# See https://www.pylint.org/ [BASIC] # Permit 2 character & long argument names, like db argument-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{1,50}$ # Long attribute names attr-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,50}$ # Long function names function-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,50}$ # Long method names method-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,50}$ # Permit 2 character & long variable names, like sb variable-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{1,50}$ [MESSAGES CONTROL] # C0301 - line-too-long - some of the type annotations are longer then 100 columns # C0330 - bad-continuation - ignore conflicts produced by yapf formatting # E0401 - import-error - ignore imports that fail to load # E1101 - no-member - ignore maybe no member warnings # I0011 - locally-disabled - ignore warnings about disable pylint checks # R0204 - redefined-variable-type # R0903 - too-few-public-methods - pylint does not always know best # R1705 - no-else-return - sometimes an unnecessary else helps readability # W0511 - fixme - ignore TODOs in comments # W0611 - unused-import - typing module is needed for mypy # R0205 - useless-object-inheritance - See PM-1380 # W0402 - deprecated-module - See PM-1380 # W1505 - deprecated-method - See PM-1380 # W0107 - unnecessary-pass - See PM-1380 # R1720 - no-else-raise - See PM-1380 # W0122 - exec-used - See PM-1380 # R0801 - duplicate-code - See PM-1380 disable=bad-continuation,fixme,import-error,line-too-long,no-member,locally-disabled,no-else-return,redefined-variable-type,too-few-public-methods,unused-import,useless-object-inheritance,deprecated-module,unnecessary-pass,duplicate-code,no-else-raise,deprecated-method,exec-used [IMPORTS] known-third-party=boto3,botocore,psutil,yaml,xmlrunner