path: root/src/third_party/wiredtiger/SConstruct
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/wiredtiger/SConstruct')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/SConstruct b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/SConstruct
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c8b94d31469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/SConstruct
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+# -*- mode: python; -*-
+import re
+import os
+import distutils.sysconfig
+EnsureSConsVersion( 2, 0, 0 )
+if not os.sys.platform == "win32":
+ print ("SConstruct is only supported for Windows, use build_posix for other platforms")
+ Exit(1)
+AddOption("--with-berkeley-db", dest="bdb", type="string", nargs=1, action="store",
+ help="Berkeley DB install path, ie, /usr/local")
+AddOption("--enable-zlib", dest="zlib", type="string", nargs=1, action="store",
+ help="Use zlib compression")
+AddOption("--enable-snappy", dest="snappy", type="string", nargs=1, action="store",
+ help="Use snappy compression")
+AddOption("--enable-swig", dest="swig", type="string", nargs=1, action="store",
+ help="Build python extension, specify location of swig.exe binary")
+AddOption("--dynamic-crt", dest="dynamic-crt", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Link with the MSVCRT DLL version")
+env = Environment(
+ CPPPATH = ["#/src/include/",
+ "#/build_win",
+ "#/test/windows",
+ "#/.",
+ distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()
+ ],
+ CFLAGS = [
+ "/Z7", # Generate debugging symbols
+ "/wd4090", # Ignore warning about mismatched const qualifiers
+ "/wd4996",
+ "/W3", # Warning level 3
+ "/we4013", # Error on undefined functions
+ "/TC", # Compile as C code
+ #"/Od", # Disable optimization
+ "/Ob1", # inline expansion
+ "/O2", # optimize for speed
+ "/GF", # enable string pooling
+ "/EHsc", # extern "C" does not throw
+ #"/RTC1", # enable stack checks
+ "/GS", # enable secrutiy checks
+ "/Gy", # separate functions for linker
+ "/Zc:wchar_t",
+ "/Gd",
+ "/MD" if GetOption("dynamic-crt") else "/MT",
+ ],
+ "/DEBUG", # Generate debug symbols
+ "/INCREMENTAL:NO", # Disable incremental linking
+ "/OPT:REF", # Remove dead code
+ ],
+ LIBPATH=[ distutils.sysconfig.PREFIX + r"\libs"],
+ tools=["default", "swig"],
+ SWIGFLAGS=['-python',
+ "-threads",
+ "-O",
+ "-nodefaultctor",
+ "-nodefaultdtor"
+ ],
+ SWIG=GetOption("swig")
+useZlib = GetOption("zlib")
+useSnappy = GetOption("snappy")
+useBdb = GetOption("bdb")
+wtlibs = []
+conf = Configure(env)
+if not conf.CheckCHeader('stdlib.h'):
+ print 'stdlib.h must be installed!'
+ Exit(1)
+if useZlib:
+ conf.env.Append(CPPPATH=[useZlib + "/include"])
+ conf.env.Append(LIBPATH=[useZlib + "/lib"])
+ if conf.CheckCHeader('zlib.h'):
+ wtlibs.append("zlib")
+ else:
+ print 'zlib.h must be installed!'
+ Exit(1)
+if useSnappy:
+ conf.env.Append(CPPPATH=[useSnappy + "/include"])
+ conf.env.Append(LIBPATH=[useSnappy + "/lib"])
+ if conf.CheckCHeader('snappy-c.h'):
+ wtlibs.append("snappy")
+ else:
+ print 'snappy-c.h must be installed!'
+ Exit(1)
+if useBdb:
+ conf.env.Append(CPPPATH=[useBdb+ "/include"])
+ conf.env.Append(LIBPATH=[useBdb+ "/lib"])
+ if not conf.CheckCHeader('db.h'):
+ print 'db.h must be installed!'
+ Exit(1)
+env = conf.Finish()
+def GenerateWiredTigerH(target, source, env):
+ # Read the version information from the RELEASE_INFO file
+ for l in open('build_posix/aclocal/version-set.m4'):
+ if re.match(r'^VERSION_', l):
+ exec(l)
+ replacements = {
+ '@uintmax_t_decl@': "",
+ '@uintptr_t_decl@': "",
+ '@off_t_decl@' : 'typedef int64_t wt_off_t;',
+ '@wiredtiger_includes_decl@':
+ """#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>"""
+ }
+ wt = open("src/include/")
+ out = open("wiredtiger.h", "w")
+ for l in wt:
+ lr = l
+ for r in replacements.items():
+ lr = lr.replace(r[0], str(r[1]))
+ out.write(lr)
+ wt.close()
+ out.close()
+# WiredTiger library
+filelist = open(r"dist\")
+wtsources = [line.strip()
+ for line in filelist
+ if not line.startswith("#") and len(line) > 1]
+if useZlib:
+ wtsources.append("ext/compressors/zlib/zlib_compress.c")
+if useSnappy:
+ wtsources.append("ext/compressors/snappy/snappy_compress.c")
+env.Command('wiredtiger.h', 'src/include/', GenerateWiredTigerH)
+wtlib = env.Library("wiredtiger", wtsources)
+env.Program("wt", [
+ "src/utilities/util_backup.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_cpyright.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_compact.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_create.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_drop.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_dump.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_list.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_load.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_load_json.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_loadtext.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_main.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_misc.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_printlog.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_read.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_rename.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_salvage.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_stat.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_upgrade.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_verbose.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_verify.c",
+ "src/utilities/util_write.c"],
+ LIBS=[wtlib] + wtlibs)
+if GetOption("swig"):
+ env.SharedLibrary('_wiredtiger',
+ [ 'lang\python\wiredtiger.i'],
+ LIBS=[wtlib])
+# Shim library of functions to emulate POSIX on Windows
+shim = env.Library("window_shim",
+ ["test/windows/windows_shim.c"])
+ "test/bloom/test_bloom.c",
+ LIBS=[wtlib])
+ #["test/checkpoint/checkpointer.c",
+ #"test/checkpoint/test_checkpoint.c",
+ #"test/checkpoint/workers.c"],
+ #LIBS=[wtlib])
+ "test/huge/huge.c",
+ LIBS=[wtlib])
+ #["test/fops/file.c",
+ #"test/fops/fops.c",
+ #"test/fops/t.c"],
+ #LIBS=[wtlib])
+if useBdb:
+ benv = env.Clone()
+ benv.Append(CPPDEFINES=['BERKELEY_DB_PATH=\\"' + useBdb.replace("\\", "\\\\") + '\\"'])
+ benv.Program("t_format",
+ ["test/format/backup.c",
+ "test/format/bdb.c",
+ "test/format/bulk.c",
+ "test/format/compact.c",
+ "test/format/config.c",
+ "test/format/ops.c",
+ "test/format/salvage.c",
+ "test/format/t.c",
+ "test/format/util.c",
+ "test/format/wts.c"],
+ LIBS=[wtlib, shim, "libdb61"])
+ #["test/thread/file.c",
+ #"test/thread/rw.c",
+ #"test/thread/stats.c",
+ #"test/thread/t.c"],
+ #LIBS=[wtlib])
+ #["test/salvage/salvage.c"],
+ #LIBS=[wtlib])
+env.Program("wtperf", [
+ "bench/wtperf/config.c",
+ "bench/wtperf/misc.c",
+ "bench/wtperf/track.c",
+ "bench/wtperf/wtperf.c",
+ ],
+ LIBS=[wtlib, shim] )
+examples = [
+ "ex_access",
+ "ex_all",
+ "ex_async",
+ "ex_call_center",
+ "ex_config",
+ "ex_config_parse",
+ "ex_cursor",
+ "ex_data_source",
+ "ex_extending",
+ "ex_file",
+ "ex_hello",
+ "ex_log",
+ "ex_pack",
+ "ex_process",
+ "ex_schema",
+ "ex_scope",
+ "ex_stat",
+ "ex_thread",
+ ]
+for ex in examples:
+ if(ex in ['ex_async', 'ex_thread']):
+ env.Program(ex, "examples/c/" + ex + ".c", LIBS=[wtlib, shim])
+ else:
+ env.Program(ex, "examples/c/" + ex + ".c", LIBS=[wtlib])