path: root/src/third_party/boost/boost/date_time/date_generators.hpp
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-/* Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2005 CrystalClear Software, Inc.
- * Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
- * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
- * Author: Jeff Garland, Bart Garst
- * $Date: 2008-11-12 14:37:53 -0500 (Wed, 12 Nov 2008) $
- */
-/*! @file date_generators.hpp
- Definition and implementation of date algorithm templates
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
-#include <boost/date_time/date.hpp>
-#include <boost/date_time/compiler_config.hpp>
-namespace boost {
-namespace date_time {
- //! Base class for all generators that take a year and produce a date.
- /*! This class is a base class for polymorphic function objects that take
- a year and produce a concrete date.
- @param date_type The type representing a date. This type must
- export a calender_type which defines a year_type.
- */
- template<class date_type>
- class year_based_generator
- {
- public:
- typedef typename date_type::calendar_type calendar_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::year_type year_type;
- year_based_generator() {};
- virtual ~year_based_generator() {};
- virtual date_type get_date(year_type y) const = 0;
- //! Returns a string for use in a POSIX time_zone string
- virtual std::string to_string() const =0;
- };
- //! Generates a date by applying the year to the given month and day.
- /*!
- Example usage:
- @code
- partial_date pd(1, Jan);
- partial_date pd2(70);
- date d = pd.get_date(2002); //2002-Jan-01
- date d2 = pd2.get_date(2002); //2002-Mar-10
- @endcode
- \ingroup date_alg
- */
- template<class date_type>
- class partial_date : public year_based_generator<date_type>
- {
- public:
- typedef typename date_type::calendar_type calendar_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::day_type day_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::month_type month_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::year_type year_type;
- typedef typename date_type::duration_type duration_type;
- typedef typename duration_type::duration_rep duration_rep;
- partial_date(day_type d, month_type m) :
- day_(d),
- month_(m)
- {}
- //! Partial date created from number of days into year. Range 1-366
- /*! Allowable values range from 1 to 366. 1=Jan1, 366=Dec31. If argument
- * exceeds range, partial_date will be created with closest in-range value.
- * 60 will always be Feb29, if get_date() is called with a non-leap year
- * an exception will be thrown */
- partial_date(duration_rep days) :
- day_(1), // default values
- month_(1)
- {
- date_type d1(2000,1,1);
- if(days > 1) {
- if(days > 366) // prevents wrapping
- {
- days = 366;
- }
- days = days - 1;
- duration_type dd(days);
- d1 = d1 + dd;
- }
- day_ =;
- month_ = d1.month();
- }
- //! Return a concrete date when provided with a year specific year.
- /*! Will throw an 'invalid_argument' exception if a partial_date object,
- * instantiated with Feb-29, has get_date called with a non-leap year.
- * Example:
- * @code
- * partial_date pd(29, Feb);
- * pd.get_date(2003); // throws invalid_argument exception
- * pg.get_date(2000); // returns 2000-2-29
- * @endcode
- */
- date_type get_date(year_type y) const
- {
- if((day_ == 29) && (month_ == 2) && !(calendar_type::is_leap_year(y))) {
- std::ostringstream ss;
- ss << "No Feb 29th in given year of " << y << ".";
- boost::throw_exception(std::invalid_argument(ss.str()));
- }
- return date_type(y, month_, day_);
- }
- date_type operator()(year_type y) const
- {
- return get_date(y);
- //return date_type(y, month_, day_);
- }
- bool operator==(const partial_date& rhs) const
- {
- return (month_ == rhs.month_) && (day_ == rhs.day_);
- }
- bool operator<(const partial_date& rhs) const
- {
- if (month_ < rhs.month_) return true;
- if (month_ > rhs.month_) return false;
- //months are equal
- return (day_ < rhs.day_);
- }
- // added for streaming purposes
- month_type month() const
- {
- return month_;
- }
- day_type day() const
- {
- return day_;
- }
- //! Returns string suitable for use in POSIX time zone string
- /*! Returns string formatted with up to 3 digits:
- * Jan-01 == "0"
- * Feb-29 == "58"
- * Dec-31 == "365" */
- virtual std::string to_string() const
- {
- std::ostringstream ss;
- date_type d(2004, month_, day_);
- unsigned short c = d.day_of_year();
- c--; // numbered 0-365 while day_of_year is 1 based...
- ss << c;
- return ss.str();
- }
- private:
- day_type day_;
- month_type month_;
- };
- //! Returns nth arg as string. 1 -> "first", 2 -> "second", max is 5.
- BOOST_DATE_TIME_DECL const char* nth_as_str(int n);
- //! Useful generator functor for finding holidays
- /*! Based on the idea in Cal. Calc. for finding holidays that are
- * the 'first Monday of September'. When instantiated with
- * 'fifth' kday of month, the result will be the last kday of month
- * which can be the fourth or fifth depending on the structure of
- * the month.
- *
- * The algorithm here basically guesses for the first
- * day of the month. Then finds the first day of the correct
- * type. That is, if the first of the month is a Tuesday
- * and it needs Wenesday then we simply increment by a day
- * and then we can add the length of a week until we get
- * to the 'nth kday'. There are probably more efficient
- * algorithms based on using a mod 7, but this one works
- * reasonably well for basic applications.
- * \ingroup date_alg
- */
- template<class date_type>
- class nth_kday_of_month : public year_based_generator<date_type>
- {
- public:
- typedef typename date_type::calendar_type calendar_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::day_of_week_type day_of_week_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::month_type month_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::year_type year_type;
- typedef typename date_type::duration_type duration_type;
- enum week_num {first=1, second, third, fourth, fifth};
- nth_kday_of_month(week_num week_no,
- day_of_week_type dow,
- month_type m) :
- month_(m),
- wn_(week_no),
- dow_(dow)
- {}
- //! Return a concrete date when provided with a year specific year.
- date_type get_date(year_type y) const
- {
- date_type d(y, month_, 1); //first day of month
- duration_type one_day(1);
- duration_type one_week(7);
- while (dow_ != d.day_of_week()) {
- d = d + one_day;
- }
- int week = 1;
- while (week < wn_) {
- d = d + one_week;
- week++;
- }
- // remove wrapping to next month behavior
- if(d.month() != month_) {
- d = d - one_week;
- }
- return d;
- }
- // added for streaming
- month_type month() const
- {
- return month_;
- }
- week_num nth_week() const
- {
- return wn_;
- }
- day_of_week_type day_of_week() const
- {
- return dow_;
- }
- const char* nth_week_as_str() const
- {
- return nth_as_str(wn_);
- }
- //! Returns string suitable for use in POSIX time zone string
- /*! Returns a string formatted as "M4.3.0" ==> 3rd Sunday in April. */
- virtual std::string to_string() const
- {
- std::ostringstream ss;
- ss << 'M'
- << static_cast<int>(month_) << '.'
- << static_cast<int>(wn_) << '.'
- << static_cast<int>(dow_);
- return ss.str();
- }
- private:
- month_type month_;
- week_num wn_;
- day_of_week_type dow_;
- };
- //! Useful generator functor for finding holidays and daylight savings
- /*! Similar to nth_kday_of_month, but requires less paramters
- * \ingroup date_alg
- */
- template<class date_type>
- class first_kday_of_month : public year_based_generator<date_type>
- {
- public:
- typedef typename date_type::calendar_type calendar_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::day_of_week_type day_of_week_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::month_type month_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::year_type year_type;
- typedef typename date_type::duration_type duration_type;
- //!Specify the first 'Sunday' in 'April' spec
- /*!@param dow The day of week, eg: Sunday, Monday, etc
- * @param m The month of the year, eg: Jan, Feb, Mar, etc
- */
- first_kday_of_month(day_of_week_type dow, month_type m) :
- month_(m),
- dow_(dow)
- {}
- //! Return a concrete date when provided with a year specific year.
- date_type get_date(year_type year) const
- {
- date_type d(year, month_,1);
- duration_type one_day(1);
- while (dow_ != d.day_of_week()) {
- d = d + one_day;
- }
- return d;
- }
- // added for streaming
- month_type month() const
- {
- return month_;
- }
- day_of_week_type day_of_week() const
- {
- return dow_;
- }
- //! Returns string suitable for use in POSIX time zone string
- /*! Returns a string formatted as "M4.1.0" ==> 1st Sunday in April. */
- virtual std::string to_string() const
- {
- std::ostringstream ss;
- ss << 'M'
- << static_cast<int>(month_) << '.'
- << 1 << '.'
- << static_cast<int>(dow_);
- return ss.str();
- }
- private:
- month_type month_;
- day_of_week_type dow_;
- };
- //! Calculate something like Last Sunday of January
- /*! Useful generator functor for finding holidays and daylight savings
- * Get the last day of the month and then calculate the difference
- * to the last previous day.
- * @param date_type A date class that exports day_of_week, month_type, etc.
- * \ingroup date_alg
- */
- template<class date_type>
- class last_kday_of_month : public year_based_generator<date_type>
- {
- public:
- typedef typename date_type::calendar_type calendar_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::day_of_week_type day_of_week_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::month_type month_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::year_type year_type;
- typedef typename date_type::duration_type duration_type;
- //!Specify the date spec like last 'Sunday' in 'April' spec
- /*!@param dow The day of week, eg: Sunday, Monday, etc
- * @param m The month of the year, eg: Jan, Feb, Mar, etc
- */
- last_kday_of_month(day_of_week_type dow, month_type m) :
- month_(m),
- dow_(dow)
- {}
- //! Return a concrete date when provided with a year specific year.
- date_type get_date(year_type year) const
- {
- date_type d(year, month_, calendar_type::end_of_month_day(year,month_));
- duration_type one_day(1);
- while (dow_ != d.day_of_week()) {
- d = d - one_day;
- }
- return d;
- }
- // added for streaming
- month_type month() const
- {
- return month_;
- }
- day_of_week_type day_of_week() const
- {
- return dow_;
- }
- //! Returns string suitable for use in POSIX time zone string
- /*! Returns a string formatted as "M4.5.0" ==> last Sunday in April. */
- virtual std::string to_string() const
- {
- std::ostringstream ss;
- ss << 'M'
- << static_cast<int>(month_) << '.'
- << 5 << '.'
- << static_cast<int>(dow_);
- return ss.str();
- }
- private:
- month_type month_;
- day_of_week_type dow_;
- };
- //! Calculate something like "First Sunday after Jan 1,2002
- /*! Date generator that takes a date and finds kday after
- *@code
- typedef boost::date_time::first_kday_after<date> firstkdayafter;
- firstkdayafter fkaf(Monday);
- fkaf.get_date(date(2002,Feb,1));
- @endcode
- * \ingroup date_alg
- */
- template<class date_type>
- class first_kday_after
- {
- public:
- typedef typename date_type::calendar_type calendar_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::day_of_week_type day_of_week_type;
- typedef typename date_type::duration_type duration_type;
- first_kday_after(day_of_week_type dow) :
- dow_(dow)
- {}
- //! Return next kday given.
- date_type get_date(date_type start_day) const
- {
- duration_type one_day(1);
- date_type d = start_day + one_day;
- while (dow_ != d.day_of_week()) {
- d = d + one_day;
- }
- return d;
- }
- // added for streaming
- day_of_week_type day_of_week() const
- {
- return dow_;
- }
- private:
- day_of_week_type dow_;
- };
- //! Calculate something like "First Sunday before Jan 1,2002
- /*! Date generator that takes a date and finds kday after
- *@code
- typedef boost::date_time::first_kday_before<date> firstkdaybefore;
- firstkdaybefore fkbf(Monday);
- fkbf.get_date(date(2002,Feb,1));
- @endcode
- * \ingroup date_alg
- */
- template<class date_type>
- class first_kday_before
- {
- public:
- typedef typename date_type::calendar_type calendar_type;
- typedef typename calendar_type::day_of_week_type day_of_week_type;
- typedef typename date_type::duration_type duration_type;
- first_kday_before(day_of_week_type dow) :
- dow_(dow)
- {}
- //! Return next kday given.
- date_type get_date(date_type start_day) const
- {
- duration_type one_day(1);
- date_type d = start_day - one_day;
- while (dow_ != d.day_of_week()) {
- d = d - one_day;
- }
- return d;
- }
- // added for streaming
- day_of_week_type day_of_week() const
- {
- return dow_;
- }
- private:
- day_of_week_type dow_;
- };
- //! Calculates the number of days until the next weekday
- /*! Calculates the number of days until the next weekday.
- * If the date given falls on a Sunday and the given weekday
- * is Tuesday the result will be 2 days */
- template<typename date_type, class weekday_type>
- inline
- typename date_type::duration_type days_until_weekday(const date_type& d, const weekday_type& wd)
- {
- typedef typename date_type::duration_type duration_type;
- duration_type wks(0);
- duration_type dd(wd.as_number() - d.day_of_week().as_number());
- if(dd.is_negative()){
- wks = duration_type(7);
- }
- return dd + wks;
- }
- //! Calculates the number of days since the previous weekday
- /*! Calculates the number of days since the previous weekday
- * If the date given falls on a Sunday and the given weekday
- * is Tuesday the result will be 5 days. The answer will be a positive
- * number because Tuesday is 5 days before Sunday, not -5 days before. */
- template<typename date_type, class weekday_type>
- inline
- typename date_type::duration_type days_before_weekday(const date_type& d, const weekday_type& wd)
- {
- typedef typename date_type::duration_type duration_type;
- duration_type wks(0);
- duration_type dd(wd.as_number() - d.day_of_week().as_number());
- if(dd.days() > 0){
- wks = duration_type(7);
- }
- // we want a number of days, not an offset. The value returned must
- // be zero or larger.
- return (-dd + wks);
- }
- //! Generates a date object representing the date of the following weekday from the given date
- /*! Generates a date object representing the date of the following
- * weekday from the given date. If the date given is 2004-May-9
- * (a Sunday) and the given weekday is Tuesday then the resulting date
- * will be 2004-May-11. */
- template<class date_type, class weekday_type>
- inline
- date_type next_weekday(const date_type& d, const weekday_type& wd)
- {
- return d + days_until_weekday(d, wd);
- }
- //! Generates a date object representing the date of the previous weekday from the given date
- /*! Generates a date object representing the date of the previous
- * weekday from the given date. If the date given is 2004-May-9
- * (a Sunday) and the given weekday is Tuesday then the resulting date
- * will be 2004-May-4. */
- template<class date_type, class weekday_type>
- inline
- date_type previous_weekday(const date_type& d, const weekday_type& wd)
- {
- return d - days_before_weekday(d, wd);
- }
-} } //namespace date_time