path: root/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools')
-rw-r--r--src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/arrow-left.pngbin0 -> 103602 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/arrow-right.pngbin0 -> 108216 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xsrc/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/ (renamed from src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/
4 files changed, 1063 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/arrow-left.png b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/arrow-left.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..315983e3118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/arrow-left.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/arrow-right.png b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/arrow-right.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e874d0f55fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/arrow-right.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..5bb557ce21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/
@@ -0,0 +1,1063 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import argparse
+from bokeh.layouts import column
+from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, CustomJS, HoverTool, FixedTicker
+from bokeh.models import Legend, LegendItem
+from bokeh.models import NumeralTickFormatter, OpenURL, Range1d, TapTool
+from bokeh.models.annotations import Label
+from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, reset_output, save, show
+from bokeh.resources import CDN
+import matplotlib
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+import sys
+import traceback
+# Names of the image files we use
+arrowLeftImg = "arrow-left.png";
+arrowRightImg = "arrow-right.png";
+# A directory where we store cross-file plots for each bucket of the outlier
+# histogram.
+bucketDir = "BUCKET-FILES";
+# A static list of available CSS colors
+colorList = [];
+# Codes for various colors for printing of informational and error messages.
+class color:
+ PURPLE = '\033[95m'
+ CYAN = '\033[96m'
+ DARKCYAN = '\033[36m'
+ BLUE = '\033[94m'
+ GREEN = '\033[92m'
+ YELLOW = '\033[93m'
+ RED = '\033[91m'
+ BOLD = '\033[1m'
+ UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
+ END = '\033[0m'
+# A function name mapped to its corresponding color.
+funcToColor = {};
+lastColorUsed = 0;
+# The smallest and the largest timestamps seen across all files.
+firstTimeStamp = sys.maxsize;
+lastTimeStamp = 0;
+# A dictionary that holds function-specific threshold values telling
+# us when the function is to be considered an outlier. These values
+# would be read from a config file, if supplied by the user.
+outlierThresholdDict = {};
+outlierPrettyNames = {};
+# A dictionary that holds a reference to the raw dataframe for each file.
+perFileDataFrame = {};
+# A dictionary that holds the intervals data per function.
+perFuncDF = {};
+# Data frames and largest stack depth for each file.
+perFileDataFrame = {};
+perFileLargestStackDepth = {};
+plotWidth = 1200;
+pixelsForTitle = 30;
+pixelsPerHeightUnit = 30;
+pixelsPerWidthUnit = 5;
+# The coefficient by which we multiply the standard deviation when
+# setting the outlier threshold, in case it is not specified by the user.
+def initColorList():
+ global colorList;
+ colorList = matplotlib.colors.cnames.keys();
+ for color in colorList:
+ # Some browsers break if you try to give them 'sage'
+ if (color == "sage"):
+ colorList.remove(color);
+# Each unique function name gets a unique color.
+# If we run out of colors, we repeat them from the
+# beginning of the list.
+def getColorForFunction(function):
+ global colorList;
+ global lastColorUsed;
+ global funcToColor;
+ if not funcToColor.has_key(function):
+ funcToColor[function] = colorList[lastColorUsed % len(colorList)];
+ lastColorUsed += 1;
+ return funcToColor[function];
+# An intervalEnd is a tuple of three items.
+# item #0 is the timestamp,
+# item #1 is the event type,
+# item #2 is the function name.
+def getIntervalData(intervalBeginningsStack, intervalEnd, logfile):
+ errorOccurred = False;
+ matchFound = False;
+ if (intervalEnd[1] != 1):
+ logfile.write(
+ "getIntervaldata: only rows with event type 1 can be used.\n");
+ logfile.write(str(intervalEnd) + "\n");
+ return None;
+ if (len(intervalBeginningsStack) < 1):
+ logfile.write("Nothing on the intervalBeginningsStack. " +
+ "I cannot find the beginning for this interval.\n");
+ logfile.write(str(intervalEnd) + "\n");
+ return None;
+ while (not matchFound):
+ intervalBegin = intervalBeginningsStack.pop();
+ if (intervalBegin is None):
+ logfile.write("Could not find the matching operation begin record" +
+ " for the following operation end record: \n");
+ logfile.write(str(intervalEnd) + "\n");
+ return None;
+ if (intervalBegin[2] != intervalEnd[2]):
+ logfile.write("Operation end record does not match the available " +
+ "operation begin record. " +
+ "Your log file may be incomplete.\n" +
+ "Skipping the begin record.\n");
+ logfile.write("Begin: " + str(intervalBegin) + "\n");
+ logfile.write("End: " + str(intervalEnd) + "\n");
+ errorOccurred = True;
+ else:
+ matchFound = True;
+ # This value determines how deep we are in the callstack
+ # stackDepth = len(intervalBeginningsStack);
+ return intervalBegin[0], intervalEnd[0], intervalEnd[2], errorOccurred;
+def plotOutlierHistogram(dataframe, maxOutliers, func, durationThreshold,
+ averageDuration, maxDuration):
+ global pixelsForTitle;
+ global pixelsPerHeightUnit;
+ global plotWidth;
+ cds = ColumnDataSource(dataframe);
+ figureTitle = "Occurrences of " + func + " that took longer than " \
+ + durationThreshold + ".";
+ hover = HoverTool(tooltips = [
+ ("interval start", "@lowerbound{0,0}"),
+ ("interval end", "@upperbound{0,0}")]);
+ TOOLS = [hover, "tap, reset"];
+ p = figure(title = figureTitle, plot_width = plotWidth,
+ plot_height = min(500, (max(5, (maxOutliers + 1)) \
+ * pixelsPerHeightUnit + \
+ pixelsForTitle)),
+ x_axis_label = "Execution timeline (CPU cycles)",
+ y_axis_label = "Number of outliers", tools = TOOLS);
+ y_ticker_max = p.plot_height / pixelsPerHeightUnit;
+ y_ticker_step = max(1, (maxOutliers + 1)/y_ticker_max);
+ y_upper_bound = (maxOutliers / y_ticker_step + 1) * y_ticker_step;
+ p.yaxis.ticker = FixedTicker(ticks =
+ range(0, y_upper_bound, y_ticker_step));
+ p.ygrid.ticker = FixedTicker(ticks =
+ range(0, y_upper_bound, y_ticker_step));
+ p.xaxis.formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0,");
+ p.y_range = Range1d(0, y_upper_bound);
+ p.quad(left = 'lowerbound', right = 'upperbound', bottom = 'bottom',
+ top = 'height', color = funcToColor[func], source = cds,
+ nonselection_fill_color=funcToColor[func],
+ nonselection_fill_alpha = 1.0,
+ line_color = "lightgrey",
+ selection_fill_color = funcToColor[func],
+ selection_line_color="grey"
+ );
+ # Add an annotation to the chart
+ #
+ y_max = dataframe['height'].max();
+ text = "Average duration: " + '{0:,.0f}'.format(averageDuration) + \
+ ". Maximum duration: " + '{0:,.0f}'.format(maxDuration) + ".";
+ mytext = Label(x=0, y=y_upper_bound-y_ticker_step, text=text,
+ text_color = "grey", text_font = "helvetica",
+ text_font_size = "10pt",
+ text_font_style = "italic");
+ p.add_layout(mytext);
+ url = "@bucketfiles";
+ taptool =;
+ taptool.callback = OpenURL(url=url);
+ return p;
+# From all timestamps subtract the smallest observed timestamp, so that
+# our execution timeline begins at zero.
+# Cleanup the data to remove incomplete records and fix their effects.
+def normalizeIntervalData():
+ global firstTimeStamp;
+ global perFileDataFrame;
+ print(color.BLUE + color.BOLD + "Normalizing data..." + color.END);
+ for file, df in perFileDataFrame.iteritems():
+ df['origstart'] = df['start'];
+ df['start'] = df['start'] - firstTimeStamp;
+ df['end'] = df['end'] - firstTimeStamp;
+def reportDataError(logfile, logfilename):
+ if (logfile is not sys.stdout):
+ print(color.BOLD + color.RED + "Your data may have errors. " +
+ "Check the file " + logfilename + " for details." + color.END);
+ return True;
+# Go over all operation records in the dataframe and assign stack depths.
+def assignStackDepths(dataframe):
+ stack = [];
+ df = dataframe.sort_values(by=['start']);
+ df = df.reset_index(drop = True);
+ for i in range(len(df.index)):
+ myStartTime =[i, 'start'];
+ # Pop all items off stack whose end time is earlier than my
+ # start time. They are not part of my stack, so I don't want to
+ # count them.
+ #
+ while (len(stack) > 0 and stack[-1] < myStartTime):
+ stack.pop();
+[i, 'stackdepth'] = len(stack);
+ stack.append([i, 'end']);
+ return df;
+def createCallstackSeries(data, logfilename):
+ global firstTimeStamp;
+ global lastTimeStamp;
+ colors = [];
+ beginIntervals = [];
+ dataFrame = None;
+ endIntervals = [];
+ errorReported = False;
+ functionNames = [];
+ intervalBeginningsStack = [];
+ largestStackDepth = 0;
+ logfile = None;
+ thisIsFirstRow = True;
+ # Let's open the log file.
+ try:
+ logfile = open(logfilename, "w");
+ except:
+ logfile = sys.stdout;
+ for row in data.itertuples():
+ # row[0] is the timestamp, row[1] is the event type,
+ # row[2] is the function name.
+ #
+ if (row[1] == 0):
+ intervalBeginningsStack.append(row);
+ elif (row[1] == 1):
+ try:
+ intervalBegin, intervalEnd, function, error\
+ = getIntervalData(intervalBeginningsStack, row, logfile);
+ if (error and (not errorReported)):
+ errorReported = reportDataError(logfile, logfilename);
+ except:
+ if (not errorReported):
+ errorReported = reportDataError(logfile, logfilename);
+ continue;
+ if (intervalBegin < firstTimeStamp):
+ firstTimeStamp = intervalBegin;
+ if (intervalEnd > lastTimeStamp):
+ lastTimeStamp = intervalEnd;
+ colors.append(getColorForFunction(function));
+ beginIntervals.append(intervalBegin);
+ endIntervals.append(intervalEnd);
+ functionNames.append(function);
+ #stackDepths.append(stackDepth);
+ #stackDepthsNext.append(stackDepth + 1);
+ #print("Begin: " + str(intervalBegin)),
+ #print(" Func: " + function),
+ #print(" Stack depth: " + str(stackDepth));
+ else:
+ print("Invalid event in this line:");
+ print(str(row[0]) + " " + str(row[1]) + " " + str(row[2]));
+ continue;
+ if (len(intervalBeginningsStack) > 0):
+ logfile.write(str(len(intervalBeginningsStack)) + " operations had a " +
+ "begin record, but no matching end records. " +
+ "Please check that your operation tracking macros " +
+ "are properly inserted.\n");
+ if (not errorReported):
+ errorReported = reportDataError(logfile, logfilename);
+ intervalBeginningsStack = [];
+ dict = {};
+ dict['color'] = colors;
+ dict['start'] = beginIntervals;
+ dict['end'] = endIntervals;
+ dict['function'] = functionNames;
+ dict['stackdepth'] = [0] * len(beginIntervals);
+ dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data=dict);
+ dataframe = assignStackDepths(dataframe);
+ dataframe['durations'] = dataframe['end'] - dataframe['start'];
+ dataframe['stackdepthNext'] = dataframe['stackdepth'] + 1;
+ return dataframe;
+def addLegend(p, legendItems, numLegends):
+ legend = Legend(items=legendItems, orientation = "horizontal");
+ p.add_layout(legend, place='above');
+ legendItems[:] = []; # Empty the list.
+ return (numLegends + 1);
+# For each function we only show the legend once. In this dictionary we
+# keep track of colors already used.
+colorAlreadyUsedInLegend = {};
+def generateBucketChartForFile(figureName, dataframe, y_max, x_min, x_max):
+ global colorAlreadyUsedInLegend;
+ global funcToColor;
+ numLegends = 0;
+ legendItems = [];
+ pixelsPerStackLevel = 30;
+ pixelsPerLegend = 60;
+ pixelsForTitle = 30;
+ cds = ColumnDataSource(dataframe);
+ hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[
+ ("function", "@function"),
+ ("duration", "@durations{0,0}"),
+ ("log file begin timestamp", "@origstart{0,0}")
+ ]);
+ TOOLS = [hover];
+ p = figure(title=figureName, plot_width=1200,
+ x_range = (x_min, x_max),
+ y_range = (0, y_max+1),
+ x_axis_label = "Time (CPU cycles)",
+ y_axis_label = "Stack depth",
+ tools = TOOLS
+ );
+ # No minor ticks or labels on the y-axis
+ p.yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None;
+ p.yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None;
+ p.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0pt';
+ p.yaxis.ticker = FixedTicker(ticks = range(0, y_max+1));
+ p.ygrid.ticker = FixedTicker(ticks = range(0, y_max+1));
+ p.xaxis.formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0,")
+ p.quad(left = 'start', right = 'end', bottom = 'stackdepth',
+ top = 'stackdepthNext', color = 'color', line_color = "lightgrey",
+ line_width = 0.5, source=cds);
+ for func, fColor in funcToColor.iteritems():
+ # If this function is not present in this dataframe,
+ # we don't care about it.
+ #
+ boolVec = (dataframe['function'] == func);
+ fDF = dataframe[boolVec];
+ if (fDF.size == 0):
+ continue;
+ # If we already added a color to any legend, we don't
+ # add it again to avoid redundancy in the charts and
+ # in order not to waste space.
+ #
+ if (colorAlreadyUsedInLegend.has_key(fColor)):
+ continue;
+ else:
+ colorAlreadyUsedInLegend[fColor] = True;
+ r = p.quad(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, color=fColor);
+ lItem = LegendItem(label = func,
+ renderers = [r]);
+ legendItems.append(lItem);
+ # Cap the number of items in a legend, so it can
+ # fit horizontally.
+ if (len(legendItems) == MAX_ITEMS_PER_LEGEND):
+ numLegends = addLegend(p, legendItems, numLegends);
+ # Add whatever legend items did not get added
+ if (len(legendItems) > 0):
+ numLegends = addLegend(p, legendItems, numLegends);
+ # Plot height is the function of the maximum call stack and the number of
+ # legends
+ p.plot_height = (numLegends * pixelsPerLegend) \
+ + max((y_max+1) * pixelsPerStackLevel, 100) \
+ + pixelsForTitle;
+ return p;
+def generateEmptyDataset():
+ dict = {};
+ dict['color'] = [0];
+ dict['durations'] = [0];
+ dict['start'] = [0];
+ dict['end'] = [0];
+ dict['function'] = [""];
+ dict['stackdepth'] = [0];
+ dict['stackdepthNext'] = [0];
+ return pd.DataFrame(data=dict);
+# When we have no data for a trace interva we generate an empty file
+# for that interval.
+def createNoDataFile(filename):
+ try:
+ f = open(filename, "w");
+ except:
+ print(color.RED + color.BOLD),
+ exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback);
+ print("Could not open file " + filename + " for writing.");
+ print(color.END);
+ return;
+ f.write("<body>\n");
+ f.write("<p style=\"text-align:center;\">");
+ f.write("No data was generated for this trace interval.</p>\n");
+ f.write("</body>\n");
+ f.close()
+# Here we generate plots that span all the input files. Each plot shows
+# the timelines for all files, stacked vertically. The timeline shows
+# the function callstacks over time from this file.
+# Since a single timeline is too large to fit on a single screen, we generate
+# a separate HTML file with plots for bucket "i". A bucket is a vertical slice
+# across the timelines for all files. We call it a bucket, because it
+# corresponds to a bucket in the outlier histogram.
+def generateCrossFilePlotsForBucket(i, lowerBound, upperBound):
+ global bucketDir;
+ global colorAlreadyUsedInLegend;
+ figuresForAllFiles = [];
+ fileName = bucketDir + "/bucket-" + str(i) + ".html";
+ reset_output();
+ # The following dictionary keeps track of legends. We need
+ # a legend for each new HTML file. So we reset the dictionary
+ # before generating a new file.
+ #
+ colorAlreadyUsedInLegend = {};
+ intervalTitle = "Interval " + "{:,}".format(lowerBound) + \
+ " to " + "{:,}".format(upperBound) + \
+ " CPU cycles";
+ # Select from the dataframe for this file the records whose 'start'
+ # and 'end' timestamps fall within the lower and upper bound.
+ #
+ for fname in sorted(perFileDataFrame.keys()):
+ fileDF = perFileDataFrame[fname];
+ # Select operations whose start timestamp falls within
+ # the current interval, delimited by lowerBound and upperBound.
+ #
+ startInBucket = fileDF.loc[(fileDF['start'] >= lowerBound)
+ & (fileDF['start'] < upperBound)];
+ # Select operations whose end timestamp falls within
+ # the current interval, delimited by lowerBound and upperBound.
+ #
+ endInBucket = fileDF.loc[(fileDF['end'] > lowerBound)
+ & (fileDF['end'] <= upperBound)];
+ # Select operations that begin before this interval and end after
+ # this interval, but continue throughout this interval. The interval
+ # is delimited by lowerBound and upperBound.
+ #
+ spanBucket = fileDF.loc[(fileDF['start'] < lowerBound)
+ & (fileDF['end'] > upperBound)];
+ frames = [startInBucket, endInBucket, spanBucket];
+ bucketDF = pd.concat(frames).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True);
+ if (bucketDF.size == 0):
+ continue;
+ # If the end of the function is outside the interval, let's pretend
+ # that it is within the interval, otherwise we won't see any data about
+ # it when we hover. This won't have the effect of showing wrong
+ # data to the user.
+ #
+ mask = bucketDF.end >= upperBound;
+ bucketDF.loc[mask, 'end'] = upperBound-1;
+ # Same adjustment as above if the start of the operation falls outside
+ # the interval's lower bound.
+ #
+ mask = bucketDF.start < lowerBound;
+ bucketDF.loc[mask, 'start'] = lowerBound;
+ largestStackDepth = bucketDF['stackdepthNext'].max();
+ figureTitle = fname + ": " + intervalTitle;
+ figure = generateBucketChartForFile(figureTitle, bucketDF,
+ largestStackDepth,
+ lowerBound, upperBound);
+ figuresForAllFiles.append(figure);
+ if (len(figuresForAllFiles) > 0):
+ savedFileName = save(column(figuresForAllFiles),
+ filename = fileName, title=intervalTitle,
+ resources=CDN);
+ else:
+ createNoDataFile(fileName);
+ return fileName;
+# Generate plots of time series slices across all files for each bucket
+# in the outlier histogram. Save each cross-file slice to an HTML file.
+def generateTSSlicesForBuckets():
+ global firstTimeStamp;
+ global lastTimeStamp;
+ global plotWidth;
+ global pixelsPerWidthUnit;
+ bucketFilenames = [];
+ numBuckets = plotWidth / pixelsPerWidthUnit;
+ timeUnitsPerBucket = (lastTimeStamp - firstTimeStamp) / numBuckets;
+ for i in range(numBuckets):
+ lowerBound = i * timeUnitsPerBucket;
+ upperBound = (i+1) * timeUnitsPerBucket;
+ fileName = generateCrossFilePlotsForBucket(i, lowerBound,
+ upperBound);
+ percentComplete = float(i) / float(numBuckets) * 100;
+ print(color.BLUE + color.BOLD + " Generating timeline charts... "),
+ sys.stdout.write("%d%% complete \r" % (percentComplete) );
+ sys.stdout.flush();
+ bucketFilenames.append(fileName);
+ print(color.END);
+ return bucketFilenames;
+# Here we are making a line that will be inserted into an HTML file for
+# a given bucket (execution slice). This line will have links to the
+# previous slice and to the next slice, so we can navigate between slices
+# by clicking those links.
+def makeLineWithLinks(previous, next):
+ global arrowLeftImg;
+ global arrowRightImg;
+ previousLink = "";
+ nextLink = "";
+ # Strip the directory component out of the file name.
+ #
+ if previous is not None:
+ words = previous.split("/");
+ previousStripped = words[len(words)-1];
+ previousLink = "<a href=\"" + previousStripped + "\">" + \
+ "<img src=\"" + arrowLeftImg + \
+ "\" height=\"30\" style=\"float:left\"></a><p>&nbsp;";
+ if next is not None:
+ words = next.split("/");
+ nextStripped = words[len(words)-1];
+ nextLink = "<a href=\"" + nextStripped + "\">" + \
+ "<img src=\"" + arrowRightImg + \
+ "\" height=\"30\" style=\"float:right\"></a><p>&nbsp;";
+ line = previousLink + " " + nextLink + "\n";
+ return line;
+# Into the current file insert links to the previous one and to the next one.
+# The rewritten file is saved under a new file name.
+def linkFiles(current, previous, next):
+ curFile = None;
+ newFile = None;
+ newFileName = current + ".new";
+ try:
+ curFile = open(current, "r");
+ except:
+ print(color.RED + color.BOLD),
+ exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback);
+ print("Could not open file " + current + " for reading.");
+ print(color.END);
+ return None;
+ try:
+ newFile = open(newFileName, "w");
+ except:
+ print(color.RED + color.BOLD),
+ exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback);
+ print("Could not open file " + newFileName + " for writing.");
+ print(color.END);
+ return None;
+ curFileLines = curFile.readlines();
+ for i in range(len(curFileLines)):
+ line = curFileLines[i];
+ insertedLine = makeLineWithLinks(previous, next);
+ if "<body>" in line:
+ curFileLines.insert(i+1, insertedLine);
+ elif "</body>" in line:
+ curFileLines.insert(i, insertedLine);
+ for line in curFileLines:
+ newFile.write(line);
+ curFile.close();
+ newFile.close();
+ os.rename(newFileName, current);
+# We have a list of bucket files. Each one is an HTML file showing a slice of
+# the execution. To be able to easily navigate between consecutive execution
+# slices we insert links into each slice-file that take us to the previous
+# slice and to the next slice.
+def interlinkFiles(fnameList):
+ for i in range(len(fnameList)):
+ current = fnameList[i];
+ if i > 0:
+ previous = fnameList[i-1];
+ else:
+ previous = None;
+ if (i < len(fnameList)-1):
+ next = fnameList[i+1];
+ else:
+ next = None;
+ linkFiles(current, previous, next);
+def processFile(fname):
+ global perFileDataFrame;
+ global perFuncDF;
+ rawData = pd.read_csv(fname,
+ header=None, delimiter=" ",
+ index_col=2,
+ names=["Event", "Function", "Timestamp"],
+ dtype={"Event": np.int32, "Timestamp": np.int64},
+ thousands=",");
+ print(color.BOLD + color.BLUE +
+ "Processing file " + str(fname) + color.END);
+ iDF = createCallstackSeries(rawData, "." + fname + ".log");
+ perFileDataFrame[fname] = iDF;
+ for func in funcToColor.keys():
+ funcDF = iDF.loc[lambda iDF: iDF.function == func, :];
+ funcDF = funcDF.drop(columns = ['function']);
+ if (not perFuncDF.has_key(func)):
+ perFuncDF[func] = funcDF;
+ else:
+ perFuncDF[func] = pd.concat([perFuncDF[func], funcDF]);
+# For each function, split the timeline into buckets. In each bucket
+# show how many times this function took an unusually long time to
+# execute.
+# The parameter durationThreshold tells us when a function should be
+# considered as unusually long. If this parameter is "-1" we count
+# all functions whose duration exceeded the average by more than
+# two standard deviations.
+def createOutlierHistogramForFunction(func, funcDF, bucketFilenames):
+ global firstTimeStamp;
+ global lastTimeStamp;
+ global plotWidth;
+ global pixelsPerWidthUnit;
+ global STDEV_MULT;
+ durationThreshold = 0;
+ durationThresholdDescr = "";
+ #
+ # funcDF is a list of functions along with their start and end
+ # interval and durations. We need to create a new dataframe where
+ # we separate the entire timeline into a fixed number of periods
+ # and for each period compute how many outlier durations were
+ # observed. Then we create a histogram from this data.
+ # Subtract the smallest timestamp from all the interval data.
+ funcDF['start'] = funcDF['start'] - firstTimeStamp;
+ funcDF['end'] = funcDF['end'] - firstTimeStamp;
+ funcDF = funcDF.sort_values(by=['start']);
+ averageDuration = funcDF['durations'].mean();
+ maxDuration = funcDF['durations'].max();
+ if (outlierThresholdDict.has_key(func)):
+ durationThreshold = outlierThresholdDict[func];
+ durationThresholdDescr = outlierPrettyNames[func];
+ elif (outlierThresholdDict.has_key("*")):
+ durationThreshold = outlierThresholdDict["*"];
+ durationThresholdDescr = outlierPrettyNames["*"];
+ else:
+ # Signal that we will use standard deviation
+ durationThreshold = -STDEV_MULT;
+ if (durationThreshold < 0): # this is a stdev multiplier
+ mult = -durationThreshold;
+ stdDev = funcDF['durations'].std();
+ durationThreshold = averageDuration + mult * stdDev;
+ durationThresholdDescr = '{0:,.0f}'.format(durationThreshold) \
+ + " measurement units (" + str(mult) + \
+ " standard deviations)";
+ numBuckets = plotWidth / pixelsPerWidthUnit;
+ timeUnitsPerBucket = (lastTimeStamp - firstTimeStamp) / numBuckets;
+ lowerBounds = [];
+ upperBounds = [];
+ bucketHeights = [];
+ maxOutliers = 0;
+ for i in range(numBuckets):
+ lowerBound = i * timeUnitsPerBucket;
+ upperBound = (i+1) * timeUnitsPerBucket;
+ bucketDF = funcDF.loc[(funcDF['start'] >= lowerBound)
+ & (funcDF['start'] < upperBound)
+ & (funcDF['durations'] >= durationThreshold)];
+ numOutliers = bucketDF.size;
+ if (numOutliers > maxOutliers):
+ maxOutliers = numOutliers;
+ lowerBounds.append(lowerBound);
+ upperBounds.append(upperBound);
+ bucketHeights.append(numOutliers);
+ if (maxOutliers == 0):
+ return None;
+ dict = {};
+ dict['lowerbound'] = lowerBounds;
+ dict['upperbound'] = upperBounds;
+ dict['height'] = bucketHeights;
+ dict['bottom'] = [0] * len(lowerBounds);
+ dict['bucketfiles'] = bucketFilenames;
+ dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data=dict);
+ return plotOutlierHistogram(dataframe, maxOutliers, func,
+ durationThresholdDescr, averageDuration,
+ maxDuration);
+# The configuration file tells us which functions should be considered
+# outliers. All comment lines must begin with '#'.
+# The first non-comment line of the file must tell us how to interpret
+# the measurement units in the trace file. It must have a single number
+# telling us how many time units are contained in a second. This should
+# be the same time units used in the trace file. For example, if the trace
+# file contains timestamps measured in milliseconds, the number would be 1000.
+# If timestamps were measured in clock cycles, as is typically done, the number
+# must tell us how many times the CPU clock ticks per second on the processor
+# where the trace was gathered.
+# The remaining lines must have the format:
+# <func_name> <outlier_threshold> [units]
+# For example, if you would like to flag as outliers all instances of
+# __cursor_row_search that took longer than 200ms, you would specify this as:
+# __cursor_row_search 200 ms
+# You can use * as the wildcard for all function. No other wildcard options are
+# supported at the moment.
+# Acceptable units are:
+# s -- for seconds
+# ms -- for milliseconds
+# us -- for microseconds
+# ns -- for nanoseconds
+# stdev -- for standard deviations.
+# If no units are supplied, the same unit as the one used for the timestamp
+# in the trace files is assumed.
+# If there is a valid configuration file, but the function does not appear in
+# it, we will not generate an outlier histogram for this function. Use the
+# wildcard symbol to include all functions.
+def parseConfigFile(fname):
+ global outlierThresholdDict;
+ global outlierPrettyNames;
+ configFile = None;
+ firstNonCommentLine = True;
+ unitsPerSecond = -1;
+ unitsPerMillisecond = 0.0;
+ unitsPerMicrosecond = 0.0;
+ unitsPerNanosecond = 0.0;
+ try:
+ configFile = open(fname, "r");
+ except:
+ print(color.BOLD + color.RED +
+ "Could not open " + fname + " for reading." + color.END);
+ return False;
+ for line in configFile:
+ if (line[0] == "#"):
+ continue;
+ elif (firstNonCommentLine):
+ try:
+ unitsPerSecond = int(line);
+ unitsPerMillisecond = unitsPerSecond / 1000;
+ unitsPerMicrosecond = unitsPerSecond / 1000000;
+ unitsPerNanosecond = unitsPerSecond / 1000000000;
+ firstNonCommentLine = False;
+ except ValueError:
+ print(color.BOLD + color.RED +
+ "Could not parse the number of measurement units " +
+ "per second. This must be the first value in the " +
+ "config file." + color.END);
+ return False;
+ else:
+ func = "";
+ number = 0;
+ threshold = 0.0;
+ units = "";
+ words = line.split();
+ try:
+ func = words[0];
+ number = int(words[1]);
+ units = words[2];
+ except ValueError:
+ print(color.BOLD + color.RED +
+ "While parsing the config file, could not understand " +
+ "the following line: " + color.END);
+ print(line);
+ continue;
+ # Now convert the number to the baseline units and record in the
+ # dictionary.
+ #
+ if (units == "s"):
+ threshold = unitsPerSecond * number;
+ elif (units == "ms"):
+ threshold = unitsPerMillisecond * number;
+ elif (units == "us"):
+ threshold = unitsPerMicrosecond * number;
+ elif (units == "ns"):
+ threshold = unitsPerNanosecond * number;
+ elif (units == "stdev"):
+ threshold = -units;
+ # We record it as negative, so that we know
+ # this is a standard deviation. We will compute
+ # the actual value once we know the average.
+ else:
+ print(color.BOLD + color.RED +
+ "While parsing the config file, could not understand " +
+ "the following line: " + color.END);
+ print(line);
+ continue;
+ outlierThresholdDict[func] = threshold;
+ outlierPrettyNames[func] = str(number) + " " + units;
+ # We were given an empty config file
+ if (firstNonCommentLine):
+ return False;
+ print outlierThresholdDict;
+ return True;
+def main():
+ global arrowLeftImg;
+ global arrowRightImg;
+ global bucketDir;
+ global perFuncDF;
+ configSupplied = False;
+ figuresForAllFunctions = [];
+ # Set up the argument parser
+ #
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
+ 'Visualize operation log');
+ parser.add_argument('files', type=str, nargs='*',
+ help='log files to process');
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='configFile', default='');
+ args = parser.parse_args();
+ if (len(args.files) == 0):
+ parser.print_help();
+ sys.exit(1);
+ # Get names of standard CSS colors that we will use for the legend
+ initColorList();
+ # Read the configuration file, if supplied.
+ if (args.configFile != ''):
+ configSupplied = parseConfigFile(args.configFile);
+ if (not configSupplied):
+ pluralSuffix = "";
+ if (STDEV_MULT > 1):
+ pluralSuffix = "s";
+ print(color.BLUE + color.BOLD +
+ "Will deem as outliers all function instances whose runtime " +
+ "was " + str(STDEV_MULT) + " standard deviation" + pluralSuffix +
+ " greater than the average runtime for that function."
+ + color.END);
+ # Create a directory for the files that display the data summarized
+ # in each bucket of the outlier histogram. We call these "bucket files".
+ #
+ if not os.path.exists(bucketDir):
+ os.makedirs(bucketDir);
+ # Copy the image files that we will need later into bucketDir
+ scriptLocation = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__));
+ os.system("cp " + scriptLocation + "/" + arrowLeftImg + " " + bucketDir +
+ "/" + arrowLeftImg);
+ os.system("cp " + scriptLocation + "/" + arrowRightImg + " " + bucketDir +
+ "/" + arrowRightImg);
+ # Parallelize this later, so we are working on files in parallel.
+ for fname in args.files:
+ processFile(fname);
+ # Normalize all intervals by subtracting the first timestamp.
+ normalizeIntervalData();
+ # Generate plots of time series slices across all files for each bucket
+ # in the outlier histogram. Save each cross-file slice to an HTML file.
+ #
+ fileNameList = generateTSSlicesForBuckets();
+ # Rewrite the files, so that they have links to one another. This way
+ # you can navigate from one slice to the next by clicking the link inside
+ # the file.
+ #
+ interlinkFiles(fileNameList);
+ totalFuncs = len(perFuncDF.keys());
+ i = 0;
+ # Generate a histogram of outlier durations
+ for func in sorted(perFuncDF.keys()):
+ funcDF = perFuncDF[func];
+ figure = createOutlierHistogramForFunction(func, funcDF, fileNameList);
+ if (figure is not None):
+ figuresForAllFunctions.append(figure);
+ i += 1;
+ percentComplete = float(i) / float(totalFuncs) * 100;
+ print(color.BLUE + color.BOLD + " Generating outlier histograms... "),
+ sys.stdout.write("%d%% complete \r" % (percentComplete) );
+ sys.stdout.flush();
+ print(color.END);
+ reset_output();
+ output_file(filename = "WT-outliers.html", title="Outlier histograms");
+ show(column(figuresForAllFunctions));
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/
index ebfd4af05b7..ebfd4af05b7 100755
--- a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/
+++ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/tools/optrack/