path: root/src/third_party/wiredtiger/src/docs/arch-transaction.dox
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diff --git a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/src/docs/arch-transaction.dox b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/src/docs/arch-transaction.dox
index bc3c4e59722..d15a3cbb8d5 100644
--- a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/src/docs/arch-transaction.dox
+++ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/src/docs/arch-transaction.dox
@@ -5,4 +5,198 @@ A caller of WiredTiger uses @ref transactions within the API to start and stop t
a session (thread of control).
Internally, the current transaction state is represented by the WT_TXN structure.
+Except schema operations, WiredTiger performs all the read and write operations within a
+transaction. If the user doesn't explicitly begin a transaction, WiredTiger will automatically
+create a transaction for the user's operation.
+@section Lifecycle
+A WiredTiger session creates and manages the transactions' lifecycle. One transaction can be
+run at a time per session, and that transaction must complete before another transaction can be
+started. Since every session is singly-threaded, all the operations in the transaction are executed
+on the same thread.
+:Transaction Lifecycle;
+ :perform a read operation
+ (Create an auto transaction);
+split again
+ :perform a write operation
+ (Create an auto transaction with a transaction id);
+split again
+ :declare the beginning of a transaction;
+ :perform read operations;
+ :perform a write operation
+ (Assign a transaction id);
+ :perform read write operations;
+split again
+ :declare the beginning of a transaction;
+ :perform read operations;
+ :perform a write operation
+ (Assign a transaction id);
+ :perform read write operations;
+ :prepare the transaction;
+end split
+ :rollback;
+split again
+ :commit;
+end split
+A transaction starts in two scenarios, when the user calls begin via
+WT_SESSION::begin_transaction or internally when the user performs either a read or write
+operation. Internally they are only started if they are not already within the context of a running
+transaction. If declared explicitly the transaction will be active until it is committed or rolled
+back. If it is created internally, it will cease to be active after the user operation either
+successfully completes or fails.
+If the transaction is committed successfully, any write operation it performs is accepted by the
+database and will be durable to some extent based on the durability setting. Otherwise, all the
+write operations it has done will be reverted and will not be available any more.
+@section ACID Properties
+Like other databases, transactions in WiredTiger enforce the ACID properties (atomicity,
+consistency, isolation, and durability).
+@subsection Atomicity
+All write operations initially happen in memory in WiredTiger and will not be written to disk until
+the entire transaction is committed. Therefore, the size of the transaction must fit in memory.
+To rollback the transaction, WiredTiger only needs to mark all the write operations of that
+transaction as aborted in memory. To ensure no partial transaction is persisted to disk, the
+eviction threads and the checkpoint threads will do proper visibility checks to make sure each
+persisted operations are actually visible in regards to their snapshot.
+There is one case that atomicity of transactions is not honored using timestamps in WiredTiger. If
+the operations in the same transaction are conducted at different timestamps and the checkpoint
+happens in between the timestamps, only the operations happen before or at the checkpoint timestamp
+will be persisted in the checkpoint and the operations happen after the checkpoint timestamp in the
+transaction will be discarded.
+There is another case that atomicity may be violated if a transaction operates both on tables with
+logging enabled and disabled after restart. The operations on the tables with logging enabled will
+survive the restart, while the operations on the non-logged tables may be lost if it is not
+included in the latest checkpoint.
+@subsection Isolation
+Isolation is one of the important features of a database, which is used to determine whether one
+transaction can read updates done by the other concurrent transactions. WiredTiger supports three
+isolation levels, read uncommitted, read committed, and snapshot. However, only snapshot is
+supported for write operations. By default, WiredTiger runs in snapshot isolation.
+1. Under snapshot isolation, a transaction is able to see updates done by other transactions
+that are committed before it starts.
+2. Under read committed isolation, a transaction is able to see updates done by other
+transactions that have been committed when the reading happens.
+3. Under read uncommitted isolation, a transaction is able to see updates done by all the
+existing transactions, including the concurrent ones.
+Each transaction in WiredTiger is given a globally unique transaction id before doing the first
+write operation and this id is written to each operation done by the same transaction. If the
+transaction is running under snapshot isolation or read committed isolation, it will obtain a
+transaction snapshot which includes a list of uncommitted concurrent transactions' ids at the
+appropriate time to check the visibility of updates. For snapshot transaction, it is at the
+beginning of the transaction and it will use the same snapshot across its whole life cycle. For
+read committed transaction, it will obtain a new snapshot every time it does a search before
+reading. Due to the overhead of obtaining snapshot, it uses the same snapshot for all the reads
+before calling another search. Read uncommitted transactions don't have a snapshot.
+If the transaction has a snapshot, each read will check whether the update's transaction id is in
+its snapshot. The updates with transaction ids in the snapshot or larger than the largest
+transaction id in the snapshot are not visible to the reading transaction.
+When operating in read committed or read uncommitted isolation levels, it is possible to read
+different values of the same key, seeing records not seen before, or finding records disappear in
+the same transaction. This is called a phantom read. Under snapshot isolation, WiredTiger guarantees
+repeated reads returning the same result except in one scenario using timestamps.
+@subsection Timestamps
+WiredTiger provides a mechanism to control when operations should be visible, called timestamps.
+Timestamps are user specified sequence numbers that are associated with each operation. In
+addition, users can assign an immutable read timestamp to a transaction at the beginning. A
+transaction can only see updates with timestamps smaller or equal to its read timestamp. Note that
+read timestamp 0 means no read timestamp and the transaction can see the updates regardless of
+timestamps. Also note that timestamps don't have to be derived from physical times. Users can use
+any 64 bit unsigned integer as logical timestamps. For a single operation, the timestamps
+associated with the operations in the same transaction don't have to be the same as long as they
+are monotonically increasing.
+Apart from the operation level timestamps, the users are also responsible for managing the global
+level timestamps, i.e, the oldest timestamp, and the stable timestamp. The oldest timestamp is the
+timestamp that should be visible by all concurrent transactions. The stable timestamp is the
+minimum timestamp that a new operation can commit at.
+Only transactions running in snapshot isolation can run with timestamps.
+@subsection Visibility
+The visibility of the transactions in WiredTiger considers both the operations' transaction ids and
+timestamps. The operation is visible only when both its transaction id and its timestamp are
+visible to the reading transaction.
+To read a key, WiredTiger first traverses all the updates of that key still in memory until a
+visible update is found. The in-memory updates in WiredTiger are organized as a singly linked list
+with the newest update at the head, called the update chain. If no value is visible on the update
+chain, it checks the version on the disk image, which is the version that was chosen to be written
+to disk in the last reconciliation. If it is still invisible, WiredTiger will search the history
+store to check if there is a version visible to the reader there.
+The repeated read guarantee under snapshot isolation may break in one case if the timestamps
+committed to the updates are out of order, e.g,
+`U@20 -> U@30 -> U@15`
+In the above example, reading with timestamp 15 doesn't guarantee to return the third update. In
+some cases, users may read the second update U@30 if it is moved to the history store.
+@subsection Durability
+WiredTiger transactions support commit level durability and checkpoint level durability. An
+operation is commit level durable if logging is enabled on the table (@ref arch-logging). After it
+has been successfully committed, the operation is guaranteed to survive restart. An operation will
+only survive across restart under checkpoint durability if it is included in the last successful
+@section Prepared Transactions
+WiredTiger introduces prepared transactions to meet the needs of implementing distributed
+transactions through two-phase commit. Prepared transactions only work under snapshot isolation.
+Instead of just having the beginning, operating, and rollback or commit phase, it has a prepared
+phase before the rollback or commit phase. After prepare is called, WiredTiger releases the
+transaction's snapshot and prohibits any more read or write operations on the transaction.
+By introducing the prepared stage, a two-phase distributed transaction algorithm can rely on the
+prepared state to reach consensus among all the nodes for committing.
+Along with the prepared phase, WiredTiger introduces the prepared timestamp and durable timestamp.
+They are to prevent the slow prepared transactions blocking the movement of the global stable
+timestamp, which may cause excessive amounts of data to be pinned in memory. The stable timestamp
+is allowed to move beyond the prepared timestamp and at the commit time, the prepared transaction
+can then be committed after the current stable timestamp with a larger durable timestamp. The
+durable timestamp also marks the time the update is to be stable. If the stable timestamp is moved
+to or beyond the durable timestamp of an update, it will not be removed by rollback to stable from
+a checkpoint. See @ref arch-rts for more details.
+The visibility of the prepared transaction is also special when in the prepared state. Since in the
+prepared state, the transaction has released its snapshot, it should be visible to the transactions
+starting after that based on the normal visibility rule. However, the prepared transaction has not
+been committed and cannot be visible yet. In this situation, WiredTiger will return a
+WT_PREPARE_CONFLICT to indicate to the caller to retry later, or if configured WiredTiger will
+ignore the prepared update and read older updates.