/build /src/mongo/db/modules /.jsdbshell /.cache /.dbshell /*.ninja /*.ninja.* /.ninja_deps /.ninja_log /perf.data /perf.data.old /massif.out.* *~ *.swp *.o *.os *.obj *.aps *.ilk *.tar.gz *.suo *.ncb *.idb *.obj *.opt *.pch *.jsh *.jsall *.pyc *.log *.exe *.exp *.lib *.idb *.pdb *.manifest *.user *.gch *.*sdf *.psess *.tmp *.eslintcache *# .#* /src/mongo/*/*Debug*/ /src/mongo/*/*/*Debug*/ /src/mongo/*/*Release*/ /src/mongo/*/*/*Release*/ /src/ipch /src/mongo/*/ipch /src/mongo/*/*/ipch /src/mongo/db/.gdb* /src/mongo/db/makefile.local /src/mongo/db/_ReSharper.db /src/third_party/*/*.cache /src/third_party/*/*.tlog /src/third_party/*/*.lastbuildstate /buildscripts/libdeps/graph_visualizer_web_stack/build /buildscripts/libdeps/graph_visualizer_web_stack/node_modules package-lock.json libdeps.graphml config.log settings.py log_config.py /tags TAGS # temp dirs dump /log logs docs/html docs/latex docs/doxygen 32bit scratch # binaries /docgen /loadgen /mongo /mongobridge /mongocryptd /mongod /mongoed /mongogrid /mongokerberos /mongoldap /mongoperf /mongos /mongoshim /mongosniff /mongotmock /mongotrafficreader /wt *.tgz *.zip *.tar.gz #libs /libmongoclient.* /libmongotestfiles.* /libmongoshellfiles.* /sharedclient /genny /emr.jar *.class # examples /firstExample /secondExample /whereExample /bsondemo /rsExample /tutorial #tests /dbtest /authTest /perftest /clientTest /httpClientTest /genny_results # benchrun files /benchrun_embedded # Linters .mypy_cache #debian build-stamp configure-stamp debian/mongodb # OSX files .DS_Store ._.DS_Store *.fuse_* # QtCreator *.config *.creator *.creator.user *.files *.includes *.orig # Eclipse build artifacts .cproject .project .pydevproject .externalToolBuilders/ .settings/ # Idea CLion project artifacts .idea CMakeLists.txt # XCode projects .xcworkspace # Visual Studio and VSCode projects .vscode/ .vs/ /x64/ # Windows MSI builder artifacts *.msi *.wixobj *.wixpdb DriverInclude.wxs # Gradle .gradle src/mongo/embedded/java/build/ src/mongo/embedded/java/aar/build/ src/mongo/embedded/java/jar/build/ local.properties # clangd language server .clangd/ compile_commands.json generated_resmoke_config selected_tests_config # Code review tool config codereview.rc # Python venvs and virtualenvs python3-venv python2-venv # Generated resmoke configuration file resmoke.ini # UndoDB Recordings *.undo # Resmoke runtime configuration and trackers. .resmoke_start_time.yml .resmoke_mongo_version.yml .resmoke_mongo_release_values.yml # libfuzzer artifacts default.profraw /corpora /corpora-merged # Linter and formatter cache .mypy_cache/ # RPM build temps /distsrc.tar /selinux/tmp /dst /rpmbuild /repo /rpm/tmp # antithesis image building assets /buildscripts/antithesis/database/dist-test /buildscripts/antithesis/workload/src /buildscripts/antithesis/workload/mongo /buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/antithesis_*.yml