path: root/src/third_party/s2/s2region.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/s2/s2region.h')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/s2/s2region.h b/src/third_party/s2/s2region.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..afa7dcd9f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/s2/s2region.h
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// Copyright 2005 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+#include "s2.h"
+class Decoder;
+class Encoder;
+class S2Cap;
+class S2Cell;
+class S2LatLngRect;
+// An S2Region represents a two-dimensional region over the unit sphere.
+// It is an abstract interface with various concrete subtypes.
+// The main purpose of this interface is to allow complex regions to be
+// approximated as simpler regions. So rather than having a wide variety
+// of virtual methods that are implemented by all subtypes, the interface
+// is restricted to methods that are useful for computing approximations.
+class S2Region {
+ public:
+ virtual ~S2Region();
+ // Return a deep copy of this region. If you want to narrow the result to a
+ // specific known region type, use down_cast<T*> from basictypes.h.
+ // Subtypes return pointers to that subtype from their Clone() methods.
+ virtual S2Region* Clone() const = 0;
+ // Return a bounding spherical cap. This is not guaranteed to be exact.
+ virtual S2Cap GetCapBound() const = 0;
+ // Return a bounding latitude-longitude rectangle that contains the region.
+ // The bounds are not guaranteed to be tight.
+ virtual S2LatLngRect GetRectBound() const = 0;
+ // If this method returns true, the region completely contains the given
+ // cell. Otherwise, either the region does not contain the cell or the
+ // containment relationship could not be determined.
+ virtual bool Contains(S2Cell const& cell) const = 0;
+ // If this method returns false, the region does not intersect the given
+ // cell. Otherwise, either region intersects the cell, or the intersection
+ // relationship could not be determined.
+ virtual bool MayIntersect(S2Cell const& cell) const = 0;
+ // Return true if and only if the given point is contained by the region.
+ // The point 'p' is generally required to be unit length, although some
+ // subtypes may relax this restriction.
+ // NOTE: If you will be calling this function on one specific subtype only,
+ // or if performance is a consideration, please use the non-virtual
+ // method Contains(S2Point const& p) declared below!
+ virtual bool VirtualContainsPoint(S2Point const& p) const = 0;
+ // Use encoder to generate a serialized representation of this region.
+ // Assumes that encoder can be enlarged using calls to Ensure(int).
+ //
+ // The representation chosen is left up to the sub-classes but it should
+ // satisfy the following constraints:
+ // - It should encode a version number.
+ // - It should be deserializable using the corresponding Decode method.
+ // - Performance, not space, should be the chief consideration. Encode() and
+ // Decode() should be implemented such that the combination is equivalent
+ // to calling Clone().
+ virtual void Encode(Encoder* const encoder) const = 0;
+ // Reconstruct a region from the serialized representation generated by
+ // Encode(). Note that since this method is virtual, it requires that a
+ // Region object of the appropriate concrete type has already been
+ // constructed. It is not possible to decode regions of unknown type.
+ //
+ // Whenever the Decode method is changed to deal with new serialized
+ // representations, it should be done so in a manner that allows for
+ // older versions to be decoded i.e. the version number in the serialized
+ // representation should be used to decide how to decode the data.
+ //
+ // Returns true on success.
+ virtual bool Decode(Decoder* const decoder) = 0;
+ // Provide the same functionality as Decode, except that decoded regions are
+ // allowed to point directly into the Decoder's memory buffer rather than
+ // copying the data. This method can be much faster for regions that have
+ // a lot of data (such as polygons), but the decoded region is only valid
+ // within the scope (lifetime) of the Decoder's memory buffer.
+ // Default implementation just calls Decode.
+ virtual bool DecodeWithinScope(Decoder* const decoder);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // The following are NON-VIRTUAL methods (for efficiency reasons) that
+ // happen to be implemented by all subclasses. You cannot call these
+ // methods unless you have an object of a particular subtype.
+ //
+ // bool Contains(S2Point const& p) const;
+ //
+ // Return true if and only if the given point is contained by the region.
+ // The point 'p' is generally required to be unit length, although some
+ // subtypes may relax this restriction.