From 6e2d551ce63c717ce367d9a67f0542386313880d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: George Wangensteen Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2021 19:15:25 +0000 Subject: SERVER-48735 Document Server Promise/Future Use --- docs/ | 317 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 317 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/ (limited to 'docs') diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a8e27057439 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +# Futures and Promises + +[Futures][future] are a programming construct that represent deferred values: that is, values that +may not be available until some point in the future. Futures make it easier to structure our +programs asynchronously. If some unit of code (subsystem, function, service, etc) can't produce a +value that has been requested immediately, it can instead return a future that will eventually +contain the value instead of blocking. These future-returning APIs allow threads of execution that +need the results of potentially time-intensive work (like network operations or disk I/O) to +continue performing other work instead of waiting synchronously for those results. + +## A Few Definitions + +- A `Future` is a type that will eventually contain either a `T`, or an error indicating why the + `T` could not be produced (in MongoDB, the error will take the form of either an exception or a + `Status`). +- A `Promise` is a single-shot producer of a value (i.e., a `T`) for an associated `Future`. + That is, to put a value or error in a `Future` and make it ready for use by consumers, the + value is emplaced in the corresponding `Promise`. +- A continuation is a functor that can be chained on to `Future` that will execute only once the + `T` (or error) is available and ready. A continuation in this way can "consume" the produced `T`, + and handle any errors. + +## A First Example +To build some intuition around futures and promises, let's see how they might be used. As an +example, we'll look at how they help us rewrite some slow blocking code into fast, concurrent code. +As a distributed system, MongoDB often needs to send RPCs from one machine to another. A sketch of a +simple, synchronous way of doing so might look like this: +```c++ +Message call(Message& toSend) { + ... + auto transportSession = getTransportSession(); + // Block until toSend is sent to the network + auto res = transportSession->sinkMessage(toSend); + handleErrors(res); + // Block until we receive a response to the message we sent + auto swResponse = transportSession->sourceMessage(); + if (swResponse.ok()) { + return swResponse.getValue(); + } + ... +} +``` +This is fine, but some parts of networking are expensive! `TransportSession::sinkMessage` involves +making expensive system calls to enqueue our message into the kernel's networking stack, and +`TransportSession::sourceMessage` entails waiting for a network round-trip to occur! We don't want +busy worker threads to be forced to wait around to hear back from the kernel for these sorts of +expensive operations. Instead, we'd rather let these threads move on to perform other work, and +handle the response from our expensive networking operations when they're available. Futures and +promises allow us to do this. We can rewrite our example as follows: +```c++ +Future call(Message& toSend) { + ... + auto transportSession = getTransportSession(); + return transportSession->asyncSinkMessage(toSend) + .onError([](Status s) { handleError(s); }) + .then([transportSession]() { return transportSession->asyncSourceMessage(); }) + .onCompletion([&](StatusWith swr) { + logResponse(swr); + return swr; + }); +} +``` +First, notice that our calls to `TransportSession::sourceMessage` and +`TransportSession::sinkMessage` have been replaced with calls to asynchronous versions of those +functions. These asynchronous versions are future-returning; they don't block, but also don't return +a result right away. Instead, they return a future that we can chain continuations onto; `then, +onError` and `onCompletion` are all member functions of `Future` that take a callable as argument +and invoke that callable when the chained-to future is ready. Unsurprisingly, continuations chained +with `.then` are run when the future is readied successfully with a `T`, and therefore callables +chained with `.then` should take a `T` as argument. Mirroring this behavior, `.onError` +continuations are run only when the future is readied with an error, and continuations chained this +way take a `Status` as argument which they can inspect to discover the error explaining why a `T` +could not be delivered. Continuations chained with `.onCompletion` are run when the future resolves, +no matter how it completes; callables chained this way receive a `StatusWith` containing either +an error or a `T`. + +One essential point here is that multiple continuations can be chained, with each successive +continuation receiving as argument (i.e. "consuming") the result of the previous continuation. This +allows for us to easily structure asynchronous services: each unit of work can be placed in a +continuation, and will be run when all of the inputs for that unit of work are ready, without any +thread blocking and waiting. This is explained in more detail in the "How Are Results Propagated +Down Continuation Chains?" section below. + +## Filling In Some Details +The example above hopefully showed us how futures can be used to structure asynchronous programs at +a high level, but we've left out some important details about how they work. + +### How Are Futures Fulfilled With Values? +In our example, we looked at how some code that needs to wait for results can use `Future`s to be +written in an asynchronous, performant way. But some thread running elsewhere needs to actually +"fulfill" those futures with a value or error. Threads can fulfull the core "promise" of a +`Future` - that it will eventually contain a `T` or an error - by using the appropriately named +`Promise` type. Every pending `Future` is associated with exactly one corresponding +`Promise` that can be used to ready the `Future`, providing it with a value. (Note that a +`Future` may also be "born ready"/already filled with a value when constructed). The `Future` +can be "made ready" by emplacing a value or error in the associated promise with +`Promise::emplaceValue`, `Promise::setError`, or related helper member functions (see the +[promise class][promise] for the entire API). Promises can be used to set a value in their +associated Futures exactly one time, and must do so before being destroyed (otherwise, the future +will be set with the `ErrorCodes::BrokenPromise` error, which is considered a programmer error and +may crash debug builds of the server in the future). + +To get a linked promise-future pair, the function [makePromiseFuture][mpf] can be used, which +returns a `std::pair` of a promise and its corresponding future. As was previously alluded to, it's +also possible to make a "ready future" - one that has no associated promise and is already filled +with a value or error. These might be useful in cases where the code that produces values in a way +that's normally asynchronous happens to have one available already when a request comes in, and +would like to return it right away. To create such a ready future, use `Future::makeReady()`, or +the helper function [makeReadyFutureWith(Func&& func)][mrfw] which will call the specified `func` +and create a ready `Future` from its returned value. + +Lastly, there might be occasions when multiple futures should be fulfilled with the same value, at +the same time. This use case is best served by `SharedPromise` and the associated `SharedSemiFuture` +types. A `SharedPromise` is just like a regular promise, except that emplacing a value or error in +it readies many associated `SharedSemiFuture`s that will all be completed at the same time. You can +extract as many associated `SharedSemiFuture`s as you'd like from a `SharedPromise` by calling its +`getFuture()` member function. + +### Where Do Continuations Run? +In our example, we chained continuations onto futures using functions like `Future::then()`, and +explained that the continuations we chained will only be invoked once the future we've chained them +onto is ready. But we haven't yet specified how this continuation is invoked: what thread will +actually do the work of running the continuation, and how will it get scheduled? + +In the case of `Future`, the answer to this question is easy. If a `Future` is already ready +when a continuation is being chained to it, then whatever thread is chaining the continuation will +also run it immediately, inline. Otherwise, if the continuation is being chained to an unready +future, whatever thread readies the future by emplacing a value or error in the corresponding +promise will immediately run any continuations chained to it after readying it. However, this +behavior is sometimes undesirable. For example, some service may accept requests for `T`s from +calling threads, and return `Future`s to those threads that will be readied once a `T` is +available. The service may have its own internal threads it uses to produce `T`s, and doesn't want +to lend out its internal threads to do the work chained via continuations to the `Future`s it's +given to calling threads. Instead, it needs to insist that continuations are not chained onto the +futures it gives out, or that the caller receiving the future +arranges for some _other_ thread to run continuations. + +Fortunately, the service can enforce these guarantees using two types closely related to +`Future`: the types `SemiFuture` and `ExecutorFuture`. + +#### SemiFuture +`SemiFuture`s are like regular futures, except that continuations cannot be chained to them. +Instead, values and errors can only be extracted from them via blocking methods, which threads can +call if they are willing to block. A `Future` can always be transformed into a `SemiFuture` +using the member function `Future::semi()`. Let's look at a quick example to make this clearer: +```c++ +// Code producing a `SemiFuture` +SemiFuture SomeAsyncService::requestWork() { + auto [promise, future] = makePromiseFuture(); + _privateExecutor->schedule([promise = std::move(promise)](Status s) { + if (s.isOK()) { + auto w = produceWork(); + promise.emplaceValue(w); + } else { + // handle error case + } + }); + return future.semi(); +} + +// Code consuming a `SemiFuture` +SemiFuture sf = SomeAsyncService::requestWork(); +// sf.then(...) wont' compile because sf is a SemiFuture, which doesn't allow chaining continuations +// sf.onError(...) won't compile for the same reason +auto res = sf.get(); // OK; get blocks until sf is ready +``` +Our example begins when a thread makes a request for some asynchronous work to be performed by some +service, using `SomeAsyncService::requestWork()`. As was the case in our initial example, this +thread receives back a future that will be readied when its request has been completed and a value +or error is available. However, in this case, the thread receives a `SemiFuture`, instead of a +regular `Future`, which forbids it from chaining continuations to the future via `.then()` and the +like. A quick look into the implementation details of `SomeAsyncService::requestWork()` reveals why: +the service uses its own private executor to do the work that will eventually ready the `SemiFuture` +returned to the caller. If a regular `Future` were returned, and continuations were chained onto it, +the thread from `SomeAsyncService`'s `_privateExecutor` that readied the promise would be forced to +run the continuations. By instead returning a `SemiFuture`, the `SomeAsyncService` prevents the code +that requests work from it from using its own internal `_privateExecutor` resource. + +#### ExecutorFuture +`ExecutorFuture`s are another variation on the core `Future` type; they are like regular `Future`s, +except for the fact that code constructing an `ExecutorFuture` is required to provide an +[executor][executor] on which any continuations chained to the future will be run. (An executor is +an abstraction that allows one to schedule code to be run later, in a different execution context. +See the documentation for it [here][executorDocs]). A `SemiFuture` or regular `Future` can be +converted to an `ExecutorFuture` by calling their member function +[thenRunOn(ExecutorPtr)][thenRunOn], which returns an `ExecutorFuture` that allows you to chain +continuations guaranteed to run on the given executor. Again, an example will help make things +clearer, so we'll reuse the one above. Let's imagine the thread that scheduled work by calling +`SomeAsyncService::requestWork()` can't afford to block until the result `SemiFuture` is readied. +Instead, it consumes the asynchronous result by specifying a callback to run and an executor on +which to run it like so: +```c++ +// Code consuming a `SemiFuture` +SomeAsyncService::requestWork() // <-- temporary `SemiFuture` + .thenRunOn(_executor) // <-- Transformed into a `ExecutorFuture` + .then([](Work w) { doMoreWork(w); }); // <-- Which supports chaining +``` +By calling `.thenRunOn(_executor)` on the `SemiFuture` returned by +`SomeAsyncService::requestWork()`, we transform it from a `SemiFuture` to an `ExecutorFuture`. This +allows us to again chain continuations to run when the future is ready, but instead of those +continuations being run on whatever thread readied the future, they will be run on `_executor`. In +this way, the result of the future returned by `SomeAsyncService::requestWork()` is able to be +consumed by the `doMoreWork` function which will run on `_executor`. + +### How Are Results Propagated Down Continuation Chains? +In our example for an asyncified `call()` function above, we saw that we could attach continuations +onto futures, like the one returned by `TransportSession::asyncSinkMessage`. We also saw that once +we attached one continuation to a future, we could attach subsequent ones, forming a continuation +chain. In our example, we could say that the continuations chained via `.then()`, `.onError()`, and +`.onCompletion()` form a chain that consumes the result of the future returned by +`TransportSession::asyncSinkMessage`. + +Recall that we said a `Future`, when resolved, is guaranteed to either contain a `T` or an error, +in the form of a `Status` or `DBException`. Because a `Future` can resolve to different types in +this way, we can chain different continuations to a `Future` to consume its result, depending on +what the type of the result is (i.e. a `T` or `Status`). We mentioned above that `.then()` is used +to chain continuations that run when the future to which the continuation is chained resolves +successfully. As a result, when a continuation is chained via `.then()` to a `Future`, the +continuation must accept a `T`, the result of the `Future`, as an argument to consume. In the +case of a `Future`, continuations chained via `.then()` accept no arguments. Similarly, as +`.onError()` is used to chain continuations that run when the future is resolved with an error, +these continuations must accept a `Status` as argument, which contains the error the future it is +chained to resolves with. Lastly, as `.onCompletion()` is used to chain continuations that run in +case a `Future` resolves with success or error, continuations chained via this function must +accept an argument that can contain the results of successful resolution of the chained-to future or +an error. When `T` is non-void, continuations chained via `.onCompletion()` must therefore accept a +`StatusWith` as argument, which will contain a `T` if the chained-to future resolved successfully +and an error status otherwise. If `T` is void, a continuation chained via `.onCompletion()` must +accept a `Status` as argument, indicating whether or not the future the continuation is chained to +resolved with success or error. + +When a `Future` is resolved, the result (either a `T` or error) will traverse the continuations +chained to the `Future`, in the order they were chained, until it finds the first continuation +that accepts the result of the `Future`. This continuation is then run, and consumes the result +of the input future; it takes this result as an argument and can process it however it wishes. The +continuation can then return a new result, which continues traversing the remainder of the +continuation chain until it finds a continuation that can consume it, in the same way the result of +the input future did. Notably, results will bypass any continuations chained that cannot consume +them, and these continuations will never be run. + +Let's take our initial example `call()` from above to see how this works. Let's say the future +returned by `TransportLayer::asyncSinkMessage` resolved successfully. Because it resolved +successfully, there is no error `Status` to report, so the continuation chained via `.onError()` +will be bypassed and will never run. Next, the successful result reaches the continuation chained +via `.then()`, which must take no arguments as `TransportLayer::asyncSinkMessage` returns a +`Future`. Because the future returned by `TransportLayer::asyncSinkMessage` resolved +successfully, the continuation chained via `.then()` does run. The result of this continuation is +the future returned by `TransportLayer::asyncSourceMessage`. When this future resolves, the result +will traverse the remaining continuation chain, and find the continuation chained via +`.onCompletion()`, which always accepts the result of a future, however it resolves, and therefore +is run. + +Note that all of the continuation-chaining functions we've discussed, like `.then()`, return future- +like types themselves (i.e. `Future`, `SemiFuture`, and the like). When we chain +continuations in the manner we've been discussing here, subsequent continuations run when the future +returned by the previous continuation is ready, and the future-like type is "unwrapped" such that +the type wrapped by the future (or, in the case of failure, the error) is passed directly to the +subsequent continuation. For more detail on this topic, see the block comment above the +continuation-chaining member functions in [future.h][future], starting above the definition for +`then()`. + +At some point, we may have no more continuations to add to a future chain, and will want to either +synchronously extract the value or error held in the last future of the chain, or add a callback to +asynchronously consume this value. The `.get()` and `.getAsync()` members of future-like types +provide these facilities for terminating a future chain by extracting or asynchronouslyunsly +consuming the result of the chain. The `.getAsync()` function works much like `.onCompletion()`, +taking a `Status` or `StatusWith` and running regardless of whether or not the previous link in +the chain resolved with error or success, and running asynchronously when the previous results are +ready (to determine what thread `.getAsync()` will run on, follow the rules laid out in the previous +"Where Do Continuations Run?" section.) Conversely, `.get()` takes no arguments, and blocks when it +is called until the entirety of the continuation chain is resolved, with the final result given back +to the blocking caller. Note that if the final result of the chain was an error that can be +converted to a MongoDB `Status` type (i.e. either a `Status`-family type or `DBException`), it will +be re-thrown as a `DBException` at the site where `.get()` is called when it is available. If the +code calling `.get()` is not capable of handling an exception, use `.getNoThrow()` instead to +extract the same error in the form of a `Status`. In the case of `.getAsync()`, all errors are +converted to `Status`, and crucially, callables chained as continuations via `.getAsync()` cannot +throw any exceptions, as there is no appropriate context with which to handle an asynchronous +exception. If an exception is thrown from a continuation chained via `.getAsync()`, the entire +process will be terminated (i.e. the program will crash). + +## Notes and Links + +This document is intended as a high-level overview of how to use futures for asynchronous +programming inside the MongoDB server; to understand the complete API of `Promise`, `Future`, +and all the related types, check out the [header file][future] and search for the class or helper +function you're interested in. + +### Future Utilities +We have many utilities written to help make it easier for you to work with futures; check out +[future_util.h][future_util.h] to see them. Their [unit tests][utilUnitTests] also help elucidate +how they can be useful. Additionally, when making requests for asynchronous work through future-ful +APIs, you might find you want to cancel that work later on. Cancellation tokens are a concept in the +MongoDB code base that makes doing so easy, and integrate very well with MongoDB future types and +the associated utilities. For more on them, see their architecture guide in [this +README][cancelationArch]. + +## General Promise/Future Docs +For intro-documentation on programming with promises and futures, this blog post about future use at +[Facebook][fb] and the documentation for the use of promises and futures at [Twitter][twtr] are also +very helpful. + + + + +[future]: ../src/mongo/util/future.h +[future_util.h]: ../src/mongo/util/future_util.h +[executor]: ../src/mongo/util/out_of_line_executor.h +[thenRunOn]: ../src/mongo/util/future.h#L250 +[promise]: ../src/mongo/util/future.h#L768 +[mpf]: ../src/mongo/util/future.h#L1156 +[mrfw]: ../src/mongo/util/future.h#L1206 +[cancelationArch]: ../src/mongo/util/ +[utilUnitTests]: ../src/mongo/util/future_util_test.cpp +[fb]: +[twtr]: +[executorDocs]: ../src/mongo/executor/ -- cgit v1.2.1