path: root/src/third_party/re2/dist/re2/testing/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/re2/dist/re2/testing/')
1 files changed, 685 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/re2/dist/re2/testing/ b/src/third_party/re2/dist/re2/testing/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d2ec4fb9ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/re2/dist/re2/testing/
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+// Copyright 2008 The RE2 Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Regular expression engine tester -- test all the implementations against each other.
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <string>
+#include "util/util.h"
+#include "util/flags.h"
+#include "util/logging.h"
+#include "util/strutil.h"
+#include "re2/testing/tester.h"
+#include "re2/prog.h"
+#include "re2/re2.h"
+#include "re2/regexp.h"
+DEFINE_FLAG(bool, dump_prog, false, "dump regexp program");
+DEFINE_FLAG(bool, log_okay, false, "log successful runs");
+DEFINE_FLAG(bool, dump_rprog, false, "dump reversed regexp program");
+DEFINE_FLAG(int, max_regexp_failures, 100,
+ "maximum number of regexp test failures (-1 = unlimited)");
+DEFINE_FLAG(std::string, regexp_engines, "",
+ "pattern to select regexp engines to test");
+namespace re2 {
+enum {
+ kMaxSubmatch = 1+16, // $0...$16
+const char* engine_names[kEngineMax] = {
+ "Backtrack",
+ "NFA",
+ "DFA",
+ "DFA1",
+ "OnePass",
+ "BitState",
+ "RE2",
+ "RE2a",
+ "RE2b",
+ "PCRE",
+// Returns the name of the engine.
+static const char* EngineName(Engine e) {
+ CHECK_GE(e, 0);
+ CHECK_LT(e, arraysize(engine_names));
+ CHECK(engine_names[e] != NULL);
+ return engine_names[e];
+// Returns bit mask of engines to use.
+static uint32_t Engines() {
+ static bool did_parse = false;
+ static uint32_t cached_engines = 0;
+ if (did_parse)
+ return cached_engines;
+ if (GetFlag(FLAGS_regexp_engines).empty()) {
+ cached_engines = ~0;
+ } else {
+ for (Engine i = static_cast<Engine>(0); i < kEngineMax; i++)
+ if (GetFlag(FLAGS_regexp_engines).find(EngineName(i)) != std::string::npos)
+ cached_engines |= 1<<i;
+ }
+ if (cached_engines == 0)
+ LOG(INFO) << "Warning: no engines enabled.";
+ if (!UsingPCRE)
+ cached_engines &= ~(1<<kEnginePCRE);
+ for (Engine i = static_cast<Engine>(0); i < kEngineMax; i++) {
+ if (cached_engines & (1<<i))
+ LOG(INFO) << EngineName(i) << " enabled";
+ }
+ did_parse = true;
+ return cached_engines;
+// The result of running a match.
+struct TestInstance::Result {
+ Result()
+ : skipped(false),
+ matched(false),
+ untrusted(false),
+ have_submatch(false),
+ have_submatch0(false) {
+ ClearSubmatch();
+ }
+ void ClearSubmatch() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < kMaxSubmatch; i++)
+ submatch[i] = StringPiece();
+ }
+ bool skipped; // test skipped: wasn't applicable
+ bool matched; // found a match
+ bool untrusted; // don't really trust the answer
+ bool have_submatch; // computed all submatch info
+ bool have_submatch0; // computed just submatch[0]
+ StringPiece submatch[kMaxSubmatch];
+typedef TestInstance::Result Result;
+// Formats a single capture range s in text in the form (a,b)
+// where a and b are the starting and ending offsets of s in text.
+static std::string FormatCapture(const StringPiece& text,
+ const StringPiece& s) {
+ if ( == NULL)
+ return "(?,?)";
+ return StringPrintf("(%td,%td)",
+ s.begin() - text.begin(),
+ s.end() - text.begin());
+// Returns whether text contains non-ASCII (>= 0x80) bytes.
+static bool NonASCII(const StringPiece& text) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < text.size(); i++)
+ if ((uint8_t)text[i] >= 0x80)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+// Returns string representation of match kind.
+static std::string FormatKind(Prog::MatchKind kind) {
+ switch (kind) {
+ case Prog::kFullMatch:
+ return "full match";
+ case Prog::kLongestMatch:
+ return "longest match";
+ case Prog::kFirstMatch:
+ return "first match";
+ case Prog::kManyMatch:
+ return "many match";
+ }
+ return "???";
+// Returns string representation of anchor kind.
+static std::string FormatAnchor(Prog::Anchor anchor) {
+ switch (anchor) {
+ case Prog::kAnchored:
+ return "anchored";
+ case Prog::kUnanchored:
+ return "unanchored";
+ }
+ return "???";
+struct ParseMode {
+ Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags;
+ std::string desc;
+static const Regexp::ParseFlags single_line =
+ Regexp::LikePerl;
+static const Regexp::ParseFlags multi_line =
+ static_cast<Regexp::ParseFlags>(Regexp::LikePerl & ~Regexp::OneLine);
+static ParseMode parse_modes[] = {
+ { single_line, "single-line" },
+ { single_line|Regexp::Latin1, "single-line, latin1" },
+ { multi_line, "multiline" },
+ { multi_line|Regexp::NonGreedy, "multiline, nongreedy" },
+ { multi_line|Regexp::Latin1, "multiline, latin1" },
+static std::string FormatMode(Regexp::ParseFlags flags) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(parse_modes); i++)
+ if (parse_modes[i].parse_flags == flags)
+ return parse_modes[i].desc;
+ return StringPrintf("%#x", static_cast<uint32_t>(flags));
+// Constructs and saves all the matching engines that
+// will be required for the given tests.
+TestInstance::TestInstance(const StringPiece& regexp_str, Prog::MatchKind kind,
+ Regexp::ParseFlags flags)
+ : regexp_str_(regexp_str),
+ kind_(kind),
+ flags_(flags),
+ error_(false),
+ regexp_(NULL),
+ num_captures_(0),
+ prog_(NULL),
+ rprog_(NULL),
+ re_(NULL),
+ re2_(NULL) {
+ VLOG(1) << CEscape(regexp_str);
+ // Compile regexp to prog.
+ // Always required - needed for backtracking (reference implementation).
+ RegexpStatus status;
+ regexp_ = Regexp::Parse(regexp_str, flags, &status);
+ if (regexp_ == NULL) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Cannot parse: " << CEscape(regexp_str_)
+ << " mode: " << FormatMode(flags);
+ error_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ num_captures_ = regexp_->NumCaptures();
+ prog_ = regexp_->CompileToProg(0);
+ if (prog_ == NULL) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Cannot compile: " << CEscape(regexp_str_);
+ error_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (GetFlag(FLAGS_dump_prog)) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Prog for "
+ << " regexp "
+ << CEscape(regexp_str_)
+ << " (" << FormatKind(kind_)
+ << ", " << FormatMode(flags_)
+ << ")\n"
+ << prog_->Dump();
+ }
+ // Compile regexp to reversed prog. Only needed for DFA engines.
+ if (Engines() & ((1<<kEngineDFA)|(1<<kEngineDFA1))) {
+ rprog_ = regexp_->CompileToReverseProg(0);
+ if (rprog_ == NULL) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Cannot reverse compile: " << CEscape(regexp_str_);
+ error_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (GetFlag(FLAGS_dump_rprog))
+ LOG(INFO) << rprog_->Dump();
+ }
+ // Create re string that will be used for RE and RE2.
+ std::string re = std::string(regexp_str);
+ // Accomodate flags.
+ // Regexp::Latin1 will be accomodated below.
+ if (!(flags & Regexp::OneLine))
+ re = "(?m)" + re;
+ if (flags & Regexp::NonGreedy)
+ re = "(?U)" + re;
+ if (flags & Regexp::DotNL)
+ re = "(?s)" + re;
+ // Compile regexp to RE2.
+ if (Engines() & ((1<<kEngineRE2)|(1<<kEngineRE2a)|(1<<kEngineRE2b))) {
+ RE2::Options options;
+ if (flags & Regexp::Latin1)
+ options.set_encoding(RE2::Options::EncodingLatin1);
+ if (kind_ == Prog::kLongestMatch)
+ options.set_longest_match(true);
+ re2_ = new RE2(re, options);
+ if (!re2_->error().empty()) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Cannot RE2: " << CEscape(re);
+ error_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Compile regexp to RE.
+ // PCRE as exposed by the RE interface isn't always usable.
+ // 1. It disagrees about handling of empty-string reptitions
+ // like matching (a*)* against "b". PCRE treats the (a*) as
+ // occurring once, while we treat it as occurring not at all.
+ // 2. It treats $ as this weird thing meaning end of string
+ // or before the \n at the end of the string.
+ // 3. It doesn't implement POSIX leftmost-longest matching.
+ // 4. It lets \s match vertical tab.
+ // MimicsPCRE() detects 1 and 2.
+ if ((Engines() & (1<<kEnginePCRE)) && regexp_->MimicsPCRE() &&
+ kind_ != Prog::kLongestMatch) {
+ PCRE_Options o;
+ o.set_option(PCRE::UTF8);
+ if (flags & Regexp::Latin1)
+ o.set_option(PCRE::None);
+ // PCRE has interface bug keeping us from finding $0, so
+ // add one more layer of parens.
+ re_ = new PCRE("("+re+")", o);
+ if (!re_->error().empty()) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Cannot PCRE: " << CEscape(re);
+ error_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+TestInstance::~TestInstance() {
+ if (regexp_)
+ regexp_->Decref();
+ delete prog_;
+ delete rprog_;
+ delete re_;
+ delete re2_;
+// Runs a single search using the named engine type.
+// This interface hides all the irregularities of the various
+// engine interfaces from the rest of this file.
+void TestInstance::RunSearch(Engine type,
+ const StringPiece& orig_text,
+ const StringPiece& orig_context,
+ Prog::Anchor anchor,
+ Result* result) {
+ if (regexp_ == NULL) {
+ result->skipped = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ int nsubmatch = 1 + num_captures_; // NumCaptures doesn't count $0
+ if (nsubmatch > kMaxSubmatch)
+ nsubmatch = kMaxSubmatch;
+ StringPiece text = orig_text;
+ StringPiece context = orig_context;
+ switch (type) {
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Bad RunSearch type: " << (int)type;
+ case kEngineBacktrack:
+ if (prog_ == NULL) {
+ result->skipped = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ result->matched =
+ prog_->UnsafeSearchBacktrack(text, context, anchor, kind_,
+ result->submatch, nsubmatch);
+ result->have_submatch = true;
+ break;
+ case kEngineNFA:
+ if (prog_ == NULL) {
+ result->skipped = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ result->matched =
+ prog_->SearchNFA(text, context, anchor, kind_,
+ result->submatch, nsubmatch);
+ result->have_submatch = true;
+ break;
+ case kEngineDFA:
+ if (prog_ == NULL) {
+ result->skipped = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ result->matched = prog_->SearchDFA(text, context, anchor, kind_, NULL,
+ &result->skipped, NULL);
+ break;
+ case kEngineDFA1:
+ if (prog_ == NULL || rprog_ == NULL) {
+ result->skipped = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ result->matched =
+ prog_->SearchDFA(text, context, anchor, kind_, result->submatch,
+ &result->skipped, NULL);
+ // If anchored, no need for second run,
+ // but do it anyway to find more bugs.
+ if (result->matched) {
+ if (!rprog_->SearchDFA(result->submatch[0], context,
+ Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kLongestMatch,
+ result->submatch,
+ &result->skipped, NULL)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Reverse DFA inconsistency: "
+ << CEscape(regexp_str_)
+ << " on " << CEscape(text);
+ result->matched = false;
+ }
+ }
+ result->have_submatch0 = true;
+ break;
+ case kEngineOnePass:
+ if (prog_ == NULL ||
+ !prog_->IsOnePass() ||
+ anchor == Prog::kUnanchored ||
+ nsubmatch > Prog::kMaxOnePassCapture) {
+ result->skipped = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ result->matched = prog_->SearchOnePass(text, context, anchor, kind_,
+ result->submatch, nsubmatch);
+ result->have_submatch = true;
+ break;
+ case kEngineBitState:
+ if (prog_ == NULL ||
+ !prog_->CanBitState()) {
+ result->skipped = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ result->matched = prog_->SearchBitState(text, context, anchor, kind_,
+ result->submatch, nsubmatch);
+ result->have_submatch = true;
+ break;
+ case kEngineRE2:
+ case kEngineRE2a:
+ case kEngineRE2b: {
+ if (!re2_ || text.end() != context.end()) {
+ result->skipped = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ RE2::Anchor re_anchor;
+ if (anchor == Prog::kAnchored)
+ re_anchor = RE2::ANCHOR_START;
+ else
+ re_anchor = RE2::UNANCHORED;
+ if (kind_ == Prog::kFullMatch)
+ re_anchor = RE2::ANCHOR_BOTH;
+ result->matched = re2_->Match(
+ context,
+ static_cast<size_t>(text.begin() - context.begin()),
+ static_cast<size_t>(text.end() - context.begin()),
+ re_anchor,
+ result->submatch,
+ nsubmatch);
+ result->have_submatch = nsubmatch > 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case kEnginePCRE: {
+ if (!re_ || text.begin() != context.begin() ||
+ text.end() != context.end()) {
+ result->skipped = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // In Perl/PCRE, \v matches any character considered vertical
+ // whitespace, not just vertical tab. Regexp::MimicsPCRE() is
+ // unable to handle all cases of this, unfortunately, so just
+ // catch them here. :(
+ if (regexp_str_.find("\\v") != StringPiece::npos &&
+ (text.find('\n') != StringPiece::npos ||
+ text.find('\f') != StringPiece::npos ||
+ text.find('\r') != StringPiece::npos)) {
+ result->skipped = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // PCRE 8.34 or so started allowing vertical tab to match \s,
+ // following a change made in Perl 5.18. RE2 does not.
+ if ((regexp_str_.find("\\s") != StringPiece::npos ||
+ regexp_str_.find("\\S") != StringPiece::npos) &&
+ text.find('\v') != StringPiece::npos) {
+ result->skipped = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ const PCRE::Arg **argptr = new const PCRE::Arg*[nsubmatch];
+ PCRE::Arg *a = new PCRE::Arg[nsubmatch];
+ for (int i = 0; i < nsubmatch; i++) {
+ a[i] = PCRE::Arg(&result->submatch[i]);
+ argptr[i] = &a[i];
+ }
+ size_t consumed;
+ PCRE::Anchor pcre_anchor;
+ if (anchor == Prog::kAnchored)
+ pcre_anchor = PCRE::ANCHOR_START;
+ else
+ pcre_anchor = PCRE::UNANCHORED;
+ if (kind_ == Prog::kFullMatch)
+ pcre_anchor = PCRE::ANCHOR_BOTH;
+ re_->ClearHitLimit();
+ result->matched =
+ re_->DoMatch(text,
+ pcre_anchor,
+ &consumed,
+ argptr, nsubmatch);
+ if (re_->HitLimit()) {
+ result->untrusted = true;
+ delete[] argptr;
+ delete[] a;
+ break;
+ }
+ result->have_submatch = true;
+ delete[] argptr;
+ delete[] a;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!result->matched)
+ result->ClearSubmatch();
+// Checks whether r is okay given that correct is the right answer.
+// Specifically, r's answers have to match (but it doesn't have to
+// claim to have all the answers).
+static bool ResultOkay(const Result& r, const Result& correct) {
+ if (r.skipped)
+ return true;
+ if (r.matched != correct.matched)
+ return false;
+ if (r.have_submatch || r.have_submatch0) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < kMaxSubmatch; i++) {
+ if (correct.submatch[i].data() != r.submatch[i].data() ||
+ correct.submatch[i].size() != r.submatch[i].size())
+ return false;
+ if (!r.have_submatch)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Runs a single test.
+bool TestInstance::RunCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
+ Prog::Anchor anchor) {
+ // Backtracking is the gold standard.
+ Result correct;
+ RunSearch(kEngineBacktrack, text, context, anchor, &correct);
+ if (correct.skipped) {
+ if (regexp_ == NULL)
+ return true;
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Skipped backtracking! " << CEscape(regexp_str_)
+ << " " << FormatMode(flags_);
+ return false;
+ }
+ VLOG(1) << "Try: regexp " << CEscape(regexp_str_)
+ << " text " << CEscape(text)
+ << " (" << FormatKind(kind_)
+ << ", " << FormatAnchor(anchor)
+ << ", " << FormatMode(flags_)
+ << ")";
+ // Compare the others.
+ bool all_okay = true;
+ for (Engine i = kEngineBacktrack+1; i < kEngineMax; i++) {
+ if (!(Engines() & (1<<i)))
+ continue;
+ Result r;
+ RunSearch(i, text, context, anchor, &r);
+ if (ResultOkay(r, correct)) {
+ if (GetFlag(FLAGS_log_okay))
+ LogMatch(r.skipped ? "Skipped: " : "Okay: ", i, text, context, anchor);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // We disagree with PCRE on the meaning of some Unicode matches.
+ // In particular, we treat non-ASCII UTF-8 as non-word characters.
+ // We also treat "empty" character sets like [^\w\W] as being
+ // impossible to match, while PCRE apparently excludes some code
+ // points (e.g., 0x0080) from both \w and \W.
+ if (i == kEnginePCRE && NonASCII(text))
+ continue;
+ if (!r.untrusted)
+ all_okay = false;
+ LogMatch(r.untrusted ? "(Untrusted) Mismatch: " : "Mismatch: ", i, text,
+ context, anchor);
+ if (r.matched != correct.matched) {
+ if (r.matched) {
+ LOG(INFO) << " Should not match (but does).";
+ } else {
+ LOG(INFO) << " Should match (but does not).";
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1+num_captures_; i++) {
+ if (r.submatch[i].data() != correct.submatch[i].data() ||
+ r.submatch[i].size() != correct.submatch[i].size()) {
+ LOG(INFO) <<
+ StringPrintf(" $%d: should be %s is %s",
+ i,
+ FormatCapture(text, correct.submatch[i]).c_str(),
+ FormatCapture(text, r.submatch[i]).c_str());
+ } else {
+ LOG(INFO) <<
+ StringPrintf(" $%d: %s ok", i,
+ FormatCapture(text, r.submatch[i]).c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!all_okay) {
+ // This will be initialised once (after flags have been initialised)
+ // and that is desirable because we want to enforce a global limit.
+ static int max_regexp_failures = GetFlag(FLAGS_max_regexp_failures);
+ if (max_regexp_failures > 0 && --max_regexp_failures == 0)
+ LOG(QFATAL) << "Too many regexp failures.";
+ }
+ return all_okay;
+void TestInstance::LogMatch(const char* prefix, Engine e,
+ const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
+ Prog::Anchor anchor) {
+ LOG(INFO) << prefix
+ << EngineName(e)
+ << " regexp "
+ << CEscape(regexp_str_)
+ << " "
+ << CEscape(regexp_->ToString())
+ << " text "
+ << CEscape(text)
+ << " ("
+ << text.begin() - context.begin()
+ << ","
+ << text.end() - context.begin()
+ << ") of context "
+ << CEscape(context)
+ << " (" << FormatKind(kind_)
+ << ", " << FormatAnchor(anchor)
+ << ", " << FormatMode(flags_)
+ << ")";
+static Prog::MatchKind kinds[] = {
+ Prog::kFirstMatch,
+ Prog::kLongestMatch,
+ Prog::kFullMatch,
+// Test all possible match kinds and parse modes.
+Tester::Tester(const StringPiece& regexp) {
+ error_ = false;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kinds); i++) {
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < arraysize(parse_modes); j++) {
+ TestInstance* t = new TestInstance(regexp, kinds[i],
+ parse_modes[j].parse_flags);
+ error_ |= t->error();
+ v_.push_back(t);
+ }
+ }
+Tester::~Tester() {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < v_.size(); i++)
+ delete v_[i];
+bool Tester::TestCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
+ Prog::Anchor anchor) {
+ bool okay = true;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < v_.size(); i++)
+ okay &= (!v_[i]->error() && v_[i]->RunCase(text, context, anchor));
+ return okay;
+static Prog::Anchor anchors[] = {
+ Prog::kAnchored,
+ Prog::kUnanchored
+bool Tester::TestInput(const StringPiece& text) {
+ bool okay = TestInputInContext(text, text);
+ if (!text.empty()) {
+ StringPiece sp;
+ sp = text;
+ sp.remove_prefix(1);
+ okay &= TestInputInContext(sp, text);
+ sp = text;
+ sp.remove_suffix(1);
+ okay &= TestInputInContext(sp, text);
+ }
+ return okay;
+bool Tester::TestInputInContext(const StringPiece& text,
+ const StringPiece& context) {
+ bool okay = true;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(anchors); i++)
+ okay &= TestCase(text, context, anchors[i]);
+ return okay;
+bool TestRegexpOnText(const StringPiece& regexp,
+ const StringPiece& text) {
+ Tester t(regexp);
+ return t.TestInput(text);
+} // namespace re2