path: root/src/third_party/wiredtiger/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/testtools/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/wiredtiger/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/testtools/')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/testtools/ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/testtools/
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index 00000000000..baf455a5f94
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+++ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/test/3rdparty/testtools-0.9.34/testtools/
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+# Copyright (c) 2010 testtools developers. See LICENSE for details.
+"""Evil reactor-spinning logic for running Twisted tests.
+This code is highly experimental, liable to change and not to be trusted. If
+you couldn't write this yourself, you should not be using it.
+__all__ = [
+ 'DeferredNotFired',
+ 'extract_result',
+ 'NoResultError',
+ 'not_reentrant',
+ 'ReentryError',
+ 'Spinner',
+ 'StaleJunkError',
+ 'TimeoutError',
+ 'trap_unhandled_errors',
+ ]
+import signal
+from testtools.monkey import MonkeyPatcher
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.internet.base import DelayedCall
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorThreads
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.python.util import mergeFunctionMetadata
+class ReentryError(Exception):
+ """Raised when we try to re-enter a function that forbids it."""
+ def __init__(self, function):
+ Exception.__init__(self,
+ "%r in not re-entrant but was called within a call to itself."
+ % (function,))
+def not_reentrant(function, _calls={}):
+ """Decorates a function as not being re-entrant.
+ The decorated function will raise an error if called from within itself.
+ """
+ def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
+ if _calls.get(function, False):
+ raise ReentryError(function)
+ _calls[function] = True
+ try:
+ return function(*args, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ _calls[function] = False
+ return mergeFunctionMetadata(function, decorated)
+class DeferredNotFired(Exception):
+ """Raised when we extract a result from a Deferred that's not fired yet."""
+def extract_result(deferred):
+ """Extract the result from a fired deferred.
+ It can happen that you have an API that returns Deferreds for
+ compatibility with Twisted code, but is in fact synchronous, i.e. the
+ Deferreds it returns have always fired by the time it returns. In this
+ case, you can use this function to convert the result back into the usual
+ form for a synchronous API, i.e. the result itself or a raised exception.
+ It would be very bad form to use this as some way of checking if a
+ Deferred has fired.
+ """
+ failures = []
+ successes = []
+ deferred.addCallbacks(successes.append, failures.append)
+ if len(failures) == 1:
+ failures[0].raiseException()
+ elif len(successes) == 1:
+ return successes[0]
+ else:
+ raise DeferredNotFired("%r has not fired yet." % (deferred,))
+def trap_unhandled_errors(function, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Run a function, trapping any unhandled errors in Deferreds.
+ Assumes that 'function' will have handled any errors in Deferreds by the
+ time it is complete. This is almost never true of any Twisted code, since
+ you can never tell when someone has added an errback to a Deferred.
+ If 'function' raises, then don't bother doing any unhandled error
+ jiggery-pokery, since something horrible has probably happened anyway.
+ :return: A tuple of '(result, error)', where 'result' is the value
+ returned by 'function' and 'error' is a list of 'defer.DebugInfo'
+ objects that have unhandled errors in Deferreds.
+ """
+ real_DebugInfo = defer.DebugInfo
+ debug_infos = []
+ def DebugInfo():
+ info = real_DebugInfo()
+ debug_infos.append(info)
+ return info
+ defer.DebugInfo = DebugInfo
+ try:
+ result = function(*args, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ defer.DebugInfo = real_DebugInfo
+ errors = []
+ for info in debug_infos:
+ if info.failResult is not None:
+ errors.append(info)
+ # Disable the destructor that logs to error. We are already
+ # catching the error here.
+ info.__del__ = lambda: None
+ return result, errors
+class TimeoutError(Exception):
+ """Raised when run_in_reactor takes too long to run a function."""
+ def __init__(self, function, timeout):
+ Exception.__init__(self,
+ "%r took longer than %s seconds" % (function, timeout))
+class NoResultError(Exception):
+ """Raised when the reactor has stopped but we don't have any result."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ Exception.__init__(self,
+ "Tried to get test's result from Deferred when no result is "
+ "available. Probably means we received SIGINT or similar.")
+class StaleJunkError(Exception):
+ """Raised when there's junk in the spinner from a previous run."""
+ def __init__(self, junk):
+ Exception.__init__(self,
+ "There was junk in the spinner from a previous run. "
+ "Use clear_junk() to clear it out: %r" % (junk,))
+class Spinner(object):
+ """Spin the reactor until a function is done.
+ This class emulates the behaviour of twisted.trial in that it grotesquely
+ and horribly spins the Twisted reactor while a function is running, and
+ then kills the reactor when that function is complete and all the
+ callbacks in its chains are done.
+ """
+ _UNSET = object()
+ # Signals that we save and restore for each spin.
+ ]
+ # There are many APIs within Twisted itself where a Deferred fires but
+ # leaves cleanup work scheduled for the reactor to do. Arguably, many of
+ # these are bugs. As such, we provide a facility to iterate the reactor
+ # event loop a number of times after every call, in order to shake out
+ # these buggy-but-commonplace events. The default is 0, because that is
+ # the ideal, and it actually works for many cases.
+ def __init__(self, reactor, debug=False):
+ """Construct a Spinner.
+ :param reactor: A Twisted reactor.
+ :param debug: Whether or not to enable Twisted's debugging. Defaults
+ to False.
+ """
+ self._reactor = reactor
+ self._timeout_call = None
+ self._success = self._UNSET
+ self._failure = self._UNSET
+ self._saved_signals = []
+ self._junk = []
+ self._debug = debug
+ def _cancel_timeout(self):
+ if self._timeout_call:
+ self._timeout_call.cancel()
+ def _get_result(self):
+ if self._failure is not self._UNSET:
+ self._failure.raiseException()
+ if self._success is not self._UNSET:
+ return self._success
+ raise NoResultError()
+ def _got_failure(self, result):
+ self._cancel_timeout()
+ self._failure = result
+ def _got_success(self, result):
+ self._cancel_timeout()
+ self._success = result
+ def _stop_reactor(self, ignored=None):
+ """Stop the reactor!"""
+ self._reactor.crash()
+ def _timed_out(self, function, timeout):
+ e = TimeoutError(function, timeout)
+ self._failure = Failure(e)
+ self._stop_reactor()
+ def _clean(self):
+ """Clean up any junk in the reactor.
+ Will always iterate the reactor a number of times equal to
+ ``Spinner._OBLIGATORY_REACTOR_ITERATIONS``. This is to work around
+ bugs in various Twisted APIs where a Deferred fires but still leaves
+ work (e.g. cancelling a call, actually closing a connection) for the
+ reactor to do.
+ """
+ for i in range(self._OBLIGATORY_REACTOR_ITERATIONS):
+ self._reactor.iterate(0)
+ junk = []
+ for delayed_call in self._reactor.getDelayedCalls():
+ delayed_call.cancel()
+ junk.append(delayed_call)
+ for selectable in self._reactor.removeAll():
+ # Twisted sends a 'KILL' signal to selectables that provide
+ # IProcessTransport. Since only _dumbwin32proc processes do this,
+ # we aren't going to bother.
+ junk.append(selectable)
+ if IReactorThreads.providedBy(self._reactor):
+ if self._reactor.threadpool is not None:
+ self._reactor._stopThreadPool()
+ self._junk.extend(junk)
+ return junk
+ def clear_junk(self):
+ """Clear out our recorded junk.
+ :return: Whatever junk was there before.
+ """
+ junk = self._junk
+ self._junk = []
+ return junk
+ def get_junk(self):
+ """Return any junk that has been found on the reactor."""
+ return self._junk
+ def _save_signals(self):
+ available_signals = [
+ getattr(signal, name, None) for name in self._PRESERVED_SIGNALS]
+ self._saved_signals = [
+ (sig, signal.getsignal(sig)) for sig in available_signals if sig]
+ def _restore_signals(self):
+ for sig, hdlr in self._saved_signals:
+ signal.signal(sig, hdlr)
+ self._saved_signals = []
+ @not_reentrant
+ def run(self, timeout, function, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Run 'function' in a reactor.
+ If 'function' returns a Deferred, the reactor will keep spinning until
+ the Deferred fires and its chain completes or until the timeout is
+ reached -- whichever comes first.
+ :raise TimeoutError: If 'timeout' is reached before the Deferred
+ returned by 'function' has completed its callback chain.
+ :raise NoResultError: If the reactor is somehow interrupted before
+ the Deferred returned by 'function' has completed its callback
+ chain.
+ :raise StaleJunkError: If there's junk in the spinner from a previous
+ run.
+ :return: Whatever is at the end of the function's callback chain. If
+ it's an error, then raise that.
+ """
+ debug = MonkeyPatcher()
+ if self._debug:
+ debug.add_patch(defer.Deferred, 'debug', True)
+ debug.add_patch(DelayedCall, 'debug', True)
+ debug.patch()
+ try:
+ junk = self.get_junk()
+ if junk:
+ raise StaleJunkError(junk)
+ self._save_signals()
+ self._timeout_call = self._reactor.callLater(
+ timeout, self._timed_out, function, timeout)
+ # Calling 'stop' on the reactor will make it impossible to
+ # re-start the reactor. Since the default signal handlers for
+ # TERM, BREAK and INT all call reactor.stop(), we'll patch it over
+ # with crash. XXX: It might be a better idea to either install
+ # custom signal handlers or to override the methods that are
+ # Twisted's signal handlers.
+ stop, self._reactor.stop = self._reactor.stop, self._reactor.crash
+ def run_function():
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(function, *args, **kwargs)
+ d.addCallbacks(self._got_success, self._got_failure)
+ d.addBoth(self._stop_reactor)
+ try:
+ self._reactor.callWhenRunning(run_function)
+ finally:
+ self._reactor.stop = stop
+ self._restore_signals()
+ try:
+ return self._get_result()
+ finally:
+ self._clean()
+ finally:
+ debug.restore()