# build file for 10gen db # this request scons # you can get from http://www.scons.org # then just type scons # some common tasks # build 64-bit mac and pushing to s3 # scons --64 s3dist # scons --distname=0.8 s3dist # all s3 pushes require settings.py and simples3 import os import sys import types import re # --- options ---- AddOption('--prefix', dest='prefix', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR', help='installation prefix') AddOption('--distname', dest='distname', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR', help='dist name (0.8.0)') AddOption( "--64", dest="force64", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="whether to force 64 bit" ) AddOption( "--32", dest="force32", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="whether to force 32 bit" ) AddOption( "--mm", dest="mm", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="use main memory instead of memory mapped files" ) AddOption( "--release", dest="release", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="relase build") AddOption('--java', dest='javaHome', type='string', default="/opt/java/", nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR', help='java home') AddOption( "--v8" , dest="v8home", type="string", default="../v8/", nargs=1, action="store", metavar="dir", help="v8 location") AddOption( "--d", dest="debugBuild", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="debug build no optimization, etc..." ) AddOption( "--dd", dest="debugBuildAndLogging", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="debug build no optimization, additional debug logging, etc..." ) AddOption( "--recstore", dest="recstore", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="use new recstore" ) AddOption( "--noshell", dest="noshell", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="don't build shell" ) # --- environment setup --- def printLocalInfo(): import sys, SCons print( "scons version: " + SCons.__version__ ) print( "python version: " + " ".join( [ `i` for i in sys.version_info ] ) ) printLocalInfo() env = Environment() if GetOption( "recstore" ) != None: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_RECSTORE" ] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_SCONS" ] ) env.Append( CPPPATH=[ "." ] ) boostLibs = [ "thread" , "filesystem" , "program_options" ] commonFiles = Split( "stdafx.cpp buildinfo.cpp db/jsobj.cpp db/json.cpp db/commands.cpp db/lasterror.cpp db/nonce.cpp db/queryutil.cpp" ) commonFiles += [ "util/background.cpp" , "util/mmap.cpp" , "util/sock.cpp" , "util/util.cpp" , "util/message.cpp" ] commonFiles += Glob( "util/*.c" ); commonFiles += Split( "client/connpool.cpp client/dbclient.cpp client/model.cpp" ) #mmap stuff if GetOption( "mm" ) != None: commonFiles += [ "util/mmap_mm.cpp" ] elif os.sys.platform == "win32": commonFiles += [ "util/mmap_win.cpp" ] else: commonFiles += [ "util/mmap_posix.cpp" ] if os.path.exists( "util/processinfo_" + os.sys.platform + ".cpp" ): commonFiles += [ "util/processinfo_" + os.sys.platform + ".cpp" ] else: commonFiles += [ "util/processinfo_none.cpp" ] coreDbFiles = [] coreServerFiles = [ "util/message_server_port.cpp" , "util/message_server_asio.cpp" ] serverOnlyFiles = Split( "db/query.cpp db/introspect.cpp db/btree.cpp db/clientcursor.cpp db/javajs.cpp db/tests.cpp db/repl.cpp db/btreecursor.cpp db/cloner.cpp db/namespace.cpp db/matcher.cpp db/dbcommands.cpp db/dbeval.cpp db/dbwebserver.cpp db/dbinfo.cpp db/dbhelpers.cpp db/instance.cpp db/pdfile.cpp db/cursor.cpp db/security_commands.cpp db/security.cpp util/miniwebserver.cpp db/storage.cpp db/reccache.cpp db/queryoptimizer.cpp" ) coreShardFiles = [] shardServerFiles = coreShardFiles + Glob( "s/strategy*.cpp" ) + [ "s/commands.cpp" , "s/request.cpp" , "s/cursors.cpp" , "s/server.cpp" ] + [ "s/shard.cpp" , "s/shardkey.cpp" , "s/config.cpp" ] serverOnlyFiles += coreShardFiles + [ "s/d_logic.cpp" ] allClientFiles = commonFiles + coreDbFiles + [ "client/clientOnly.cpp" , "client/gridfs.cpp" ]; onlyServer = len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 0 or ( len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 1 and str( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0] ) == "mongod" ) nix = False useJavaHome = False linux = False linux64 = False darwin = False windows = False force64 = not GetOption( "force64" ) is None force32 = not GetOption( "force32" ) is None release = not GetOption( "release" ) is None debugBuild = ( not GetOption( "debugBuild" ) is None ) or ( not GetOption( "debugBuildAndLogging" ) is None ) debugLogging = not GetOption( "debugBuildAndLogging" ) is None noshell = not GetOption( "noshell" ) is None platform = os.sys.platform if "uname" in dir(os): processor = os.uname()[4] else: processor = "i386" if force32: processor = "i386" if force64: processor = "x86_64" DEFAULT_INSTALl_DIR = "/usr/local" installDir = DEFAULT_INSTALl_DIR nixLibPrefix = "lib" distName = GetOption( "distname" ) javaHome = GetOption( "javaHome" ) javaVersion = "i386"; javaLibs = [] distBuild = len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 1 and ( str( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0] ) == "s3dist" or str( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0] ) == "dist" ) if distBuild: release = True if GetOption( "prefix" ): installDir = GetOption( "prefix" ) def findVersion( root , choices ): for c in choices: if ( os.path.exists( root + c ) ): return root + c raise "can't find a version of [" + root + "] choices: " + choices if "darwin" == os.sys.platform: darwin = True platform = "osx" # prettier than darwin env.Append( CPPPATH=[ "-I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Headers/" ] ) env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 " ) env.Append( FRAMEWORKS=["JavaVM"] ) if os.path.exists( "/usr/bin/g++-4.2" ): env["CXX"] = "g++-4.2" nix = True if force64: env.Append( CPPPATH=["/usr/64/include"] ) env.Append( LIBPATH=["/usr/64/lib"] ) if installDir == DEFAULT_INSTALl_DIR and not distBuild: installDir = "/usr/64/" else: env.Append( CPPPATH=[ "/sw/include" , "/opt/local/include"] ) env.Append( LIBPATH=["/sw/lib/", "/opt/local/lib"] ) elif "linux2" == os.sys.platform: linux = True useJavaHome = True javaOS = "linux" platform = "linux" if not os.path.exists( javaHome ): #fedora standarm jvm location javaHome = "/usr/lib/jvm/java/" if os.uname()[4] == "x86_64" and not force32: linux64 = True javaVersion = "amd64" nixLibPrefix = "lib64" env.Append( LIBPATH=["/usr/lib64"] ) env.Append( LIBS=["pthread"] ) if force32: env.Append( LIBPATH=["/usr/lib32"] ) nix = True elif "sunos5" == os.sys.platform: nix = True useJavaHome = True javaHome = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/" javaOS = "solaris" env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "__linux__" , "__sunos__" ] ) elif "win32" == os.sys.platform: windows = True boostDir = "C:/Program Files/Boost/boost_1_35_0" if not os.path.exists( boostDir ): print( "can't find boost" ) Exit(1) boostLibs = [] javaHome = findVersion( "C:/Program Files/java/" , [ "jdk" , "jdk1.6.0_10" ] ) winSDKHome = findVersion( "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/" , [ "v6.0" , "v6.0a" , "v6.1" ] ) env.Append( CPPPATH=[ boostDir , javaHome + "/include" , javaHome + "/include/win32" , "pcre-7.4" , winSDKHome + "/Include" ] ) env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" /EHsc /W3 " ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["WIN32","_CONSOLE","_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS","HAVE_CONFIG_H","PCRE_STATIC","_UNICODE","UNICODE" ] ) if release: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "NDEBUG" ] ) env.Append( CPPFLAGS= " /O2 /Oi /GL /FD /MT /Gy /nologo /Zi /TP /errorReport:prompt /Gm " ) # /Yu"stdafx.h" /Fp"Release\db.pch" /Fo"Release\\" /Fd"Release\vc90.pdb" else: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_DEBUG" ] ) env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" /Od /Gm /RTC1 /MDd /ZI " ) # /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug\vc90.pdb" env.Append( LIBPATH=[ boostDir + "/Lib" , javaHome + "/Lib" , winSDKHome + "/Lib" ] ) javaLibs += [ "jvm" ]; def pcreFilter(x): name = x.name if x.name.endswith( "dftables.c" ): return False if x.name.endswith( "pcredemo.c" ): return False if x.name.endswith( "pcretest.c" ): return False if x.name.endswith( "unittest.cc" ): return False if x.name.endswith( "pcregrep.c" ): return False return True pcreFiles = [] pcreFiles += filter( pcreFilter , Glob( "pcre-7.4/*.c" ) ) pcreFiles += filter( pcreFilter , Glob( "pcre-7.4/*.cc" ) ) commonFiles += pcreFiles allClientFiles += pcreFiles env.Append( LIBS=Split("ws2_32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib" ) ) else: print( "No special config for [" + os.sys.platform + "] which probably means it won't work" ) if useJavaHome: env.Append( CPPPATH=[ javaHome + "include" , javaHome + "include/" + javaOS ] ) env.Append( LIBPATH=[ javaHome + "jre/lib/" + javaVersion + "/server" , javaHome + "jre/lib/" + javaVersion ] ) javaLibs += [ "java" , "jvm" ] env.Append( LINKFLAGS="-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker " + javaHome + "jre/lib/" + javaVersion + "/server" ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS="-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker " + javaHome + "jre/lib/" + javaVersion ) if nix: env.Append( CPPFLAGS="-fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing -ggdb -pthread -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wnon-virtual-dtor" ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" -fPIC " ) env.Append( LIBS=[] ) if debugBuild: env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" -O0 -fstack-protector -fstack-check" ); else: env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" -O3" ) if debugLogging: env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" -D_DEBUG" ); if force64: env.Append( CFLAGS="-m64" ) env.Append( CXXFLAGS="-m64" ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS="-m64" ) if force32: env.Append( CFLAGS="-m32" ) env.Append( CXXFLAGS="-m32" ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS="-m32" ) # --- check system --- def getGitVersion(): if not os.path.exists( ".git" ): return "nogitversion" version = open( ".git/HEAD" ,'r' ).read().strip() if not version.startswith( "ref: " ): return version version = version[5:] f = ".git/" + version if not os.path.exists( f ): return version return open( f , 'r' ).read().strip() def getSysInfo(): import os, sys if windows: return "windows " + str( sys.getwindowsversion() ) else: return " ".join( os.uname() ) def setupBuildInfoFile( outFile ): version = getGitVersion() sysInfo = getSysInfo() contents = "#include \"stdafx.h\"\n" contents += "#include \n" contents += "namespace mongo { void printGitVersion(){ log() << \"git version: " + version + "\" << std::endl; } }\n" contents += "namespace mongo { void printSysInfo(){ log() << \"sys info: " + sysInfo + "\" << std::endl; } }\n" if os.path.exists( outFile ) and open( outFile ).read().strip() == contents.strip(): return out = open( outFile , 'w' ) out.write( contents ) out.close() setupBuildInfoFile( "buildinfo.cpp" ) def doConfigure( myenv , needJava=True , needPcre=True , shell=False ): conf = Configure(myenv) myenv["LINKFLAGS_CLEAN"] = list( myenv["LINKFLAGS"] ) myenv["LIBS_CLEAN"] = list( myenv["LIBS"] ) if nix and not shell: if not conf.CheckLib( "stdc++" ): print( "can't find stdc++ library which is needed" ); Exit(1) def myCheckLib( poss , failIfNotFound=False , java=False ): if type( poss ) != types.ListType : poss = [poss] allPlaces = []; if nix and release: allPlaces += myenv["LIBPATH"] if not force64: allPlaces += [ "/usr/lib" , "/usr/local/lib" ] for p in poss: for loc in allPlaces: fullPath = loc + "/lib" + p + ".a" if os.path.exists( fullPath ): myenv['_LIBFLAGS']='${_stripixes(LIBLINKPREFIX, LIBS, LIBLINKSUFFIX, LIBPREFIXES, LIBSUFFIXES, __env__)} $SLIBS' myenv.Append( SLIBS=" " + fullPath + " " ) return True if release and not java and failIfNotFound: extra = "" if linux64 and shell: extra += " 32 bit version for shell" print( "ERROR: can't find static version of: " + str( poss ) + extra + " in: " + str( allPlaces ) ) Exit(1) res = conf.CheckLib( poss ) if res: return True if failIfNotFound: print( "can't find " + str( poss ) + " in " + str( myenv["LIBPATH"] ) ) Exit(1) return False if needPcre and not conf.CheckCXXHeader( 'pcrecpp.h' ): print( "can't find pcre" ) Exit(1) if not conf.CheckCXXHeader( "boost/filesystem/operations.hpp" ): print( "can't find boost headers" ) if shell: print( "\tshell might not compile" ) else: Exit(1) if conf.CheckCXXHeader( "boost/asio.hpp" ): myenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "USE_ASIO" ] ) else: print( "WARNING: old version of boost - you should consider upgrading" ) for b in boostLibs: l = "boost_" + b myCheckLib( [ l + "-mt" , l ] , release or not shell) if needJava: for j in javaLibs: myCheckLib( j , True , True ) if nix and needPcre: myCheckLib( "pcrecpp" , True ) myCheckLib( "pcre" , True ) myenv["_HAVEPCAP"] = myCheckLib( "pcap" ) if shell: haveReadLine = False if darwin: myenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "USE_READLINE" ] ) if force64: myCheckLib( "readline" , True ) myCheckLib( "ncurses" , True ) else: myenv.Append( LINKFLAGS=" /usr/lib/libreadline.dylib " ) elif myCheckLib( "readline" ): myenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "USE_READLINE" ] ) myCheckLib( "tinfo" ) else: print( "WARNING: no readline, shell will be a bit ugly" ) if linux: myCheckLib( "rt" , True ) # this will add it iff it exists and works myCheckLib( "boost_system-mt" ) return conf.Finish() env = doConfigure( env ) # --- v8 --- v8Home = GetOption( "v8home" ) if not os.path.exists( v8Home ): for poss in [ "../v8" , "../open-source/v8" ]: if os.path.exists( poss ): v8Home = poss break # --- js concat --- def concatjs(target, source, env): outFile = str( target[0] ) fullSource = "" for s in source: f = open( str(s) , 'r' ) for l in f: fullSource += l out = open( outFile , 'w' ) out.write( fullSource ) return None jsBuilder = Builder(action = concatjs, suffix = '.jsall', src_suffix = '.js') env.Append( BUILDERS={'JSConcat' : jsBuilder}) # --- jsh --- def jsToH(target, source, env): outFile = str( target[0] ) if len( source ) != 1: raise Exception( "wrong" ) h = "const char * jsconcatcode = \n" for l in open( str(source[0]) , 'r' ): l = l.strip() l = l.partition( "//" )[0] l = l.replace( '\\' , "\\\\" ) l = l.replace( '"' , "\\\"" ) h += '"' + l + "\\n\"\n " h += ";\n\n" out = open( outFile , 'w' ) out.write( h ) return None jshBuilder = Builder(action = jsToH, suffix = '.jsh', src_suffix = '.jsall') env.Append( BUILDERS={'JSHeader' : jshBuilder}) # --- targets ---- clientEnv = env.Clone(); clientEnv.Append( CPPPATH=["../"] ) clientEnv.Append( LIBS=[ "libmongoclient.a"] ) clientEnv.Append( LIBPATH=["."] ) testEnv = env.Clone() testEnv.Append( CPPPATH=["../"] ) testEnv.Append( LIBS=[ "unittest" , "libmongotestfiles.a" ] ) testEnv.Append( LIBPATH=["."] ) # ----- TARGETS ------ # main db target Default( env.Program( "mongod" , commonFiles + coreDbFiles + serverOnlyFiles + [ "db/db.cpp" ] ) ) # tools allToolFiles = allClientFiles + [ "tools/Tool.cpp" ] env.Program( "mongodump" , allToolFiles + [ "tools/dump.cpp" ] ) env.Program( "mongorestore" , allToolFiles + [ "tools/restore.cpp" ] ) env.Program( "mongoexport" , allToolFiles + [ "tools/export.cpp" ] ) env.Program( "mongoimportjson" , allToolFiles + [ "tools/importJSON.cpp" ] ) env.Program( "mongofiles" , allToolFiles + [ "tools/files.cpp" ] ) # mongos mongos = env.Program( "mongos" , commonFiles + coreDbFiles + coreServerFiles + shardServerFiles ) # c++ library clientLibName = str( env.Library( "mongoclient" , allClientFiles )[0] ) env.Library( "mongotestfiles" , commonFiles + coreDbFiles + serverOnlyFiles ) clientTests = [] # examples clientTests += [ clientEnv.Program( "firstExample" , [ "client/examples/first.cpp" ] ) ] clientTests += [ clientEnv.Program( "secondExample" , [ "client/examples/second.cpp" ] ) ] clientTests += [ clientEnv.Program( "whereExample" , [ "client/examples/whereExample.cpp" ] ) ] clientTests += [ clientEnv.Program( "authTest" , [ "client/examples/authTest.cpp" ] ) ] # testing test = testEnv.Program( "test" , Glob( "dbtests/*.cpp" ) ) perftest = testEnv.Program( "perftest", "dbtests/perf/perftest.cpp" ) clientTests += [ clientEnv.Program( "clientTest" , [ "client/examples/clientTest.cpp" ] ) ] # --- sniffer --- if darwin or clientEnv["_HAVEPCAP"]: sniffEnv = clientEnv.Clone() sniffEnv.Append( LIBS=[ "pcap" ] ) sniffEnv.Program( "mongosniff" , "tools/sniffer.cpp" ) # --- shell --- # shell is complicated by the fact that v8 doesn't work 64-bit yet shellEnv = env.Clone(); shellEnv.Append( CPPPATH=[ "../" , v8Home + "/include/" ] ) shellEnv.Append( LIBPATH=[ v8Home] ) if release and ( ( darwin and force64 ) or linux64 ): shellEnv["LINKFLAGS"] = env["LINKFLAGS_CLEAN"] shellEnv["LIBS"] = env["LIBS_CLEAN"] shellEnv["SLIBS"] = "" shellEnv.Append( LIBS=[ "v8" ] ) shellEnv.JSConcat( "shell/mongo.jsall" , Glob( "shell/*.js" ) ) shellEnv.JSHeader( "shell/mongo.jsall" ) def removeIfInList( lst , thing ): if thing in lst: lst.remove( thing ) if noshell: print( "not building shell" ) elif not onlyServer: weird = linux64 or force64 if linux64: shellEnv.Append( CFLAGS="-m32" ) shellEnv.Append( CXXFLAGS="-m32" ) shellEnv.Append( LINKFLAGS="-m32" ) shellEnv.Append( LIBPATH=[ "/usr/lib32" , "/usr/lib" ] ) shellEnv["LIBPATH"].remove( "/usr/lib64" ) if force64: shellEnv["CFLAGS"].remove("-m64") shellEnv["CXXFLAGS"].remove("-m64") shellEnv["LINKFLAGS"].remove("-m64") shellEnv["CPPPATH"].remove( "/usr/64/include" ) shellEnv["LIBPATH"].remove( "/usr/64/lib" ) shellEnv.Append( CPPPATH=[ "/sw/include" , "/opt/local/include"] ) shellEnv.Append( LIBPATH=[ "/sw/lib/", "/opt/local/lib"] ) l = shellEnv["LIBS"] if linux64: removeIfInList( l , "java" ) removeIfInList( l , "jvm" ) removeIfInList( l , "pcre" ) removeIfInList( l , "pcrecpp" ) if windows: shellEnv.Append( LIBS=["winmm.lib"] ) if weird: shell32BitFiles = Glob( "shell/*.cpp" ) for f in allClientFiles: shell32BitFiles.append( "32bit/" + str( f ) ) shellEnv.VariantDir( "32bit" , "." ) else: shellEnv.Append( LIBPATH=[ "." ] ) shellEnv = doConfigure( shellEnv , needPcre=False , needJava=False , shell=True ) if weird: mongo = shellEnv.Program( "mongo" , shell32BitFiles ) else: shellEnv.Append( LIBS=[ "mongoclient"] ) mongo = shellEnv.Program( "mongo" , Glob( "shell/*.cpp" ) ); # ---- RUNNING TESTS ---- testEnv.Alias( "dummySmokeSideEffect", [], [] ) def addSmoketest( name, deps, actions ): testEnv.Alias( name, deps, actions ) testEnv.AlwaysBuild( name ) # Prevent smoke tests from running in parallel testEnv.SideEffect( "dummySmokeSideEffect", name ) def testSetup( env , target , source ): Execute( Mkdir( "/tmp/unittest/" ) ) addSmoketest( "smoke", [ "test" ] , [ testSetup , test[ 0 ].abspath ] ) addSmoketest( "smokePerf", [ "perftest" ] , [ testSetup , perftest[ 0 ].abspath ] ) clientExec = [ x[0].abspath for x in clientTests ]; addSmoketest( "smokeClient" , clientExec , clientExec ) addSmoketest( "mongosTest" , [ mongos[0].abspath ] , [ mongos[0].abspath + " --test" ] ) def jsSpec( suffix ): import os.path args = [ os.path.dirname( mongo[0].abspath ), "jstests" ] + suffix return apply( os.path.join, args ) def jsDirTestSpec( dir ): return mongo[0].abspath + " --nodb " + jsSpec( [ dir, "*.js" ] ) # These tests require the mongo shell if not onlyServer and not noshell: addSmoketest( "smokeJs", [ "mongo" ], [ mongo[0].abspath + " " + jsSpec( [ "_runner.js" ] ) ] ) addSmoketest( "smokeClone", [ "mongo", "mongod" ], [ jsDirTestSpec( "clone" ) ] ) addSmoketest( "smokeRepl", [ "mongo", "mongod" ], [ jsDirTestSpec( "repl" ) ] ) addSmoketest( "smokeRecovery", [ "mongo", "mongod" ], [ jsDirTestSpec( "recovery" ) ] ) addSmoketest( "smokeSharding", [ "mongo", "mongod", "mongos" ], [ jsDirTestSpec( "sharding" ) ] ) addSmoketest( "smokeJsPerf", [ "mongo" ], [ mongo[0].abspath + " " + jsSpec( [ "perf", "*.js" ] ) ] ) mongodForTests = None def startMongodForTests( env, target, source ): global mongodForTests if mongodForTests: return from subprocess import Popen mongodForTests = Popen( [ "mongod", "run" ] ) # Wait for mongod to start from time import sleep sleep( 1 ) def stopMongodForTests(): global mongodForTests if not mongodForTests: return try: # This function not available in Python 2.5 mongodForTests.terminate() except AttributeError: from os import kill kill( mongodForTests.pid, 15 ) mongodForTests.wait() testEnv.Alias( "startMongod", ["mongod"], [startMongodForTests] ); testEnv.AlwaysBuild( "startMongod" ); def addMongodReqTargets( env, target, source ): mongodReqTargets = [ "smokeClient", "smokeJs", "smokeJsPerf" ] for target in mongodReqTargets: testEnv.Depends( target, "startMongod" ) testEnv.Depends( "smokeAll", target ) testEnv.Alias( "addMongodReqTargets", [], [addMongodReqTargets] ) testEnv.AlwaysBuild( "addMongodReqTargets" ) testEnv.Alias( "smokeAll", [ "smoke", "mongosTest", "smokeClone", "smokeRepl", "addMongodReqTargets", "smokeRecovery", "smokeSharding" ] ) testEnv.AlwaysBuild( "smokeAll" ) import atexit atexit.register( stopMongodForTests ) # ---- INSTALL ------- if distBuild: from datetime import date today = date.today() installDir = "mongodb-" + platform + "-" + processor + "-"; if distName is None: installDir += today.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d" ) else: installDir += distName print "going to make dist: " + installDir # binaries def installBinary( e , name ): if windows: name += ".exe" env.Install( installDir + "/bin" , name ) installBinary( env , "mongodump" ) installBinary( env , "mongorestore" ) installBinary( env , "mongoexport" ) installBinary( env , "mongoimportjson" ) installBinary( env , "mongofiles" ) installBinary( env , "mongod" ) if not noshell: installBinary( env , "mongo" ) # NOTE: In some cases scons gets confused between installation targets and build # dependencies. Here, we use InstallAs instead of Install to prevent such confusion # on a case-by-case basis. #headers for id in [ "", "util/", "db/" , "client/" ]: env.Install( installDir + "/include/mongo/" + id , Glob( id + "*.h" ) ) #lib env.Install( installDir + "/" + nixLibPrefix, clientLibName ) env.Install( installDir + "/" + nixLibPrefix + "/mongo/jars" , Glob( "jars/*" ) ) #textfiles if distBuild or release: #don't want to install these /usr/local/ for example env.Install( installDir , "distsrc/README" ) env.Install( installDir , "distsrc/THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES" ) env.Install( installDir , "distsrc/GNU-AGPL-3.0" ) #final alias env.Alias( "install" , installDir ) # ---- CONVENIENCE ---- def tabs( env, target, source ): from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from re import search, match diff = Popen( [ "git", "diff", "-U0", "origin", "master" ], stdout=PIPE ).communicate()[ 0 ] sourceFile = False for line in diff.split( "\n" ): if match( "diff --git", line ): sourceFile = not not search( "\.(h|hpp|c|cpp)\s*$", line ) if sourceFile and match( "\+ *\t", line ): return True return False env.Alias( "checkSource", [], [ tabs ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "checkSource" ) def gitPush( env, target, source ): import subprocess return subprocess.call( [ "git", "push" ] ) env.Alias( "push", [ ".", "smoke", "checkSource" ], gitPush ) env.AlwaysBuild( "push" ) # ---- deploying --- def s3push( localName , remoteName=None , remotePrefix=None , fixName=True , platformDir=True ): if remotePrefix is None: if distName is None: remotePrefix = "-latest" else: remotePrefix = "-" + distName sys.path.append( "." ) import simples3 import settings s = simples3.S3Bucket( settings.bucket , settings.id , settings.key ) if remoteName is None: remoteName = localName if fixName: (root,dot,suffix) = localName.rpartition( "." ) name = remoteName + "-" + platform + "-" + processor + remotePrefix if dot == "." : name += "." + suffix name = name.lower() else: name = remoteName if platformDir: name = platform + "/" + name print( "uploading " + localName + " to http://s3.amazonaws.com/" + s.name + "/" + name ) s.put( name , open( localName , "rb" ).read() , acl="public-read" ); print( " done uploading!" ) def s3shellpush( env , target , source ): s3push( "mongo" , "mongo-shell" ) env.Alias( "s3shell" , [ "mongo" ] , [ s3shellpush ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "s3shell" ) def s3dist( env , target , source ): s3push( distFile , "mongodb" ) env.Append( TARFLAGS=" -z " ) if windows: distFile = installDir + ".zip" env.Zip( distFile , installDir ) else: distFile = installDir + ".tgz" env.Tar( distFile , installDir ) env.Alias( "dist" , distFile ) env.Alias( "s3dist" , [ "install" , distFile ] , [ s3dist ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "s3dist" )