path: root/src/third_party/unwind/dist/doc/
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+.\" Manual page created with latex2man on Thu Aug 16 09:44:44 MDT 2007
+.\" NOTE: This file is generated, DO NOT EDIT. Vb
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+.TH "LIBUNWIND\-DYNAMIC" "3" "16 August 2007" "Programming Library " "Programming Library "
+\-\- libunwind\-support for runtime\-generated code
+For libunwind
+to do its job, it needs to be able to reconstruct
+the \fIframe state\fP
+of each frame in a call\-chain. The frame state
+describes the subset of the machine\-state that consists of the
+\fIframe registers\fP
+(typically the instruction\-pointer and the
+stack\-pointer) and all callee\-saved registers (preserved registers).
+The frame state describes each register either by providing its
+current value (for frame registers) or by providing the location at
+which the current value is stored (callee\-saved registers).
+For statically generated code, the compiler normally takes care of
+emitting \fIunwind\-info\fP
+which provides the minimum amount of
+information needed to reconstruct the frame\-state for each instruction
+in a procedure. For dynamically generated code, the runtime code
+generator must use the dynamic unwind\-info interface provided by
+to supply the equivalent information. This manual
+page describes the format of this information in detail.
+For the purpose of this discussion, a \fIprocedure\fP
+is defined to
+be an arbitrary piece of \fIcontiguous\fP
+code. Normally, each
+procedure directly corresponds to a function in the source\-language
+but this is not strictly required. For example, a runtime
+code\-generator could translate a given function into two separate
+(discontiguous) procedures: one for frequently\-executed (hot) code and
+one for rarely\-executed (cold) code. Similarly, simple
+source\-language functions (usually leaf functions) may get translated
+into code for which the default unwind\-conventions apply and for such
+code, it is not strictly necessary to register dynamic unwind\-info.
+A procedure logically consists of a sequence of \fIregions\fP\&.
+Regions are nested in the sense that the frame state at the end of one
+region is, by default, assumed to be the frame state for the next
+region. Each region is thought of as being divided into a
+a \fIbody\fP,
+and an \fIepilogue\fP\&.
+Each of them
+can be empty. If non\-empty, the prologue sets up the frame state for
+the body. For example, the prologue may need to allocate some space
+on the stack and save certain callee\-saved registers. The body
+performs the actual work of the procedure but does not change the
+frame state in any way. If non\-empty, the epilogue restores the
+previous frame state and as such it undoes or cancels the effect of
+the prologue. In fact, a single epilogue may undo the effect of the
+prologues of several (nested) regions.
+We should point out that even though the prologue, body, and epilogue
+are logically separate entities, optimizing code\-generators will
+generally interleave instructions from all three entities. For this
+reason, the dynamic unwind\-info interface of libunwind
+makes no
+distinction whatsoever between prologue and body. Similarly, the
+exact set of instructions that make up an epilogue is also irrelevant.
+The only point in the epilogue that needs to be described explicitly
+by the dynamic unwind\-info is the point at which the stack\-pointer
+gets restored. The reason this point needs to be described is that
+once the stack\-pointer is restored, all values saved in the
+deallocated portion of the stack frame become invalid and hence
+needs to know about it. The portion of the frame
+state not saved on the stack is assume to remain valid through the end
+of the region. For this reason, there is usually no need to describe
+instructions which restore the contents of callee\-saved registers.
+Within a region, each instruction that affects the frame state in some
+fashion needs to be described with an operation descriptor. For this
+purpose, each instruction in the region is assigned a unique index.
+Exactly how this index is derived depends on the architecture. For
+example, on RISC and EPIC\-style architecture, instructions have a
+fixed size so it\&'s possible to simply number the instructions. In
+contrast, most CISC use variable\-length instruction encodings, so it
+is usually necessary to use a byte\-offset as the index. Given the
+instruction index, the operation descriptor specifies the effect of
+the instruction in an abstract manner. For example, it might express
+that the instruction stores calle\-saved register r1
+at offset 16
+in the stack frame.
+A runtime code\-generator registers the dynamic unwind\-info of a
+procedure by setting up a structure of type unw_dyn_info_t
+and calling _U_dyn_register(),
+passing the address of the
+structure as the sole argument. The members of the
+structure are described below:
+void *next
+ Private to libunwind\&.
+Must not be used
+by the application.
+void *prev
+ Private to libunwind\&.
+Must not be used
+by the application.
+unw_word_t start_ip
+ The start\-address of the
+instructions of the procedure (remember: procedure are defined to be
+contiguous pieces of code, so a single code\-range is sufficient).
+unw_word_t end_ip
+ The end\-address of the
+instructions of the procedure (non\-inclusive, that is,
+is the size of the procedure in
+unw_word_t gp
+ The global\-pointer value in use
+for this procedure. The exact meaing of the global\-pointer is
+architecture\-specific and on some architecture, it is not used at
+int32_t format
+ The format of the unwind\-info.
+This member can be one of UNW_INFO_FORMAT_DYNAMIC,
+union u
+ This union contains one sub\-member
+structure for every possible unwind\-info format:
+unw_dyn_proc_info_t pi
+ This member is used
+unw_dyn_table_info_t ti
+ This member is used
+for format UNW_INFO_FORMAT_TABLE\&.
+unw_dyn_remote_table_info_t rti
+ This member
+is used for format UNW_INFO_FORMAT_REMOTE_TABLE\&.
+The format of these sub\-members is described in detail below.
+This is the preferred dynamic unwind\-info format and it is generally
+the one used by full\-blown runtime code\-generators. In this format,
+the details of a procedure are described by a structure of type
+This structure contains the following
+unw_word_t name_ptr
+ The address of a
+(human\-readable) name of the procedure or 0 if no such name is
+available. If non\-zero, The string stored at this address must be
+ASCII NUL terminated. For source languages that use name\-mangling
+(such as C++ or Java) the string stored at this address should be
+the \fIdemangled\fP
+version of the name.
+unw_word_t handler
+ The address of the
+personality\-routine for this procedure. Personality\-routines are
+used in conjunction with exception handling. See the C++ ABI draft
+(\-abi/) for an overview and a
+description of the personality routine. If the procedure has no
+personality routine, handler
+must be set to 0.
+uint32_t flags
+ A bitmask of flags. At the
+moment, no flags have been defined and this member must be
+set to 0.
+unw_dyn_region_info_t *regions
+ A NULL\-terminated
+linked list of region\-descriptors. See section ``Region
+descriptors\&'' below for more details.
+This format is generally used when the dynamically generated code was
+derived from static code and the unwind\-info for the dynamic and the
+static versions is identical. For example, this format can be useful
+when loading statically\-generated code into an address\-space in a
+non\-standard fashion (i.e., through some means other than
+In this format, the details of a group of procedures
+is described by a structure of type unw_dyn_table_info\&.
+This structure contains the following members:
+unw_word_t name_ptr
+ The address of a
+(human\-readable) name of the procedure or 0 if no such name is
+available. If non\-zero, The string stored at this address must be
+ASCII NUL terminated. For source languages that use name\-mangling
+(such as C++ or Java) the string stored at this address should be
+the \fIdemangled\fP
+version of the name.
+unw_word_t segbase
+ The segment\-base value
+that needs to be added to the segment\-relative values stored in the
+unwind\-info. The exact meaning of this value is
+unw_word_t table_len
+ The length of the
+unwind\-info (table_data)
+counted in units of words
+unw_word_t table_data
+ A pointer to the actual
+data encoding the unwind\-info. The exact format is
+architecture\-specific (see architecture\-specific sections below).
+The remote table\-info format has the same basic purpose as the regular
+table\-info format. The only difference is that when libunwind
+uses the unwind\-info, it will keep the table data in the target
+address\-space (which may be remote). Consequently, the type of the
+member is unw_word_t
+rather than a pointer.
+This implies that libunwind
+will have to access the table\-data
+via the address\-space\&'s access_mem()
+call\-back, rather than
+through a direct memory reference.
+From the point of view of a runtime\-code generator, the remote
+table\-info format offers no advantage and it is expected that such
+generators will describe their procedures either with the proc\-info
+format or the normal table\-info format. The main reason that the
+remote table\-info format exists is to enable the
+address\-space\-specific find_proc_info()
+callback (see
+to return unwind tables whose
+data remains in remote memory. This can speed up unwinding (e.g., for
+a debugger) because it reduces the amount of data that needs to be
+loaded from remote memory.
+A region descriptor is a variable length structure that describes how
+each instruction in the region affects the frame state. Of course,
+most instructions in a region usualy do not change the frame state and
+for those, nothing needs to be recorded in the region descriptor. A
+region descriptor is a structure of type
+and has the following members:
+unw_dyn_region_info_t *next
+ A pointer to the
+next region. If this is the last region, next
+is NULL\&.
+int32_t insn_count
+ The length of the region in
+instructions. Each instruction is assumed to have a fixed size (see
+architecture\-specific sections for details). The value of
+may be negative in the last region of a procedure
+(i.e., it may be negative only if next
+is NULL).
+negative value indicates that the region covers the last \fIN\fP
+instructions of the procedure, where \fIN\fP
+is the absolute value
+of insn_count\&.
+uint32_t op_count
+ The (allocated) length of
+the op_count
+unw_dyn_op_t op
+ An array of dynamic unwind
+directives. See Section ``Dynamic unwind directives\&'' for a
+description of the directives.
+A region descriptor with an insn_count
+of zero is an
+\fIempty region\fP
+and such regions are perfectly legal. In fact,
+empty regions can be useful to establish a particular frame state
+before the start of another region.
+A single region list can be shared across multiple procedures provided
+those procedures share a common prologue and epilogue (their bodies
+may differ, of course). Normally, such procedures consist of a canned
+prologue, the body, and a canned epilogue. This could be described by
+two regions: one covering the prologue and one covering the epilogue.
+Since the body length is variable, the latter region would need to
+specify a negative value in insn_count
+such that
+knows that the region covers the end of the procedure
+(up to the address specified by end_ip).
+The region descriptor is a variable length structure to make it
+possible to allocate all the necessary memory with a single
+memory\-allocation request. To facilitate the allocation of a region
+descriptors libunwind
+provides a helper routine with the
+following synopsis:
+This routine returns the number of bytes needed to hold a region
+descriptor with space for op_count
+unwind directives. Note
+that the length of the op
+array does not have to match exactly
+with the number of directives in a region. Instead, it is sufficient
+if the op
+array contains at least as many entries as there are
+directives, since the end of the directives can always be indicated
+with the UNW_DYN_STOP
+A dynamic unwind directive describes how the frame state changes
+at a particular point within a region. The description is in
+the form of a structure of type unw_dyn_op_t\&.
+structure has the following members:
+int8_t tag
+ The operation tag. Must be one
+of the unw_dyn_operation_t
+values described below.
+int8_t qp
+ The qualifying predicate that controls
+whether or not this directive is active. This is useful for
+predicated architecturs such as IA\-64 or ARM, where the contents of
+another (callee\-saved) register determines whether or not an
+instruction is executed (takes effect). If the directive is always
+active, this member should be set to the manifest constant
+(this constant is defined for all
+architectures, predicated or not).
+int16_t reg
+ The number of the register affected
+by the instruction.
+int32_t when
+ The region\-relative number of
+the instruction to which this directive applies. For example,
+a value of 0 means that the effect described by this directive
+has taken place once the first instruction in the region has
+unw_word_t val
+ The value to be applied by the
+operation tag. The exact meaning of this value varies by tag. See
+Section ``Operation tags\&'' below.
+It is perfectly legitimate to specify multiple dynamic unwind
+directives with the same when
+value, if a particular instruction
+has a complex effect on the frame state.
+Empty regions by definition contain no actual instructions and as such
+the directives are not tied to a particular instruction. By
+convention, the when
+member should be set to 0, however.
+There is no need for the dynamic unwind directives to appear
+in order of increasing when
+values. If the directives happen to
+be sorted in that order, it may result in slightly faster execution,
+but a runtime code\-generator should not go to extra lengths just to
+ensure that the directives are sorted.
+IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: should libunwind
+implementations for
+certain architectures prefer the list of unwind directives to be
+sorted, it is recommended that such implementations first check
+whether the list happens to be sorted already and, if not, sort the
+directives explicitly before the first use. With this approach, the
+overhead of explicit sorting is only paid when there is a real benefit
+and if the runtime code\-generator happens to generated sorted lists
+naturally, the performance penalty is limited to a simple O(N) check.
+The possible operation tags are defined by enumeration type
+which defines the following
+ Marks the end of the dynamic unwind
+directive list. All remaining entries in the op
+array of the
+region\-descriptor are ignored. This tag is guaranteed to have a
+value of 0.
+ Marks an instruction which saves
+register reg
+to register val\&.
+ Marks an instruction which
+spills register reg
+to a frame\-pointer\-relative location. The
+frame\-pointer\-relative offset is given by the value stored in member
+See the architecture\-specific sections for a description
+of the stack frame layout.
+ Marks an instruction which
+spills register reg
+to a stack\-pointer\-relative location. The
+stack\-pointer\-relative offset is given by the value stored in member
+See the architecture\-specific sections for a description
+of the stack frame layout.
+ Marks an instruction which adds
+the constant value val
+to register reg\&.
+To add subtract
+a constant value, store the two\&'s\-complement of the value in
+The set of registers that can be specified for this tag
+is described in the architecture\-specific sections below.
+ .PP
+ .PP
+ .PP
+ .PP
+\- meaning of segbase member in table\-info/table\-remote\-info format
+\- format of table_data in table\-info/table\-remote\-info format
+\- instruction size: each bundle is counted as 3 instructions, regardless
+of template (MLX)
+\- describe stack\-frame layout, especially with regards to sp\-relative
+and fp\-relative addressing
+\- UNW_DYN_ADD can only add to ``sp\&'' (always a negative value); use
+POP_FRAMES otherwise
+David Mosberger\-Tang
+Email: \\fP
+WWW: \fB\fP\&.
+.\" NOTE: This file is generated, DO NOT EDIT.