path: root/src/third_party/wiredtiger/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/PKG-INFO
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/wiredtiger/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/PKG-INFO')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/PKG-INFO b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/PKG-INFO
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+Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Name: testtools
+Version: 0.9.34
+Summary: Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
+Author: Jonathan M. Lange
+License: UNKNOWN
+Description: ======================================
+ testtools: tasteful testing for Python
+ ======================================
+ testtools is a set of extensions to the Python standard library's unit testing
+ framework. These extensions have been derived from many years of experience
+ with unit testing in Python and come from many different sources. testtools
+ supports Python versions all the way back to Python 2.6.
+ What better way to start than with a contrived code snippet?::
+ from testtools import TestCase
+ from testtools.content import Content
+ from testtools.content_type import UTF8_TEXT
+ from testtools.matchers import Equals
+ from myproject import SillySquareServer
+ class TestSillySquareServer(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestSillySquare, self).setUp()
+ self.server = self.useFixture(SillySquareServer())
+ self.addCleanup(self.attach_log_file)
+ def attach_log_file(self):
+ self.addDetail(
+ 'log-file',
+ Content(UTF8_TEXT
+ lambda: open(self.server.logfile, 'r').readlines()))
+ def test_server_is_cool(self):
+ self.assertThat(self.server.temperature, Equals("cool"))
+ def test_square(self):
+ self.assertThat(self.server.silly_square_of(7), Equals(49))
+ Why use testtools?
+ ==================
+ Better assertion methods
+ ------------------------
+ The standard assertion methods that come with unittest aren't as helpful as
+ they could be, and there aren't quite enough of them. testtools adds
+ ``assertIn``, ``assertIs``, ``assertIsInstance`` and their negatives.
+ Matchers: better than assertion methods
+ ---------------------------------------
+ Of course, in any serious project you want to be able to have assertions that
+ are specific to that project and the particular problem that it is addressing.
+ Rather than forcing you to define your own assertion methods and maintain your
+ own inheritance hierarchy of ``TestCase`` classes, testtools lets you write
+ your own "matchers", custom predicates that can be plugged into a unit test::
+ def test_response_has_bold(self):
+ # The response has bold text.
+ response = self.server.getResponse()
+ self.assertThat(response, HTMLContains(Tag('bold', 'b')))
+ More debugging info, when you need it
+ --------------------------------------
+ testtools makes it easy to add arbitrary data to your test result. If you
+ want to know what's in a log file when a test fails, or what the load was on
+ the computer when a test started, or what files were open, you can add that
+ information with ``TestCase.addDetail``, and it will appear in the test
+ results if that test fails.
+ Extend unittest, but stay compatible and re-usable
+ --------------------------------------------------
+ testtools goes to great lengths to allow serious test authors and test
+ *framework* authors to do whatever they like with their tests and their
+ extensions while staying compatible with the standard library's unittest.
+ testtools has completely parametrized how exceptions raised in tests are
+ mapped to ``TestResult`` methods and how tests are actually executed (ever
+ wanted ``tearDown`` to be called regardless of whether ``setUp`` succeeds?)
+ It also provides many simple but handy utilities, like the ability to clone a
+ test, a ``MultiTestResult`` object that lets many result objects get the
+ results from one test suite, adapters to bring legacy ``TestResult`` objects
+ into our new golden age.
+ Cross-Python compatibility
+ --------------------------
+ testtools gives you the very latest in unit testing technology in a way that
+ will work with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.1 and 3.2.
+ If you wish to use testtools with Python 2.4 or 2.5, then please use testtools
+ 0.9.15. Up to then we supported Python 2.4 and 2.5, but we found the
+ constraints involved in not using the newer language features onerous as we
+ added more support for versions post Python 3.
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3