path: root/src/third_party/zstandard-1.4.3/zstd/contrib/experimental_dict_builders/randomDictBuilder/io.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/zstandard-1.4.3/zstd/contrib/experimental_dict_builders/randomDictBuilder/io.c')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard-1.4.3/zstd/contrib/experimental_dict_builders/randomDictBuilder/io.c b/src/third_party/zstandard-1.4.3/zstd/contrib/experimental_dict_builders/randomDictBuilder/io.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bfe39eaed6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard-1.4.3/zstd/contrib/experimental_dict_builders/randomDictBuilder/io.c
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free, qsort */
+#include <string.h> /* strcmp, strlen */
+#include <errno.h> /* errno */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "io.h"
+#include "fileio.h" /* stdinmark, stdoutmark, ZSTD_EXTENSION */
+#include "platform.h" /* Large Files support */
+#include "util.h"
+#include "zdict.h"
+* Console display
+#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) if (displayLevel>=l) { DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); }
+static const U64 g_refreshRate = SEC_TO_MICRO / 6;
+static UTIL_time_t g_displayClock = UTIL_TIME_INITIALIZER;
+#define DISPLAYUPDATE(l, ...) { if (displayLevel>=l) { \
+ if ((UTIL_clockSpanMicro(g_displayClock) > g_refreshRate) || (displayLevel>=4)) \
+ { g_displayClock = UTIL_getTime(); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \
+ if (displayLevel>=4) fflush(stderr); } } }
+* Exceptions
+#ifndef DEBUG
+# define DEBUG 0
+#define DEBUGOUTPUT(...) if (DEBUG) DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__);
+#define EXM_THROW(error, ...) \
+{ \
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("Error defined at %s, line %i : \n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ DISPLAY("Error %i : ", error); \
+ DISPLAY("\n"); \
+ exit(error); \
+* Constants
+#define SAMPLESIZE_MAX (128 KB)
+#define RANDOM_MAX_SAMPLES_SIZE (sizeof(size_t) == 8 ? ((U32)-1) : ((U32)1 GB))
+static const size_t g_maxMemory = (sizeof(size_t) == 4) ?
+ (2 GB - 64 MB) : ((size_t)(512 MB) << sizeof(size_t));
+#define NOISELENGTH 32
+* Commandline related functions
+unsigned readU32FromChar(const char** stringPtr){
+ const char errorMsg[] = "error: numeric value too large";
+ unsigned result = 0;
+ while ((**stringPtr >='0') && (**stringPtr <='9')) {
+ unsigned const max = (((unsigned)(-1)) / 10) - 1;
+ if (result > max) exit(1);
+ result *= 10, result += **stringPtr - '0', (*stringPtr)++ ;
+ }
+ if ((**stringPtr=='K') || (**stringPtr=='M')) {
+ unsigned const maxK = ((unsigned)(-1)) >> 10;
+ if (result > maxK) exit(1);
+ result <<= 10;
+ if (**stringPtr=='M') {
+ if (result > maxK) exit(1);
+ result <<= 10;
+ }
+ (*stringPtr)++; /* skip `K` or `M` */
+ if (**stringPtr=='i') (*stringPtr)++;
+ if (**stringPtr=='B') (*stringPtr)++;
+ }
+ return result;
+unsigned longCommandWArg(const char** stringPtr, const char* longCommand){
+ size_t const comSize = strlen(longCommand);
+ int const result = !strncmp(*stringPtr, longCommand, comSize);
+ if (result) *stringPtr += comSize;
+ return result;
+/* ********************************************************
+* File related operations
+/** loadFiles() :
+ * load samples from files listed in fileNamesTable into buffer.
+ * works even if buffer is too small to load all samples.
+ * Also provides the size of each sample into sampleSizes table
+ * which must be sized correctly, using DiB_fileStats().
+ * @return : nb of samples effectively loaded into `buffer`
+ * *bufferSizePtr is modified, it provides the amount data loaded within buffer.
+ * sampleSizes is filled with the size of each sample.
+ */
+static unsigned loadFiles(void* buffer, size_t* bufferSizePtr, size_t* sampleSizes,
+ unsigned sstSize, const char** fileNamesTable, unsigned nbFiles,
+ size_t targetChunkSize, unsigned displayLevel) {
+ char* const buff = (char*)buffer;
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ unsigned nbLoadedChunks = 0, fileIndex;
+ for (fileIndex=0; fileIndex<nbFiles; fileIndex++) {
+ const char* const fileName = fileNamesTable[fileIndex];
+ unsigned long long const fs64 = UTIL_getFileSize(fileName);
+ unsigned long long remainingToLoad = (fs64 == UTIL_FILESIZE_UNKNOWN) ? 0 : fs64;
+ U32 const nbChunks = targetChunkSize ? (U32)((fs64 + (targetChunkSize-1)) / targetChunkSize) : 1;
+ U64 const chunkSize = targetChunkSize ? MIN(targetChunkSize, fs64) : fs64;
+ size_t const maxChunkSize = (size_t)MIN(chunkSize, SAMPLESIZE_MAX);
+ U32 cnb;
+ FILE* const f = fopen(fileName, "rb");
+ if (f==NULL) EXM_THROW(10, "zstd: dictBuilder: %s %s ", fileName, strerror(errno));
+ DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "Loading %s... \r", fileName);
+ for (cnb=0; cnb<nbChunks; cnb++) {
+ size_t const toLoad = (size_t)MIN(maxChunkSize, remainingToLoad);
+ if (toLoad > *bufferSizePtr-pos) break;
+ { size_t const readSize = fread(buff+pos, 1, toLoad, f);
+ if (readSize != toLoad) EXM_THROW(11, "Pb reading %s", fileName);
+ pos += readSize;
+ sampleSizes[nbLoadedChunks++] = toLoad;
+ remainingToLoad -= targetChunkSize;
+ if (nbLoadedChunks == sstSize) { /* no more space left in sampleSizes table */
+ fileIndex = nbFiles; /* stop there */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (toLoad < targetChunkSize) {
+ fseek(f, (long)(targetChunkSize - toLoad), SEEK_CUR);
+ } } }
+ fclose(f);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", "");
+ *bufferSizePtr = pos;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "loaded : %u KB \n", (U32)(pos >> 10))
+ return nbLoadedChunks;
+#define rotl32(x,r) ((x << r) | (x >> (32 - r)))
+static U32 getRand(U32* src)
+ static const U32 prime1 = 2654435761U;
+ static const U32 prime2 = 2246822519U;
+ U32 rand32 = *src;
+ rand32 *= prime1;
+ rand32 ^= prime2;
+ rand32 = rotl32(rand32, 13);
+ *src = rand32;
+ return rand32 >> 5;
+/* shuffle() :
+ * shuffle a table of file names in a semi-random way
+ * It improves dictionary quality by reducing "locality" impact, so if sample set is very large,
+ * it will load random elements from it, instead of just the first ones. */
+static void shuffle(const char** fileNamesTable, unsigned nbFiles) {
+ U32 seed = 0xFD2FB528;
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = nbFiles - 1; i > 0; --i) {
+ unsigned const j = getRand(&seed) % (i + 1);
+ const char* const tmp = fileNamesTable[j];
+ fileNamesTable[j] = fileNamesTable[i];
+ fileNamesTable[i] = tmp;
+ }
+* Dictionary training functions
+size_t findMaxMem(unsigned long long requiredMem) {
+ size_t const step = 8 MB;
+ void* testmem = NULL;
+ requiredMem = (((requiredMem >> 23) + 1) << 23);
+ requiredMem += step;
+ if (requiredMem > g_maxMemory) requiredMem = g_maxMemory;
+ while (!testmem) {
+ testmem = malloc((size_t)requiredMem);
+ requiredMem -= step;
+ }
+ free(testmem);
+ return (size_t)requiredMem;
+void saveDict(const char* dictFileName,
+ const void* buff, size_t buffSize) {
+ FILE* const f = fopen(dictFileName, "wb");
+ if (f==NULL) EXM_THROW(3, "cannot open %s ", dictFileName);
+ { size_t const n = fwrite(buff, 1, buffSize, f);
+ if (n!=buffSize) EXM_THROW(4, "%s : write error", dictFileName) }
+ { size_t const n = (size_t)fclose(f);
+ if (n!=0) EXM_THROW(5, "%s : flush error", dictFileName) }
+/*! getFileStats() :
+ * Given a list of files, and a chunkSize (0 == no chunk, whole files)
+ * provides the amount of data to be loaded and the resulting nb of samples.
+ * This is useful primarily for allocation purpose => sample buffer, and sample sizes table.
+ */
+static fileStats getFileStats(const char** fileNamesTable, unsigned nbFiles,
+ size_t chunkSize, unsigned displayLevel) {
+ fileStats fs;
+ unsigned n;
+ memset(&fs, 0, sizeof(fs));
+ for (n=0; n<nbFiles; n++) {
+ U64 const fileSize = UTIL_getFileSize(fileNamesTable[n]);
+ U64 const srcSize = (fileSize == UTIL_FILESIZE_UNKNOWN) ? 0 : fileSize;
+ U32 const nbSamples = (U32)(chunkSize ? (srcSize + (chunkSize-1)) / chunkSize : 1);
+ U64 const chunkToLoad = chunkSize ? MIN(chunkSize, srcSize) : srcSize;
+ size_t const cappedChunkSize = (size_t)MIN(chunkToLoad, SAMPLESIZE_MAX);
+ fs.totalSizeToLoad += cappedChunkSize * nbSamples;
+ fs.oneSampleTooLarge |= (chunkSize > 2*SAMPLESIZE_MAX);
+ fs.nbSamples += nbSamples;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Preparing to load : %u KB \n", (U32)(fs.totalSizeToLoad >> 10));
+ return fs;
+sampleInfo* getSampleInfo(const char** fileNamesTable, unsigned nbFiles, size_t chunkSize,
+ unsigned maxDictSize, const unsigned displayLevel) {
+ fileStats const fs = getFileStats(fileNamesTable, nbFiles, chunkSize, displayLevel);
+ size_t* const sampleSizes = (size_t*)malloc(fs.nbSamples * sizeof(size_t));
+ size_t const memMult = RANDOM_MEMMULT;
+ size_t const maxMem = findMaxMem(fs.totalSizeToLoad * memMult) / memMult;
+ size_t loadedSize = (size_t) MIN ((unsigned long long)maxMem, fs.totalSizeToLoad);
+ void* const srcBuffer = malloc(loadedSize+NOISELENGTH);
+ /* Checks */
+ if ((!sampleSizes) || (!srcBuffer))
+ EXM_THROW(12, "not enough memory for trainFromFiles"); /* should not happen */
+ if (fs.oneSampleTooLarge) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! Warning : some sample(s) are very large \n");
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! Note that dictionary is only useful for small samples. \n");
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! As a consequence, only the first %u bytes of each sample are loaded \n", SAMPLESIZE_MAX);
+ }
+ if (fs.nbSamples < 5) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! Warning : nb of samples too low for proper processing ! \n");
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! Please provide _one file per sample_. \n");
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! Alternatively, split files into fixed-size blocks representative of samples, with -B# \n");
+ EXM_THROW(14, "nb of samples too low"); /* we now clearly forbid this case */
+ }
+ if (fs.totalSizeToLoad < (unsigned long long)(8 * maxDictSize)) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! Warning : data size of samples too small for target dictionary size \n");
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! Samples should be about 100x larger than target dictionary size \n");
+ }
+ /* init */
+ if (loadedSize < fs.totalSizeToLoad)
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "Not enough memory; training on %u MB only...\n", (unsigned)(loadedSize >> 20));
+ /* Load input buffer */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Shuffling input files\n");
+ shuffle(fileNamesTable, nbFiles);
+ nbFiles = loadFiles(srcBuffer, &loadedSize, sampleSizes, fs.nbSamples,
+ fileNamesTable, nbFiles, chunkSize, displayLevel);
+ sampleInfo *info = (sampleInfo *)malloc(sizeof(sampleInfo));
+ info->nbSamples = fs.nbSamples;
+ info->samplesSizes = sampleSizes;
+ info->srcBuffer = srcBuffer;
+ return info;
+void freeSampleInfo(sampleInfo *info) {
+ if (!info) return;
+ if (info->samplesSizes) free((void*)(info->samplesSizes));
+ if (info->srcBuffer) free((void*)(info->srcBuffer));
+ free(info);