# -*- mode: python; -*- # build file for MongoDB # this requires scons # you can get from http://www.scons.org # then just type scons # some common tasks # build 64-bit mac and pushing to s3 # scons --64 s3dist # scons --distname=0.8 s3dist # all s3 pushes require settings.py and simples3 import os import sys import imp import types import re import shutil import urllib import urllib2 import buildscripts import buildscripts.bb from buildscripts import utils buildscripts.bb.checkOk() # --- options ---- AddOption('--prefix', dest='prefix', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR', help='installation prefix') AddOption('--distname', dest='distname', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR', help='dist name (0.8.0)') AddOption('--distmod', dest='distmod', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR', help='additional piece for full dist name') AddOption( "--64", dest="force64", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="whether to force 64 bit" ) AddOption( "--32", dest="force32", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="whether to force 32 bit" ) AddOption( "--mm", dest="mm", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="use main memory instead of memory mapped files" ) AddOption( "--release", dest="release", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="relase build") AddOption( "--static", dest="static", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="fully static build") AddOption('--java', dest='javaHome', type='string', default="/opt/java/", nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR', help='java home') AddOption('--nojni', dest='nojni', type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="turn off jni support" ) AddOption('--usesm', dest='usesm', type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="use spider monkey for javascript" ) AddOption('--usev8', dest='usev8', type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="use v8 for javascript" ) AddOption('--usejvm', dest='usejvm', type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="use java for javascript" ) AddOption('--asio', dest='asio', type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="Use Asynchronous IO (NOT READY YET)" ) AddOption( "--d", dest="debugBuild", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="debug build no optimization, etc..." ) AddOption( "--dd", dest="debugBuildAndLogging", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="debug build no optimization, additional debug logging, etc..." ) AddOption( "--recstore", dest="recstore", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="use new recstore" ) AddOption( "--noshell", dest="noshell", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="don't build shell" ) AddOption( "--safeshell", dest="safeshell", type="string", nargs=0, action="store", help="don't let shell scripts run programs (still, don't run untrusted scripts)" ) AddOption( "--extrapath", dest="extrapath", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="comma seperated list of add'l paths (--extrapath /opt/foo/,/foo) static linking" ) AddOption( "--extrapathdyn", dest="extrapathdyn", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="comma seperated list of add'l paths (--extrapath /opt/foo/,/foo) dynamic linking" ) AddOption( "--extralib", dest="extralib", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="comma seperated list of libraries (--extralib js_static,readline" ) AddOption( "--staticlib", dest="staticlib", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="comma seperated list of libs to link statically (--staticlib js_static,boost_program_options-mt,..." ) AddOption( "--staticlibpath", dest="staticlibpath", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="comma seperated list of dirs to search for staticlib arguments" ) AddOption( "--cxx", dest="cxx", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="compiler to use" ) AddOption( "--boost-compiler", dest="boostCompiler", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="compiler used for boost (gcc41)" ) AddOption( "--boost-version", dest="boostVersion", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="boost version for linking(1_38)" ) # # to use CPUPROFILE=/tmp/profile # to view pprof -gv mongod /tmp/profile # AddOption( "--pg", dest="profile", type="string", nargs=0, action="store" ) AddOption( "--gdbserver", dest="gdbserver", type="string", nargs=0, action="store" ) AddOption("--nostrip", dest="nostrip", action="store_true", help="do not strip installed binaries") AddOption("--sharedclient", dest="sharedclient", action="store", help="build a libmongoclient.so/.dll") # --- environment setup --- def removeIfInList( lst , thing ): if thing in lst: lst.remove( thing ) def printLocalInfo(): import sys, SCons print( "scons version: " + SCons.__version__ ) print( "python version: " + " ".join( [ `i` for i in sys.version_info ] ) ) printLocalInfo() boostLibs = [ "thread" , "filesystem" , "program_options" ] onlyServer = len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 0 or ( len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 1 and str( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0] ) in [ "mongod" , "mongos" , "test" ] ) nix = False useJavaHome = False linux = False linux64 = False darwin = False windows = False freebsd = False solaris = False force64 = not GetOption( "force64" ) is None if not force64 and os.getcwd().endswith( "mongo-64" ): force64 = True print( "*** assuming you want a 64-bit build b/c of directory *** " ) msarch = None if force64: msarch = "amd64" force32 = not GetOption( "force32" ) is None release = not GetOption( "release" ) is None static = not GetOption( "static" ) is None debugBuild = ( not GetOption( "debugBuild" ) is None ) or ( not GetOption( "debugBuildAndLogging" ) is None ) debugLogging = not GetOption( "debugBuildAndLogging" ) is None noshell = not GetOption( "noshell" ) is None nojni = not GetOption( "nojni" ) is None usesm = not GetOption( "usesm" ) is None usev8 = not GetOption( "usev8" ) is None usejvm = not GetOption( "usejvm" ) is None asio = not GetOption( "asio" ) is None justClientLib = (COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS == ['mongoclient']) env = Environment( MSVS_ARCH=msarch , tools = ["default", "gch"], toolpath = '.' ) if GetOption( "cxx" ) is not None: env["CC"] = GetOption( "cxx" ) env["CXX"] = GetOption( "cxx" ) env["LIBPATH"] = [] if GetOption( "recstore" ) != None: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_RECSTORE" ] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_SCONS" , "MONGO_EXPOSE_MACROS" ] ) env.Append( CPPPATH=[ "." ] ) if GetOption( "safeshell" ) != None: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "MONGO_SAFE_SHELL" ] ) boostCompiler = GetOption( "boostCompiler" ) if boostCompiler is None: boostCompiler = "" else: boostCompiler = "-" + boostCompiler boostVersion = GetOption( "boostVersion" ) if boostVersion is None: boostVersion = "" else: boostVersion = "-" + boostVersion if ( usesm and usejvm ): print( "can't say usesm and usejvm at the same time" ) Exit(1) if ( not ( usesm or usejvm or usev8 or justClientLib) ): usesm = True extraLibPlaces = [] def addExtraLibs( s ): for x in s.split(","): env.Append( CPPPATH=[ x + "/include" ] ) env.Append( LIBPATH=[ x + "/lib" ] ) env.Append( LIBPATH=[ x + "/lib64" ] ) extraLibPlaces.append( x + "/lib" ) if GetOption( "extrapath" ) is not None: addExtraLibs( GetOption( "extrapath" ) ) release = True if GetOption( "extrapathdyn" ) is not None: addExtraLibs( GetOption( "extrapathdyn" ) ) if GetOption( "extralib" ) is not None: for x in GetOption( "extralib" ).split( "," ): env.Append( LIBS=[ x ] ) # ------ SOURCE FILE SETUP ----------- commonFiles = Split( "pch.cpp buildinfo.cpp db/common.cpp db/jsobj.cpp db/json.cpp db/lasterror.cpp db/nonce.cpp db/queryutil.cpp shell/mongo.cpp" ) commonFiles += [ "util/background.cpp" , "util/mmap.cpp" , "util/ramstore.cpp", "util/sock.cpp" , "util/util.cpp" , "util/message.cpp" , "util/assert_util.cpp" , "util/httpclient.cpp" , "util/md5main.cpp" , "util/base64.cpp", "util/debug_util.cpp", "util/thread_pool.cpp" ] commonFiles += Glob( "util/*.c" ) commonFiles += Split( "client/connpool.cpp client/dbclient.cpp client/dbclientcursor.cpp client/model.cpp client/syncclusterconnection.cpp" ) commonFiles += [ "scripting/engine.cpp" , "scripting/utils.cpp" ] #mmap stuff if GetOption( "mm" ) != None: commonFiles += [ "util/mmap_mm.cpp" ] elif os.sys.platform == "win32": commonFiles += [ "util/mmap_win.cpp" ] else: commonFiles += [ "util/mmap_posix.cpp" ] if os.path.exists( "util/processinfo_" + os.sys.platform + ".cpp" ): commonFiles += [ "util/processinfo_" + os.sys.platform + ".cpp" ] else: commonFiles += [ "util/processinfo_none.cpp" ] coreDbFiles = [ "db/commands.cpp" ] coreServerFiles = [ "util/message_server_port.cpp" , "util/message_server_asio.cpp" , "client/parallel.cpp" , "db/matcher.cpp" , "db/indexkey.cpp" , "db/dbcommands_generic.cpp" ] serverOnlyFiles = Split( "db/query.cpp db/update.cpp db/introspect.cpp db/btree.cpp db/clientcursor.cpp db/tests.cpp db/repl.cpp db/repl/replset.cpp db/repl/replset_commands.cpp db/repl/health.cpp db/repl/rs_config.cpp db/oplog.cpp db/repl_block.cpp db/btreecursor.cpp db/cloner.cpp db/namespace.cpp db/matcher_covered.cpp db/dbeval.cpp db/dbwebserver.cpp db/dbhelpers.cpp db/instance.cpp db/client.cpp db/database.cpp db/pdfile.cpp db/cursor.cpp db/security_commands.cpp db/security.cpp util/miniwebserver.cpp db/storage.cpp db/reccache.cpp db/queryoptimizer.cpp db/extsort.cpp db/mr.cpp s/d_util.cpp db/cmdline.cpp" ) serverOnlyFiles += [ "db/index.cpp" ] + Glob( "db/index_*.cpp" ) serverOnlyFiles += [ "db/dbcommands.cpp" , "db/dbcommands_admin.cpp" ] coreServerFiles += Glob( "db/stats/*.cpp" ) serverOnlyFiles += [ "db/driverHelpers.cpp" ] if usesm: commonFiles += [ "scripting/engine_spidermonkey.cpp" ] nojni = True elif usev8: commonFiles += [ Glob( "scripting/*v8*.cpp" ) ] nojni = True elif not (nojni or justClientLib) : commonFiles += [ "scripting/engine_java.cpp" ] else: commonFiles += [ "scripting/engine_none.cpp" ] nojni = True coreShardFiles = [] shardServerFiles = coreShardFiles + Glob( "s/strategy*.cpp" ) + [ "s/commands_admin.cpp" , "s/commands_public.cpp" , "s/request.cpp" , "s/cursors.cpp" , "s/server.cpp" , "s/chunk.cpp" , "s/shard.cpp" , "s/shardkey.cpp" , "s/config.cpp" , "s/config_migrate.cpp" , "s/s_only.cpp" , "s/stats.cpp" , "s/balance.cpp" , "db/cmdline.cpp" ] serverOnlyFiles += coreShardFiles + [ "s/d_logic.cpp" ] serverOnlyFiles += [ "db/module.cpp" ] + Glob( "db/modules/*.cpp" ) modules = [] for x in os.listdir( "db/modules/" ): if x.find( "." ) >= 0: continue print( "adding module: " + x ) modRoot = "db/modules/" + x + "/" serverOnlyFiles += Glob( modRoot + "src/*.cpp" ) modBuildFile = modRoot + "build.py" if os.path.exists( modBuildFile ): modules += [ imp.load_module( "module_" + x , open( modBuildFile , "r" ) , modBuildFile , ( ".py" , "r" , imp.PY_SOURCE ) ) ] allClientFiles = commonFiles + coreDbFiles + [ "client/clientOnly.cpp" , "client/gridfs.cpp" , "s/d_util.cpp" ]; allCXXFiles = allClientFiles + coreShardFiles + shardServerFiles + serverOnlyFiles; # ---- other build setup ----- platform = os.sys.platform if "uname" in dir(os): processor = os.uname()[4] else: processor = "i386" if force32: processor = "i386" if force64: processor = "x86_64" DEFAULT_INSTALl_DIR = "/usr/local" installDir = DEFAULT_INSTALl_DIR nixLibPrefix = "lib" distName = GetOption( "distname" ) dontReplacePackage = False javaHome = GetOption( "javaHome" ) javaVersion = "i386"; javaLibs = [] distBuild = len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 1 and ( str( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0] ) == "s3dist" or str( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0] ) == "dist" ) if distBuild: release = True if GetOption( "prefix" ): installDir = GetOption( "prefix" ) def findVersion( root , choices ): for c in choices: if ( os.path.exists( root + c ) ): return root + c raise "can't find a version of [" + root + "] choices: " + choices def choosePathExist( choices , default=None): for c in choices: if c != None and os.path.exists( c ): return c return default def filterExists(paths): return filter(os.path.exists, paths) if "darwin" == os.sys.platform: darwin = True platform = "osx" # prettier than darwin if usejvm: env.Append( CPPPATH=[ "-I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Headers/" ] ) if not nojni: env.Append( FRAMEWORKS=["JavaVM"] ) if env["CXX"] is None: if os.path.exists( "/usr/bin/g++-4.2" ): env["CXX"] = "g++-4.2" nix = True if force64: env.Append( CPPPATH=["/usr/64/include"] ) env.Append( LIBPATH=["/usr/64/lib"] ) if installDir == DEFAULT_INSTALl_DIR and not distBuild: installDir = "/usr/64/" else: env.Append( CPPPATH=filterExists(["/sw/include" , "/opt/local/include"]) ) env.Append( LIBPATH=filterExists(["/sw/lib/", "/opt/local/lib"]) ) elif "linux2" == os.sys.platform: linux = True useJavaHome = True javaOS = "linux" platform = "linux" javaHome = choosePathExist( [ javaHome , "/usr/lib/jvm/java/" , os.environ.get( "JAVA_HOME" ) ] , "/usr/lib/jvm/java/" ) if os.uname()[4] == "x86_64" and not force32: linux64 = True javaVersion = "amd64" nixLibPrefix = "lib64" env.Append( LIBPATH=["/usr/lib64" , "/lib64" ] ) env.Append( LIBS=["pthread"] ) force64 = False if force32: env.Append( LIBPATH=["/usr/lib32"] ) nix = True if static: env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" -static " ) elif "sunos5" == os.sys.platform: nix = True solaris = True useJavaHome = True javaHome = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/" javaOS = "solaris" env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "__sunos__" ] ) env.Append( LIBS=["socket","resolv"] ) elif os.sys.platform.startswith( "freebsd" ): nix = True freebsd = True env.Append( CPPPATH=[ "/usr/local/include" ] ) env.Append( LIBPATH=[ "/usr/local/lib" ] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "__freebsd__" ] ) elif "win32" == os.sys.platform: windows = True if force64: release = True for pathdir in env['ENV']['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pathdir, 'cl.exe')): print( "found visual studio at " + pathdir ) break else: #use current environment env['ENV'] = dict(os.environ) def find_boost(): for x in ('', ' (x86)'): boostDir = "C:/Program Files" + x + "/boost/latest" if os.path.exists( boostDir ): return boostDir for bv in reversed( range(33,50) ): for extra in ('', '_0', '_1'): boostDir = "C:/Program Files" + x + "/Boost/boost_1_" + str(bv) + extra if os.path.exists( boostDir ): return boostDir if os.path.exists( "C:/boost" ): return "C:/boost" if os.path.exists( "/boost" ): return "/boost" return None boostDir = find_boost() if boostDir is None: print( "can't find boost" ) Exit(1) serverOnlyFiles += [ "util/ntservice.cpp" ] boostLibs = [] if usesm: env.Append( CPPPATH=[ "js/src/" ] ) env.Append(CPPPATH=["../js/src/"]) env.Append(LIBPATH=["../js/src"]) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "OLDJS" ] ) elif not justClientLib: javaHome = findVersion( "C:/Program Files/java/" , [ "jdk" , "jdk1.6.0_10" ] ) env.Append( CPPPATH=[ javaHome + "/include" , javaHome + "/include/win32" ] ) env.Append( LIBPATH=[ javaHome + "/Lib" ] ) javaLibs += [ "jvm" ]; winSDKHome = findVersion( "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/" , [ "v6.0" , "v6.0a" , "v6.1" ] ) env.Append( CPPPATH=[ boostDir , "pcre-7.4" , winSDKHome + "/Include" ] ) env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" /EHsc /W3 " ) env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" /wd4355 /wd4800 " ) #some warnings we don't like env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["WIN32","_CONSOLE","_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS","HAVE_CONFIG_H","PCRE_STATIC","_UNICODE","UNICODE","SUPPORT_UCP","SUPPORT_UTF8,PSAPI_VERSION=1" ] ) #env.Append( CPPFLAGS=' /Yu"pch.h" ' ) # this would be for pre-compiled headers, could play with it later if release: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "NDEBUG" ] ) env.Append( CPPFLAGS= " /O2 /FD /MT /Gy /Zi /TP /errorReport:prompt /Gm " ) # TODO: this has caused some linking problems : env.Append( CPPFLAGS= " /GL " ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" /LTCG " ) else: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_DEBUG" ] ) # /Od disable optimization # /ZI debug info w/edit & continue # RTC1 /GZ (Enable Stack Frame Run-Time Error Checking) env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" /Od /Gm /RTC1 /MDd /ZI " ) env.Append( CPPFLAGS=' /Fd"mongod.pdb" ' ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" /incremental:yes /debug " ) if force64 and os.path.exists( boostDir + "/lib/vs2010_64" ): env.Append( LIBPATH=[ boostDir + "/lib/vs2010_64" ] ) elif not force64 and os.path.exists( boostDir + "/lib/vs2010_32" ): env.Append( LIBPATH=[ boostDir + "/lib/vs2010_32" ] ) else: env.Append( LIBPATH=[ boostDir + "/Lib" ] ) if force64: env.Append( LIBPATH=[ winSDKHome + "/Lib/x64" ] ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCPRT /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT " ) else: env.Append( LIBPATH=[ winSDKHome + "/Lib" ] ) def pcreFilter(x): name = x.name if x.name.endswith( "dftables.c" ): return False if x.name.endswith( "pcredemo.c" ): return False if x.name.endswith( "pcretest.c" ): return False if x.name.endswith( "unittest.cc" ): return False if x.name.endswith( "pcregrep.c" ): return False return True pcreFiles = [] pcreFiles += filter( pcreFilter , Glob( "pcre-7.4/*.c" ) ) pcreFiles += filter( pcreFilter , Glob( "pcre-7.4/*.cc" ) ) commonFiles += pcreFiles allClientFiles += pcreFiles winLibString = "ws2_32.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib Psapi.lib" if force64: winLibString += " LIBCMT LIBCPMT " else: winLibString += " user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib " winLibString += " odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib uuid.lib " env.Append( LIBS=Split(winLibString) ) if force64: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["_AMD64_=1"] ) else: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["_X86_=1"] ) env.Append( CPPPATH=["../winpcap/Include"] ) env.Append( LIBPATH=["../winpcap/Lib"] ) else: print( "No special config for [" + os.sys.platform + "] which probably means it won't work" ) if not nojni and useJavaHome: env.Append( CPPPATH=[ javaHome + "include" , javaHome + "include/" + javaOS ] ) env.Append( LIBPATH=[ javaHome + "jre/lib/" + javaVersion + "/server" , javaHome + "jre/lib/" + javaVersion ] ) if not nojni: javaLibs += [ "java" , "jvm" ] env.Append( LINKFLAGS="-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker " + javaHome + "jre/lib/" + javaVersion + "/server" ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS="-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker " + javaHome + "jre/lib/" + javaVersion ) if nix: env.Append( CPPFLAGS="-fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing -ggdb -pthread -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Winvalid-pch" ) env.Append( CXXFLAGS=" -Wnon-virtual-dtor " ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" -fPIC -pthread -rdynamic" ) env.Append( LIBS=[] ) if debugBuild: env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" -O0 -fstack-protector " ); else: env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" -O3" ) if debugLogging: env.Append( CPPFLAGS=" -D_DEBUG" ); if force64: env.Append( CFLAGS="-m64" ) env.Append( CXXFLAGS="-m64" ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS="-m64" ) if force32: env.Append( CFLAGS="-m32" ) env.Append( CXXFLAGS="-m32" ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS="-m32" ) if GetOption( "profile" ) is not None: env.Append( LIBS=[ "profiler" ] ) if GetOption( "gdbserver" ) is not None: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["USE_GDBSERVER"] ) # pre-compiled headers if False and 'Gch' in dir( env ): print( "using precompiled headers" ) env['Gch'] = env.Gch( [ "pch.h" ] )[0] #Depends( "pch.o" , "pch.h.gch" ) #SideEffect( "dummyGCHSideEffect" , "pch.h.gch" ) if usev8: env.Append( CPPPATH=["../v8/include/"] ) env.Append( LIBPATH=["../v8/"] ) if "uname" in dir(os): hacks = buildscripts.findHacks( os.uname() ) if hacks is not None: hacks.insert( env , { "linux64" : linux64 } ) try: umask = os.umask(022) except OSError: pass # --- check system --- def getGitBranch(): if not os.path.exists( ".git" ): return None version = open( ".git/HEAD" ,'r' ).read().strip() if not version.startswith( "ref: " ): return version version = version.split( "/" ) version = version[len(version)-1] return version def getGitBranchString( prefix="" , postfix="" ): t = re.compile( '[/\\\]' ).split( os.getcwd() ) if len(t) > 2 and t[len(t)-1] == "mongo": par = t[len(t)-2] m = re.compile( ".*_([vV]\d+\.\d+)$" ).match( par ) if m is not None: return prefix + m.group(1).lower() + postfix if par.find("Nightly") > 0: return "" b = getGitBranch() if b == None or b == "master": return "" return prefix + b + postfix def getGitVersion(): if not os.path.exists( ".git" ): return "nogitversion" version = open( ".git/HEAD" ,'r' ).read().strip() if not version.startswith( "ref: " ): return version version = version[5:] f = ".git/" + version if not os.path.exists( f ): return version return open( f , 'r' ).read().strip() def getSysInfo(): if windows: return "windows " + str( sys.getwindowsversion() ) else: return " ".join( os.uname() ) def add_exe(target): if windows: return target + ".exe" return target def setupBuildInfoFile( outFile ): version = getGitVersion() sysInfo = getSysInfo() contents = '\n'.join([ '#include "pch.h"', '#include ', '#include ', 'namespace mongo { const char * gitVersion(){ return "' + version + '"; } }', 'namespace mongo { string sysInfo(){ return "' + sysInfo + ' BOOST_LIB_VERSION=" BOOST_LIB_VERSION ; } }', ]) contents += '\n'; if os.path.exists( outFile ) and open( outFile ).read().strip() == contents.strip(): return contents += '\n'; out = open( outFile , 'w' ) out.write( contents ) out.close() setupBuildInfoFile( "buildinfo.cpp" ) def bigLibString( myenv ): s = str( myenv["LIBS"] ) if 'SLIBS' in myenv._dict: s += str( myenv["SLIBS"] ) return s def doConfigure( myenv , needJava=True , needPcre=True , shell=False ): conf = Configure(myenv) myenv["LINKFLAGS_CLEAN"] = list( myenv["LINKFLAGS"] ) myenv["LIBS_CLEAN"] = list( myenv["LIBS"] ) if 'CheckCXX' in dir( conf ): if not conf.CheckCXX(): print( "c++ compiler not installed!" ) Exit(1) if nix and not shell: if not conf.CheckLib( "stdc++" ): print( "can't find stdc++ library which is needed" ); Exit(1) def myCheckLib( poss , failIfNotFound=False , java=False , staticOnly=False): if type( poss ) != types.ListType : poss = [poss] allPlaces = []; allPlaces += extraLibPlaces if nix and release: allPlaces += myenv["LIBPATH"] if not force64: allPlaces += [ "/usr/lib" , "/usr/local/lib" ] for p in poss: for loc in allPlaces: fullPath = loc + "/lib" + p + ".a" if os.path.exists( fullPath ): myenv['_LIBFLAGS']='${_stripixes(LIBLINKPREFIX, LIBS, LIBLINKSUFFIX, LIBPREFIXES, LIBSUFFIXES, __env__)} $SLIBS' myenv.Append( SLIBS=" " + fullPath + " " ) return True if release and not java and not windows and failIfNotFound: print( "ERROR: can't find static version of: " + str( poss ) + " in: " + str( allPlaces ) ) Exit(1) res = not staticOnly and conf.CheckLib( poss ) if res: return True if failIfNotFound: print( "can't find library " + str( poss ) + " in " + str( myenv["LIBPATH"] ) ) Exit(1) return False if needPcre and not conf.CheckCXXHeader( 'pcrecpp.h' ): print( "can't find pcre" ) Exit(1) if not conf.CheckCXXHeader( "boost/filesystem/operations.hpp" ): print( "can't find boost headers" ) if shell: print( "\tshell might not compile" ) else: Exit(1) if asio: if conf.CheckCXXHeader( "boost/asio.hpp" ): myenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "USE_ASIO" ] ) else: print( "WARNING: old version of boost - you should consider upgrading" ) # this will add it iff it exists and works myCheckLib( [ "boost_system" + boostCompiler + "-mt" + boostVersion , "boost_system" + boostCompiler + boostVersion ] ) for b in boostLibs: l = "boost_" + b myCheckLib( [ l + boostCompiler + "-mt" + boostVersion , l + boostCompiler + boostVersion ] , release or not shell) if not conf.CheckCXXHeader( "execinfo.h" ): myenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "NOEXECINFO" ] ) if needJava: for j in javaLibs: myCheckLib( j , True , True ) if nix and needPcre: myCheckLib( "pcrecpp" , True ) myCheckLib( "pcre" , True ) myenv["_HAVEPCAP"] = myCheckLib( ["pcap", "wpcap"] ) removeIfInList( myenv["LIBS"] , "pcap" ) removeIfInList( myenv["LIBS"] , "wpcap" ) for m in modules: m.configure( conf , myenv ) # this is outside of usesm block so don't have to rebuild for java if windows: myenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "XP_WIN" ] ) else: myenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "XP_UNIX" ] ) if solaris: conf.CheckLib( "nsl" ) if usesm: myCheckLib( [ "mozjs" , "js", "js_static" ] , True ) mozHeader = "js" if bigLibString(myenv).find( "mozjs" ) >= 0: mozHeader = "mozjs" if not conf.CheckHeader( mozHeader + "/jsapi.h" ): if conf.CheckHeader( "jsapi.h" ): myenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "OLDJS" ] ) else: print( "no spider monkey headers!" ) Exit(1) if usev8: if debugBuild: myCheckLib( [ "v8_g" , "v8" ] , True ) else: myCheckLib( "v8" , True ) if shell: haveReadLine = False if darwin: myenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "USE_READLINE" ] ) if force64: myCheckLib( "readline" , True ) myCheckLib( "ncurses" , True ) else: myenv.Append( LINKFLAGS=" /usr/lib/libreadline.dylib " ) elif myCheckLib( "readline" , release and nix , staticOnly=release ): myenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "USE_READLINE" ] ) myCheckLib( "ncurses" , staticOnly=release ) myCheckLib( "tinfo" , staticOnly=release ) else: print( "warning: no readline, shell will be a bit ugly" ) if linux: myCheckLib( "rt" , True ) # requires ports devel/libexecinfo to be installed if freebsd: myCheckLib( "execinfo", True ) env.Append( LIBS=[ "execinfo" ] ) # Handle staticlib,staticlibpath options. staticlibfiles = [] if GetOption( "staticlib" ) is not None: # FIXME: probably this loop ought to do something clever # depending on whether we want to use 32bit or 64bit # libraries. For now, we sort of rely on the user supplying a # sensible staticlibpath option. (myCheckLib implements an # analogous search, but it also does other things I don't # understand, so I'm not using it.) if GetOption ( "staticlibpath" ) is not None: dirs = GetOption ( "staticlibpath" ).split( "," ) else: dirs = [ "/usr/lib64", "/usr/lib" ] for l in GetOption( "staticlib" ).split( "," ): removeIfInList(myenv["LIBS"], l) found = False for d in dirs: f= "%s/lib%s.a" % ( d, l ) if os.path.exists( f ): staticlibfiles.append(f) found = True break if not found: raise "can't find a static %s" % l myenv.Append(LINKCOM=" $STATICFILES") myenv.Append(STATICFILES=staticlibfiles) return conf.Finish() env = doConfigure( env ) # --- js concat --- def concatjs(target, source, env): outFile = str( target[0] ) fullSource = "" first = True for s in source: f = open( str(s) , 'r' ) for l in f: l = l.split("//")[0].strip() if len ( l ) == 0: continue if l == "}": fullSource += "}" continue if first: first = False else: fullSource += "\n" fullSource += l fullSource += "\n" fullSource = re.compile( r'/\*\*.*?\*/' , re.M | re.S ).sub( "" , fullSource ) out = open( outFile , 'w' ) out.write( fullSource ) return None jsBuilder = Builder(action = concatjs, suffix = '.jsall', src_suffix = '.js') env.Append( BUILDERS={'JSConcat' : jsBuilder}) # --- jsh --- def jsToH(target, source, env): outFile = str( target[0] ) if len( source ) != 1: raise Exception( "wrong" ) h = "const char * jsconcatcode" + outFile.split( "mongo" )[-1].replace( "-" , "_").split( ".cpp")[0] + " = \n" for l in open( str(source[0]) , 'r' ): l = l.strip() l = l.split( "//" )[0] l = l.replace( '\\' , "\\\\" ) l = l.replace( '"' , "\\\"" ) h += '"' + l + "\\n\"\n " h += ";\n\n" out = open( outFile , 'w' ) out.write( h ) return None jshBuilder = Builder(action = jsToH, suffix = '.cpp', src_suffix = '.jsall') env.Append( BUILDERS={'JSHeader' : jshBuilder}) # --- targets ---- clientEnv = env.Clone(); clientEnv.Append( CPPPATH=["../"] ) clientEnv.Prepend( LIBS=[ "mongoclient"] ) clientEnv.Prepend( LIBPATH=["."] ) l = clientEnv[ "LIBS" ] removeIfInList( l , "pcre" ) removeIfInList( l , "pcrecpp" ) testEnv = env.Clone() testEnv.Append( CPPPATH=["../"] ) testEnv.Prepend( LIBS=[ "mongotestfiles" ] ) testEnv.Prepend( LIBPATH=["."] ) # ----- TARGETS ------ def checkErrorCodes(): import buildscripts.errorcodes as x if x.checkErrorCodes() == False: print( "next id to use:" + str( x.getNextCode() ) ) Exit(-1) checkErrorCodes() # main db target mongod = env.Program( "mongod" , commonFiles + coreDbFiles + coreServerFiles + serverOnlyFiles + [ "db/db.cpp" ] ) Default( mongod ) # tools allToolFiles = commonFiles + coreDbFiles + coreServerFiles + serverOnlyFiles + [ "client/gridfs.cpp", "tools/tool.cpp" ] normalTools = [ "dump" , "restore" , "export" , "import" , "files" , "stat" ] env.Alias( "tools" , [ add_exe( "mongo" + x ) for x in normalTools ] ) for x in normalTools: env.Program( "mongo" + x , allToolFiles + [ "tools/" + x + ".cpp" ] ) env.Program( "mongobridge" , allToolFiles + [ "tools/bridge.cpp" ] ) # mongos mongos = env.Program( "mongos" , commonFiles + coreDbFiles + coreServerFiles + shardServerFiles ) # c++ library clientLibName = str( env.Library( "mongoclient" , allClientFiles )[0] ) if GetOption( "sharedclient" ): sharedClientLibName = str( env.SharedLibrary( "mongoclient" , allClientFiles )[0] ) env.Library( "mongotestfiles" , commonFiles + coreDbFiles + coreServerFiles + serverOnlyFiles + ["client/gridfs.cpp"]) clientTests = [] # examples clientTests += [ clientEnv.Program( "firstExample" , [ "client/examples/first.cpp" ] ) ] clientTests += [ clientEnv.Program( "secondExample" , [ "client/examples/second.cpp" ] ) ] clientTests += [ clientEnv.Program( "whereExample" , [ "client/examples/whereExample.cpp" ] ) ] clientTests += [ clientEnv.Program( "authTest" , [ "client/examples/authTest.cpp" ] ) ] clientTests += [ clientEnv.Program( "httpClientTest" , [ "client/examples/httpClientTest.cpp" ] ) ] # testing test = testEnv.Program( "test" , Glob( "dbtests/*.cpp" ) ) if windows: testEnv.Alias( "test" , "test.exe" ) perftest = testEnv.Program( "perftest", [ "dbtests/framework.cpp" , "dbtests/perf/perftest.cpp" ] ) clientTests += [ clientEnv.Program( "clientTest" , [ "client/examples/clientTest.cpp" ] ) ] # --- sniffer --- mongosniff_built = False if darwin or clientEnv["_HAVEPCAP"]: mongosniff_built = True sniffEnv = clientEnv.Clone() if not windows: sniffEnv.Append( LIBS=[ "pcap" ] ) else: sniffEnv.Append( LIBS=[ "wpcap" ] ) sniffEnv.Program( "mongosniff" , "tools/sniffer.cpp" ) # --- shell --- env.JSConcat( "shell/mongo.jsall" , ["shell/utils.js","shell/db.js","shell/mongo.js","shell/mr.js","shell/query.js","shell/collection.js"] ) env.JSHeader( "shell/mongo.jsall" ) env.JSConcat( "shell/mongo-server.jsall" , [ "shell/servers.js"] ) env.JSHeader( "shell/mongo-server.jsall" ) shellEnv = env.Clone(); if release and ( ( darwin and force64 ) or linux64 ): shellEnv["LINKFLAGS"] = env["LINKFLAGS_CLEAN"] shellEnv["LIBS"] = env["LIBS_CLEAN"] shellEnv["SLIBS"] = "" if noshell: print( "not building shell" ) elif not onlyServer: weird = force64 and not windows and not solaris if weird: shellEnv["CFLAGS"].remove("-m64") shellEnv["CXXFLAGS"].remove("-m64") shellEnv["LINKFLAGS"].remove("-m64") shellEnv["CPPPATH"].remove( "/usr/64/include" ) shellEnv["LIBPATH"].remove( "/usr/64/lib" ) shellEnv.Append( CPPPATH=filterExists(["/sw/include" , "/opt/local/include"]) ) shellEnv.Append( LIBPATH=filterExists(["/sw/lib/", "/opt/local/lib" , "/usr/lib"]) ) l = shellEnv["LIBS"] if linux64: removeIfInList( l , "java" ) removeIfInList( l , "jvm" ) removeIfInList( l , "pcre" ) removeIfInList( l , "pcrecpp" ) if windows: shellEnv.Append( LIBS=["winmm.lib"] ) coreShellFiles = [ "shell/dbshell.cpp" , "shell/utils.cpp" , "shell/mongo-server.cpp" ] if weird: shell32BitFiles = coreShellFiles for f in allClientFiles: shell32BitFiles.append( "32bit/" + str( f ) ) shellEnv.VariantDir( "32bit" , "." ) shellEnv.Append( CPPPATH=["32bit/"] ) else: shellEnv.Prepend( LIBPATH=[ "." ] ) shellEnv = doConfigure( shellEnv , needPcre=False , needJava=False , shell=True ) if weird: mongo = shellEnv.Program( "mongo" , shell32BitFiles ) else: shellEnv.Prepend( LIBS=[ "mongoclient"] ) mongo = shellEnv.Program( "mongo" , coreShellFiles ) if weird: Depends( "32bit/shell/mongo.cpp" , "shell/mongo.cpp" ) Depends( "32bit/shell/mongo-server.cpp" , "shell/mongo-server.cpp" ) # ---- RUNNING TESTS ---- testEnv.Alias( "dummySmokeSideEffect", [], [] ) def addSmoketest( name, deps, actions ): if type( actions ) == type( list() ): actions = [ testSetup ] + actions else: actions = [ testSetup, actions ] testEnv.Alias( name, deps, actions ) testEnv.AlwaysBuild( name ) # Prevent smoke tests from running in parallel testEnv.SideEffect( "dummySmokeSideEffect", name ) def ensureDir( name ): d = os.path.dirname( name ) if not os.path.exists( d ): print( "Creating dir: " + name ); os.makedirs( d ) if not os.path.exists( d ): print( "Failed to create dir: " + name ); Exit( 1 ) def ensureTestDirs(): ensureDir( "/tmp/unittest/" ) ensureDir( "/data/" ) ensureDir( "/data/db/" ) def testSetup( env , target , source ): ensureTestDirs() if len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 1 and str( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0] ) == "test": ensureDir( "/tmp/unittest/" ); addSmoketest( "smoke", [ add_exe( "test" ) ] , [ test[ 0 ].abspath ] ) addSmoketest( "smokePerf", [ "perftest" ] , [ perftest[ 0 ].abspath ] ) clientExec = [ x[0].abspath for x in clientTests ] def runClientTests( env, target, source ): global clientExec global mongodForTestsPort import subprocess for i in clientExec: if subprocess.call( [ i, "--port", mongodForTestsPort ] ) != 0: return True if subprocess.Popen( [ mongod[0].abspath, "msg", "ping", mongodForTestsPort ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).communicate()[ 0 ].count( "****ok" ) == 0: return True if subprocess.call( [ mongod[0].abspath, "msg", "ping", mongodForTestsPort ] ) != 0: return True return False addSmoketest( "smokeClient" , clientExec, runClientTests ) addSmoketest( "mongosTest" , [ mongos[0].abspath ] , [ mongos[0].abspath + " --test" ] ) def jsSpec( suffix ): import os.path args = [ os.path.dirname( mongo[0].abspath ), "jstests" ] + suffix return apply( os.path.join, args ) def jsDirTestSpec( dir ): path = jsSpec( [ dir + '/*.js' ] ) paths = [x.abspath for x in Glob( path ) ] return mongo[0].abspath + " --nodb " + ' '.join( paths ) def runShellTest( env, target, source ): global mongodForTestsPort import subprocess target = str( target[0] ) if target == "smokeJs": spec = [ jsSpec( [ "_runner.js" ] ) ] elif target == "smokeQuota": g = Glob( jsSpec( [ "quota/*.js" ] ) ) spec = [ x.abspath for x in g ] elif target == "smokeJsPerf": g = Glob( jsSpec( [ "perf/*.js" ] ) ) spec = [ x.abspath for x in g ] elif target == "smokeJsSlow": spec = [x.abspath for x in Glob(jsSpec(["slow/*"]))] elif target == "smokeParallel": spec = [x.abspath for x in Glob(jsSpec(["parallel/*"]))] else: print( "invalid target for runShellTest()" ) Exit( 1 ) return subprocess.call( [ mongo[0].abspath, "--port", mongodForTestsPort ] + spec ) # These tests require the mongo shell if not onlyServer and not noshell: addSmoketest( "smokeJs", [add_exe("mongo")], runShellTest ) addSmoketest( "smokeClone", [ "mongo", "mongod" ], [ jsDirTestSpec( "clone" ) ] ) addSmoketest( "smokeRepl", [ "mongo", "mongod", "mongobridge" ], [ jsDirTestSpec( "repl" ) ] ) addSmoketest( "smokeDisk", [ add_exe( "mongo" ), add_exe( "mongod" ) ], [ jsDirTestSpec( "disk" ) ] ) addSmoketest( "smokeAuth", [ add_exe( "mongo" ), add_exe( "mongod" ) ], [ jsDirTestSpec( "auth" ) ] ) addSmoketest( "smokeParallel", [ add_exe( "mongo" ), add_exe( "mongod" ) ], runShellTest ) addSmoketest( "smokeSharding", [ "mongo", "mongod", "mongos" ], [ jsDirTestSpec( "sharding" ) ] ) addSmoketest( "smokeJsPerf", [ "mongo" ], runShellTest ) addSmoketest("smokeJsSlow", [add_exe("mongo")], runShellTest) addSmoketest( "smokeQuota", [ "mongo" ], runShellTest ) addSmoketest( "smokeTool", [ add_exe( "mongo" ) ], [ jsDirTestSpec( "tool" ) ] ) mongodForTests = None mongodForTestsPort = "27017" def startMongodWithArgs(*args): global mongodForTests global mongodForTestsPort global mongod if mongodForTests: return mongodForTestsPort = "32000" import os ensureTestDirs() dirName = "/data/db/sconsTests/" ensureDir( dirName ) from subprocess import Popen mongodForTests = Popen([mongod[0].abspath, "--port", mongodForTestsPort, "--dbpath", dirName] + list(args)) if not utils.didMongodStart( 32000 ): print( "Failed to start mongod" ) mongodForTests = None Exit( 1 ) def startMongodForTests( env, target, source ): return startMongodWithArgs() def startMongodSmallOplog(env, target, source): return startMongodWithArgs("--master", "--oplogSize", "10") def stopMongodForTests(): global mongodForTests if not mongodForTests: return if mongodForTests.poll() is not None: print( "Failed to start mongod" ) mongodForTests = None Exit( 1 ) try: # This function not available in Python 2.5 mongodForTests.terminate() except AttributeError: if windows: import win32process win32process.TerminateProcess(mongodForTests._handle, -1) else: from os import kill kill( mongodForTests.pid, 15 ) mongodForTests.wait() testEnv.Alias( "startMongod", [add_exe("mongod")], [startMongodForTests] ); testEnv.AlwaysBuild( "startMongod" ); testEnv.SideEffect( "dummySmokeSideEffect", "startMongod" ) testEnv.Alias( "startMongodSmallOplog", [add_exe("mongod")], [startMongodSmallOplog] ); testEnv.AlwaysBuild( "startMongodSmallOplog" ); testEnv.SideEffect( "dummySmokeSideEffect", "startMongodSmallOplog" ) def addMongodReqTargets( env, target, source ): mongodReqTargets = [ "smokeClient", "smokeJs", "smokeQuota" ] for target in mongodReqTargets: testEnv.Depends( target, "startMongod" ) testEnv.Depends( "smokeAll", target ) testEnv.Alias( "addMongodReqTargets", [], [addMongodReqTargets] ) testEnv.AlwaysBuild( "addMongodReqTargets" ) testEnv.Alias( "smokeAll", [ "smoke", "mongosTest", "smokeClone", "smokeRepl", "addMongodReqTargets", "smokeDisk", "smokeAuth", "smokeSharding", "smokeTool" ] ) testEnv.AlwaysBuild( "smokeAll" ) def addMongodReqNoJsTargets( env, target, source ): mongodReqTargets = [ "smokeClient" ] for target in mongodReqTargets: testEnv.Depends( target, "startMongod" ) testEnv.Depends( "smokeAllNoJs", target ) testEnv.Alias( "addMongodReqNoJsTargets", [], [addMongodReqNoJsTargets] ) testEnv.AlwaysBuild( "addMongodReqNoJsTargets" ) testEnv.Alias( "smokeAllNoJs", [ "smoke", "mongosTest", "addMongodReqNoJsTargets" ] ) testEnv.AlwaysBuild( "smokeAllNoJs" ) import atexit atexit.register( stopMongodForTests ) def recordPerformance( env, target, source ): from buildscripts import benchmark_tools global perftest import subprocess, re p = subprocess.Popen( [ perftest[0].abspath ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) b = p.communicate()[ 0 ] print( "perftest results:" ); print( b ); if p.returncode != 0: return True entries = re.findall( "{.*?}", b ) import sys for e in entries: matches = re.match( "{'(.*?)': (.*?)}", e ) name = matches.group( 1 ) val = float( matches.group( 2 ) ) sub = { "benchmark": { "project": "http://github.com/mongodb/mongo", "description": "" }, "trial": {} } sub[ "benchmark" ][ "name" ] = name sub[ "benchmark" ][ "tags" ] = [ "c++", re.match( "(.*)__", name ).group( 1 ) ] sub[ "trial" ][ "server_hash" ] = getGitVersion() sub[ "trial" ][ "client_hash" ] = "" sub[ "trial" ][ "result" ] = val try: print(benchmark_tools.post_data(sub)) except: print( "exception posting perf results" ) print( sys.exc_info() ) return False addSmoketest( "recordPerf", [ "perftest" ] , [ recordPerformance ] ) def run_shell_tests(env, target, source): from buildscripts import test_shell test_shell.mongo_path = windows and "mongo.exe" or "mongo" test_shell.run_tests() env.Alias("test_shell", [], [run_shell_tests]) env.AlwaysBuild("test_shell") # ---- INSTALL ------- def getSystemInstallName(): n = platform + "-" + processor if static: n += "-static" if nix and os.uname()[2].startswith( "8." ): n += "-tiger" try: import settings if "distmod" in dir( settings ): n = n + "-" + str( settings.distmod ) except: pass dn = GetOption( "distmod" ) if dn and len(dn) > 0: n = n + "-" + dn return n def getCodeVersion(): fullSource = open( "pch.cpp" , "r" ).read() allMatches = re.findall( r"versionString.. = \"(.*?)\"" , fullSource ); if len(allMatches) != 1: print( "can't find version # in code" ) return None return allMatches[0] def getDistName( sofar ): global distName global dontReplacePackage if distName is not None: return distName if str( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0] ) == "s3dist": version = getCodeVersion() if not version.endswith( "+" ) and not version.endswith("-"): print( "got real code version, doing release build for: " + version ) dontReplacePackage = True distName = version return version return getGitBranchString( "" , "-" ) + today.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d" ) if distBuild: from datetime import date today = date.today() installDir = "mongodb-" + getSystemInstallName() + "-" installDir += getDistName( installDir ) print "going to make dist: " + installDir # binaries def checkGlibc(target,source,env): import subprocess stringProcess = subprocess.Popen( [ "strings" , str( target[0] ) ] , stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) stringResult = stringProcess.communicate()[0] if stringResult.count( "GLIBC_2.4" ) > 0: print( "************* " + str( target[0] ) + " has GLIBC_2.4 dependencies!" ) Exit(-3) allBinaries = [] def installBinary( e , name ): global allBinaries if windows: e.Alias( name , name + ".exe" ) name += ".exe" inst = e.Install( installDir + "/bin" , name ) fullInstallName = installDir + "/bin/" + name allBinaries += [ name ] if (solaris or linux) and (not GetOption("nostrip")): e.AddPostAction( inst, e.Action( 'strip ' + fullInstallName ) ) if linux and len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 1 and str( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0] ) == "s3dist": e.AddPostAction( inst , checkGlibc ) if nix: e.AddPostAction( inst , e.Action( 'chmod 755 ' + fullInstallName ) ) for x in normalTools: installBinary( env , "mongo" + x ) if mongosniff_built: installBinary(env, "mongosniff") installBinary( env , "mongod" ) installBinary( env , "mongos" ) if not noshell: installBinary( env , "mongo" ) env.Alias( "all" , allBinaries ) env.Alias( "core" , [ add_exe( "mongo" ) , add_exe( "mongod" ) , add_exe( "mongos" ) ] ) # NOTE: In some cases scons gets confused between installation targets and build # dependencies. Here, we use InstallAs instead of Install to prevent such confusion # on a case-by-case basis. #headers for id in [ "", "util/", "db/" , "client/" ]: env.Install( installDir + "/include/mongo/" + id , Glob( id + "*.h" ) ) #lib env.Install( installDir + "/" + nixLibPrefix, clientLibName ) if usejvm: env.Install( installDir + "/" + nixLibPrefix + "/mongo/jars" , Glob( "jars/*" ) ) #textfiles if distBuild or release: #don't want to install these /usr/local/ for example env.Install( installDir , "distsrc/README" ) env.Install( installDir , "distsrc/THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES" ) env.Install( installDir , "distsrc/GNU-AGPL-3.0" ) #final alias env.Alias( "install" , installDir ) # aliases if windows: env.Alias( "mongoclient" , "mongoclient.lib" ) else: env.Alias( "mongoclient" , "libmongoclient.a" ) # ---- CONVENIENCE ---- def tabs( env, target, source ): from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from re import search, match diff = Popen( [ "git", "diff", "-U0", "origin", "master" ], stdout=PIPE ).communicate()[ 0 ] sourceFile = False for line in diff.split( "\n" ): if match( "diff --git", line ): sourceFile = not not search( "\.(h|hpp|c|cpp)\s*$", line ) if sourceFile and match( "\+ *\t", line ): return True return False env.Alias( "checkSource", [], [ tabs ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "checkSource" ) def gitPush( env, target, source ): import subprocess return subprocess.call( [ "git", "push" ] ) env.Alias( "push", [ ".", "smoke", "checkSource" ], gitPush ) env.AlwaysBuild( "push" ) # ---- deploying --- def s3push( localName , remoteName=None , remotePrefix=None , fixName=True , platformDir=True ): if remotePrefix is None: if distName is None: remotePrefix = getGitBranchString( "-" ) + "-latest" else: remotePrefix = "-" + distName sys.path.append( "." ) sys.path.append( ".." ) sys.path.append( "../../" ) import simples3 import settings s = simples3.S3Bucket( settings.bucket , settings.id , settings.key ) if remoteName is None: remoteName = localName if fixName: (root,dot,suffix) = localName.rpartition( "." ) name = remoteName + "-" + getSystemInstallName() name += remotePrefix if dot == "." : name += "." + suffix name = name.lower() else: name = remoteName if platformDir: name = platform + "/" + name print( "uploading " + localName + " to http://s3.amazonaws.com/" + s.name + "/" + name ) if dontReplacePackage: for ( key , modify , etag , size ) in s.listdir( prefix=name ): print( "error: already a file with that name, not uploading" ) Exit(2) s.put( name , open( localName , "rb" ).read() , acl="public-read" ); print( " done uploading!" ) def s3shellpush( env , target , source ): s3push( "mongo" , "mongo-shell" ) env.Alias( "s3shell" , [ "mongo" ] , [ s3shellpush ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "s3shell" ) def s3dist( env , target , source ): s3push( distFile , "mongodb" ) env.Append( TARFLAGS=" -z " ) if windows: distFile = installDir + ".zip" env.Zip( distFile , installDir ) else: distFile = installDir + ".tgz" env.Tar( distFile , installDir ) env.Alias( "dist" , distFile ) env.Alias( "s3dist" , [ "install" , distFile ] , [ s3dist ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "s3dist" ) def clean_old_dist_builds(env, target, source): prefix = "mongodb-%s-%s" % (platform, processor) filenames = sorted(os.listdir(".")) filenames = [x for x in filenames if x.startswith(prefix)] to_keep = [x for x in filenames if x.endswith(".tgz") or x.endswith(".zip")][-2:] for filename in [x for x in filenames if x not in to_keep]: print "removing %s" % filename try: shutil.rmtree(filename) except: os.remove(filename) env.Alias("dist_clean", [], [clean_old_dist_builds]) env.AlwaysBuild("dist_clean") # --- an uninstall target --- if len(COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS) > 0 and 'uninstall' in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS: SetOption("clean", 1) # By inspection, changing COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS here doesn't do # what we want, but changing BUILD_TARGETS does. BUILD_TARGETS.remove("uninstall") BUILD_TARGETS.append("install")