# -*- mode: python; -*- # build file for MongoDB # this requires scons # you can get from http://www.scons.org # then just type scons # some common tasks # build 64-bit mac and pushing to s3 # scons --64 s3dist # scons --distname=0.8 s3dist # all s3 pushes require settings.py and simples3 # This file, SConstruct, configures the build environment, and then delegates to # several, subordinate SConscript files, which describe specific build rules. import buildscripts import copy import datetime import imp import os import re import shutil import stat import sys import textwrap import types import urllib import urllib2 from buildscripts import utils from buildscripts import moduleconfig import libdeps EnsureSConsVersion( 1, 1, 0 ) if "uname" in dir(os): scons_data_dir = ".scons/%s/%s" % ( os.uname()[0] , os.getenv( "HOST" , "nohost" ) ) else: scons_data_dir = ".scons/%s/" % os.getenv( "HOST" , "nohost" ) SConsignFile( scons_data_dir + "/sconsign" ) DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR = "/usr/local" def findSettingsSetup(): sys.path.append( "." ) sys.path.append( ".." ) sys.path.append( "../../" ) def versiontuple(v): return tuple(map(int, (v.split(".")))) # --- platform identification --- # # This needs to precede the options section so that we can only offer some options on certain # platforms. platform = os.sys.platform nix = False linux = False darwin = False windows = False freebsd = False openbsd = False solaris = False if "darwin" == platform: darwin = True platform = "osx" # prettier than darwin elif platform.startswith("linux"): linux = True platform = "linux" elif "sunos5" == platform: solaris = True elif platform.startswith( "freebsd" ): freebsd = True elif platform.startswith( "openbsd" ): openbsd = True elif "win32" == platform: windows = True else: print( "No special config for [" + platform + "] which probably means it won't work" ) nix = not windows # --- options ---- use_clang = False options = {} def add_option( name, help, nargs, contributesToVariantDir, dest=None, default = None, type="string", choices=None, metavar=None, const=None ): if dest is None: dest = name if type == 'choice' and not metavar: metavar = '[' + '|'.join(choices) + ']' AddOption( "--" + name , dest=dest, type=type, nargs=nargs, action="store", choices=choices, default=default, metavar=metavar, const=const, help=help ) options[name] = { "help" : help , "nargs" : nargs , "contributesToVariantDir" : contributesToVariantDir , "dest" : dest, "default": default } def get_option( name ): return GetOption( name ) def has_option( name ): x = get_option( name ) if x is None: return False if x == False: return False if x == "": return False return True def use_system_version_of_library(name): return has_option('use-system-all') or has_option('use-system-' + name) # Returns true if we have been configured to use a system version of any C++ library. If you # add a new C++ library dependency that may be shimmed out to the system, add it to the below # list. def using_system_version_of_cxx_libraries(): cxx_library_names = ["tcmalloc", "boost", "v8"] return True in [use_system_version_of_library(x) for x in cxx_library_names] def get_variant_dir(): if has_option('variant-dir'): return "#build/" + get_option('variant-dir') substitute = lambda x: re.sub( "[:,\\\\/]" , "_" , x ) a = [] for name in options: o = options[name] if not has_option( o["dest"] ): continue if not o["contributesToVariantDir"]: continue if get_option(o["dest"]) == o["default"]: continue if o["nargs"] == 0: a.append( name ) else: x = substitute( get_option( name ) ) a.append( name + "_" + x ) extras = [] if has_option("extra-variant-dirs"): extras = [substitute(x) for x in get_option( 'extra-variant-dirs' ).split( ',' )] if has_option("add-branch-to-variant-dir"): extras += ["branch_" + substitute( utils.getGitBranch() )] if has_option('cache'): s = "#build/cached/" s += "/".join(extras) + "/" else: s = "#build/${PYSYSPLATFORM}/" a += extras if len(a) > 0: a.sort() s += "/".join( a ) + "/" else: s += "normal/" return s # build output add_option( "mute" , "do not display commandlines for compiling and linking, to reduce screen noise", 0, False ) # installation/packaging add_option( "prefix" , "installation prefix" , 1 , False, default=DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR ) add_option( "distname" , "dist name (0.8.0)" , 1 , False ) add_option( "distmod", "additional piece for full dist name" , 1 , False ) add_option( "nostrip", "do not strip installed binaries" , 0 , False ) add_option( "extra-variant-dirs", "extra variant dir components, separated by commas", 1, False) add_option( "add-branch-to-variant-dir", "add current git branch to the variant dir", 0, False ) add_option( "variant-dir", "override variant subdirectory", 1, False ) # linking options add_option( "release" , "release build" , 0 , True ) add_option( "static" , "fully static build" , 0 , False ) add_option( "static-libstdc++" , "statically link libstdc++" , 0 , False ) add_option( "lto", "enable link time optimizations (experimental, except with MSVC)" , 0 , True ) add_option( "dynamic-windows", "dynamically link on Windows", 0, True) # base compile flags add_option( "64" , "whether to force 64 bit" , 0 , True , "force64" ) add_option( "32" , "whether to force 32 bit" , 0 , True , "force32" ) add_option( "cxx", "compiler to use" , 1 , True ) add_option( "cc", "compiler to use for c" , 1 , True ) add_option( "cc-use-shell-environment", "use $CC from shell for C compiler" , 0 , False ) add_option( "cxx-use-shell-environment", "use $CXX from shell for C++ compiler" , 0 , False ) add_option( "ld", "linker to use" , 1 , True ) add_option( "c++11", "enable c++11 support (experimental)", "?", True, type="choice", choices=["on", "off", "auto"], const="on", default="auto" ) add_option( "cpppath", "Include path if you have headers in a nonstandard directory" , 1 , False ) add_option( "libpath", "Library path if you have libraries in a nonstandard directory" , 1 , False ) add_option( "extrapath", "comma separated list of add'l paths (--extrapath /opt/foo/,/foo) static linking" , 1 , False ) add_option( "extrapathdyn", "comma separated list of add'l paths (--extrapath /opt/foo/,/foo) dynamic linking" , 1 , False ) add_option( "extralib", "comma separated list of libraries (--extralib js_static,readline" , 1 , False ) add_option( "no-glibc-check" , "don't check for new versions of glibc" , 0 , False ) # experimental features add_option( "mm", "use main memory instead of memory mapped files" , 0 , True ) add_option( "ssl" , "Enable SSL" , 0 , True ) # library choices js_engine_choices = ['v8-3.12', 'v8-3.25', 'none'] add_option( "js-engine", "JavaScript scripting engine implementation", 1, False, type='choice', default=js_engine_choices[0], choices=js_engine_choices) add_option( "libc++", "use libc++ (experimental, requires clang)", 0, True ) # mongo feature options add_option( "noshell", "don't build shell" , 0 , True ) add_option( "safeshell", "don't let shell scripts run programs (still, don't run untrusted scripts)" , 0 , True ) add_option( "win2008plus", "use newer operating system API features (deprecated, use win-version-min instead)" , 0 , False ) # dev options add_option( "d", "debug build no optimization, etc..." , 0 , True , "debugBuild" ) add_option( "dd", "debug build no optimization, additional debug logging, etc..." , 0 , True , "debugBuildAndLogging" ) # new style debug and optimize flags add_option( "dbg", "Enable runtime debugging checks", "?", True, "dbg", type="choice", choices=["on", "off"], const="on" ) add_option( "opt", "Enable compile-time optimization", "?", True, "opt", type="choice", choices=["on", "off"], const="on" ) sanitizer_choices = ["address", "memory", "thread", "undefined"] add_option( "sanitize", "enable selected sanitizer", 1, True, type="choice", choices=sanitizer_choices, default=None ) add_option( "durableDefaultOn" , "have durable default to on" , 0 , True ) add_option( "durableDefaultOff" , "have durable default to off" , 0 , True ) add_option( "pch" , "use precompiled headers to speed up the build (experimental)" , 0 , True , "usePCH" ) add_option( "distcc" , "use distcc for distributing builds" , 0 , False ) # debugging/profiling help if os.sys.platform.startswith("linux") or (os.sys.platform == "darwin"): defaultAllocator = 'tcmalloc' else: defaultAllocator = 'system' add_option( "allocator" , "allocator to use (tcmalloc or system)" , 1 , True, default=defaultAllocator ) add_option( "gdbserver" , "build in gdb server support" , 0 , True ) add_option( "heapcheck", "link to heap-checking malloc-lib and look for memory leaks during tests" , 0 , False ) add_option( "gcov" , "compile with flags for gcov" , 0 , True ) add_option("smokedbprefix", "prefix to dbpath et al. for smoke tests", 1 , False ) add_option("smokeauth", "run smoke tests with --auth", 0 , False ) add_option("use-sasl-client", "Support SASL authentication in the client library", 0, False) add_option( "use-system-tcmalloc", "use system version of tcmalloc library", 0, True ) add_option( "use-system-pcre", "use system version of pcre library", 0, True ) add_option( "use-system-boost", "use system version of boost libraries", 0, True ) add_option( "use-system-snappy", "use system version of snappy library", 0, True ) add_option( "use-system-v8", "use system version of v8 library", 0, True ) add_option( "use-system-stemmer", "use system version of stemmer", 0, True ) add_option( "use-system-yaml", "use system version of yaml", 0, True ) add_option( "use-system-all" , "use all system libraries", 0 , True ) add_option( "use-cpu-profiler", "Link against the google-perftools profiler library", 0, False ) add_option('build-fast-and-loose', "NEVER for production builds", 0, False) add_option('disable-warnings-as-errors', "Don't add -Werror to compiler command line", 0, False) add_option('propagate-shell-environment', "Pass shell environment to sub-processes (NEVER for production builds)", 0, False) if darwin: osx_version_choices = ['10.6', '10.7', '10.8', '10.9'] add_option("osx-version-min", "minimum OS X version to support", 1, True, type = 'choice', default = osx_version_choices[0], choices = osx_version_choices) elif windows: win_version_min_choices = { 'xpsp3' : ('0501', '0300'), 'ws03sp2' : ('0502', '0200'), 'vista' : ('0600', '0000'), 'ws08r2' : ('0601', '0000'), 'win7' : ('0601', '0000'), 'win8' : ('0602', '0000'), } add_option("win-version-min", "minimum Windows version to support", 1, True, type = 'choice', default = None, choices = win_version_min_choices.keys()) add_option('cache', "Use an object cache rather than a per-build variant directory (experimental)", 0, False) add_option('cache-dir', "Specify the directory to use for caching objects if --cache is in use", 1, False, default="#build/cached/.cache") # don't run configure if user calls --help if GetOption('help'): Return() # --- environment setup --- variantDir = get_variant_dir() def printLocalInfo(): import sys, SCons print( "scons version: " + SCons.__version__ ) print( "python version: " + " ".join( [ `i` for i in sys.version_info ] ) ) printLocalInfo() boostLibs = [ "thread" , "filesystem" , "program_options", "system" ] onlyServer = len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 0 or ( len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 1 and str( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0] ) in [ "mongod" , "mongos" , "test" ] ) linux64 = False force32 = has_option( "force32" ) force64 = has_option( "force64" ) if not force64 and not force32 and os.getcwd().endswith( "mongo-64" ): force64 = True print( "*** assuming you want a 64-bit build b/c of directory *** " ) msarch = None if force32: msarch = "x86" elif force64: msarch = "amd64" releaseBuild = has_option("release") if has_option("debugBuild") or has_option("debugBuildAndLogging"): print("Error: the --d and --dd flags are no longer permitted; use --dbg and --opt instead") Exit(1) dbg_opt_mapping = { # --dbg, --opt : dbg opt ( None, None ) : ( False, True ), ( None, "on" ) : ( False, True ), ( None, "off" ) : ( False, False ), ( "on", None ) : ( True, False ), # special case interaction ( "on", "on" ) : ( True, True ), ( "on", "off" ) : ( True, False ), ( "off", None ) : ( False, True ), ( "off", "on" ) : ( False, True ), ( "off", "off" ) : ( False, False ), } debugBuild, optBuild = dbg_opt_mapping[(get_option('dbg'), get_option('opt'))] if releaseBuild and (debugBuild or not optBuild): print("Error: A --release build may not have debugging, and must have optimization") Exit(1) static = has_option( "static" ) noshell = has_option( "noshell" ) jsEngine = get_option( "js-engine") usev8 = (jsEngine != 'none') v8version = jsEngine[3:] if jsEngine.startswith('v8-') else 'none' v8suffix = '' if v8version == '3.12' else '-' + v8version usePCH = has_option( "usePCH" ) env = Environment( BUILD_DIR=variantDir, DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX='.tgz', EXTRAPATH=get_option("extrapath"), MODULE_BANNERS=[], ARCHIVE_ADDITION_DIR_MAP={}, ARCHIVE_ADDITIONS=[], MSVS_ARCH=msarch , PYTHON=utils.find_python(), SERVER_ARCHIVE='${SERVER_DIST_BASENAME}${DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX}', TARGET_ARCH=msarch , tools=["default", "gch", "jsheader", "mergelib", "unittest"], UNITTEST_ALIAS='unittests', UNITTEST_LIST='#build/unittests.txt', PYSYSPLATFORM=os.sys.platform, PCRE_VERSION='8.30', CONFIGUREDIR = '#' + scons_data_dir + '/sconf_temp', CONFIGURELOG = '#' + scons_data_dir + '/config.log' ) if has_option("cache"): EnsureSConsVersion( 2, 3, 0 ) if has_option("release"): print("Using the experimental --cache option is not permitted for --release builds") Exit(1) if has_option("gcov"): print("Mixing --cache and --gcov doesn't work correctly yet. See SERVER-11084") Exit(1) env.CacheDir(str(env.Dir(get_option('cache-dir')))) # This could be 'if solaris', but unfortuantely that variable hasn't been set yet. if "sunos5" == os.sys.platform: # SERVER-9890: On Solaris, SCons preferentially loads the sun linker tool 'sunlink' when # using the 'default' tools as we do above. The sunlink tool sets -G as the flag for # creating a shared library. But we don't want that, since we always drive our link step # through CC or CXX. Instead, we want to let the compiler map GCC's '-shared' flag to the # appropriate linker specs that it has compiled in. We could (and should in the future) # select an empty set of tools above and then enable them as appropriate on a per platform # basis. Until then the simplest solution, as discussed on the scons-users mailing list, # appears to be to simply explicitly run the 'gnulink' tool to overwrite the Environment # changes made by 'sunlink'. See the following thread for more detail: # http://four.pairlist.net/pipermail/scons-users/2013-June/001486.html env.Tool('gnulink') if optBuild: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["MONGO_OPTIMIZED_BUILD"] ) if has_option("propagate-shell-environment"): env['ENV'] = dict(os.environ); env['_LIBDEPS'] = '$_LIBDEPS_OBJS' if has_option('build-fast-and-loose'): # See http://www.scons.org/wiki/GoFastButton for details env.Decider('MD5-timestamp') env.SetOption('max_drift', 1) env.SourceCode('.', None) if has_option('mute'): env.Append( CCCOMSTR = "Compiling $TARGET" ) env.Append( CXXCOMSTR = env["CCCOMSTR"] ) env.Append( SHCCCOMSTR = "Compiling $TARGET" ) env.Append( SHCXXCOMSTR = env["SHCCCOMSTR"] ) env.Append( LINKCOMSTR = "Linking $TARGET" ) env.Append( SHLINKCOMSTR = env["LINKCOMSTR"] ) env.Append( ARCOMSTR = "Generating library $TARGET" ) libdeps.setup_environment( env ) if env['PYSYSPLATFORM'] == 'linux3': env['PYSYSPLATFORM'] = 'linux2' if 'freebsd' in env['PYSYSPLATFORM']: env['PYSYSPLATFORM'] = 'freebsd' if os.sys.platform == 'win32': env['OS_FAMILY'] = 'win' else: env['OS_FAMILY'] = 'posix' if has_option( "cc-use-shell-environment" ) and has_option( "cc" ): print("Cannot specify both --cc-use-shell-environment and --cc") Exit(1) elif has_option( "cxx-use-shell-environment" ) and has_option( "cxx" ): print("Cannot specify both --cxx-use-shell-environment and --cxx") Exit(1) if has_option( "cxx-use-shell-environment" ): env["CXX"] = os.getenv("CXX"); env["CC"] = env["CXX"] if has_option( "cc-use-shell-environment" ): env["CC"] = os.getenv("CC"); if has_option( "cxx" ): env["CC"] = get_option( "cxx" ) env["CXX"] = get_option( "cxx" ) if has_option( "cc" ): env["CC"] = get_option( "cc" ) if has_option( "ld" ): env["LINK"] = get_option( "ld" ) if env['PYSYSPLATFORM'] in ('linux2', 'freebsd'): env['LINK_LIBGROUP_START'] = '-Wl,--start-group' env['LINK_LIBGROUP_END'] = '-Wl,--end-group' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_START'] = '--whole-archive' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_END'] = '--no-whole-archive' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_ITEM'] = '' elif env['PYSYSPLATFORM'] == 'darwin': env['RELOBJFLAGS'] = [ '-arch', '$PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE' ] env['LINK_LIBGROUP_START'] = '' env['LINK_LIBGROUP_END'] = '' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_START'] = '-all_load' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_END'] = '' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_ITEM'] = '' elif env['PYSYSPLATFORM'].startswith('sunos'): if force64: env['RELOBJFLAGS'] = ['-64'] env['LINK_LIBGROUP_START'] = '-z rescan' env['LINK_LIBGROUP_END'] = '' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_START'] = '-z allextract' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_END'] = '-z defaultextract' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_ITEM'] = '' env["LIBPATH"] = [] if has_option( "libpath" ): env["LIBPATH"] = [get_option( "libpath" )] if has_option( "cpppath" ): env["CPPPATH"] = [get_option( "cpppath" )] env.Prepend( CPPDEFINES=[ "_SCONS" , "MONGO_EXPOSE_MACROS" , "SUPPORT_UTF8" ], # for pcre CPPPATH=[ '$BUILD_DIR', "$BUILD_DIR/mongo" ] ) if has_option( "safeshell" ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "MONGO_SAFE_SHELL" ] ) if has_option( "durableDefaultOn" ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_DURABLEDEFAULTON" ] ) if has_option( "durableDefaultOff" ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_DURABLEDEFAULTOFF" ] ) extraLibPlaces = [] env['EXTRACPPPATH'] = [] env['EXTRALIBPATH'] = [] def addExtraLibs( s ): for x in s.split(","): env.Append( EXTRACPPPATH=[ x + "/include" ] ) env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=[ x + "/lib" ] ) env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=[ x + "/lib64" ] ) extraLibPlaces.append( x + "/lib" ) if has_option( "extrapath" ): addExtraLibs( GetOption( "extrapath" ) ) if has_option( "extrapathdyn" ): addExtraLibs( GetOption( "extrapathdyn" ) ) if has_option( "extralib" ): for x in GetOption( "extralib" ).split( "," ): env.Append( LIBS=[ x ] ) # ---- other build setup ----- if "uname" in dir(os): processor = os.uname()[4] else: processor = "i386" if force32: processor = "i386" if force64: processor = "x86_64" env['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'] = processor installDir = DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR nixLibPrefix = "lib" dontReplacePackage = False isBuildingLatest = False if has_option( "prefix" ): installDir = GetOption( "prefix" ) def filterExists(paths): return filter(os.path.exists, paths) if darwin: pass elif linux: env.Append( LIBS=['m'] ) if os.uname()[4] == "x86_64" and not force32: linux64 = True nixLibPrefix = "lib64" env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=["/usr/lib64" , "/lib64" ] ) env.Append( LIBS=["pthread"] ) force64 = False if force32: env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=["/usr/lib32"] ) if static: env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" -static " ) if has_option( "static-libstdc++" ): env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["-static-libstdc++", "-static-libgcc"] ) elif solaris: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "__sunos__" ] ) env.Append( LIBS=["socket","resolv"] ) elif freebsd: env.Append( LIBS=[ "kvm" ] ) env.Append( EXTRACPPPATH=[ "/usr/local/include" ] ) env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=[ "/usr/local/lib" ] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "__freebsd__" ] ) env.Append( CCFLAGS=[ "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ] ) elif openbsd: env.Append( EXTRACPPPATH=[ "/usr/local/include" ] ) env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=[ "/usr/local/lib" ] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "__openbsd__" ] ) env.Append( LIBS=[ "kvm" ] ) elif windows: dynamicCRT = has_option("dynamic-windows") env['DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX'] = '.zip' if has_option('win-version-min') and has_option('win2008plus'): print("Can't specify both 'win-version-min' and 'win2008plus'") Exit(1) # If tools configuration fails to set up 'cl' in the path, fall back to importing the whole # shell environment and hope for the best. This will work, for instance, if you have loaded # an SDK shell. for pathdir in env['ENV']['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pathdir, 'cl.exe')): break else: print("NOTE: Tool configuration did not find 'cl' compiler, falling back to os environment") env['ENV'] = dict(os.environ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_UNICODE" ] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "UNICODE" ] ) # /EHsc exception handling style for visual studio # /W3 warning level env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/EHsc","/W3"]) # some warnings we don't like: # c4355 # 'this' : used in base member initializer list # The this pointer is valid only within nonstatic member functions. It cannot be used in the initializer list for a base class. # c4800 # 'type' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) # This warning is generated when a value that is not bool is assigned or coerced into type bool. # c4267 # 'var' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', possible loss of data # When compiling with /Wp64, or when compiling on a 64-bit operating system, type is 32 bits but size_t is 64 bits when compiling for 64-bit targets. To fix this warning, use size_t instead of a type. # c4244 # 'conversion' conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data # An integer type is converted to a smaller integer type. # c4290 # C++ exception specification ignored except to indicate a function is not __declspec(nothrow # A function is declared using exception specification, which Visual C++ accepts but does not # implement env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/wd4355", "/wd4800", "/wd4267", "/wd4244", "/wd4290"] ) # some warnings we should treat as errors: # c4099 # identifier' : type name first seen using 'objecttype1' now seen using 'objecttype2' # This warning occurs when classes and structs are declared with a mix of struct and class # which can cause linker failures env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/we4099"] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["_CONSOLE","_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS"] ) # this would be for pre-compiled headers, could play with it later #env.Append( CCFLAGS=['/Yu"pch.h"'] ) # docs say don't use /FD from command line (minimal rebuild) # /Gy function level linking (implicit when using /Z7) # /Z7 debug info goes into each individual .obj file -- no .pdb created env.Append( CCFLAGS= ["/Z7", "/errorReport:none"] ) # /DEBUG will tell the linker to create a .pdb file # which WinDbg and Visual Studio will use to resolve # symbols if you want to debug a release-mode image. # Note that this means we can't do parallel links in the build. # # Please also note that this has nothing to do with _DEBUG or optimization. env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["/DEBUG"] ) # /MD: use the multithreaded, DLL version of the run-time library (MSVCRT.lib/MSVCR###.DLL) # /MT: use the multithreaded, static version of the run-time library (LIBCMT.lib) # /MDd: Defines _DEBUG, _MT, _DLL, and uses MSVCRTD.lib/MSVCRD###.DLL # /MTd: Defines _DEBUG, _MT, and causes your application to use the # debug multithread version of the run-time library (LIBCMTD.lib) winRuntimeLibMap = { #dyn #dbg ( False, False ) : "/MT", ( False, True ) : "/MTd", ( True, False ) : "/MD", ( True, True ) : "/MDd", } env.Append(CCFLAGS=[winRuntimeLibMap[(dynamicCRT, debugBuild)]]) # With VS 2012 and later we need to specify 5.01 as the target console # so that our 32-bit builds run on Windows XP # See https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/linking-applications-using-visual-studio-2012-to-run-on-windows-xp # if msarch == "x86": env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE,5.01"]) if optBuild: # /O2: optimize for speed (as opposed to size) # /Oy-: disable frame pointer optimization (overrides /O2, only affects 32-bit) # /INCREMENTAL: NO - disable incremental link - avoid the level of indirection for function # calls env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/O2", "/Oy-"] ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["/INCREMENTAL:NO"]) else: env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/Od"] ) if debugBuild and not optBuild: # /RTC1: - Enable Stack Frame Run-Time Error Checking; Reports when a variable is used # without having been initialized (implies /Od: no optimizations) env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/RTC1"] ) # This gives 32-bit programs 4 GB of user address space in WOW64, ignored in 64-bit builds env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["/LARGEADDRESSAWARE"] ) env.Append(LIBS=['ws2_32.lib', 'kernel32.lib', 'advapi32.lib', 'Psapi.lib', 'DbgHelp.lib', 'shell32.lib']) # v8 calls timeGetTime() if usev8: env.Append(LIBS=['winmm.lib']) env.Append( EXTRACPPPATH=["#/../winpcap/Include"] ) env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=["#/../winpcap/Lib"] ) env['STATIC_AND_SHARED_OBJECTS_ARE_THE_SAME'] = 1 if nix: if has_option( "distcc" ): env["CXX"] = "distcc " + env["CXX"] # -Winvalid-pch Warn if a precompiled header (see Precompiled Headers) is found in the search path but can't be used. env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-fPIC", "-fno-strict-aliasing", "-ggdb", "-pthread", "-Wall", "-Wsign-compare", "-Wno-unknown-pragmas", "-Winvalid-pch"] ) # env.Append( " -Wconversion" ) TODO: this doesn't really work yet if linux or darwin: env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-pipe"] ) if not has_option("disable-warnings-as-errors"): env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-Werror"] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64"] ) env.Append( CXXFLAGS=["-Wnon-virtual-dtor", "-Woverloaded-virtual"] ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["-fPIC", "-pthread"] ) # SERVER-9761: Ensure early detection of missing symbols in dependent libraries at program # startup. # # TODO: Is it necessary to add to both linkflags and shlinkflags, or are LINKFLAGS # propagated to SHLINKFLAGS? if darwin: env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-bind_at_load"] ) env.Append( SHLINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-bind_at_load"] ) else: env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-z,now"] ) env.Append( SHLINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-z,now"] ) if not darwin: env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["-rdynamic"] ) env.Append( LIBS=[] ) #make scons colorgcc friendly for key in ('HOME', 'TERM'): try: env['ENV'][key] = os.environ[key] except KeyError: pass if linux and has_option( "gcov" ): env.Append( CXXFLAGS=" -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage " ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["MONGO_GCOV"] ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage " ) if optBuild: env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-O3"] ) else: env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-O0"] ) if debugBuild: if not optBuild: env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-fstack-protector"] ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["-fstack-protector"] ) env.Append( SHLINKFLAGS=["-fstack-protector"] ) env['ENV']['GLIBCXX_FORCE_NEW'] = 1; # play nice with valgrind env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["_DEBUG"] ); if force64: env.Append( CCFLAGS="-m64" ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS="-m64" ) if force32: env.Append( CCFLAGS="-m32" ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS="-m32" ) if has_option( "gdbserver" ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["USE_GDBSERVER"] ) if "uname" in dir(os): hacks = buildscripts.findHacks( os.uname() ) if hacks is not None: hacks.insert( env , { "linux64" : linux64 } ) if has_option( "ssl" ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["MONGO_SSL"] ) if windows: env.Append( LIBS=["libeay32"] ) env.Append( LIBS=["ssleay32"] ) else: env.Append( LIBS=["ssl"] ) env.Append( LIBS=["crypto"] ) try: umask = os.umask(022) except OSError: pass if not windows: for keysuffix in [ "1" , "2" ]: keyfile = "jstests/libs/key%s" % keysuffix os.chmod( keyfile , stat.S_IWUSR|stat.S_IRUSR ) if not use_system_version_of_library("pcre"): env.Prepend(CPPPATH=[ '$BUILD_DIR/third_party/pcre-${PCRE_VERSION}' ]) if not use_system_version_of_library("boost"): env.Prepend(CPPPATH=['$BUILD_DIR/third_party/boost'], CPPDEFINES=['BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB']) env.Prepend(CPPPATH=['$BUILD_DIR/third_party/s2']) if not use_system_version_of_library("stemmer"): env.Prepend(CPPPATH=['$BUILD_DIR/third_party/libstemmer_c/include']) if not use_system_version_of_library("snappy"): env.Prepend(CPPPATH=['$BUILD_DIR/third_party/snappy']) env.Append( CPPPATH=['$EXTRACPPPATH'], LIBPATH=['$EXTRALIBPATH'] ) # discover modules, and load the (python) module for each module's build.py mongo_modules = moduleconfig.discover_modules('src/mongo/db/modules') env['MONGO_MODULES'] = [m.name for m in mongo_modules] # --- check system --- def doConfigure(myenv): # Check that the compilers work. # # TODO: Currently, we have some flags already injected. Eventually, this should test the # bare compilers, and we should re-check at the very end that TryCompile and TryLink still # work with the flags we have selected. conf = Configure(myenv, help=False) if 'CheckCXX' in dir( conf ): if not conf.CheckCXX(): print("C++ compiler %s does not work" % (conf.env["CXX"])) Exit(1) # Only do C checks if CC != CXX check_c = (myenv["CC"] != myenv["CXX"]) if check_c and 'CheckCC' in dir( conf ): if not conf.CheckCC(): print("C compiler %s does not work" % (conf.env["CC"])) Exit(1) myenv = conf.Finish() # Identify the toolchain in use. We currently support the following: # TODO: Goes in the env? toolchain_gcc = "GCC" toolchain_clang = "clang" toolchain_msvc = "MSVC" def CheckForToolchain(context, toolchain, lang_name, compiler_var, source_suffix): test_bodies = { toolchain_gcc : ( # Clang also defines __GNUC__ """ #if !defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) #error #endif """), toolchain_clang : ( """ #if !defined(__clang__) #error #endif """), toolchain_msvc : ( """ #if !defined(_MSC_VER) #error #endif """), } print_tuple = (lang_name, context.env[compiler_var], toolchain) context.Message('Checking if %s compiler "%s" is %s... ' % print_tuple) # Strip indentation from the test body to ensure that the newline at the end of the # endif is the last character in the file (rather than a line of spaces with no # newline), and that all of the preprocessor directives start at column zero. Both of # these issues can trip up older toolchains. test_body = textwrap.dedent(test_bodies[toolchain]) result = context.TryCompile(test_body, source_suffix) context.Result(result) return result conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckForToolchain' : CheckForToolchain, }) toolchain = None have_toolchain = lambda: toolchain != None using_msvc = lambda: toolchain == toolchain_msvc using_gcc = lambda: toolchain == toolchain_gcc using_clang = lambda: toolchain == toolchain_clang if windows: toolchain_search_sequence = [toolchain_msvc] else: toolchain_search_sequence = [toolchain_gcc, toolchain_clang] for candidate_toolchain in toolchain_search_sequence: if conf.CheckForToolchain(candidate_toolchain, "C++", "CXX", ".cpp"): toolchain = candidate_toolchain break if not have_toolchain(): print("Couldn't identify the toolchain") Exit(1) if check_c and not conf.CheckForToolchain(toolchain, "C", "CC", ".c"): print("C toolchain doesn't match identified C++ toolchain") Exit(1) myenv = conf.Finish() global use_clang use_clang = using_clang() # Figure out what our minimum windows version is. If the user has specified, then use # that. Otherwise, if they have explicitly selected between 32 bit or 64 bit, choose XP or # Vista respectively. Finally, if they haven't done either of these, try invoking the # compiler to figure out whether we are doing a 32 or 64 bit build and select as # appropriate. if windows: win_version_min = None default_32_bit_min = 'xpsp3' default_64_bit_min = 'ws03sp2' if has_option('win-version-min'): win_version_min = get_option('win-version-min') elif has_option('win2008plus'): win_version_min = 'win7' else: if force32: win_version_min = default_32_bit_min elif force64: win_version_min = default_64_bit_min else: def CheckFor64Bit(context): win64_test_body = textwrap.dedent( """ #if !defined(_WIN64) #error #endif """ ) context.Message('Checking if toolchain is in 64-bit mode... ') result = context.TryCompile(win64_test_body, ".c") context.Result(result) return result conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckFor64Bit' : CheckFor64Bit }) if conf.CheckFor64Bit(): win_version_min = default_64_bit_min else: win_version_min = default_32_bit_min conf.Finish(); env['WIN_VERSION_MIN'] = win_version_min win_version_min = win_version_min_choices[win_version_min] env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[("_WIN32_WINNT", "0x" + win_version_min[0])] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[("NTDDI_VERSION", "0x" + win_version_min[0] + win_version_min[1])] ) if using_gcc() or using_clang(): # If we are using GCC or clang to target 32 or x86, set the ISA minimum to 'nocona', # and the tuning to 'generic'. The choice of 'nocona' is selected because it # -- includes MMX extenions which we need for tcmalloc on 32-bit # -- can target 32 bit # -- is at the time of this writing a widely-deployed 10 year old microarchitecture # -- is available as a target architecture from GCC 4.0+ # However, we only want to select an ISA, not the nocona specific scheduling, so we # select the generic tuning. For installations where hardware and system compiler rev are # contemporaries, the generic scheduling should be appropriate for a wide range of # deployed hardware. def CheckForx86(context): # See http://nadeausoftware.com/articles/2012/02/c_c_tip_how_detect_processor_type_using_compiler_predefined_macros test_body = """ #if defined(__i386) || defined(_M_IX86) /* x86 32-bit */ #else #error not 32-bit x86 #endif """ context.Message('Checking if target architecture is 32-bit x86...') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".c") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckForx86' : CheckForx86, }) if conf.CheckForx86(): myenv.Append( CCFLAGS=['-march=nocona', '-mtune=generic'] ) conf.Finish() # Enable PCH if we are on using gcc or clang and the 'Gch' tool is enabled. Otherwise, # remove any pre-compiled header since the compiler may try to use it if it exists. if usePCH and (using_gcc() or using_clang()): if 'Gch' in dir( myenv ): if using_clang(): # clang++ uses pch.h.pch rather than pch.h.gch myenv['GCHSUFFIX'] = '.pch' # clang++ only uses pch from command line myenv.Prepend( CXXFLAGS=['-include pch.h'] ) myenv['Gch'] = myenv.Gch( "$BUILD_DIR/mongo/pch.h$GCHSUFFIX", "src/mongo/pch.h" )[0] myenv['GchSh'] = myenv[ 'Gch' ] elif os.path.exists( myenv.File("$BUILD_DIR/mongo/pch.h$GCHSUFFIX").abspath ): print( "removing precompiled headers" ) os.unlink( myenv.File("$BUILD_DIR/mongo/pch.h.$GCHSUFFIX").abspath ) def AddFlagIfSupported(env, tool, extension, flag, **mutation): def CheckFlagTest(context, tool, extension, flag): test_body = "" context.Message('Checking if %s compiler supports %s... ' % (tool, flag)) ret = context.TryCompile(test_body, extension) context.Result(ret) return ret if using_msvc(): print("AddFlagIfSupported is not currently supported with MSVC") Exit(1) test_mutation = mutation if using_gcc(): test_mutation = copy.deepcopy(mutation) # GCC helpfully doesn't issue a diagnostic on unknown flags of the form -Wno-xxx # unless other diagnostics are triggered. That makes it tough to check for support # for -Wno-xxx. To work around, if we see that we are testing for a flag of the # form -Wno-xxx (but not -Wno-error=xxx), we also add -Wxxx to the flags. GCC does # warn on unknown -Wxxx style flags, so this lets us probe for availablity of # -Wno-xxx. for kw in test_mutation.keys(): test_flags = test_mutation[kw] for test_flag in test_flags: if test_flag.startswith("-Wno-") and not test_flag.startswith("-Wno-error="): test_flags.append(re.sub("^-Wno-", "-W", test_flag)) cloned = env.Clone() cloned.Append(**test_mutation) # For GCC, we don't need anything since bad flags are already errors, but # adding -Werror won't hurt. For clang, bad flags are only warnings, so we need -Werror # to make them real errors. cloned.Append(CCFLAGS=['-Werror']) conf = Configure(cloned, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckFlag' : lambda(ctx) : CheckFlagTest(ctx, tool, extension, flag) }) available = conf.CheckFlag() conf.Finish() if available: env.Append(**mutation) return available def AddToCFLAGSIfSupported(env, flag): return AddFlagIfSupported(env, 'C', '.c', flag, CFLAGS=[flag]) def AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(env, flag): return AddFlagIfSupported(env, 'C', '.c', flag, CCFLAGS=[flag]) def AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(env, flag): return AddFlagIfSupported(env, 'C++', '.cpp', flag, CXXFLAGS=[flag]) if using_gcc() or using_clang(): # This warning was added in g++-4.8. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wno-unused-local-typedefs') # Clang likes to warn about unused functions, which seems a tad aggressive and breaks # -Werror, which we want to be able to use. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wno-unused-function') # TODO: Note that the following two flags are added to CCFLAGS even though they are # really C++ specific. We need to do this because SCons passes CXXFLAGS *before* # CCFLAGS, but CCFLAGS contains -Wall, which re-enables the warnings we are trying to # suppress. In the future, we should move all warning flags to CCWARNFLAGS and # CXXWARNFLAGS and add these to CCOM and CXXCOM as appropriate. # # Clang likes to warn about unused private fields, but some of our third_party # libraries have such things. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wno-unused-private-field') # Prevents warning about using deprecated features (such as auto_ptr in c++11) # Using -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations does not seem to work on some compilers, # including at least g++-4.6. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-deprecated-declarations") # As of clang-3.4, this warning appears in v8, and gets escalated to an error. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare") # New in clang-3.4, trips up things mostly in third_party, but in a few places in the # primary mongo sources as well. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-unused-const-variable") # This needs to happen before we check for libc++, since it affects whether libc++ is available. if darwin and has_option('osx-version-min'): min_version = get_option('osx-version-min') min_version_flag = '-mmacosx-version-min=%s' % (min_version) if not AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, min_version_flag): print( "Can't set minimum OS X version with this compiler" ) Exit(1) myenv.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS=[min_version_flag]) usingLibStdCxx = False if has_option('libc++'): if not using_clang(): print( 'libc++ is currently only supported for clang') Exit(1) if darwin and has_option('osx-version-min') and versiontuple(min_version) < versiontuple('10.7'): print("Warning: You passed option 'libc++'. You probably want to also pass 'osx-version-min=10.7' or higher for libc++ support.") if AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-stdlib=libc++'): myenv.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-stdlib=libc++']) else: print( 'libc++ requested, but compiler does not support -stdlib=libc++' ) Exit(1) else: def CheckLibStdCxx(context): test_body = """ #include #if !defined(__GLIBCXX__) #error #endif """ context.Message('Checking if we are using libstdc++... ') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckLibStdCxx' : CheckLibStdCxx, }) usingLibStdCxx = conf.CheckLibStdCxx() conf.Finish() # Check to see if we are trying to use an elderly libstdc++, which we arbitrarily define as # 4.6.0. This is primarly to help people using clang in C++11 mode on OS X but forgetting # to use --libc++. We also use it to decide if we trust the libstdc++ debug mode. We would, # ideally, check the __GLIBCXX__ version, but for various reasons this is not # workable. Instead, we switch on the fact that _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION wasn't # introduced until libstdc++ 4.6.0. haveGoodLibStdCxx = False if usingLibStdCxx: def CheckModernLibStdCxx(context): test_body = """ #include #if !defined(_GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION) #error libstdcxx older than 4.6.0 #endif """ context.Message('Checking for libstdc++ 4.6.0 or better... ') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckModernLibStdCxx' : CheckModernLibStdCxx, }) haveGoodLibStdCxx = conf.CheckModernLibStdCxx() conf.Finish() # Sort out whether we can and should use C++11: cxx11_mode = get_option("c++11") if using_msvc(): if cxx11_mode == "off": print( 'WARNING: Cannot disable C++11 features when using MSVC' ) else: # In C++11 'auto' mode, don't use C++11 if we are linking against any system C++ libs. if cxx11_mode == "auto" and using_system_version_of_cxx_libraries(): cxx11_mode = "off" # If we are using libstdc++, only allow C++11 mode with our line-in-the-sand good # libstdc++. As always, if in auto mode fall back to disabling if we don't have a good # libstdc++, otherwise fail the build because we can't honor the explicit request. if cxx11_mode != "off" and usingLibStdCxx: if not haveGoodLibStdCxx: if cxx11_mode == "auto": cxx11_mode = "off" else: print( 'Detected libstdc++ is too old to support C++11 mode' ) if darwin: print( 'Try building with --libc++ and --osx-version-min=10.7 or higher' ) Exit(1) # We are going to be adding flags to the environment, but we don't want to persist # those changes unless we pass all the below checks. Make a copy of the environment # that we will modify, we will only "commit" the changes to the env if we pass all the # checks. cxx11Env = myenv.Clone() # For our other compilers (gcc and clang) we need to pass -std=c++0x or -std=c++11, # but we prefer the latter. Try that first, and fall back to c++0x if we don't # detect that --std=c++11 works. If we can't find a flag and C++11 was explicitly # requested, error out, otherwise turn off C++11 support in auto mode. if cxx11_mode != "off": if not AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(cxx11Env, '-std=c++11'): if not AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(cxx11Env, '-std=c++0x'): if cxx11_mode == "auto": cxx11_mode = "off" else: print( 'C++11 mode requested, but cannot find a flag to enable it' ) Exit(1) # We appear to have C++11, or at least a flag to enable it, which is now set in the # environment. If we are in auto mode, check if the compiler claims that it strictly # supports C++11, and disable C++11 if not. If the user has explicitly requested C++11, # we don't care about what the compiler claims to support, trust the user. if cxx11_mode == "auto": def CheckCxx11Official(context): test_body = """ #if __cplusplus < 201103L #error #endif const int not_an_empty_file = 0; """ context.Message('Checking if __cplusplus >= 201103L to auto-enable C++11... ') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(cxx11Env, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckCxx11Official' : CheckCxx11Official, }) if cxx11_mode == "auto" and not conf.CheckCxx11Official(): cxx11_mode = "off" conf.Finish() # We require c99 mode for C files when C++11 is enabled, so perform the same dance # as above: if C++11 mode is not off, try the flag, if we are in auto mode and we fail # then turn off C++11, otherwise C++11 was explicitly requested and we should error out. if cxx11_mode != "off": if not AddToCFLAGSIfSupported(cxx11Env, '-std=c99'): if cxx11_mode == "auto": cxx11_mode = "off" else: print( "C++11 mode selected for C++ files, but can't enable C99 for C files" ) Exit(1) # If we got here and cxx11_mode hasn't become false, then its true, so swap in the # modified environment. if cxx11_mode != "off": cxx11_mode = "on" myenv = cxx11Env # If we are using a modern libstdc++ and this is a debug build and we control all C++ # dependencies, then turn on the debugging features in libstdc++. if debugBuild and usingLibStdCxx and haveGoodLibStdCxx: # We can't do this if we are using any system C++ libraries. if (not using_system_version_of_cxx_libraries()): myenv.Append(CPPDEFINES=["_GLIBCXX_DEBUG"]); # Check if we are on a POSIX system by testing if _POSIX_VERSION is defined. def CheckPosixSystem(context): test_body = """ // POSIX requires the existence of unistd.h, so if we can't include unistd.h, we // are definitely not a POSIX system. #include #if !defined(_POSIX_VERSION) #error not a POSIX system #endif """ context.Message('Checking if we are on a POSIX system... ') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".c") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckPosixSystem' : CheckPosixSystem, }) posix_system = conf.CheckPosixSystem() conf.Finish() if has_option('sanitize'): if not (using_clang() or using_gcc()): print( 'sanitize is only supported with clang or gcc') Exit(1) sanitizer_option = '-fsanitize=' + GetOption('sanitize') if AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, sanitizer_option): myenv.Append(LINKFLAGS=[sanitizer_option]) myenv.Append(CCFLAGS=['-fno-omit-frame-pointer']) else: print( 'Failed to enable sanitizer with flag: ' + sanitizer_option ) Exit(1) # When using msvc, check for VS 2013 Update 2+ so we can use new compiler flags if using_msvc(): haveVS2013Update2OrLater = False def CheckVS2013Update2(context): test_body = """ #if _MSC_VER < 1800 || (_MSC_VER == 1800 && _MSC_FULL_VER < 180030501) #error Old Version #endif int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return 0; } """ context.Message('Checking for VS 2013 Update 2 or Later... ') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckVS2013Update2' : CheckVS2013Update2, }) haveVS2013Update2OrLater = conf.CheckVS2013Update2() conf.Finish() if haveVS2013Update2OrLater and optBuild: # http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2013/09/11/introducing-gw-compiler-switch.aspx # myenv.Append( CCFLAGS=["/Gw", "/Gy"] ) myenv.Append( LINKFLAGS=["/OPT:REF"]) # http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2014/03/25/linker-enhancements-in-visual-studio-2013-update-2-ctp2.aspx # myenv.Append( CCFLAGS=["/Zc:inline"]) # Apply any link time optimization settings as selected by the 'lto' option. if has_option('lto'): if using_msvc(): # Note that this is actually more aggressive than LTO, it is whole program # optimization due to /GL. However, this is historically what we have done for # windows, so we are keeping it. # # /GL implies /LTCG, so no need to say it in CCFLAGS, but we do need /LTCG on the # link flags. myenv.Append(CCFLAGS=['/GL']) myenv.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/LTCG']) myenv.Append(ARFLAGS=['/LTCG']) elif using_gcc() or using_clang(): # For GCC and clang, the flag is -flto, and we need to pass it both on the compile # and link lines. if AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-flto'): myenv.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-flto']) else: print( "Link time optimization requested, " + "but selected compiler does not honor -flto" ) Exit(1) else: printf("Don't know how to enable --lto on current toolchain") Exit(1) # glibc's memcmp is faster than gcc's if linux: AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-fno-builtin-memcmp") # When using msvc, check for support for __declspec(thread), unless we have been asked # explicitly not to use it. For other compilers, see if __thread works. if using_msvc(): haveDeclSpecThread = False def CheckDeclspecThread(context): test_body = """ __declspec( thread ) int tsp_int; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { tsp_int = argc; return 0; } """ context.Message('Checking for __declspec(thread)... ') ret = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckDeclspecThread' : CheckDeclspecThread, }) haveDeclSpecThread = conf.CheckDeclspecThread() conf.Finish() if haveDeclSpecThread: myenv.Append(CPPDEFINES=['MONGO_HAVE___DECLSPEC_THREAD']) else: def CheckUUThread(context): test_body = """ __thread int tsp_int; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { tsp_int = argc; return 0; } """ context.Message('Checking for __thread... ') ret = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckUUThread' : CheckUUThread, }) haveUUThread = conf.CheckUUThread() conf.Finish() if haveUUThread: myenv.Append(CPPDEFINES=['MONGO_HAVE___THREAD']) def CheckCXX11Atomics(context): test_body = """ #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::atomic a(0); return a.fetch_add(1); } """ context.Message('Checking for C++11 support... ') ret = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), '.cpp') context.Result(ret) return ret; def CheckGCCAtomicBuiltins(context): test_body = """ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int a = 0; int b = 0; int c = 0; __atomic_compare_exchange(&a, &b, &c, false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); return 0; } """ context.Message('Checking for gcc __atomic builtins... ') ret = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), '.cpp') context.Result(ret) return ret def CheckGCCSyncBuiltins(context): test_body = """ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int a = 0; return __sync_fetch_and_add(&a, 1); } // // Figure out if we are using gcc older than 4.2 to target 32-bit x86. If so, error out // even if we were able to compile the __sync statement, due to // https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=40693 // #if defined(__i386__) #if !defined(__clang__) #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ < 2) #error "Refusing to use __sync in 32-bit mode with gcc older than 4.2" #endif #endif #endif """ context.Message('Checking for useable __sync builtins... ') ret = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), '.cpp') context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckCXX11Atomics': CheckCXX11Atomics, 'CheckGCCAtomicBuiltins': CheckGCCAtomicBuiltins, 'CheckGCCSyncBuiltins': CheckGCCSyncBuiltins, }) # Figure out what atomics mode to use by way of the tests defined above. # # Non_windows: > __atomic > __sync # Windows: > Interlocked functions / intrinsics. # # If we are in C++11 mode, try to use . This is unusual for us, as typically we # only use __cplusplus >= 201103L to decide if we want to enable a feature. We make a # special case for the atomics and use them on platforms that offer them even if they don't # advertise full conformance. For MSVC systems, if we don't have then no more # checks are required. Otherwise, we are on a GCC/clang system, where we may have __atomic # or __sync, so try those in that order next. # # If we don't end up defining a MONGO_HAVE for the atomics, we will end up falling back to # the Microsoft Interlocked functions/intrinsics when using MSVC, or the gcc_intel # implementation of hand-rolled assembly if using gcc/clang. if (using_msvc() or (cxx11_mode == "on")) and conf.CheckCXX11Atomics(): conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['MONGO_HAVE_CXX11_ATOMICS']) elif using_gcc() or using_clang(): # Prefer the __atomic builtins. If we don't have those, try for __sync. Otherwise # atomic_intrinsics.h will try to fall back to the hand-rolled assembly implementations # in atomic_intrinsics_gcc_intel for x86 platforms. if conf.CheckGCCAtomicBuiltins(): conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["MONGO_HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC_BUILTINS"]) else: if conf.CheckGCCSyncBuiltins(): conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["MONGO_HAVE_GCC_SYNC_BUILTINS"]) myenv = conf.Finish() conf = Configure(myenv) libdeps.setup_conftests(conf) if use_system_version_of_library("pcre"): conf.FindSysLibDep("pcre", ["pcre"]) conf.FindSysLibDep("pcrecpp", ["pcrecpp"]) if use_system_version_of_library("snappy"): conf.FindSysLibDep("snappy", ["snappy"]) if use_system_version_of_library("stemmer"): conf.FindSysLibDep("stemmer", ["stemmer"]) if use_system_version_of_library("yaml"): conf.FindSysLibDep("yaml", ["yaml"]) if use_system_version_of_library("boost"): if not conf.CheckCXXHeader( "boost/filesystem/operations.hpp" ): print( "can't find boost headers" ) Exit(1) conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=[("BOOST_THREAD_VERSION", "2")]) # Note that on Windows with using-system-boost builds, the following # FindSysLibDep calls do nothing useful (but nothing problematic either) for b in boostLibs: boostlib = "boost_" + b conf.FindSysLibDep( boostlib, [ boostlib + "-mt", boostlib ], language='C++' ) if posix_system: conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['MONGO_HAVE_HEADER_UNISTD_H']) conf.CheckLib('rt') conf.CheckLib('dl') if (conf.CheckCXXHeader( "execinfo.h" ) and conf.CheckDeclaration('backtrace', includes='#include ') and conf.CheckDeclaration('backtrace_symbols', includes='#include ') and conf.CheckDeclaration('backtrace_symbols_fd', includes='#include ')): conf.env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "MONGO_HAVE_EXECINFO_BACKTRACE" ] ) conf.env["_HAVEPCAP"] = conf.CheckLib( ["pcap", "wpcap"], autoadd=False ) if solaris: conf.CheckLib( "nsl" ) if usev8 and use_system_version_of_library("v8"): if debugBuild: v8_lib_choices = ["v8_g", "v8"] else: v8_lib_choices = ["v8"] conf.FindSysLibDep( "v8", v8_lib_choices ) conf.env['MONGO_BUILD_SASL_CLIENT'] = bool(has_option("use-sasl-client")) if conf.env['MONGO_BUILD_SASL_CLIENT'] and not conf.CheckLibWithHeader( "sasl2", ["stddef.h","sasl/sasl.h"], "C", "sasl_version_info(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);", autoadd=False ): Exit(1) # requires ports devel/libexecinfo to be installed if freebsd or openbsd: if not conf.CheckLib("execinfo"): Exit(1) # 'tcmalloc' needs to be the last library linked. Please, add new libraries before this # point. if get_option('allocator') == 'tcmalloc': if use_system_version_of_library('tcmalloc'): conf.FindSysLibDep("tcmalloc", ["tcmalloc"]) elif has_option("heapcheck"): print ("--heapcheck does not work with the tcmalloc embedded in the mongodb source " "tree. Use --use-system-tcmalloc.") Exit(1) elif get_option('allocator') == 'system': pass else: print "Invalid --allocator parameter: \"%s\"" % get_option('allocator') Exit(1) if has_option("heapcheck"): if not debugBuild: print( "--heapcheck needs --d or --dd" ) Exit( 1 ) if not conf.CheckCXXHeader( "google/heap-checker.h" ): print( "--heapcheck neads header 'google/heap-checker.h'" ) Exit( 1 ) conf.env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "HEAP_CHECKING" ] ) conf.env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-fno-omit-frame-pointer"] ) # ask each module to configure itself and the build environment. moduleconfig.configure_modules(mongo_modules, conf) return conf.Finish() env = doConfigure( env ) env['PDB'] = '${TARGET.base}.pdb' testEnv = env.Clone() testEnv.Append( CPPPATH=["../"] ) shellEnv = None if noshell: print( "not building shell" ) elif not onlyServer: shellEnv = env.Clone(); if windows: shellEnv.Append( LIBS=["winmm.lib"] ) enforce_glibc = linux and releaseBuild and not has_option("no-glibc-check") def checkErrorCodes(): import buildscripts.errorcodes as x if x.checkErrorCodes() == False: print( "next id to use:" + str( x.getNextCode() ) ) Exit(-1) checkErrorCodes() # ---- Docs ---- def build_docs(env, target, source): from buildscripts import docs docs.main() env.Alias("docs", [], [build_docs]) env.AlwaysBuild("docs") # ---- astyle ---- def doStyling( env , target , source ): res = utils.execsys( "astyle --version" ) res = " ".join(res) if res.count( "2." ) == 0: print( "astyle 2.x needed, found:" + res ) Exit(-1) files = utils.getAllSourceFiles() files = filter( lambda x: not x.endswith( ".c" ) , files ) cmd = "astyle --options=mongo_astyle " + " ".join( files ) res = utils.execsys( cmd ) print( res[0] ) print( res[1] ) env.Alias( "style" , [] , [ doStyling ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "style" ) # --- lint ---- def doLint( env , target , source ): import buildscripts.lint if not buildscripts.lint.run_lint( [ "src/mongo/" ] ): raise Exception( "lint errors" ) env.Alias( "lint" , [] , [ doLint ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "lint" ) # ---- INSTALL ------- def getSystemInstallName(): n = platform + "-" + processor if static: n += "-static" if has_option("nostrip"): n += "-debugsymbols" if nix and os.uname()[2].startswith("8."): n += "-tiger" if len(mongo_modules): n += "-" + "-".join(m.name for m in mongo_modules) try: findSettingsSetup() import settings if "distmod" in dir(settings): n = n + "-" + str(settings.distmod) except: pass dn = GetOption("distmod") if dn and len(dn) > 0: n = n + "-" + dn return n def getCodeVersion(): fullSource = open( "src/mongo/util/version.cpp" , "r" ).read() allMatches = re.findall( r"versionString.. = \"(.*?)\"" , fullSource ); if len(allMatches) != 1: print( "can't find version # in code" ) return None return allMatches[0] mongoCodeVersion = getCodeVersion() if mongoCodeVersion == None: Exit(-1) if has_option('distname'): distName = GetOption( "distname" ) elif mongoCodeVersion[-1] not in ("+", "-"): dontReplacePackage = True distName = mongoCodeVersion else: isBuildingLatest = True distName = utils.getGitBranchString("" , "-") + datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") env['SERVER_DIST_BASENAME'] = 'mongodb-%s-%s' % (getSystemInstallName(), distName) distFile = "${SERVER_ARCHIVE}" env['NIX_LIB_DIR'] = nixLibPrefix env['INSTALL_DIR'] = installDir if testEnv is not None: testEnv['INSTALL_DIR'] = installDir if shellEnv is not None: shellEnv['INSTALL_DIR'] = installDir # ---- CONVENIENCE ---- def tabs( env, target, source ): from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from re import search, match diff = Popen( [ "git", "diff", "-U0", "origin", "master" ], stdout=PIPE ).communicate()[ 0 ] sourceFile = False for line in diff.split( "\n" ): if match( "diff --git", line ): sourceFile = not not search( "\.(h|hpp|c|cpp)\s*$", line ) if sourceFile and match( "\+ *\t", line ): return True return False env.Alias( "checkSource", [], [ tabs ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "checkSource" ) def gitPush( env, target, source ): import subprocess return subprocess.call( [ "git", "push" ] ) env.Alias( "push", [ ".", "smoke", "checkSource" ], gitPush ) env.AlwaysBuild( "push" ) # ---- deploying --- def s3push(localName, remoteName=None, platformDir=True): localName = str( localName ) if isBuildingLatest: remotePrefix = utils.getGitBranchString("-") + "-latest" else: remotePrefix = "-" + distName findSettingsSetup() import simples3 import settings s = simples3.S3Bucket( settings.bucket , settings.id , settings.key ) if remoteName is None: remoteName = localName name = '%s-%s%s' % (remoteName , getSystemInstallName(), remotePrefix) lastDotIndex = localName.rfind('.') if lastDotIndex != -1: name += localName[lastDotIndex:] name = name.lower() if platformDir: name = platform + "/" + name print( "uploading " + localName + " to http://s3.amazonaws.com/" + s.name + "/" + name ) if dontReplacePackage: for ( key , modify , etag , size ) in s.listdir( prefix=name ): print( "error: already a file with that name, not uploading" ) Exit(2) s.put( name , open( localName , "rb" ).read() , acl="public-read" ); print( " done uploading!" ) def s3shellpush( env , target , source ): s3push( "mongo" , "mongo-shell" ) env.Alias( "s3shell" , [ "mongo" ] , [ s3shellpush ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "s3shell" ) def s3dist( env , target , source ): s3push( str(source[0]) , "mongodb" ) env.Alias( "dist" , '$SERVER_ARCHIVE' ) env.AlwaysBuild(env.Alias( "s3dist" , [ '$SERVER_ARCHIVE' ] , [ s3dist ] )) # --- an uninstall target --- if len(COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS) > 0 and 'uninstall' in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS: SetOption("clean", 1) # By inspection, changing COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS here doesn't do # what we want, but changing BUILD_TARGETS does. BUILD_TARGETS.remove("uninstall") BUILD_TARGETS.append("install") module_sconscripts = moduleconfig.get_module_sconscripts(mongo_modules) # The following symbols are exported for use in subordinate SConscript files. # Ideally, the SConscript files would be purely declarative. They would only # import build environment objects, and would contain few or no conditional # statements or branches. # # Currently, however, the SConscript files do need some predicates for # conditional decision making that hasn't been moved up to this SConstruct file, # and they are exported here, as well. Export("env") Export("shellEnv") Export("testEnv") Export("get_option") Export("has_option use_system_version_of_library") Export("mongoCodeVersion") Export("usev8") Export("v8version v8suffix") Export("darwin windows solaris linux freebsd nix openbsd") Export('module_sconscripts') Export("debugBuild optBuild") Export("enforce_glibc") Export("s3push") Export("use_clang") env.SConscript('src/SConscript', variant_dir='$BUILD_DIR', duplicate=False) env.SConscript(['SConscript.buildinfo', 'SConscript.smoke']) def clean_old_dist_builds(env, target, source): prefix = "mongodb-%s-%s" % (platform, processor) filenames = sorted(os.listdir(".")) filenames = [x for x in filenames if x.startswith(prefix)] to_keep = [x for x in filenames if x.endswith(".tgz") or x.endswith(".zip")][-2:] for filename in [x for x in filenames if x not in to_keep]: print "removing %s" % filename try: shutil.rmtree(filename) except: os.remove(filename) env.Alias("dist_clean", [], [clean_old_dist_builds]) env.AlwaysBuild("dist_clean") env.Alias('all', ['core', 'tools', 'dbtest', 'unittests'])