path: root/src/third_party/mozjs-60/extract/js/src/builtin/RegExpGlobalReplaceOpt.h.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/mozjs-60/extract/js/src/builtin/RegExpGlobalReplaceOpt.h.js')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/mozjs-60/extract/js/src/builtin/RegExpGlobalReplaceOpt.h.js b/src/third_party/mozjs-60/extract/js/src/builtin/RegExpGlobalReplaceOpt.h.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..737daa96cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/mozjs-60/extract/js/src/builtin/RegExpGlobalReplaceOpt.h.js
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// Function template for the following functions:
+// * RegExpGlobalReplaceOpt
+// * RegExpGlobalReplaceOptFunc
+// * RegExpGlobalReplaceOptSubst
+// * RegExpGlobalReplaceOptElemBase
+// Define the following macro and include this file to declare function:
+// * FUNC_NAME -- function name (required)
+// e.g.
+// #define FUNC_NAME RegExpGlobalReplaceOpt
+// Define the following macro (without value) to switch the code:
+// * SUBSTITUTION -- replaceValue is a string with "$"
+// * FUNCTIONAL -- replaceValue is a function
+// * ELEMBASE -- replaceValue is a function that returns an element
+// of an object
+// * none of above -- replaceValue is a string without "$"
+// ES 2017 draft 03bfda119d060aca4099d2b77cf43f6d4f11cfa2
+// steps 8.b-16.
+// Optimized path for @@replace with the following conditions:
+// * global flag is true
+function FUNC_NAME(rx, S, lengthS, replaceValue, flags
+ , firstDollarIndex
+#ifdef ELEMBASE
+ , elemBase
+ )
+ // Step 8.a.
+ var fullUnicode = !!(flags & REGEXP_UNICODE_FLAG);
+ // Step 8.b.
+ var lastIndex = 0;
+ rx.lastIndex = 0;
+#if defined(FUNCTIONAL) || defined(ELEMBASE)
+ // Save the original source and flags, so we can check if the replacer
+ // function recompiled the regexp.
+ var originalSource = UnsafeGetStringFromReservedSlot(rx, REGEXP_SOURCE_SLOT);
+ var originalFlags = flags;
+ // Step 12 (reordered).
+ var accumulatedResult = "";
+ // Step 13 (reordered).
+ var nextSourcePosition = 0;
+ // Step 11.
+ while (true) {
+ // Step 11.a.
+ var result = RegExpMatcher(rx, S, lastIndex);
+ // Step 11.b.
+ if (result === null)
+ break;
+ // Steps 14.a-b (skipped).
+ assert(result.length >= 1, "RegExpMatcher doesn't return an empty array");
+ // Step 14.c.
+ var matched = result[0];
+ // Step 14.d.
+ var matchLength = matched.length | 0;
+ // Steps 14.e-f.
+ var position = result.index | 0;
+ lastIndex = position + matchLength;
+ // Steps g-k.
+ var replacement;
+#if defined(FUNCTIONAL)
+ replacement = RegExpGetFunctionalReplacement(result, S, position, replaceValue);
+#elif defined(SUBSTITUTION)
+ replacement = RegExpGetSubstitution(result, S, position, replaceValue, firstDollarIndex);
+#elif defined(ELEMBASE)
+ if (IsObject(elemBase)) {
+ var prop = GetStringDataProperty(elemBase, matched);
+ if (prop !== undefined) {
+ assert(typeof prop === "string",
+ "GetStringDataProperty should return either string or undefined");
+ replacement = prop;
+ } else {
+ elemBase = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!IsObject(elemBase))
+ replacement = RegExpGetFunctionalReplacement(result, S, position, replaceValue);
+ replacement = replaceValue;
+ // Step 14.l.ii.
+ accumulatedResult += Substring(S, nextSourcePosition,
+ position - nextSourcePosition) + replacement;
+ // Step 14.l.iii.
+ nextSourcePosition = lastIndex;
+ // Step 11.c.iii.2.
+ if (matchLength === 0) {
+ lastIndex = fullUnicode ? AdvanceStringIndex(S, lastIndex) : lastIndex + 1;
+ if (lastIndex > lengthS)
+ break;
+ lastIndex |= 0;
+ }
+#if defined(FUNCTIONAL) || defined(ELEMBASE)
+ // Ensure the current source and flags match the original regexp, the
+ // replaceValue function may have called RegExp#compile.
+ if (UnsafeGetStringFromReservedSlot(rx, REGEXP_SOURCE_SLOT) !== originalSource ||
+ UnsafeGetInt32FromReservedSlot(rx, REGEXP_FLAGS_SLOT) !== originalFlags)
+ {
+ rx = regexp_construct_raw_flags(originalSource, originalFlags);
+ }
+ }
+ // Step 15.
+ if (nextSourcePosition >= lengthS)
+ return accumulatedResult;
+ // Step 16.
+ return accumulatedResult + Substring(S, nextSourcePosition, lengthS - nextSourcePosition);