+ tr.save_token();
+ continue;
+ }
+ curr_token.trim_left( prefix.size() );
+ // Locate parameter based on a name and skip it in the input
+ locate_result locate_res = locate_parameter( curr_trie, name, curr_token );
+ parameter_cla_id const& found_id = locate_res.first;
+ basic_param_ptr found_param = locate_res.second;
+ if( negative_form ) {
+ BOOST_TEST_I_ASSRT( found_id.m_negatable,
+ format_error( found_param->p_name )
+ << "Parameter tag " << found_id.m_tag << " is not negatable." );
+ curr_token.trim_left( m_negation_prefix.size() );
+ }
+ curr_token.trim_left( name.size() );
+ bool should_go_to_next = true;
+ cstring value;
+ // Skip validations if parameter has optional value and we are at the end of token
+ if( !value_separator.is_empty() || !found_param->p_has_optional_value ) {
+ // we are given a separator or there is no optional value
+ // Validate and skip value separator in the input
+ BOOST_TEST_I_ASSRT( found_id.m_value_separator == value_separator,
+ format_error( found_param->p_name )
+ << "Invalid separator for the parameter "
+ << found_param->p_name
+ << " in the argument " << tr.current_token() );
+ curr_token.trim_left( value_separator.size() );
+ // Deduce value source
+ value = curr_token;
+ if( value.is_empty() ) {
+ tr.next_token();
+ value = tr.current_token();
+ }
+ BOOST_TEST_I_ASSRT( !value.is_empty(),
+ format_error( found_param->p_name )
+ << "Missing an argument value for the parameter "
+ << found_param->p_name
+ << " in the argument " << tr.current_token() );
+ }
+ else if( (value_separator.is_empty() && found_id.m_value_separator.empty()) ) {
+ // Deduce value source
+ value = curr_token;
+ if( value.is_empty() ) {
+ tr.next_token(); // tokenization broke the value, we check the next one
+ if(!found_param->p_has_optional_value) {
+ // there is no separator and there is no optional value
+ // we look for the value on the next token
+ // example "-t XXXX" (no default)
+ // and we commit this value as being the passed value
+ value = tr.current_token();
+ }
+ else {
+ // there is no separator and the value is optional
+ // we check the next token
+ // example "-c" (defaults to true)
+ // and commit this as the value if this is not a token
+ cstring value_check = tr.current_token();
+ cstring prefix_test, name_test, value_separator_test;
+ bool negative_form_test;
+ if( validate_token_format( value_check, prefix_test, name_test, value_separator_test, negative_form_test )
+ && m_param_trie[prefix_test]) {
+ // this is a token, we consume what we have
+ should_go_to_next = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ // this is a value, we commit it
+ value = value_check;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Validate against argument duplication
+ BOOST_TEST_I_ASSRT( !res.has( found_param->p_name ) || found_param->p_repeatable,
+ duplicate_arg( found_param->p_name )
+ << "Duplicate argument value for the parameter "
+ << found_param->p_name
+ << " in the argument " << tr.current_token() );
+ // Produce argument value
+ found_param->produce_argument( value, negative_form, res );
+ if(should_go_to_next) {
+ tr.next_token();
+ }
+ }
+ // generate the remainder and return it's size
+ return tr.remainder();
+ }
+ // help/usage/version
+ void
+ version( std::ostream& ostr )
+ {
+ ostr << "Boost.Test module ";
+#if defined(BOOST_TEST_MODULE)
+ // we do not want to refer to the master test suite there
+ ostr << '\'' << BOOST_TEST_STRINGIZE( BOOST_TEST_MODULE ).trim( "\"" ) << "' ";
+ ostr << "in executable '" << m_program_name << "'\n";
+ ostr << "Compiled from Boost version "
+ << BOOST_VERSION/100000 << "."
+ << BOOST_VERSION/100 % 1000 << "."
+ << BOOST_VERSION % 100 ;
+ ostr << " with ";
+ ostr << "header-only inclusion of";
+#elif defined(BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK)
+ ostr << "dynamic linking to";
+ ostr << "static linking to";
+ ostr << " Boost.Test\n";
+ ostr << "- Compiler: " << BOOST_COMPILER << '\n'
+ << "- Platform: " << BOOST_PLATFORM << '\n'
+ << "- STL : " << BOOST_STDLIB;
+ ostr << std::endl;
+ }
+ void
+ usage(std::ostream& ostr,
+ cstring param_name = cstring(),
+ bool use_color = true)
+ {
+ namespace utils = unit_test::utils;
+ namespace ut_detail = unit_test::ut_detail;
+ if( !param_name.is_empty() ) {
+ basic_param_ptr param = locate_parameter( m_param_trie[help_prefix], param_name, "" ).second;
+ param->usage( ostr, m_negation_prefix );
+ }
+ else {
+ ostr << "\n The program '" << m_program_name << "' is a Boost.test module containing unit tests.";
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( use_color, ostr, term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::ORIGINAL );
+ ostr << "\n\n Usage\n ";
+ }
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( use_color, ostr, term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::GREEN );
+ ostr << m_program_name << " [Boost.Test argument]... ";
+ }
+ if( !m_end_of_param_indicator.empty() ) {
+ BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( use_color, ostr, term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::YELLOW );
+ ostr << '[' << m_end_of_param_indicator << " [custom test module argument]...]";
+ }
+ }
+ ostr << "\n\n Use\n ";
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( use_color, ostr, term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::GREEN );
+ ostr << m_program_name << " --help";
+ }
+ ostr << "\n or ";
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( use_color, ostr, term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::GREEN );
+ ostr << m_program_name << " --help=<parameter name>";
+ }
+ ostr << "\n for detailed help on Boost.Test parameters.\n";
+ }
+ void
+ help(std::ostream& ostr,
+ parameters_store const& parameters,
+ cstring param_name,
+ bool use_color = true)
+ {
+ namespace utils = unit_test::utils;
+ namespace ut_detail = unit_test::ut_detail;
+ if( !param_name.is_empty() ) {
+ basic_param_ptr param = locate_parameter( m_param_trie[help_prefix], param_name, "" ).second;
+ param->help( ostr, m_negation_prefix, use_color);
+ return;
+ }
+ usage(ostr, cstring(), use_color);
+ ostr << "\n\n";
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( use_color, ostr, term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::ORIGINAL );
+ ostr << " Command line flags:\n";
+ }
+ runtime::commandline_pretty_print(
+ ostr,
+ " ",
+ "The command line flags of Boost.Test are listed below. "
+ "All parameters are optional. You can specify parameter value either "
+ "as a command line argument or as a value of its corresponding environment "
+ "variable. If a flag is specified as a command line argument and an environment variable "
+ "at the same time, the command line takes precedence. "
+ "The command line argument "
+ "support name guessing, and works with shorter names as long as those are not ambiguous."
+ );
+ if( !m_end_of_param_indicator.empty() ) {
+ ostr << "\n\n All the arguments after the '";
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( use_color, ostr, term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::YELLOW );
+ ostr << m_end_of_param_indicator;
+ }
+ ostr << "' are ignored by Boost.Test.";
+ }
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( use_color, ostr, term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::ORIGINAL );
+ ostr << "\n\n Environment variables:\n";
+ }
+ runtime::commandline_pretty_print(
+ ostr,
+ " ",
+ "Every argument listed below may also be set by a corresponding environment"
+ "variable. For an argument '--argument_x=<value>', the corresponding "
+ "environment variable is 'BOOST_TEST_ARGUMENT_X=value"
+ );
+ ostr << "\n\n The following parameters are supported:\n";
+ parameters_store::storage_type::value_type const&,
+ v,
+ parameters.all() )
+ {
+ basic_param_ptr param = v.second;
+ ostr << "\n";
+ param->usage( ostr, m_negation_prefix, use_color);
+ }
+ }
+ typedef rt_cla_detail::parameter_trie_ptr trie_ptr;
+ typedef rt_cla_detail::trie_per_char trie_per_char;
+ typedef std::map<cstring,trie_ptr> str_to_trie;
+ void
+ build_trie( parameters_store const& parameters )
+ {
+ // Iterate over all parameters
+ BOOST_TEST_FOREACH( parameters_store::storage_type::value_type const&, v, parameters.all() ) {
+ basic_param_ptr param = v.second;
+ // Register all parameter's ids in trie.
+ BOOST_TEST_FOREACH( parameter_cla_id const&, id, param->cla_ids() ) {
+ // This is the trie corresponding to the prefix.
+ trie_ptr next_trie = m_param_trie[id.m_prefix];
+ if( !next_trie )
+ next_trie = m_param_trie[id.m_prefix] = trie_ptr( new rt_cla_detail::parameter_trie );
+ // Build the trie, by following name's characters
+ // and register this parameter as candidate on each level
+ for( size_t index = 0; index < id.m_tag.size(); ++index ) {
+ next_trie = next_trie->make_subtrie( id.m_tag[index] );
+ next_trie->add_candidate_id( id, param, index == (id.m_tag.size() - 1) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool
+ validate_token_format( cstring token, cstring& prefix, cstring& name, cstring& separator, bool& negative_form )
+ {
+ // Match prefix
+ cstring::iterator it = token.begin();
+ while( it != token.end() && parameter_cla_id::valid_prefix_char( *it ) )
+ ++it;
+ prefix.assign( token.begin(), it );
+ if( prefix.empty() )
+ return true;
+ // Match name
+ while( it != token.end() && parameter_cla_id::valid_name_char( *it ) )
+ ++it;
+ name.assign( prefix.end(), it );
+ if( name.empty() ) {
+ if( prefix == m_end_of_param_indicator )
+ return false;
+ BOOST_TEST_I_THROW( format_error() << "Invalid format for an actual argument " << token );
+ }
+ // Match value separator
+ while( it != token.end() && parameter_cla_id::valid_separator_char( *it ) )
+ ++it;
+ separator.assign( name.end(), it );
+ // Match negation prefix
+ negative_form = !m_negation_prefix.empty() && ( name.substr( 0, m_negation_prefix.size() ) == m_negation_prefix );
+ if( negative_form )
+ name.trim_left( m_negation_prefix.size() );
+ return true;
+ }
+ // C++03: cannot have references as types
+ typedef std::pair<parameter_cla_id, basic_param_ptr> locate_result;
+ locate_result
+ locate_parameter( trie_ptr curr_trie, cstring name, cstring token )
+ {
+ std::vector<trie_ptr> typo_candidates;
+ std::vector<trie_ptr> next_typo_candidates;
+ trie_ptr next_trie;
+ BOOST_TEST_FOREACH( char, c, name ) {
+ if( curr_trie ) {
+ // locate next subtrie corresponding to the char
+ next_trie = curr_trie->get_subtrie( c );
+ if( next_trie )
+ curr_trie = next_trie;
+ else {
+ // Initiate search for typo candicates. We will account for 'wrong char' typo
+ // 'missing char' typo and 'extra char' typo
+ BOOST_TEST_FOREACH( trie_per_char::value_type const&, typo_cand, curr_trie->m_subtrie ) {
+ // 'wrong char' typo
+ typo_candidates.push_back( typo_cand.second );
+ // 'missing char' typo
+ if( (next_trie = typo_cand.second->get_subtrie( c )) )
+ typo_candidates.push_back( next_trie );
+ }
+ // 'extra char' typo
+ typo_candidates.push_back( curr_trie );
+ curr_trie.reset();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // go over existing typo candidates and see if they are still viable
+ BOOST_TEST_FOREACH( trie_ptr, typo_cand, typo_candidates ) {
+ trie_ptr next_typo_cand = typo_cand->get_subtrie( c );
+ if( next_typo_cand )
+ next_typo_candidates.push_back( next_typo_cand );
+ }
+ next_typo_candidates.swap( typo_candidates );
+ next_typo_candidates.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ if( !curr_trie ) {
+ std::vector<cstring> typo_candidate_names;
+ std::set<parameter_cla_id const*> unique_typo_candidate; // !! ?? unordered_set
+ typo_candidate_names.reserve( typo_candidates.size() );
+// !! ?? unique_typo_candidate.reserve( typo_candidates.size() );
+ BOOST_TEST_FOREACH( trie_ptr, trie_cand, typo_candidates ) {
+ // avoid ambiguos candidate trie
+ if( trie_cand->m_id_candidates.size() > 1 )
+ continue;
+ BOOST_TEST_FOREACH( parameter_cla_id const&, param_cand, trie_cand->m_id_candidates ) {
+ if( !unique_typo_candidate.insert( &param_cand ).second )
+ continue;
+ typo_candidate_names.push_back( param_cand.m_tag );
+ }
+ }
+ BOOST_TEST_I_THROW( unrecognized_param( std::move(typo_candidate_names) )
+ << "An unrecognized parameter in the argument "
+ << token );
+ BOOST_TEST_I_THROW( unrecognized_param( typo_candidate_names )
+ << "An unrecognized parameter in the argument "
+ << token );
+ }
+ if( curr_trie->m_id_candidates.size() > 1 ) {
+ std::vector<cstring> amb_names;
+ BOOST_TEST_FOREACH( parameter_cla_id const&, param_id, curr_trie->m_id_candidates )
+ amb_names.push_back( param_id.m_tag );
+ BOOST_TEST_I_THROW( ambiguous_param( std::move( amb_names ) )
+ << "An ambiguous parameter name in the argument " << token );
+ BOOST_TEST_I_THROW( ambiguous_param( amb_names )
+ << "An ambiguous parameter name in the argument " << token );
+ }
+ return locate_result( curr_trie->m_id_candidates.back().get(), curr_trie->m_param_candidate );
+ }
+ // Data members
+ cstring m_program_name;
+ std::string m_end_of_param_indicator;
+ std::string m_negation_prefix;
+ str_to_trie m_param_trie;
+} // namespace cla
+} // namespace runtime
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/test/detail/enable_warnings.hpp>