# -*- mode: python; -*- import atexit import copy import datetime import errno import json import os import re import shlex import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys import textwrap import uuid import SCons # This must be first, even before EnsureSConsVersion, if # we are to avoid bulk loading all tools in the DefaultEnvironment. DefaultEnvironment(tools=[]) # These come from site_scons/mongo. Import these things # after calling DefaultEnvironment, for the sake of paranoia. import mongo import mongo.platform as mongo_platform import mongo.toolchain as mongo_toolchain import mongo.generators as mongo_generators EnsurePythonVersion(3, 6) EnsureSConsVersion(3, 1, 1) # Monkey patch SCons.FS.File.release_target_info to be a no-op. # See https://github.com/SCons/scons/issues/3454 def release_target_info_noop(self): pass SCons.Node.FS.File.release_target_info = release_target_info_noop from buildscripts import utils from buildscripts import moduleconfig import libdeps import psutil scons_invocation = '{} {}'.format(sys.executable, ' '.join(sys.argv)) print('scons: running with args {}'.format(scons_invocation)) atexit.register(mongo.print_build_failures) def add_option(name, **kwargs): if 'dest' not in kwargs: kwargs['dest'] = name if 'metavar' not in kwargs and kwargs.get('type', None) == 'choice': kwargs['metavar'] = '[' + '|'.join(kwargs['choices']) + ']' AddOption('--' + name, **kwargs) def get_option(name): return GetOption(name) def has_option(name): optval = GetOption(name) # Options with nargs=0 are true when their value is the empty tuple. Otherwise, # if the value is falsish (empty string, None, etc.), coerce to False. return True if optval == () else bool(optval) def use_system_version_of_library(name): return has_option('use-system-all') or has_option('use-system-' + name) # Returns true if we have been configured to use a system version of any C++ library. If you # add a new C++ library dependency that may be shimmed out to the system, add it to the below # list. def using_system_version_of_cxx_libraries(): cxx_library_names = ["tcmalloc", "boost"] return True in [use_system_version_of_library(x) for x in cxx_library_names] def make_variant_dir_generator(): memoized_variant_dir = [False] def generate_variant_dir(target, source, env, for_signature): if not memoized_variant_dir[0]: memoized_variant_dir[0] = env.subst('$BUILD_ROOT/$VARIANT_DIR') return memoized_variant_dir[0] return generate_variant_dir # Always randomize the build order to shake out missing edges, and to help the cache: # http://scons.org/doc/production/HTML/scons-user/ch24s06.html SetOption('random', 1) # Options TODOs: # # - We should either alphabetize the entire list of options, or split them into logical groups # with clear boundaries, and then alphabetize the groups. There is no way in SCons though to # inform it of options groups. # # - Many of these options are currently only either present or absent. This is not good for # scripting the build invocation because it means you need to interpolate in the presence of # the whole option. It is better to make all options take an optional on/off or true/false # using the nargs='const' mechanism. # add_option('ninja', choices=['stable', 'next', 'disabled'], default='disabled', nargs='?', const='stable', type='choice', help='Enable the build.ninja generator tool stable or canary version', ) add_option('prefix', help='installation prefix (conficts with DESTDIR, PREFIX, and --install-mode=hygienic)', ) add_option('legacy-tarball', choices=['true', 'false'], default='false', const='true', nargs='?', type='choice', help='Build a tarball matching the old MongoDB dist targets', ) add_option('lint-scope', choices=['all', 'changed'], default='all', type='choice', help='Lint files in the current git diff instead of all files' ) add_option('install-mode', choices=['legacy', 'hygienic'], default='legacy', help='select type of installation', nargs=1, type='choice', ) add_option('nostrip', help='do not strip installed binaries', nargs=0, ) add_option('build-dir', default='#build', help='build output directory', ) add_option('release', help='release build', nargs=0, ) add_option('lto', help='enable link time optimizations (experimental, except with MSVC)', nargs=0, ) add_option('endian', choices=['big', 'little', 'auto'], default='auto', help='endianness of target platform', nargs=1, type='choice', ) add_option('disable-minimum-compiler-version-enforcement', help='allow use of unsupported older compilers (NEVER for production builds)', nargs=0, ) add_option('ssl', help='Enable or Disable SSL', choices=['on', 'off'], default='on', const='on', nargs='?', type='choice', ) add_option('wiredtiger', choices=['on', 'off'], const='on', default='on', help='Enable wiredtiger', nargs='?', type='choice', ) js_engine_choices = ['mozjs', 'none'] add_option('js-engine', choices=js_engine_choices, default=js_engine_choices[0], help='JavaScript scripting engine implementation', type='choice', ) add_option('server-js', choices=['on', 'off'], default='on', help='Build mongod without JavaScript support', type='choice', ) add_option('libc++', help='use libc++ (experimental, requires clang)', nargs=0, ) add_option('use-glibcxx-debug', help='Enable the glibc++ debug implementations of the C++ standard libary', nargs=0, ) add_option('noshell', help="don't build shell", nargs=0, ) add_option('safeshell', help="don't let shell scripts run programs (still, don't run untrusted scripts)", nargs=0, ) add_option('dbg', choices=['on', 'off'], const='on', default='off', help='Enable runtime debugging checks', nargs='?', type='choice', ) add_option('separate-debug', choices=['on', 'off'], const='on', default='off', help='Produce separate debug files (only effective in --install-mode=hygienic)', nargs='?', type='choice', ) add_option('spider-monkey-dbg', choices=['on', 'off'], const='on', default='off', help='Enable SpiderMonkey debug mode', nargs='?', type='choice', ) add_option('opt', choices=['on', 'size', 'off'], const='on', help='Enable compile-time optimization', nargs='?', type='choice', ) add_option('sanitize', help='enable selected sanitizers', metavar='san1,san2,...sanN', ) add_option('sanitize-coverage', help='enable selected coverage sanitizers', metavar='cov1,cov2,...covN', ) add_option('llvm-symbolizer', default='llvm-symbolizer', help='name of (or path to) the LLVM symbolizer', ) add_option('durableDefaultOn', help='have durable default to on', nargs=0, ) add_option('allocator', choices=["auto", "system", "tcmalloc", "tcmalloc-experimental"], default="auto", help='allocator to use (use "auto" for best choice for current platform)', type='choice', ) add_option('gdbserver', help='build in gdb server support', nargs=0, ) add_option('lldb-server', help='build in lldb server support', nargs=0, ) add_option('gcov', help='compile with flags for gcov', nargs=0, ) add_option('enable-free-mon', choices=["auto", "on", "off"], default="auto", help='Disable support for Free Monitoring to avoid HTTP client library dependencies', type='choice', ) add_option('enable-http-client', choices=["auto", "on", "off"], default="auto", help='Enable support for HTTP client requests (required WinHTTP or cURL)', type='choice', ) add_option('use-sasl-client', help='Support SASL authentication in the client library', nargs=0, ) add_option('use-diagnostic-latches', choices=['on', 'off'], default='on', help='Enable annotated Mutex types', type='choice', ) # Most of the "use-system-*" options follow a simple form. for pack in [ ('abseil-cpp',), ('asio', 'ASIO',), ('boost',), ('fmt',), ('google-benchmark', 'Google benchmark'), ('icu', 'ICU'), ('intel_decimal128', 'intel decimal128'), ('kms-message',), ('pcre',), ('snappy',), ('stemmer',), ('tcmalloc',), ('libunwind',), ('valgrind',), ('wiredtiger',), ('yaml',), ('zlib',), ('zstd', 'Zstandard'), ]: name = pack[0] pretty = name if len(pack) == 2: pretty = pack[1] add_option(f'use-system-{name}', help=f'use system version of {pretty} library', nargs=0) add_option('system-boost-lib-search-suffixes', help='Comma delimited sequence of boost library suffixes to search', ) add_option('use-system-mongo-c', choices=['on', 'off', 'auto'], const='on', default="auto", help="use system version of the mongo-c-driver (auto will use it if it's found)", nargs='?', type='choice', ) add_option('use-system-all', help='use all system libraries', nargs=0, ) add_option('build-fast-and-loose', choices=['on', 'off', 'auto'], const='on', default='auto', help='looser dependency checking', nargs='?', type='choice', ) add_option('disable-warnings-as-errors', help="Don't add -Werror to compiler command line", nargs=0, ) add_option('detect-odr-violations', help="Have the linker try to detect ODR violations, if supported", nargs=0, ) add_option('variables-help', help='Print the help text for SCons variables', nargs=0, ) add_option('osx-version-min', help='minimum OS X version to support', ) # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/porting/modifying-winver-and-win32-winnt?view=vs-2017 # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/get-started/windows-server-release-info win_version_min_choices = { 'win10' : ('0A00', '0000'), 'ws2016' : ('0A00', '1607'), 'ws2019' : ('0A00', '1809') } add_option('win-version-min', choices=list(win_version_min_choices.keys()), default=None, help='minimum Windows version to support', type='choice', ) add_option('cache', choices=["all", "nolinked"], const='all', help='Use an object cache rather than a per-build variant directory (experimental)', nargs='?', ) add_option('cache-dir', default='$BUILD_ROOT/scons/cache', help='Specify the directory to use for caching objects if --cache is in use', ) add_option("cxx-std", choices=["17"], default="17", help="Select the C++ langauge standard to build with", ) def find_mongo_custom_variables(): files = [] paths = [path for path in sys.path if 'site_scons' in path] for path in paths: probe = os.path.join(path, 'mongo_custom_variables.py') if os.path.isfile(probe): files.append(probe) return files add_option('variables-files', default=[], action="append", help="Specify variables files to load.", ) link_model_choices = ['auto', 'object', 'static', 'dynamic', 'dynamic-strict', 'dynamic-sdk'] add_option('link-model', choices=link_model_choices, default='auto', help='Select the linking model for the project', type='choice' ) variable_parse_mode_choices=['auto', 'posix', 'other'] add_option('variable-parse-mode', choices=variable_parse_mode_choices, default=variable_parse_mode_choices[0], help='Select which parsing mode is used to interpret command line variables', type='choice', ) add_option('modules', help="Comma-separated list of modules to build. Empty means none. Default is all.", ) add_option('runtime-hardening', choices=["on", "off"], default="on", help="Enable runtime hardening features (e.g. stack smash protection)", type='choice', ) add_option('use-hardware-crc32', choices=["on", "off"], default="on", help="Enable CRC32 hardware accelaration", type='choice', ) add_option('git-decider', choices=["on", "off"], const='on', default="off", help="Use git metadata for out-of-date detection for source files", nargs='?', type="choice", ) add_option('toolchain-root', default=None, help="Names a toolchain root for use with toolchain selection Variables files in etc/scons", ) add_option('msvc-debugging-format', choices=["codeview", "pdb"], default="codeview", help='Debugging format in debug builds using msvc. Codeview (/Z7) or Program database (/Zi). Default is codeview.', type='choice', ) add_option('use-libunwind', choices=["on", "off", "auto"], const="on", default="auto", help="Enable libunwind for backtraces", nargs="?", type='choice', ) add_option('jlink', help="Limit link concurrency. Takes either an integer to limit to or a" " float between 0 and 1.0 whereby jobs will be multiplied to get the final" " jlink value." "\n\nExample: --jlink=0.75 --jobs 8 will result in a jlink value of 6", const=0.5, default=None, nargs='?', type=float) add_option('enable-usdt-probes', choices=["on", "off", "auto"], default="auto", help='Enables USDT probes. Default is auto, which is enabled only on Linux with SystemTap headers', type='choice', nargs='?', const='on', ) try: with open("version.json", "r") as version_fp: version_data = json.load(version_fp) if 'version' not in version_data: print("version.json does not contain a version string") Exit(1) if 'githash' not in version_data: version_data['githash'] = utils.get_git_version() except IOError as e: # If the file error wasn't because the file is missing, error out if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: print(("Error opening version.json: {0}".format(e.strerror))) Exit(1) version_data = { 'version': utils.get_git_describe()[1:], 'githash': utils.get_git_version(), } except ValueError as e: print(("Error decoding version.json: {0}".format(e))) Exit(1) # Setup the command-line variables def variable_shlex_converter(val): # If the argument is something other than a string, propogate # it literally. if not isinstance(val, str): return val parse_mode = get_option('variable-parse-mode') if parse_mode == 'auto': parse_mode = 'other' if mongo_platform.is_running_os('windows') else 'posix' return shlex.split(val, posix=(parse_mode == 'posix')) def variable_arch_converter(val): arches = { 'x86_64': 'x86_64', 'amd64': 'x86_64', 'emt64': 'x86_64', 'x86': 'i386', } val = val.lower() if val in arches: return arches[val] # Uname returns a bunch of possible x86's on Linux. # Check whether the value is an i[3456]86 processor. if re.match(r'^i[3-6]86$', val): return 'i386' # Return whatever val is passed in - hopefully it's legit return val # The Scons 'default' tool enables a lot of tools that we don't actually need to enable. # On platforms like Solaris, it actually does the wrong thing by enabling the sunstudio # toolchain first. As such it is simpler and more efficient to manually load the precise # set of tools we need for each platform. # If we aren't on a platform where we know the minimal set of tools, we fall back to loading # the 'default' tool. def decide_platform_tools(): if mongo_platform.is_running_os('windows'): # we only support MS toolchain on windows return ['msvc', 'mslink', 'mslib', 'masm', 'vcredist'] elif mongo_platform.is_running_os('linux', 'solaris'): return ['gcc', 'g++', 'gnulink', 'ar', 'gas'] elif mongo_platform.is_running_os('darwin'): return ['gcc', 'g++', 'applelink', 'ar', 'libtool', 'as', 'xcode'] else: return ["default"] def variable_tools_converter(val): tool_list = shlex.split(val) # This list is not sorted intentionally, the order of tool loading # matters as some of the tools have dependencies on other tools. return tool_list + [ "distsrc", "gziptool", "idl_tool", "jsheader", "mongo_test_execution", "mongo_test_list", "mongo_benchmark", "mongo_integrationtest", "mongo_unittest", "mongo_libfuzzer", "textfile", ] def variable_distsrc_converter(val): if not val.endswith("/"): return val + "/" return val # Apply the default variables files, and walk the provided # arguments. Interpret any falsy argument (like the empty string) as # resetting any prior state. This makes the argument # --variables-files= destructive of any prior variables files # arguments, including the default. variables_files_args = get_option('variables-files') variables_files = find_mongo_custom_variables() for variables_file in variables_files_args: if variables_file: variables_files.append(variables_file) else: variables_files = [] for vf in variables_files: if os.path.isfile(vf): print("Using variable customization file {}".format(vf)) else: print("IGNORING missing variable customization file {}".format(vf)) # Attempt to prevent confusion between the different ways of # specifying file placement between hygienic and non-hygienic # modes. Re-interpret a value provided for the legacy '--prefix' flag # as setting `DESTDIR` instead. Note that we can't validate things # passed in via variables_files, so this is imperfect. However, it is # also temporary. if get_option('install-mode') == 'hygienic': if has_option('prefix'): print("Cannot use the '--prefix' option with '--install-mode=hygienic'. Use the DESTDIR and PREFIX Variables instead") Exit(1) else: if 'PREFIX' in ARGUMENTS: print("Cannot use the 'PREFIX' Variable without '--install-mode=hygienic'") Exit(1) if 'DESTDIR' in ARGUMENTS: print("Cannot use the 'DESTDIR' Variable without '--install-mode=hygienic', use the '--prefix' flag instead") Exit(1) if has_option('prefix'): ARGUMENTS['DESTDIR'] = get_option('prefix') env_vars = Variables( files=variables_files, args=ARGUMENTS ) sconsflags = os.environ.get('SCONSFLAGS', None) if sconsflags: print(("Using SCONSFLAGS environment variable arguments: %s" % sconsflags)) env_vars.Add('ABIDW', help="Configures the path to the 'abidw' (a libabigail) utility") env_vars.Add('AR', help='Sets path for the archiver') env_vars.Add('ARFLAGS', help='Sets flags for the archiver', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('CCACHE', help='Tell SCons where the ccache binary is') env_vars.Add( 'CACHE_SIZE', help='Maximum size of the SCons cache (in gigabytes)', default=32, converter=lambda x:int(x) ) env_vars.Add( 'CACHE_PRUNE_TARGET', help='Maximum percent in-use in SCons cache after pruning', default=66, converter=lambda x:int(x) ) env_vars.Add('CC', help='Select the C compiler to use') env_vars.Add('CCFLAGS', help='Sets flags for the C and C++ compiler', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('CFLAGS', help='Sets flags for the C compiler', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('CPPDEFINES', help='Sets pre-processor definitions for C and C++', converter=variable_shlex_converter, default=[]) env_vars.Add('CPPPATH', help='Adds paths to the preprocessor search path', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('CXX', help='Select the C++ compiler to use') env_vars.Add('CXXFLAGS', help='Sets flags for the C++ compiler', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('DESTDIR', help='Where hygienic builds will install files', default='$BUILD_ROOT/install') env_vars.Add('GITDIFFFLAGS', help='Sets flags for git diff', default='') env_vars.Add('REVISION', help='Base git revision', default='') env_vars.Add('ENTERPRISE_REV', help='Base git revision of enterprise modules', default='') # Note: This probably is only really meaningful when configured via a variables file. It will # also override whatever the SCons platform defaults would be. env_vars.Add('ENV', help='Sets the environment for subprocesses') env_vars.Add('FRAMEWORKPATH', help='Adds paths to the linker search path for darwin frameworks', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('FRAMEWORKS', help='Adds extra darwin frameworks to link against', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('HOST_ARCH', help='Sets the native architecture of the compiler', converter=variable_arch_converter, default=None) env_vars.Add('ICECC', help='Tell SCons where icecream icecc tool is') env_vars.Add('ICERUN', help='Tell SCons where icecream icerun tool is') env_vars.Add('ICECC_CREATE_ENV', help='Tell SCons where icecc-create-env tool is', default='icecc-create-env') env_vars.Add('ICECC_SCHEDULER', help='Tell ICECC where the sceduler daemon is running') env_vars.Add('ICECC_VERSION', help='Tell ICECC where the compiler package is') env_vars.Add('ICECC_VERSION_ARCH', help='Tell ICECC the target archicture for the compiler package, if non-native') env_vars.Add('LIBPATH', help='Adds paths to the linker search path', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('LIBS', help='Adds extra libraries to link against', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('LINKFLAGS', help='Sets flags for the linker', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('MAXLINELENGTH', help='Maximum line length before using temp files', # This is very small, but appears to be the least upper bound # across our platforms. # # See https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/830473/command-prompt-cmd.-exe-command-line-string-limitation default=4095) # Note: This is only really meaningful when configured via a variables file. See the # default_buildinfo_environment_data() function for examples of how to use this. env_vars.Add('MONGO_BUILDINFO_ENVIRONMENT_DATA', help='Sets the info returned from the buildInfo command and --version command-line flag', default=mongo_generators.default_buildinfo_environment_data()) env_vars.Add('MONGO_DIST_SRC_PREFIX', help='Sets the prefix for files in the source distribution archive', converter=variable_distsrc_converter, default="mongodb-src-r${MONGO_VERSION}") env_vars.Add('MONGO_DISTARCH', help='Adds a string representing the target processor architecture to the dist archive', default='$TARGET_ARCH') env_vars.Add('MONGO_DISTMOD', help='Adds a string that will be embedded in the dist archive naming', default='') env_vars.Add('MONGO_DISTNAME', help='Sets the version string to be used in dist archive naming', default='$MONGO_VERSION') def validate_mongo_version(key, val, env): regex = r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)-?((?:(rc)(\d+))?.*)?' if not re.match(regex, val): print(("Invalid MONGO_VERSION '{}', or could not derive from version.json or git metadata. Please add a conforming MONGO_VERSION=x.y.z[-extra] as an argument to SCons".format(val))) Exit(1) env_vars.Add('MONGO_VERSION', help='Sets the version string for MongoDB', default=version_data['version'], validator=validate_mongo_version) env_vars.Add('MONGO_GIT_HASH', help='Sets the githash to store in the MongoDB version information', default=version_data['githash']) env_vars.Add('MSVC_USE_SCRIPT', help='Sets the script used to setup Visual Studio.') env_vars.Add('MSVC_VERSION', help='Sets the version of Visual C++ to use (e.g. 14.1 for VS2017, 14.2 for VS2019)', default="14.2") env_vars.Add('NINJA_PREFIX', default="build", help="""A prefix to add to the beginning of generated ninja files. Useful for when compiling multiple build ninja files for different configurations, for instance: scons --sanitize=asan --ninja NINJA_PREFIX=asan asan.ninja scons --sanitize=tsan --ninja NINJA_PREFIX=tsan tsan.ninja Will generate the files (respectively): asan.ninja tsan.ninja Defaults to build, best used with the generate-ninja alias so you don't have to reiterate the prefix in the target name and variable. """) env_vars.Add('NINJA_SUFFIX', help="""A suffix to add to the end of generated build.ninja files. Useful for when compiling multiple build ninja files for different configurations, for instance: scons --sanitize=asan --ninja NINJA_SUFFIX=asan build.ninja scons --sanitize=tsan --ninja NINJA_SUFFIX=tsan build.ninja Will generate the files (respectively): build.ninja.asan build.ninja.tsan """) env_vars.Add('__NINJA_NO', help="Disable the Ninja tool unconditionally. Not intended for human use.", default=0) env_vars.Add('OBJCOPY', help='Sets the path to objcopy', default=WhereIs('objcopy')) env_vars.Add('PKGDIR', help='Directory in which to build packages and archives', default='$VARIANT_DIR/pkgs') env_vars.Add('PREFIX', help='Final installation location of files, will be made into a sub dir of $DESTDIR', default='') # Exposed to be able to cross compile Android/*nix from Windows without ending up with the .exe suffix. env_vars.Add('PROGSUFFIX', help='Sets the suffix for built executable files') env_vars.Add('RPATH', help='Set the RPATH for dynamic libraries and executables', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('SHCCFLAGS', help='Sets flags for the C and C++ compiler when building shared libraries', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('SHCFLAGS', help='Sets flags for the C compiler when building shared libraries', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('SHCXXFLAGS', help='Sets flags for the C++ compiler when building shared libraries', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('SHELL', help='Pick the shell to use when spawning commands') env_vars.Add('SHLINKFLAGS', help='Sets flags for the linker when building shared libraries', converter=variable_shlex_converter) env_vars.Add('TARGET_ARCH', help='Sets the architecture to build for', converter=variable_arch_converter, default=None) env_vars.Add('TARGET_OS', help='Sets the target OS to build for', default=mongo_platform.get_running_os_name()) env_vars.Add('TOOLS', help='Sets the list of SCons tools to add to the environment', converter=variable_tools_converter, default=decide_platform_tools()) env_vars.Add('VARIANT_DIR', help='Sets the name (or generator function) for the variant directory', default=mongo_generators.default_variant_dir_generator, ) env_vars.Add('VERBOSE', help='Control build verbosity (auto, on/off true/false 1/0)', default='auto', ) env_vars.Add('WINDOWS_OPENSSL_BIN', help='Sets the path to the openssl binaries for packaging', default='c:/openssl/bin') # -- Validate user provided options -- # A dummy environment that should *only* have the variables we have set. In practice it has # some other things because SCons isn't quite perfect about keeping variable initialization # scoped to Tools, but it should be good enough to do validation on any Variable values that # came from the command line or from loaded files. variables_only_env = Environment( # Disable platform specific variable injection platform=(lambda x: ()), # But do *not* load any tools, since those might actually set variables. Note that this # causes the value of our TOOLS variable to have no effect. tools=[], # Use the Variables specified above. variables=env_vars, ) # don't run configure if user calls --help if GetOption('help'): try: Help('\nThe following variables may also be set like scons VARIABLE=value\n', append=True) Help(env_vars.GenerateHelpText(variables_only_env), append=True) except TypeError: # The append=true kwarg is only supported in scons>=2.4. Without it, calls to Help() clobber # the automatically generated options help, which we don't want. Users on older scons # versions will need to use --variables-help to learn about which variables we support. pass Return() if ('CC' in variables_only_env) != ('CXX' in variables_only_env): print('Cannot customize C compiler without customizing C++ compiler, and vice versa') Exit(1) # --- environment setup --- # If the user isn't using the # to indicate top-of-tree or $ to expand a variable, forbid # relative paths. Relative paths don't really work as expected, because they end up relative to # the top level SConstruct, not the invokers CWD. We could in theory fix this with # GetLaunchDir, but that seems a step too far. buildDir = get_option('build-dir').rstrip('/') if buildDir[0] not in ['$', '#']: if not os.path.isabs(buildDir): print("Do not use relative paths with --build-dir") Exit(1) cacheDir = get_option('cache-dir').rstrip('/') if cacheDir[0] not in ['$', '#']: if not os.path.isabs(cacheDir): print("Do not use relative paths with --cache-dir") Exit(1) sconsDataDir = Dir(buildDir).Dir('scons') SConsignFile(str(sconsDataDir.File('sconsign.py3'))) def printLocalInfo(): import sys, SCons print(( "scons version: " + SCons.__version__ )) print(( "python version: " + " ".join( [ repr(i) for i in sys.version_info ] ) )) printLocalInfo() boostLibs = [ "filesystem", "program_options", "system", "iostreams", "thread", "log" ] onlyServer = len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 0 or ( len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 1 and str( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0] ) in [ "mongod" , "mongos" , "test" ] ) releaseBuild = has_option("release") dbg_opt_mapping = { # --dbg, --opt : dbg opt ( "on", None ) : ( True, False ), # special case interaction ( "on", "on" ) : ( True, True ), ( "on", "off" ) : ( True, False ), ( "off", None ) : ( False, True ), ( "off", "on" ) : ( False, True ), ( "off", "off" ) : ( False, False ), ( "on", "size" ) : ( True, True ), ( "off", "size" ) : ( False, True ), } debugBuild, optBuild = dbg_opt_mapping[(get_option('dbg'), get_option('opt'))] optBuildForSize = True if optBuild and get_option('opt') == "size" else False if releaseBuild and (debugBuild or not optBuild): print("Error: A --release build may not have debugging, and must have optimization") Exit(1) noshell = has_option( "noshell" ) jsEngine = get_option( "js-engine") serverJs = get_option( "server-js" ) == "on" usemozjs = (jsEngine.startswith('mozjs')) if not serverJs and not usemozjs: print("Warning: --server-js=off is not needed with --js-engine=none") # We defer building the env until we have determined whether we want certain values. Some values # in the env actually have semantics for 'None' that differ from being absent, so it is better # to build it up via a dict, and then construct the Environment in one shot with kwargs. # # Yes, BUILD_ROOT vs BUILD_DIR is confusing. Ideally, BUILD_DIR would actually be called # VARIANT_DIR, and at some point we should probably do that renaming. Until we do though, we # also need an Environment variable for the argument to --build-dir, which is the parent of all # variant dirs. For now, we call that BUILD_ROOT. If and when we s/BUILD_DIR/VARIANT_DIR/g, # then also s/BUILD_ROOT/BUILD_DIR/g. envDict = dict(BUILD_ROOT=buildDir, BUILD_DIR=make_variant_dir_generator(), DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX='.tgz', DIST_BINARIES=[], MODULE_BANNERS=[], MODULE_INJECTORS=dict(), ARCHIVE_ADDITION_DIR_MAP={}, ARCHIVE_ADDITIONS=[], PYTHON="$( {} $)".format(sys.executable), SERVER_ARCHIVE='${SERVER_DIST_BASENAME}${DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX}', UNITTEST_ALIAS='install-unittests', # TODO: Move unittests.txt to $BUILD_DIR, but that requires # changes to MCI. UNITTEST_LIST='$BUILD_ROOT/unittests.txt', LIBFUZZER_TEST_ALIAS='install-fuzzertests', LIBFUZZER_TEST_LIST='$BUILD_ROOT/libfuzzer_tests.txt', INTEGRATION_TEST_ALIAS='install-integration-tests', INTEGRATION_TEST_LIST='$BUILD_ROOT/integration_tests.txt', BENCHMARK_ALIAS='install-benchmarks', BENCHMARK_LIST='$BUILD_ROOT/benchmarks.txt', CONFIGUREDIR='$BUILD_ROOT/scons/$VARIANT_DIR/sconf_temp', CONFIGURELOG='$BUILD_ROOT/scons/config.log', CONFIG_HEADER_DEFINES={}, LIBDEPS_TAG_EXPANSIONS=[], ) # TODO: Remove these when hygienic builds are default. if get_option('install-mode') != 'hygienic': envDict["UNITTEST_ALIAS"] = "unittests" envDict["INTEGRATION_TEST_ALIAS"] = "integration_tests" envDict["LIBFUZZER_TEST_ALIAS"] = "libfuzzer_tests" envDict["BENCHMARK_ALIAS"] = "benchmarks" env = Environment(variables=env_vars, **envDict) # Only print the spinner if stdout is a tty if sys.stdout.isatty(): Progress(['-\r', '\\\r', '|\r', '/\r'], interval=50) del envDict for var in ['CC', 'CXX']: if var not in env: continue path = env[var] print('{} is {}'.format(var, path)) if not os.path.isabs(path): which = shutil.which(path) if which is None: print('{} was not found in $PATH'.format(path)) else: print('{} found in $PATH at {}'.format(path, which)) path = which realpath = os.path.realpath(path) if realpath != path: print('{} resolves to {}'.format(path, realpath)) env.AddMethod(mongo_platform.env_os_is_wrapper, 'TargetOSIs') env.AddMethod(mongo_platform.env_get_os_name_wrapper, 'GetTargetOSName') def fatal_error(env, msg, *args): print(msg.format(*args)) Exit(1) def conf_error(env, msg, *args): print(msg.format(*args)) print("See {0} for details".format(env.File('$CONFIGURELOG').abspath)) Exit(1) env.AddMethod(fatal_error, 'FatalError') env.AddMethod(conf_error, 'ConfError') # Normalize the VERBOSE Option, and make its value available as a # function. if env['VERBOSE'] == "auto": env['VERBOSE'] = not sys.stdout.isatty() elif env['VERBOSE'] in ('1', "ON", "on", "True", "true", True): env['VERBOSE'] = True elif env['VERBOSE'] in ('0', "OFF", "off", "False", "false", False): env['VERBOSE'] = False else: env.FatalError("Invalid value {0} for VERBOSE Variable", env['VERBOSE']) env.AddMethod(lambda env: env['VERBOSE'], 'Verbose') if has_option('variables-help'): print(env_vars.GenerateHelpText(env)) Exit(0) unknown_vars = env_vars.UnknownVariables() if unknown_vars: env.FatalError("Unknown variables specified: {0}", ", ".join(list(unknown_vars.keys()))) def set_config_header_define(env, varname, varval = 1): env['CONFIG_HEADER_DEFINES'][varname] = varval env.AddMethod(set_config_header_define, 'SetConfigHeaderDefine') detectEnv = env.Clone() # Identify the toolchain in use. We currently support the following: # These macros came from # http://nadeausoftware.com/articles/2012/10/c_c_tip_how_detect_compiler_name_and_version_using_compiler_predefined_macros toolchain_macros = { 'GCC': 'defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)', 'clang': 'defined(__clang__)', 'MSVC': 'defined(_MSC_VER)' } def CheckForToolchain(context, toolchain, lang_name, compiler_var, source_suffix): test_body = textwrap.dedent(""" #if {0} /* we are using toolchain {0} */ #else #error #endif """.format(toolchain_macros[toolchain])) print_tuple = (lang_name, context.env[compiler_var], toolchain) context.Message('Checking if %s compiler "%s" is %s... ' % print_tuple) # Strip indentation from the test body to ensure that the newline at the end of the # endif is the last character in the file (rather than a line of spaces with no # newline), and that all of the preprocessor directives start at column zero. Both of # these issues can trip up older toolchains. result = context.TryCompile(test_body, source_suffix) context.Result(result) return result endian = get_option( "endian" ) if endian == "auto": endian = sys.byteorder # These preprocessor macros came from # http://nadeausoftware.com/articles/2012/02/c_c_tip_how_detect_processor_type_using_compiler_predefined_macros # # NOTE: Remember to add a trailing comma to form any required one # element tuples, or your configure checks will fail in strange ways. processor_macros = { 'arm' : { 'endian': 'little', 'defines': ('__arm__',) }, 'aarch64' : { 'endian': 'little', 'defines': ('__arm64__', '__aarch64__')}, 'i386' : { 'endian': 'little', 'defines': ('__i386', '_M_IX86')}, 'ppc64le' : { 'endian': 'little', 'defines': ('__powerpc64__',)}, 's390x' : { 'endian': 'big', 'defines': ('__s390x__',)}, 'sparc' : { 'endian': 'big', 'defines': ('__sparc',)}, 'x86_64' : { 'endian': 'little', 'defines': ('__x86_64', '_M_AMD64')}, 'emscripten' : { 'endian': 'little', 'defines': ('__EMSCRIPTEN__', )}, } def CheckForProcessor(context, which_arch): def run_compile_check(arch): full_macros = " || ".join([ "defined(%s)" % (v) for v in processor_macros[arch]['defines']]) if not endian == processor_macros[arch]['endian']: return False test_body = """ #if {0} /* Detected {1} */ #else #error not {1} #endif """.format(full_macros, arch) return context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".c") if which_arch: ret = run_compile_check(which_arch) context.Message('Checking if target processor is %s ' % which_arch) context.Result(ret) return ret; for k in list(processor_macros.keys()): ret = run_compile_check(k) if ret: context.Result('Detected a %s processor' % k) return k context.Result('Could not detect processor model/architecture') return False # Taken from http://nadeausoftware.com/articles/2012/01/c_c_tip_how_use_compiler_predefined_macros_detect_operating_system os_macros = { "windows": "defined(_WIN32)", "solaris": "defined(__sun)", "freebsd": "defined(__FreeBSD__)", "openbsd": "defined(__OpenBSD__)", "iOS": "defined(__APPLE__) && TARGET_OS_IOS && !TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR", "iOS-sim": "defined(__APPLE__) && TARGET_OS_IOS && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR", "tvOS": "defined(__APPLE__) && TARGET_OS_TV && !TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR", "tvOS-sim": "defined(__APPLE__) && TARGET_OS_TV && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR", "watchOS": "defined(__APPLE__) && TARGET_OS_WATCH && !TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR", "watchOS-sim": "defined(__APPLE__) && TARGET_OS_WATCH && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR", # NOTE: Once we have XCode 8 required, we can rely on the value of TARGET_OS_OSX. In case # we are on an older XCode, use TARGET_OS_MAC and TARGET_OS_IPHONE. We don't need to correct # the above declarations since we will never target them with anything other than XCode 8. "macOS": "defined(__APPLE__) && (TARGET_OS_OSX || (TARGET_OS_MAC && !TARGET_OS_IPHONE))", "linux": "defined(__linux__)", "android": "defined(__ANDROID__)", "emscripten": "defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)", } def CheckForOS(context, which_os): test_body = """ #if defined(__APPLE__) #include #endif #if {0} /* detected {1} */ #else #error #endif """.format(os_macros[which_os], which_os) context.Message('Checking if target OS {0} is supported by the toolchain... '.format(which_os)) ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".c") context.Result(ret) return ret def CheckForCXXLink(context): test_body = """ #include #include int main() { std::cout << "Hello, World" << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } """ context.Message('Checking that the C++ compiler can link a C++ program... ') ret = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret detectConf = Configure(detectEnv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckForToolchain' : CheckForToolchain, 'CheckForProcessor': CheckForProcessor, 'CheckForOS': CheckForOS, 'CheckForCXXLink': CheckForCXXLink, }) if not detectConf.CheckCC(): env.ConfError( "C compiler {0} doesn't work", detectEnv['CC']) if not detectConf.CheckCXX(): env.ConfError( "C++ compiler {0} doesn't work", detectEnv['CXX']) if not detectConf.CheckForCXXLink(): env.ConfError( "C++ compiler {0} can't link C++ programs", detectEnv['CXX']) toolchain_search_sequence = [ "GCC", "clang" ] if mongo_platform.is_running_os('windows'): toolchain_search_sequence = [ 'MSVC', 'clang', 'GCC' ] for candidate_toolchain in toolchain_search_sequence: if detectConf.CheckForToolchain(candidate_toolchain, "C++", "CXX", ".cpp"): detected_toolchain = candidate_toolchain break if not detected_toolchain: env.ConfError("Couldn't identify the C++ compiler") if not detectConf.CheckForToolchain(detected_toolchain, "C", "CC", ".c"): env.ConfError("C compiler does not match identified C++ compiler") # Now that we've detected the toolchain, we add methods to the env # to get the canonical name of the toolchain and to test whether # scons is using a particular toolchain. def get_toolchain_name(self): return detected_toolchain.lower() def is_toolchain(self, *args): actual_toolchain = self.ToolchainName() for v in args: if v.lower() == actual_toolchain: return True return False env.AddMethod(get_toolchain_name, 'ToolchainName') env.AddMethod(is_toolchain, 'ToolchainIs') if env['TARGET_ARCH']: if not detectConf.CheckForProcessor(env['TARGET_ARCH']): env.ConfError("Could not detect processor specified in TARGET_ARCH variable") else: detected_processor = detectConf.CheckForProcessor(None) if not detected_processor: env.ConfError("Failed to detect a supported target architecture") env['TARGET_ARCH'] = detected_processor if env['TARGET_OS'] not in os_macros: print("No special config for [{0}] which probably means it won't work".format(env['TARGET_OS'])) elif not detectConf.CheckForOS(env['TARGET_OS']): env.ConfError("TARGET_OS ({0}) is not supported by compiler", env['TARGET_OS']) detectConf.Finish() env['CC_VERSION'] = mongo_toolchain.get_toolchain_ver(env, 'CC') env['CXX_VERSION'] = mongo_toolchain.get_toolchain_ver(env, 'CXX') if not env['HOST_ARCH']: env['HOST_ARCH'] = env['TARGET_ARCH'] # In some places we have POSIX vs Windows cpp files, and so there's an additional # env variable to interpolate their names in child sconscripts env['TARGET_OS_FAMILY'] = 'posix' if env.TargetOSIs('posix') else env.GetTargetOSName() # Currently we only use tcmalloc on windows and linux x86_64. Other # linux targets (power, s390x, arm) do not currently support tcmalloc. # # Normalize the allocator option and store it in the Environment. It # would be nicer to use SetOption here, but you can't reset user # options for some strange reason in SCons. Instead, we store this # option as a new variable in the environment. if get_option('allocator') == "auto": # using an allocator besides system on android would require either fixing or disabling # gperftools on android if env.TargetOSIs('windows') or \ env.TargetOSIs('linux') and not env.TargetOSIs('android'): env['MONGO_ALLOCATOR'] = "tcmalloc" else: env['MONGO_ALLOCATOR'] = "system" else: env['MONGO_ALLOCATOR'] = get_option('allocator') if has_option("cache"): if has_option("gcov"): env.FatalError("Mixing --cache and --gcov doesn't work correctly yet. See SERVER-11084") env.CacheDir(str(env.Dir(cacheDir))) # Normalize the link model. If it is auto, then for now both developer and release builds # use the "static" mode. Somday later, we probably want to make the developer build default # dynamic, but that will require the hygienic builds project. link_model = get_option('link-model') if link_model == "auto": link_model = "static" # libunwind configuration. # In which the following globals are set and normalized to bool: # - use_libunwind # - use_system_libunwind # - use_vendored_libunwind use_libunwind = get_option("use-libunwind") use_system_libunwind = use_system_version_of_library("libunwind") # Assume system libunwind works if it's installed and selected. # Vendored libunwind, however, works only on linux-x86_64. can_use_libunwind = (use_system_libunwind or env.TargetOSIs('linux') and env['TARGET_ARCH'] == 'x86_64') if use_libunwind == "off": use_libunwind = False use_system_libunwind = False elif use_libunwind == "on": use_libunwind = True if not can_use_libunwind: env.ConfError("libunwind not supported on target platform") Exit(1) elif use_libunwind == "auto": use_libunwind = can_use_libunwind use_vendored_libunwind = use_libunwind and not use_system_libunwind if use_system_libunwind and not use_libunwind: print("Error: --use-system-libunwind requires --use-libunwind") Exit(1) if use_libunwind == True: env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_USE_LIBUNWIND") # Windows can't currently support anything other than 'object' or 'static', until # we have both hygienic builds and have annotated functions for export. if env.TargetOSIs('windows') and link_model not in ['object', 'static', 'dynamic-sdk']: env.FatalError("Windows builds must use the 'object', 'dynamic-sdk', or 'static' link models") # The 'object' mode for libdeps is enabled by setting _LIBDEPS to $_LIBDEPS_OBJS. The other two # modes operate in library mode, enabled by setting _LIBDEPS to $_LIBDEPS_LIBS. env['_LIBDEPS'] = '$_LIBDEPS_OBJS' if link_model == "object" else '$_LIBDEPS_LIBS' env['BUILDERS']['ProgramObject'] = env['BUILDERS']['StaticObject'] env['BUILDERS']['LibraryObject'] = env['BUILDERS']['StaticObject'] env['SHARPREFIX'] = '$LIBPREFIX' env['SHARSUFFIX'] = '${SHLIBSUFFIX}${LIBSUFFIX}' env['BUILDERS']['SharedArchive'] = SCons.Builder.Builder( action=env['BUILDERS']['StaticLibrary'].action, emitter='$SHAREMITTER', prefix='$SHARPREFIX', suffix='$SHARSUFFIX', src_suffix=env['BUILDERS']['SharedLibrary'].src_suffix, ) if link_model.startswith("dynamic"): def library(env, target, source, *args, **kwargs): sharedLibrary = env.SharedLibrary(target, source, *args, **kwargs) sharedArchive = env.SharedArchive(target, source=sharedLibrary[0].sources, *args, **kwargs) sharedLibrary.extend(sharedArchive) return sharedLibrary env['BUILDERS']['Library'] = library env['BUILDERS']['LibraryObject'] = env['BUILDERS']['SharedObject'] # TODO: Ideally, the conditions below should be based on a # detection of what linker we are using, not the local OS, but I # doubt very much that we will see the mach-o linker on anything # other than Darwin, or a BFD/sun-esque linker elsewhere. # On Darwin, we need to tell the linker that undefined symbols are # resolved via dynamic lookup; otherwise we get build failures. On # other unixes, we need to suppress as-needed behavior so that # initializers are ensured present, even if there is no visible # edge to the library in the symbol graph. # # NOTE: The darwin linker flag is only needed because the library # graph is not a DAG. Once the graph is a DAG, we will require all # edges to be expressed, and we should drop the flag. When that # happens, we should also add -z,defs flag on ELF platforms to # ensure that missing symbols due to unnamed dependency edges # result in link errors. # # NOTE: The `illegal_cyclic_or_unresolved_dependencies_whitelisted` # tag can be applied to a library to indicate that it does not (or # cannot) completely express all of its required link dependencies. # This can occur for four reasons: # # - No unique provider for the symbol: Some symbols do not have a # unique dependency that provides a definition, in which case it # is impossible for the library to express a dependency edge to # resolve the symbol # # - The library is part of a cycle: If library A depends on B, # which depends on C, which depends on A, then it is impossible # to express all three edges in SCons, since otherwise there is # no way to sequence building the libraries. The cyclic # libraries actually work at runtime, because some parent object # links all of them. # # - The symbol is provided by an executable into which the library # will be linked. The mongo::inShutdown symbol is a good # example. # # - The symbol is provided by a third-party library, outside of our # control. # # All of these are defects in the linking model. In an effort to # eliminate these issues, we have begun tagging those libraries # that are affected, and requiring that all non-tagged libraries # correctly express all dependencies. As we repair each defective # library, we can remove the tag. When all the tags are removed # the graph will be acyclic. Libraries which are incomplete for the # final reason, "libraries outside of our control", may remain for # reasons beyond our control. Such libraries ideally should # have no dependencies (and thus be leaves in our linking DAG). # If that condition is met, then the graph will be acyclic. if env.TargetOSIs('darwin'): if link_model.startswith('dynamic'): print("WARNING: Building MongoDB server with dynamic linking " + "on macOS is not supported. Static linking is recommended.") if link_model == "dynamic-strict": # Darwin is strict by default pass else: def libdeps_tags_expand_incomplete(source, target, env, for_signature): # On darwin, since it is strict by default, we need to add a flag # when libraries are tagged incomplete. if ('illegal_cyclic_or_unresolved_dependencies_whitelisted' in target[0].get_env().get("LIBDEPS_TAGS", [])): return ["-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup"] return [] env['LIBDEPS_TAG_EXPANSIONS'].append(libdeps_tags_expand_incomplete) elif env.TargetOSIs('windows'): if link_model == "dynamic-strict": # Windows is strict by default pass else: def libdeps_tags_expand_incomplete(source, target, env, for_signature): # On windows, since it is strict by default, we need to add a flag # when libraries are tagged incomplete. if ('illegal_cyclic_or_unresolved_dependencies_whitelisted' in target[0].get_env().get("LIBDEPS_TAGS", [])): return ["/FORCE:UNRESOLVED"] return [] env['LIBDEPS_TAG_EXPANSIONS'].append(libdeps_tags_expand_incomplete) else: env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,--no-as-needed"]) # Using zdefs doesn't work at all with the sanitizers if not has_option('sanitize'): if link_model == "dynamic-strict": env.AppendUnique(SHLINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-z,defs"]) else: # On BFD/gold linker environments, which are not strict by # default, we need to add a flag when libraries are not # tagged incomplete. def libdeps_tags_expand_incomplete(source, target, env, for_signature): if ('illegal_cyclic_or_unresolved_dependencies_whitelisted' not in target[0].get_env().get("LIBDEPS_TAGS", [])): return ["-Wl,-z,defs"] return [] env['LIBDEPS_TAG_EXPANSIONS'].append(libdeps_tags_expand_incomplete) if optBuild: env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_OPTIMIZED_BUILD") # Enable the fast decider if explicitly requested or if in 'auto' mode # and not in conflict with other options like the ninja option which # sets it's own decider if ( get_option('ninja') == 'disabled' and get_option('build-fast-and-loose') == 'on' or ( get_option('build-fast-and-loose') == 'auto' and not has_option('release') ) ): # See http://www.scons.org/wiki/GoFastButton for details env.Decider('MD5-timestamp') env.SetOption('max_drift', 1) # If the user has requested the git decider, enable it if it is available. We want to do this after # we set the basic decider above, so that we 'chain' to that one. if get_option('git-decider') == 'on': git_decider = Tool('git_decider') if git_decider.exists(env): git_decider(env) # On non-windows platforms, we may need to differentiate between flags being used to target an # executable (like -fPIE), vs those being used to target a (shared) library (like -fPIC). To do so, # we inject a new family of SCons variables PROG*FLAGS, by reaching into the various COMs. if not env.TargetOSIs('windows'): env["CCCOM"] = env["CCCOM"].replace("$CCFLAGS", "$PROGCCFLAGS") env["CXXCOM"] = env["CXXCOM"].replace("$CCFLAGS", "$PROGCCFLAGS") env["PROGCCFLAGS"] = ['$CCFLAGS'] env["CCCOM"] = env["CCCOM"].replace("$CFLAGS", "$PROGCFLAGS") env["PROGCFLAGS"] = ['$CFLAGS'] env["CXXCOM"] = env["CXXCOM"].replace("$CXXFLAGS", "$PROGCXXFLAGS") env['PROGCXXFLAGS'] = ['$CXXFLAGS'] env["LINKCOM"] = env["LINKCOM"].replace("$LINKFLAGS", "$PROGLINKFLAGS") env["PROGLINKFLAGS"] = ['$LINKFLAGS'] if not env.Verbose(): env.Append( CCCOMSTR = "Compiling $TARGET" ) env.Append( CXXCOMSTR = env["CCCOMSTR"] ) env.Append( SHCCCOMSTR = "Compiling $TARGET" ) env.Append( SHCXXCOMSTR = env["SHCCCOMSTR"] ) env.Append( LINKCOMSTR = "Linking $TARGET" ) env.Append( SHLINKCOMSTR = env["LINKCOMSTR"] ) env.Append( ARCOMSTR = "Generating library $TARGET" ) # Link tools other than mslink don't setup TEMPFILE in LINKCOM, # disabling SCons automatically falling back to a temp file when # running link commands that are over MAXLINELENGTH. With our object # file linking mode, we frequently hit even the large linux command # line length, so we want it everywhere. If we aren't using mslink, # add TEMPFILE in. For verbose builds when using a tempfile, we need # some trickery so that we print the command we are running, and not # just the invocation of the compiler being fed the command file. if not 'mslink' in env['TOOLS']: if env.Verbose(): env["LINKCOM"] = "${{TEMPFILE('{0}', '')}}".format(env['LINKCOM']) env["SHLINKCOM"] = "${{TEMPFILE('{0}', '')}}".format(env['SHLINKCOM']) if not 'libtool' in env['TOOLS']: env["ARCOM"] = "${{TEMPFILE('{0}', '')}}".format(env['ARCOM']) else: env["LINKCOM"] = "${{TEMPFILE('{0}', 'LINKCOMSTR')}}".format(env['LINKCOM']) env["SHLINKCOM"] = "${{TEMPFILE('{0}', 'SHLINKCOMSTR')}}".format(env['SHLINKCOM']) if not 'libtool' in env['TOOLS']: env["ARCOM"] = "${{TEMPFILE('{0}', 'ARCOMSTR')}}".format(env['ARCOM']) if env['_LIBDEPS'] == '$_LIBDEPS_OBJS': # The libraries we build in LIBDEPS_OBJS mode are just placeholders for tracking dependencies. # This avoids wasting time and disk IO on them. def write_uuid_to_file(env, target, source): with open(env.File(target[0]).abspath, 'w') as fake_lib: fake_lib.write(str(uuid.uuid4())) fake_lib.write('\n') # We originally did this by setting ARCOM to write_uuid_to_file, # this worked more or less by accident. It works when SCons is # doing the action execution because when it would subst the # command line subst would execute the function as part of string # resolution which would have the side effect of writing the # file. Since it returned None subst would do some special # handling to make sure it never made it to the command line. This # breaks Ninja however because we are taking that return value and # trying to pass it to the command executor (/bin/sh or # cmd.exe) and end up with the function name as a command. The # resulting command looks something like `/bin/sh -c # 'write_uuid_to_file(env, target, source)`. If we instead # actually do what we want and that is make the StaticLibrary # builder's action a FunctionAction the Ninja generator will # correctly dispatch it and not generate an invalid command # line. This also has the side benefit of being more clear that # we're expecting a Python function to execute here instead of # pretending to be a CommandAction that just happens to not run a # command but instead runs a function. env["BUILDERS"]["StaticLibrary"].action = SCons.Action.Action(write_uuid_to_file, "Generating placeholder library $TARGET") libdeps.setup_environment(env, emitting_shared=(link_model.startswith("dynamic"))) # Both the abidw tool and the thin archive tool must be loaded after # libdeps, so that the scanners they inject can see the library # dependencies added by libdeps. if link_model.startswith("dynamic"): # Add in the abi linking tool if the user requested and it is # supported on this platform. if env.get('ABIDW'): abilink = Tool('abilink') if abilink.exists(env): abilink(env) if env['_LIBDEPS'] == '$_LIBDEPS_LIBS': # The following platforms probably aren't using the binutils # toolchain, or may be using it for the archiver but not the # linker, and binutils currently is the olny thing that supports # thin archives. Don't even try on those platforms. if not env.TargetOSIs('solaris', 'darwin', 'windows', 'openbsd'): env.Tool('thin_archive') if env.TargetOSIs('linux', 'freebsd', 'openbsd'): # NOTE: The leading and trailing spaces here are important. Do not remove them. env['LINK_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIB_START'] = '-Wl,--whole-archive ' env['LINK_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIB_END'] = ' -Wl,--no-whole-archive' elif env.TargetOSIs('darwin'): # NOTE: The trailing space here is important. Do not remove it. env['LINK_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIB_START'] = '-Wl,-force_load ' env['LINK_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIB_END'] = '' elif env.TargetOSIs('solaris'): # NOTE: The leading and trailing spaces here are important. Do not remove them. env['LINK_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIB_START'] = '-Wl,-z,allextract ' env['LINK_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIB_END'] = ' -Wl,-z,defaultextract' elif env.TargetOSIs('windows'): env['LINK_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIB_START'] = '/WHOLEARCHIVE' env['LINK_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_SEP'] = ':' env['LINK_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIB_END'] = '' # ---- other build setup ----- if debugBuild: env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_DEBUG_BUILD") else: env.AppendUnique( CPPDEFINES=[ 'NDEBUG' ] ) if env.TargetOSIs('linux'): env.Append( LIBS=["m"] ) if not env.TargetOSIs('android'): env.Append( LIBS=["resolv"] ) elif env.TargetOSIs('solaris'): env.Append( LIBS=["socket","resolv","lgrp"] ) elif env.TargetOSIs('freebsd'): env.Append( LIBS=[ "kvm" ] ) env.Append( CCFLAGS=[ "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ] ) elif env.TargetOSIs('darwin'): env.Append( LIBS=["resolv"] ) elif env.TargetOSIs('openbsd'): env.Append( LIBS=[ "kvm" ] ) elif env.TargetOSIs('windows'): env['DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX'] = '.zip' # If tools configuration fails to set up 'cl' in the path, fall back to importing the whole # shell environment and hope for the best. This will work, for instance, if you have loaded # an SDK shell. for pathdir in env['ENV']['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pathdir, 'cl.exe')): break else: print("NOTE: Tool configuration did not find 'cl' compiler, falling back to os environment") env['ENV'] = dict(os.environ) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=[ # This tells the Windows compiler not to link against the .lib files # and to use boost as a bunch of header-only libraries "BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB", ]) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_UNICODE" ] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "UNICODE" ] ) # Temporary fixes to allow compilation with VS2017 env.Append(CPPDEFINES=[ "_SILENCE_CXX17_ALLOCATOR_VOID_DEPRECATION_WARNING", "_SILENCE_CXX17_OLD_ALLOCATOR_MEMBERS_DEPRECATION_WARNING", "_SILENCE_CXX17_CODECVT_HEADER_DEPRECATION_WARNING", ]) # /EHsc exception handling style for visual studio # /W3 warning level env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/EHsc","/W3"]) # Suppress some warnings we don't like, or find necessary to # suppress. Please keep this list alphabetized and commented. env.Append(CCFLAGS=[ # C4068: unknown pragma. added so that we can specify unknown # pragmas for other compilers. "/wd4068", # C4244: 'conversion' conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', # possible loss of data. An integer type is converted to a # smaller integer type. "/wd4244", # C4267: 'var' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', possible # loss of data. When compiling with /Wp64, or when compiling # on a 64-bit operating system, type is 32 bits but size_t is # 64 bits when compiling for 64-bit targets. To fix this # warning, use size_t instead of a type. "/wd4267", # C4290: C++ exception specification ignored except to # indicate a function is not __declspec(nothrow). A function # is declared using exception specification, which Visual C++ # accepts but does not implement. "/wd4290", # C4351: On extremely old versions of MSVC (pre 2k5), default # constructing an array member in a constructor's # initialization list would not zero the array members "in # some cases". Since we don't target MSVC versions that old, # this warning is safe to ignore. "/wd4351", # C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list. The # this pointer is valid only within nonstatic member # functions. It cannot be used in the initializer list for a # base class "/wd4355", # C4373: Older versions of MSVC would fail to make a function # in a derived class override a virtual function in the # parent, when defined inline and at least one of the # parameters is made const. The behavior is incorrect under # the standard. MSVC is fixed now, and the warning exists # merely to alert users who may have relied upon the older, # non-compliant behavior. Our code should not have any # problems with the older behavior, so we can just disable # this warning. "/wd4373", # C4800: 'type' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' # (performance warning). This warning is generated when a # value that is not bool is assigned or coerced into type # bool. "/wd4800", # C5041: out-of-line definition for constexpr static data # member is not needed and is deprecated in C++17. We still # have these, but we don't want to fix them up before we roll # over to C++17. "/wd5041", ]) # mozjs-60 requires the following # 'declaration' : no matching operator delete found; memory will not be freed if # initialization throws an exception env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/wd4291"] ) # some warnings we should treat as errors: # c4013 # 'function' undefined; assuming extern returning int # This warning occurs when files compiled for the C language use functions not defined # in a header file. # c4099 # identifier' : type name first seen using 'objecttype1' now seen using 'objecttype2' # This warning occurs when classes and structs are declared with a mix of struct and class # which can cause linker failures # c4930 # 'identifier': prototyped function not called (was a variable definition intended?) # This warning indicates a most-vexing parse error, where a user declared a function that # was probably intended as a variable definition. A common example is accidentally # declaring a function called lock that takes a mutex when one meant to create a guard # object called lock on the stack. env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/we4013", "/we4099", "/we4930"] ) # Warnings as errors if not has_option("disable-warnings-as-errors"): env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/WX"] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["_CONSOLE","_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS", "_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS"] ) # this would be for pre-compiled headers, could play with it later #env.Append( CCFLAGS=['/Yu"pch.h"'] ) # Don't send error reports in case of internal compiler error env.Append( CCFLAGS= ["/errorReport:none"] ) # Select debugging format. /Zi gives faster links but seem to use more memory if get_option('msvc-debugging-format') == "codeview": env['CCPDBFLAGS'] = "/Z7" elif get_option('msvc-debugging-format') == "pdb": env['CCPDBFLAGS'] = '/Zi /Fd${TARGET}.pdb' # The SCons built-in pdbGenerator always adds /DEBUG, but we would like # control over that flag so that users can override with /DEBUG:fastlink # for better local builds. So we overwrite the builtin. def pdbGenerator(env, target, source, for_signature): try: return ['/PDB:%s' % target[0].attributes.pdb] except (AttributeError, IndexError): return None env['_PDB'] = pdbGenerator # /DEBUG will tell the linker to create a .pdb file # which WinDbg and Visual Studio will use to resolve # symbols if you want to debug a release-mode image. # Note that this means we can't do parallel links in the build. # # Please also note that this has nothing to do with _DEBUG or optimization. # If the user set a /DEBUG flag explicitly, don't add # another. Otherwise use the standard /DEBUG flag, since we always # want PDBs. if not any(flag.startswith('/DEBUG') for flag in env['LINKFLAGS']): env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["/DEBUG"]) # /MD: use the multithreaded, DLL version of the run-time library (MSVCRT.lib/MSVCR###.DLL) # /MDd: Defines _DEBUG, _MT, _DLL, and uses MSVCRTD.lib/MSVCRD###.DLL env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/MDd" if debugBuild else "/MD"]) if optBuild: # /O1: optimize for size # /O2: optimize for speed (as opposed to size) # /Oy-: disable frame pointer optimization (overrides /O2, only affects 32-bit) # /INCREMENTAL: NO - disable incremental link - avoid the level of indirection for function # calls optStr = "/O2" if not optBuildForSize else "/O1" env.Append( CCFLAGS=[optStr, "/Oy-"] ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["/INCREMENTAL:NO"]) else: env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/Od"] ) if debugBuild and not optBuild: # /RTC1: - Enable Stack Frame Run-Time Error Checking; Reports when a variable is used # without having been initialized (implies /Od: no optimizations) env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/RTC1"] ) # Support large object files since some unit-test sources contain a lot of code env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/bigobj"] ) # Set Source and Executable character sets to UTF-8, this will produce a warning C4828 if the # file contains invalid UTF-8. env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/utf-8" ]) # Specify standards conformance mode to the compiler. env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/permissive-"] ) # Enables the __cplusplus preprocessor macro to report an updated value for recent C++ language # standards support. env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/Zc:__cplusplus"] ) # Tells the compiler to preferentially call global operator delete or operator delete[] # functions that have a second parameter of type size_t when the size of the object is available. env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/Zc:sizedDealloc"] ) # Treat volatile according to the ISO standard and do not guarantee acquire/release semantics. env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/volatile:iso"] ) # Tell CL to produce more useful error messages. env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/diagnostics:caret"] ) # This gives 32-bit programs 4 GB of user address space in WOW64, ignored in 64-bit builds. env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["/LARGEADDRESSAWARE"] ) env.Append( LIBS=[ 'DbgHelp.lib', 'Iphlpapi.lib', 'Psapi.lib', 'advapi32.lib', 'bcrypt.lib', 'crypt32.lib', 'dnsapi.lib', 'kernel32.lib', 'shell32.lib', 'pdh.lib', 'version.lib', 'winmm.lib', 'ws2_32.lib', 'secur32.lib', ], ) # When building on visual studio, this sets the name of the debug symbols file if env.ToolchainIs('msvc'): env['PDB'] = '${TARGET.base}.pdb' # Python uses APPDATA to determine the location of user installed # site-packages. If we do not pass this variable down to Python # subprocesses then anything installed with `pip install --user` # will be inaccessible leading to import errors. # # Use env['PLATFORM'] instead of TargetOSIs since we always want this # to run on Windows hosts but not always for Windows targets. if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': appdata = os.getenv('APPDATA', None) if appdata is not None: env['ENV']['APPDATA'] = appdata if env.TargetOSIs('posix'): # On linux, C code compiled with gcc/clang -std=c11 causes # __STRICT_ANSI__ to be set, and that drops out all of the feature # test definitions, resulting in confusing errors when we run C # language configure checks and expect to be able to find newer # POSIX things. Explicitly enabling _XOPEN_SOURCE fixes that, and # should be mostly harmless as on Linux, these macros are # cumulative. The C++ compiler already sets _XOPEN_SOURCE, and, # notably, setting it again does not disable any other feature # test macros, so this is safe to do. Other platforms like macOS # and BSD have crazy rules, so don't try this there. # # Furthermore, as both C++ compilers appears to unconditioanlly # define _GNU_SOURCE (because libstdc++ requires it), it seems # prudent to explicitly add that too, so that C language checks # see a consistent set of definitions. if env.TargetOSIs('linux'): env.AppendUnique( CPPDEFINES=[ ('_XOPEN_SOURCE', 700), '_GNU_SOURCE', ], ) # If shared and static object files stripped of their rightmost # dot-delimited suffix would collide, modify the shared library # ones so that they won't. We do this because if split dwarf is in # play, static and dynamic builds would otherwise overwrite each # other's .dwo files, because GCC strips the last suffix and adds # .dwo, rather than simply appending .dwo to the full filename. objsuffelts = env.subst('$OBJSUFFIX').split('.') shobjsuffelts = env.subst('$SHOBJSUFFIX').split('.') if objsuffelts[0:-1] == shobjsuffelts[0:-1]: env['SHOBJSUFFIX'] = '.dyn${OBJSUFFIX}' # Everything on OS X is position independent by default. if not env.TargetOSIs('darwin'): if get_option('runtime-hardening') == "on": # If runtime hardening is requested, then build anything # destined for an executable with the necessary flags for PIE. env.AppendUnique( PROGCCFLAGS=['-fPIE'], PROGLINKFLAGS=['-pie'], ) # -Winvalid-pch Warn if a precompiled header (see Precompiled Headers) is found in the search path but can't be used. env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-fno-omit-frame-pointer", "-fno-strict-aliasing", "-fasynchronous-unwind-tables", "-ggdb" if not env.TargetOSIs('emscripten') else "-g", "-pthread", "-Wall", "-Wsign-compare", "-Wno-unknown-pragmas", "-Winvalid-pch"] ) # env.Append( " -Wconversion" ) TODO: this doesn't really work yet if env.TargetOSIs('linux', 'darwin', 'solaris'): if not has_option("disable-warnings-as-errors"): env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-Werror"] ) env.Append( CXXFLAGS=["-Woverloaded-virtual"] ) if env.ToolchainIs('clang'): env.Append( CXXFLAGS=['-Werror=unused-result'] ) # On OS X, clang doesn't want the pthread flag at link time, or it # issues warnings which make it impossible for us to declare link # warnings as errors. See http://stackoverflow.com/a/19382663. if not (env.TargetOSIs('darwin') and env.ToolchainIs('clang')): env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["-pthread"] ) # SERVER-9761: Ensure early detection of missing symbols in dependent libraries at program # startup. if env.TargetOSIs('darwin'): if env.TargetOSIs('macOS'): env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-bind_at_load"] ) else: env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-z,now"] ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["-rdynamic"] ) env.Append( LIBS=[] ) #make scons colorgcc friendly for key in ('HOME', 'TERM'): try: env['ENV'][key] = os.environ[key] except KeyError: pass if env.TargetOSIs('linux') and has_option( "gcov" ): env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-fprofile-arcs", "-ftest-coverage", "-fprofile-update=single"] ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["-fprofile-arcs", "-ftest-coverage", "-fprofile-update=single"] ) if optBuild and not optBuildForSize: env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-O2"] ) elif optBuild and optBuildForSize: env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-Os"] ) else: env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-O0"] ) # Promote linker warnings into errors. We can't yet do this on OS X because its linker considers # noall_load obsolete and warns about it. if not has_option("disable-warnings-as-errors"): env.Append( LINKFLAGS=[ '-Wl,-fatal_warnings' if env.TargetOSIs('darwin') else "-Wl,--fatal-warnings", ] ) wiredtiger = False if get_option('wiredtiger') == 'on': # Wiredtiger only supports 64-bit architecture, and will fail to compile on 32-bit # so disable WiredTiger automatically on 32-bit since wiredtiger is on by default if env['TARGET_ARCH'] == 'i386': env.FatalError("WiredTiger is not supported on 32-bit platforms\n" "Re-run scons with --wiredtiger=off to build on 32-bit platforms") else: wiredtiger = True env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_WIREDTIGER_ENABLED") if env['TARGET_ARCH'] == 'i386': # If we are using GCC or clang to target 32 bit, set the ISA minimum to 'nocona', # and the tuning to 'generic'. The choice of 'nocona' is selected because it # -- includes MMX extenions which we need for tcmalloc on 32-bit # -- can target 32 bit # -- is at the time of this writing a widely-deployed 10 year old microarchitecture # -- is available as a target architecture from GCC 4.0+ # However, we only want to select an ISA, not the nocona specific scheduling, so we # select the generic tuning. For installations where hardware and system compiler rev are # contemporaries, the generic scheduling should be appropriate for a wide range of # deployed hardware. if env.ToolchainIs('GCC', 'clang'): env.Append( CCFLAGS=['-march=nocona', '-mtune=generic'] ) # Needed for auth tests since key files are stored in git with mode 644. if not env.TargetOSIs('windows'): for keysuffix in [ "1" , "2", "ForRollover" ]: keyfile = "jstests/libs/key%s" % keysuffix os.chmod( keyfile , stat.S_IWUSR|stat.S_IRUSR ) # boostSuffixList is used when using system boost to select a search sequence # for boost libraries. boostSuffixList = ["-mt", ""] if get_option("system-boost-lib-search-suffixes") is not None: if not use_system_version_of_library("boost"): env.FatalError("The --system-boost-lib-search-suffixes option is only valid " "with --use-system-boost") boostSuffixList = get_option("system-boost-lib-search-suffixes") if boostSuffixList == "": boostSuffixList = [] else: boostSuffixList = boostSuffixList.split(',') # discover modules, and load the (python) module for each module's build.py mongo_modules = moduleconfig.discover_modules('src/mongo/db/modules', get_option('modules')) # --- check system --- ssl_provider = None free_monitoring = get_option("enable-free-mon") http_client = get_option("enable-http-client") def isSanitizerEnabled(self, sanitizerName): if 'SANITIZERS_ENABLED' not in self: return False if sanitizerName == 'fuzzer': return 'fuzzer-no-link' in self['SANITIZERS_ENABLED'] return sanitizerName in self['SANITIZERS_ENABLED'] env.AddMethod(isSanitizerEnabled, 'IsSanitizerEnabled') def doConfigure(myenv): global wiredtiger global ssl_provider global free_monitoring global http_client # Check that the compilers work. # # TODO: Currently, we have some flags already injected. Eventually, this should test the # bare compilers, and we should re-check at the very end that TryCompile and TryLink still # work with the flags we have selected. if myenv.ToolchainIs('msvc'): compiler_minimum_string = "Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 16.4" compiler_test_body = textwrap.dedent( """ #if !defined(_MSC_VER) #error #endif #if _MSC_VER < 1924 #error %s or newer is required to build MongoDB #endif int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return 0; } """ % compiler_minimum_string) elif myenv.ToolchainIs('gcc'): compiler_minimum_string = "GCC 8.2" compiler_test_body = textwrap.dedent( """ #if !defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) #error #endif #if (__GNUC__ < 8) || (__GNUC__ == 8 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 2) #error %s or newer is required to build MongoDB #endif int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return 0; } """ % compiler_minimum_string) elif myenv.ToolchainIs('clang'): compiler_minimum_string = "clang 7.0 (or Apple XCode 10.0)" compiler_test_body = textwrap.dedent( """ #if !defined(__clang__) #error #endif #if defined(__apple_build_version__) #if __apple_build_version__ < 10010046 #error %s or newer is required to build MongoDB #endif #elif (__clang_major__ < 7) || (__clang_major__ == 7 && __clang_minor__ < 0) #error %s or newer is required to build MongoDB #endif int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return 0; } """ % (compiler_minimum_string, compiler_minimum_string)) else: myenv.ConfError("Error: can't check compiler minimum; don't know this compiler...") def CheckForMinimumCompiler(context, language): extension_for = { "C" : ".c", "C++" : ".cpp", } context.Message("Checking if %s compiler is %s or newer..." % (language, compiler_minimum_string)) result = context.TryCompile(compiler_test_body, extension_for[language]) context.Result(result) return result; conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckForMinimumCompiler' : CheckForMinimumCompiler, }) c_compiler_validated = conf.CheckForMinimumCompiler('C') cxx_compiler_validated = conf.CheckForMinimumCompiler('C++') suppress_invalid = has_option("disable-minimum-compiler-version-enforcement") if releaseBuild and suppress_invalid: env.FatalError("--disable-minimum-compiler-version-enforcement is forbidden with --release") if not (c_compiler_validated and cxx_compiler_validated): if not suppress_invalid: env.ConfError("ERROR: Refusing to build with compiler that does not meet requirements") print("WARNING: Ignoring failed compiler version check per explicit user request.") print("WARNING: The build may fail, binaries may crash, or may run but corrupt data...") # Figure out what our minimum windows version is. If the user has specified, then use # that. if env.TargetOSIs('windows'): if has_option('win-version-min'): win_version_min = get_option('win-version-min') else: # If no minimum version has beeen specified, use our default win_version_min = 'win10' env['WIN_VERSION_MIN'] = win_version_min win_version_min = win_version_min_choices[win_version_min] env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[("_WIN32_WINNT", "0x" + win_version_min[0])] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[("BOOST_USE_WINAPI_VERSION", "0x" + win_version_min[0])] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[("NTDDI_VERSION", "0x" + win_version_min[0] + win_version_min[1])] ) conf.Finish() # We require macOS 10.12 or newer if env.TargetOSIs('darwin'): # TODO: Better error messages, mention the various -mX-version-min-flags in the error, and # single source of truth for versions, plumbed through #ifdef ladder and error messages. def CheckDarwinMinima(context): test_body = """ #include #include #include #if TARGET_OS_OSX && (__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < __MAC_10_12) #error 1 #endif """ context.Message("Checking for sufficient {0} target version minimum... ".format(context.env['TARGET_OS'])) ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".c") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests={ "CheckDarwinMinima" : CheckDarwinMinima, }) if not conf.CheckDarwinMinima(): conf.env.ConfError("Required target minimum of macOS 10.12 not found") conf.Finish() def AddFlagIfSupported(env, tool, extension, flag, link, **mutation): def CheckFlagTest(context, tool, extension, flag): if link: if tool == 'C': test_body = """ #include #include int main() { printf("Hello, World!"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }""" elif tool == 'C++': test_body = """ #include #include int main() { std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }""" context.Message('Checking if linker supports %s... ' % (flag)) ret = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), extension) else: test_body = "" context.Message('Checking if %s compiler supports %s... ' % (tool, flag)) ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), extension) context.Result(ret) return ret if env.ToolchainIs('msvc'): env.FatalError("AddFlagIfSupported is not currently supported with MSVC") test_mutation = mutation if env.ToolchainIs('gcc'): test_mutation = copy.deepcopy(mutation) # GCC helpfully doesn't issue a diagnostic on unknown flags of the form -Wno-xxx # unless other diagnostics are triggered. That makes it tough to check for support # for -Wno-xxx. To work around, if we see that we are testing for a flag of the # form -Wno-xxx (but not -Wno-error=xxx), we also add -Wxxx to the flags. GCC does # warn on unknown -Wxxx style flags, so this lets us probe for availablity of # -Wno-xxx. for kw in list(test_mutation.keys()): test_flags = test_mutation[kw] for test_flag in test_flags: if test_flag.startswith("-Wno-") and not test_flag.startswith("-Wno-error="): test_flags.append(re.sub("^-Wno-", "-W", test_flag)) cloned = env.Clone() cloned.Append(**test_mutation) # For GCC, we don't need anything since bad flags are already errors, but # adding -Werror won't hurt. For clang, bad flags are only warnings, so we need -Werror # to make them real errors. cloned.Append(CCFLAGS=['-Werror']) conf = Configure(cloned, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckFlag' : lambda ctx : CheckFlagTest(ctx, tool, extension, flag) }) available = conf.CheckFlag() conf.Finish() if available: env.Append(**mutation) return available def AddToCFLAGSIfSupported(env, flag): return AddFlagIfSupported(env, 'C', '.c', flag, False, CFLAGS=[flag]) def AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(env, flag): return AddFlagIfSupported(env, 'C', '.c', flag, False, CCFLAGS=[flag]) def AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(env, flag): return AddFlagIfSupported(env, 'C++', '.cpp', flag, False, CXXFLAGS=[flag]) def AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(env, flag): return AddFlagIfSupported(env, 'C', '.c', flag, True, LINKFLAGS=[flag]) def AddToSHLINKFLAGSIfSupported(env, flag): return AddFlagIfSupported(env, 'C', '.c', flag, True, SHLINKFLAGS=[flag]) if myenv.ToolchainIs('clang', 'gcc'): # This warning was added in g++-4.8. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wno-unused-local-typedefs') # Clang likes to warn about unused functions, which seems a tad aggressive and breaks # -Werror, which we want to be able to use. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wno-unused-function') # TODO: Note that the following two flags are added to CCFLAGS even though they are # really C++ specific. We need to do this because SCons passes CXXFLAGS *before* # CCFLAGS, but CCFLAGS contains -Wall, which re-enables the warnings we are trying to # suppress. In the future, we should move all warning flags to CCWARNFLAGS and # CXXWARNFLAGS and add these to CCOM and CXXCOM as appropriate. # # Clang likes to warn about unused private fields, but some of our third_party # libraries have such things. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wno-unused-private-field') # Prevents warning about using deprecated features (such as auto_ptr in c++11) # Using -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations does not seem to work on some compilers, # including at least g++-4.6. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-deprecated-declarations") # As of clang-3.4, this warning appears in v8, and gets escalated to an error. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare") # As of clang in Android NDK 17, these warnings appears in boost and/or ICU, and get escalated to errors AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-tautological-constant-compare") AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-tautological-unsigned-zero-compare") AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-tautological-unsigned-enum-zero-compare") # New in clang-3.4, trips up things mostly in third_party, but in a few places in the # primary mongo sources as well. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-unused-const-variable") # Prevents warning about unused but set variables found in boost version 1.49 # in boost/date_time/format_date_parser.hpp which does not work for compilers # GCC >= 4.6. Error explained in https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6136 . AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-unused-but-set-variable") # This has been suppressed in gcc 4.8, due to false positives, but not in clang. So # we explicitly disable it here. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-missing-braces") # Suppress warnings about not consistently using override everywhere in a class. It seems # very pedantic, and we have a fair number of instances. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-inconsistent-missing-override") # Don't issue warnings about potentially evaluated expressions AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-potentially-evaluated-expression") # Warn about moves of prvalues, which can inhibit copy elision. AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wpessimizing-move") # Warn about redundant moves, such as moving a local variable in a return that is different # than the return type. AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wredundant-move") # Disable warning about variables that may not be initialized # Failures are triggered in the case of boost::optional in GCC 4.8.x # TODO: re-evaluate when we move to GCC 5.3 # see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21755206/how-to-get-around-gcc-void-b-4-may-be-used-uninitialized-in-this-funct AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-maybe-uninitialized") # Disable warning about templates that can't be implicitly instantiated. It is an attempt to # make a link error into an easier-to-debug compiler failure, but it triggers false # positives if explicit instantiation is used in a TU that can see the full definition. This # is a problem at least for the S2 headers. AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-undefined-var-template") # This warning was added in clang-4.0, but it warns about code that is required on some # platforms. Since the warning just states that 'explicit instantiation of [a template] that # occurs after an explicit specialization has no effect', it is harmless on platforms where # it isn't required AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-instantiation-after-specialization") # This warning was added in clang-5 and flags many of our lambdas. Since it isn't actively # harmful to capture unused variables we are suppressing for now with a plan to fix later. AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-unused-lambda-capture") # This warning was added in clang-5 and incorrectly flags our implementation of # exceptionToStatus(). See https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34804 AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-exceptions") # Enable sized deallocation support. AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-fsized-deallocation') # This warning was added in Apple clang version 11 and flags many explicitly defaulted move # constructors and assignment operators for being implicitly deleted, which is not useful. AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wno-defaulted-function-deleted") # SERVER-44856: Our windows builds complain about unused # exception parameters, but GCC and clang don't seem to do # that for us automatically. In the interest of making it more # likely to catch these errors early, add the (currently clang # only) flag that turns it on. AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wunused-exception-parameter") # Check if we can set "-Wnon-virtual-dtor" when "-Werror" is set. The only time we can't set it is on # clang 3.4, where a class with virtual function(s) and a non-virtual destructor throws a warning when # it shouldn't. def CheckNonVirtualDtor(context): test_body = """ class Base { public: virtual void foo() const = 0; protected: ~Base() {}; }; class Derived : public Base { public: virtual void foo() const {} }; """ context.Message('Checking -Wnon-virtual-dtor for false positives... ') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret myenvClone = myenv.Clone() myenvClone.Append( CCFLAGS=['-Werror'] ) myenvClone.Append( CXXFLAGS=["-Wnon-virtual-dtor"] ) conf = Configure(myenvClone, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckNonVirtualDtor' : CheckNonVirtualDtor, }) if conf.CheckNonVirtualDtor(): myenv.Append( CXXFLAGS=["-Wnon-virtual-dtor"] ) conf.Finish() # As of XCode 9, this flag must be present (it is not enabled # by -Wall), in order to enforce that -mXXX-version-min=YYY # will enforce that you don't use APIs from ZZZ. if env.TargetOSIs('darwin'): AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(env, '-Wunguarded-availability') if get_option('runtime-hardening') == "on": # Enable 'strong' stack protection preferentially, but fall back to 'all' if it is not # available. Note that we need to add these to the LINKFLAGS as well, since otherwise we # might not link libssp when we need to (see SERVER-12456). if myenv.ToolchainIs('gcc', 'clang'): if AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-fstack-protector-strong'): myenv.Append( LINKFLAGS=[ '-fstack-protector-strong', ] ) elif AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-fstack-protector-all'): myenv.Append( LINKFLAGS=[ '-fstack-protector-all', ] ) if myenv.ToolchainIs('clang'): # TODO: There are several interesting things to try here, but they each have # consequences we need to investigate. # # - fsanitize=bounds: This does static bounds checking. We can # probably turn this on along with fsanitize-trap so that we # don't depend on the ASAN runtime. # # - fsanitize=safestack: This looks very interesting, and is # probably what we want. However there are a few problems: # # - It relies on having the RT library available, and it is # unclear whether we can ship binaries that depend on # that. # # - It is incompatible with a shared object build. # # - It may not work with SpiderMonkey due to needing to # inform the GC about the stacks so that mark-sweep # # - fsanitize=cfi: Again, very interesting, however it # requires LTO builds. pass if has_option('osx-version-min'): message=""" The --osx-version-min option is no longer supported. To specify a target minimum for Darwin platforms, please explicitly add the appropriate options to CCFLAGS and LINKFLAGS on the command line: macOS: scons CCFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.11" LINKFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.11" .. iOS : scons CCFLAGS="-miphoneos-version-min=10.3" LINKFLAGS="-miphoneos-version-min=10.3" ... tvOS : scons CCFLAGS="-mtvos-version-min=10.3" LINKFLAGS="-tvos-version-min=10.3" ... Note that MongoDB requires macOS 10.10, iOS 10.2, or tvOS 10.2 or later. """ myenv.ConfError(textwrap.dedent(message)) usingLibStdCxx = False if has_option('libc++'): if not myenv.ToolchainIs('clang'): myenv.FatalError('libc++ is currently only supported for clang') if AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-stdlib=libc++'): myenv.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-stdlib=libc++']) else: myenv.ConfError('libc++ requested, but compiler does not support -stdlib=libc++' ) else: def CheckLibStdCxx(context): test_body = """ #include #if !defined(__GLIBCXX__) #error #endif """ context.Message('Checking if we are using libstdc++... ') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckLibStdCxx' : CheckLibStdCxx, }) usingLibStdCxx = conf.CheckLibStdCxx() conf.Finish() if myenv.ToolchainIs('msvc'): if get_option('cxx-std') == "17": myenv.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS=['/std:c++17']) else: if get_option('cxx-std') == "17": if not AddToCXXFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-std=c++17'): myenv.ConfError('Compiler does not honor -std=c++17') if not AddToCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-std=c11'): myenv.ConfError("C++14/17 mode selected for C++ files, but can't enable C11 for C files") if using_system_version_of_cxx_libraries(): print( 'WARNING: System versions of C++ libraries must be compiled with C++14/17 support' ) def CheckCxx17(context): test_body = """ #if __cplusplus < 201703L #error #endif namespace NestedNamespaceDecls::AreACXX17Feature {}; """ context.Message('Checking for C++17... ') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckCxx17' : CheckCxx17, }) if get_option('cxx-std') == "17" and not conf.CheckCxx17(): myenv.ConfError('C++17 support is required to build MongoDB') conf.Finish() def CheckMemset_s(context): test_body = """ #define __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ 1 #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { void* data = nullptr; return memset_s(data, 0, 0, 0); } """ context.Message('Checking for memset_s... ') ret = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(env, custom_tests = { 'CheckMemset_s' : CheckMemset_s, }) if conf.CheckMemset_s(): conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_MEMSET_S") if conf.CheckFunc('strnlen'): conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_STRNLEN") conf.Finish() # If we are using libstdc++, check to see if we are using a # libstdc++ that is older than our GCC minimum of 5.3.0. This is # primarly to help people using clang on OS X but forgetting to # use --libc++ (or set the target OS X version high enough to get # it as the default). We would, ideally, check the __GLIBCXX__ # version, but for various reasons this is not workable. Instead, # we switch on the fact that the header # wasn't introduced until libstdc++ 5.3.0. Yes, this is a terrible # hack. if usingLibStdCxx: def CheckModernLibStdCxx(context): test_body = """ #if !__has_include() #error "libstdc++ from GCC 5.3.0 or newer is required" #endif """ context.Message('Checking for libstdc++ 5.3.0 or better... ') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckModernLibStdCxx' : CheckModernLibStdCxx, }) suppress_invalid = has_option("disable-minimum-compiler-version-enforcement") if not conf.CheckModernLibStdCxx() and not suppress_invalid: myenv.ConfError("When using libstdc++, MongoDB requires libstdc++ from GCC 5.3.0 or newer") conf.Finish() if has_option("use-glibcxx-debug"): # If we are using a modern libstdc++ and this is a debug build and we control all C++ # dependencies, then turn on the debugging features in libstdc++. # TODO: Need a new check here. if not debugBuild: myenv.FatalError("--use-glibcxx-debug requires --dbg=on") if not usingLibStdCxx: myenv.FatalError("--use-glibcxx-debug is only compatible with the GNU implementation " "of the C++ standard libary") if using_system_version_of_cxx_libraries(): myenv.FatalError("--use-glibcxx-debug not compatible with system versions of " "C++ libraries.") myenv.Append(CPPDEFINES=["_GLIBCXX_DEBUG"]); # Check if we have a modern Windows SDK if env.TargetOSIs('windows'): def CheckWindowsSDKVersion(context): test_body = """ #include #if !defined(NTDDI_WINBLUE) #error Need Windows SDK Version 8.1 or higher #endif """ context.Message('Checking Windows SDK is 8.1 or newer... ') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".c") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckWindowsSDKVersion' : CheckWindowsSDKVersion, }) if not conf.CheckWindowsSDKVersion(): myenv.ConfError('Windows SDK Version 8.1 or higher is required to build MongoDB') conf.Finish() # Check if we are on a POSIX system by testing if _POSIX_VERSION is defined. def CheckPosixSystem(context): test_body = """ // POSIX requires the existence of unistd.h, so if we can't include unistd.h, we // are definitely not a POSIX system. #include #if !defined(_POSIX_VERSION) #error not a POSIX system #endif """ context.Message('Checking if we are on a POSIX system... ') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".c") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckPosixSystem' : CheckPosixSystem, }) posix_system = conf.CheckPosixSystem() conf.Finish() # Check if we are on a system that support the POSIX clock_gettime function # and the "monotonic" clock. posix_monotonic_clock = False if posix_system: def CheckPosixMonotonicClock(context): test_body = """ #include #if !(defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) && _POSIX_TIMERS > 0) #error POSIX clock_gettime not supported #elif !(defined(_POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK) && _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK >= 0) #error POSIX monotonic clock not supported #endif """ context.Message('Checking if the POSIX monotonic clock is supported... ') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".c") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckPosixMonotonicClock' : CheckPosixMonotonicClock, }) posix_monotonic_clock = conf.CheckPosixMonotonicClock() # On 32-bit systems, we need to define this in order to get access to # the 64-bit versions of fseek, etc. # except on 32 bit android where it breaks boost if not conf.CheckTypeSize('off_t', includes="#include ", expect=8): if not env.TargetOSIs('android'): myenv.Append(CPPDEFINES=["_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64"]) conf.Finish() if has_option('sanitize'): if not myenv.ToolchainIs('clang', 'gcc'): env.FatalError('sanitize is only supported with clang or gcc') if myenv.ToolchainIs('gcc'): # GCC's implementation of ASAN depends on libdl. env.Append(LIBS=['dl']) sanitizer_list = get_option('sanitize').split(',') using_lsan = 'leak' in sanitizer_list using_asan = 'address' in sanitizer_list or using_lsan using_tsan = 'thread' in sanitizer_list using_ubsan = 'undefined' in sanitizer_list using_fsan = 'fuzzer' in sanitizer_list if env['MONGO_ALLOCATOR'] in ['tcmalloc', 'tcmalloc-experimental'] and (using_lsan or using_asan): # There are multiply defined symbols between the sanitizer and # our vendorized tcmalloc. env.FatalError("Cannot use --sanitize=leak or --sanitize=address with tcmalloc") # If the user asked for leak sanitizer, turn on the detect_leaks # ASAN_OPTION. If they asked for address sanitizer as well, drop # 'leak', because -fsanitize=leak means no address. # # --sanitize=leak: -fsanitize=leak, detect_leaks=1 # --sanitize=address,leak: -fsanitize=address, detect_leaks=1 # --sanitize=address: -fsanitize=address # if using_lsan: if using_asan: myenv['ENV']['ASAN_OPTIONS'] = "detect_leaks=1" myenv['ENV']['LSAN_OPTIONS'] = "suppressions=%s" % myenv.File("#etc/lsan.suppressions").abspath if 'address' in sanitizer_list: sanitizer_list.remove('leak') if using_fsan: def CheckForFuzzerCompilerSupport(context): test_body = """ #include #include // fuzz_target.cc extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size) { return 0; } """ context.Message("Checking if libfuzzer is supported by the compiler... ") context.env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS=['-fprofile-instr-generate', '-fcoverage-mapping', '-fsanitize=fuzzer'], CCFLAGS=['-fprofile-instr-generate','-fcoverage-mapping']) ret = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret confEnv = myenv.Clone() fuzzerConf = Configure(confEnv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckForFuzzerCompilerSupport': CheckForFuzzerCompilerSupport, }) if not fuzzerConf.CheckForFuzzerCompilerSupport(): myenv.FatalError("libfuzzer is not supported by the compiler") fuzzerConf.Finish() # We can't include the fuzzer flag with the other sanitize flags # The libfuzzer library already has a main function, which will cause the dependencies check # to fail sanitizer_list.remove('fuzzer') sanitizer_list.append('fuzzer-no-link') # These flags are needed to generate a coverage report myenv.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-fprofile-instr-generate','-fcoverage-mapping']) myenv.Append(CCFLAGS=['-fprofile-instr-generate','-fcoverage-mapping']) sanitizer_option = '-fsanitize=' + ','.join(sanitizer_list) if AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, sanitizer_option): myenv.Append(LINKFLAGS=[sanitizer_option]) myenv.Append(CCFLAGS=['-fno-omit-frame-pointer']) else: myenv.ConfError('Failed to enable sanitizers with flag: {0}', sanitizer_option ) myenv['SANITIZERS_ENABLED'] = sanitizer_list if has_option('sanitize-coverage') and using_fsan: sanitize_coverage_list = get_option('sanitize-coverage') sanitize_coverage_option = '-fsanitize-coverage=' + sanitize_coverage_list if AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv,sanitize_coverage_option): myenv.Append(LINKFLAGS=[sanitize_coverage_option]) else: myenv.ConfError('Failed to enable -fsanitize-coverage with flag: {0}', sanitize_coverage_option ) blackfiles_map = { "address" : myenv.File("#etc/asan.blacklist"), "leak" : myenv.File("#etc/asan.blacklist"), "thread" : myenv.File("#etc/tsan.blacklist"), "undefined" : myenv.File("#etc/ubsan.blacklist"), } # Select those unique black files that are associated with the # currently enabled sanitizers, but filter out those that are # zero length. blackfiles = {v for (k, v) in blackfiles_map.items() if k in sanitizer_list} blackfiles = [f for f in blackfiles if os.stat(f.path).st_size != 0] # Filter out any blacklist options that the toolchain doesn't support. supportedBlackfiles = [] blackfilesTestEnv = myenv.Clone() for blackfile in blackfiles: if AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(blackfilesTestEnv, "-fsanitize-blacklist=%s" % blackfile): supportedBlackfiles.append(blackfile) blackfilesTestEnv = None blackfiles = sorted(supportedBlackfiles) # If we ended up with any blackfiles after the above filters, # then expand them into compiler flag arguments, and use a # generator to return at command line expansion time so that # we can change the signature if the file contents change. if blackfiles: blacklist_options=["-fsanitize-blacklist=%s" % blackfile for blackfile in blackfiles] def SanitizerBlacklistGenerator(source, target, env, for_signature): if for_signature: return [f.get_csig() for f in blackfiles] return blacklist_options myenv.AppendUnique( SANITIZER_BLACKLIST_GENERATOR=SanitizerBlacklistGenerator, CCFLAGS="${SANITIZER_BLACKLIST_GENERATOR}", LINKFLAGS="${SANITIZER_BLACKLIST_GENERATOR}", ) llvm_symbolizer = get_option('llvm-symbolizer') if os.path.isabs(llvm_symbolizer): if not myenv.File(llvm_symbolizer).exists(): print("WARNING: Specified symbolizer '%s' not found" % llvm_symbolizer) llvm_symbolizer = None else: llvm_symbolizer = myenv.WhereIs(llvm_symbolizer) tsan_options = "" if llvm_symbolizer: myenv['ENV']['ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH'] = llvm_symbolizer myenv['ENV']['LSAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH'] = llvm_symbolizer tsan_options = "external_symbolizer_path=\"%s\" " % llvm_symbolizer elif using_lsan: myenv.FatalError("Using the leak sanitizer requires a valid symbolizer") if using_asan: # Unfortunately, abseil requires that we make these macros # (this, and THREAD_ and UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_ below) set, # because apparently it is too hard to query the running # compiler. We do this unconditionally because abseil is # basically pervasive via the 'base' library. myenv.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES=['ADDRESS_SANITIZER']) if using_tsan: tsan_options += "suppressions=\"%s\" " % myenv.File("#etc/tsan.suppressions").abspath myenv['ENV']['TSAN_OPTIONS'] = tsan_options myenv.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES=['THREAD_SANITIZER']) if using_ubsan: # By default, undefined behavior sanitizer doesn't stop on # the first error. Make it so. Newer versions of clang # have renamed the flag. # However, this flag cannot be included when using the fuzzer sanitizer # if we want to suppress errors to uncover new ones. if not using_fsan and not AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-fno-sanitize-recover"): AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-fno-sanitize-recover=undefined") myenv.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES=['UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_SANITIZER']) if myenv.ToolchainIs('msvc') and optBuild: # http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2013/09/11/introducing-gw-compiler-switch.aspx # myenv.Append( CCFLAGS=["/Gw", "/Gy"] ) myenv.Append( LINKFLAGS=["/OPT:REF"]) # http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2014/03/25/linker-enhancements-in-visual-studio-2013-update-2-ctp2.aspx # myenv.Append( CCFLAGS=["/Zc:inline"]) if myenv.ToolchainIs('gcc', 'clang'): # This tells clang/gcc to use the gold linker if it is available - we prefer the gold linker # because it is much faster. Don't use it if the user has already configured another linker # selection manually. if not any(flag.startswith('-fuse-ld=') for flag in env['LINKFLAGS']): if AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-fuse-ld=lld') or AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-fuse-ld=gold'): if link_model.startswith("dynamic"): AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wl,--gdb-index') # Our build is already parallel. AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wl,--no-threads') # Explicitly enable GNU build id's if the linker supports it. AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wl,--build-id') # Explicitly use the new gnu hash section if the linker offers # it, except on android since older runtimes seem to not # support it. For that platform, use 'both'. if env.TargetOSIs('android'): AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wl,--hash-style=both') else: AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wl,--hash-style=gnu') # Try to have the linker tell us about ODR violations. Don't # use it when using clang with libstdc++, as libstdc++ was # probably built with GCC. That combination appears to cause # false positives for the ODR detector. See SERVER-28133 for # additional details. if (get_option('detect-odr-violations') and not (myenv.ToolchainIs('clang') and usingLibStdCxx)): AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wl,--detect-odr-violations') # Disallow an executable stack. Also, issue a warning if any files are found that would # cause the stack to become executable if the noexecstack flag was not in play, so that we # can find them and fix them. We do this here after we check for ld.gold because the # --warn-execstack is currently only offered with gold. AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wl,-z,noexecstack") AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wl,--warn-execstack") # If possible with the current linker, mark relocations as read-only. AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wl,-z,relro") # Avoid deduping symbols on OS X debug builds, as it takes a long time. if not optBuild and myenv.ToolchainIs('clang') and env.TargetOSIs('darwin'): AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-Wl,-no_deduplicate") # Apply any link time optimization settings as selected by the 'lto' option. if has_option('lto'): if myenv.ToolchainIs('msvc'): # Note that this is actually more aggressive than LTO, it is whole program # optimization due to /GL. However, this is historically what we have done for # windows, so we are keeping it. # # /GL implies /LTCG, so no need to say it in CCFLAGS, but we do need /LTCG on the # link flags. myenv.Append(CCFLAGS=['/GL']) myenv.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/LTCG']) myenv.Append(ARFLAGS=['/LTCG']) elif myenv.ToolchainIs('gcc', 'clang'): # For GCC and clang, the flag is -flto, and we need to pass it both on the compile # and link lines. if not AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-flto') or \ not AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-flto'): myenv.ConfError("Link time optimization requested, " "but selected compiler does not honor -flto" ) if myenv.TargetOSIs('darwin'): AddToLINKFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, '-Wl,-object_path_lto,${TARGET}.lto') else: myenv.ConfError("Don't know how to enable --lto on current toolchain") if get_option('runtime-hardening') == "on" and optBuild: # Older glibc doesn't work well with _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2. Selecting 2.11 as the minimum was an # emperical decision, as that is the oldest non-broken glibc we seem to require. It is possible # that older glibc's work, but we aren't trying. # # https://gforge.inria.fr/tracker/?func=detail&group_id=131&atid=607&aid=14070 # https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium/issues/202 def CheckForGlibcKnownToSupportFortify(context): test_body=""" #include #if !__GLIBC_PREREQ(2, 11) #error #endif """ context.Message('Checking for glibc with non-broken _FORTIFY_SOURCE...') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".c") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckForFortify': CheckForGlibcKnownToSupportFortify, }) # Fortify only possibly makes sense on POSIX systems, and we know that clang is not a valid # combination: # # http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/cfe-dev/2015-November/045852.html # if env.TargetOSIs('posix') and not env.ToolchainIs('clang') and conf.CheckForFortify(): conf.env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ ('_FORTIFY_SOURCE', 2), ], ) myenv = conf.Finish() # We set this to work around https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=43052 if not myenv.ToolchainIs('msvc'): AddToCCFLAGSIfSupported(myenv, "-fno-builtin-memcmp") def CheckThreadLocal(context): test_body = """ thread_local int tsp_int = 1; int main(int argc, char** argv) {{ return !(tsp_int == argc); }} """ context.Message('Checking for storage class thread_local ') ret = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckThreadLocal': CheckThreadLocal }) if not conf.CheckThreadLocal(): env.ConfError("Compiler must support the thread_local storage class") conf.Finish() def CheckCXX14EnableIfT(context): test_body = """ #include #include template struct scons { bool hasSupport() { return false; } }; template <> struct scons> { bool hasSupport() { return true; } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { scons<> SCons; return SCons.hasSupport() ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } """ context.Message('Checking for C++14 std::enable_if_t support...') ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), '.cpp') context.Result(ret) return ret # Check for std::enable_if_t support without using the __cplusplus macro conf = Configure(myenv, help=False, custom_tests = { 'CheckCXX14EnableIfT' : CheckCXX14EnableIfT, }) if conf.CheckCXX14EnableIfT(): conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine('MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_STD_ENABLE_IF_T') # pthread_setname_np was added in GLIBC 2.12, and Solaris 11.3 if posix_system: myenv = conf.Finish() def CheckPThreadSetNameNP(context): compile_test_body = textwrap.dedent(""" #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include int main() { pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "test"); return 0; } """) context.Message("Checking if pthread_setname_np is supported... ") result = context.TryCompile(compile_test_body, ".cpp") context.Result(result) return result conf = Configure(myenv, custom_tests = { 'CheckPThreadSetNameNP': CheckPThreadSetNameNP, }) if conf.CheckPThreadSetNameNP(): conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_PTHREAD_SETNAME_NP") myenv = conf.Finish() def CheckBoostMinVersion(context): compile_test_body = textwrap.dedent(""" #include #if BOOST_VERSION < 104900 #error #endif """) context.Message("Checking if system boost version is 1.49 or newer...") result = context.TryCompile(compile_test_body, ".cpp") context.Result(result) return result conf = Configure(myenv, custom_tests = { 'CheckBoostMinVersion': CheckBoostMinVersion, }) libdeps.setup_conftests(conf) ### --ssl checks def checkOpenSSL(conf): sslLibName = "ssl" cryptoLibName = "crypto" sslLinkDependencies = ["crypto", "dl"] if conf.env.TargetOSIs('freebsd'): sslLinkDependencies = ["crypto"] if conf.env.TargetOSIs('windows'): sslLibName = "ssleay32" cryptoLibName = "libeay32" sslLinkDependencies = ["libeay32"] # Used to import system certificate keychains if conf.env.TargetOSIs('darwin'): conf.env.AppendUnique(FRAMEWORKS=[ 'CoreFoundation', 'Security', ]) def maybeIssueDarwinSSLAdvice(env): if env.TargetOSIs('macOS'): advice = textwrap.dedent( """\ NOTE: Recent versions of macOS no longer ship headers for the system OpenSSL libraries. NOTE: Either build without the --ssl flag, or describe how to find OpenSSL. NOTE: Set the include path for the OpenSSL headers with the CPPPATH SCons variable. NOTE: Set the library path for OpenSSL libraries with the LIBPATH SCons variable. NOTE: If you are using HomeBrew, and have installed OpenSSL, this might look like: \tscons CPPPATH=/usr/local/opt/openssl/include LIBPATH=/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib ... NOTE: Consult the output of 'brew info openssl' for details on the correct paths.""" ) print(advice) brew = env.WhereIs('brew') if brew: try: # TODO: If we could programmatically extract the paths from the info output # we could give a better message here, but brew info's machine readable output # doesn't seem to include the whole 'caveats' section. message = subprocess.check_output([brew, "info", "openssl"]).decode('utf-8') advice = textwrap.dedent( """\ NOTE: HomeBrew installed to {0} appears to have OpenSSL installed. NOTE: Consult the output from '{0} info openssl' to determine CPPPATH and LIBPATH.""" ).format(brew, message) print(advice) except: pass if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader( cryptoLibName, ["openssl/crypto.h"], "C", "SSLeay_version(0);", autoadd=True): maybeIssueDarwinSSLAdvice(conf.env) conf.env.ConfError("Couldn't find OpenSSL crypto.h header and library") def CheckLibSSL(context): res = SCons.Conftest.CheckLib(context, libs=[sslLibName], extra_libs=sslLinkDependencies, header='#include "openssl/ssl.h"', language="C", call="SSL_version(NULL);", autoadd=True) context.did_show_result = 1 return not res conf.AddTest("CheckLibSSL", CheckLibSSL) if not conf.CheckLibSSL(): maybeIssueDarwinSSLAdvice(conf.env) conf.env.ConfError("Couldn't find OpenSSL ssl.h header and library") def CheckLinkSSL(context): test_body = """ #include #include #include int main() { SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); ERR_load_crypto_strings(); OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); ERR_free_strings(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } """ context.Message("Checking that linking to OpenSSL works...") ret = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".c") context.Result(ret) return ret conf.AddTest("CheckLinkSSL", CheckLinkSSL) if not conf.CheckLinkSSL(): maybeIssueDarwinSSLAdvice(conf.env) conf.env.ConfError("SSL is enabled, but is unavailable") if conf.CheckDeclaration( "FIPS_mode_set", includes=""" #include #include """): conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine('MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_FIPS_MODE_SET') if conf.CheckDeclaration( "d2i_ASN1_SEQUENCE_ANY", includes=""" #include """): conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine('MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_ASN1_ANY_DEFINITIONS') def CheckOpenSSL_EC_DH(context): compile_test_body = textwrap.dedent(""" #include int main() { SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto(0, 0); SSL_set_ecdh_auto(0, 0); return 0; } """) context.Message("Checking if SSL_[CTX_]_set_ecdh_auto is supported... ") result = context.TryCompile(compile_test_body, ".cpp") context.Result(result) return result def CheckOpenSSL_EC_KEY_new(context): compile_test_body = textwrap.dedent(""" #include #include int main() { SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh(0, 0); EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1); EC_KEY_free(0); return 0; } """) context.Message("Checking if EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name is supported... ") result = context.TryCompile(compile_test_body, ".cpp") context.Result(result) return result conf.AddTest("CheckOpenSSL_EC_DH", CheckOpenSSL_EC_DH) if conf.CheckOpenSSL_EC_DH(): conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine('MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_SSL_SET_ECDH_AUTO') conf.AddTest("CheckOpenSSL_EC_KEY_new", CheckOpenSSL_EC_KEY_new) if conf.CheckOpenSSL_EC_KEY_new(): conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine('MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_SSL_EC_KEY_NEW') # We require ssl by default unless the user has specified --ssl=off require_ssl = get_option("ssl") != "off" # The following platform checks setup both # ssl_provider for TLS implementation # and MONGO_CRYPTO for hashing support. # # MONGO_CRYPTO is always enabled regardless of --ssl=on/off # However, ssl_provider will be rewritten to 'none' if --ssl=off if conf.env.TargetOSIs('windows'): # SChannel on Windows ssl_provider = 'windows' conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_SSL_PROVIDER", "MONGO_CONFIG_SSL_PROVIDER_WINDOWS") conf.env.Append( MONGO_CRYPTO=["windows"] ) elif conf.env.TargetOSIs('darwin', 'macOS'): # SecureTransport on macOS ssl_provider = 'apple' conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_SSL_PROVIDER", "MONGO_CONFIG_SSL_PROVIDER_APPLE") conf.env.Append( MONGO_CRYPTO=["apple"] ) conf.env.AppendUnique(FRAMEWORKS=['CoreFoundation', 'Security']) elif require_ssl: checkOpenSSL(conf) # Working OpenSSL available, use it. conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_SSL_PROVIDER", "MONGO_CONFIG_SSL_PROVIDER_OPENSSL") conf.env.Append( MONGO_CRYPTO=["openssl"] ) ssl_provider = 'openssl' else: # If we don't need an SSL build, we can get by with TomCrypt. conf.env.Append( MONGO_CRYPTO=["tom"] ) if require_ssl: # Either crypto engine is native, # or it's OpenSSL and has been checked to be working. conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_SSL") print("Using SSL Provider: {0}".format(ssl_provider)) else: ssl_provider = "none" def checkHTTPLib(required=False): # WinHTTP available on Windows if env.TargetOSIs("windows"): return True # libcurl on all other platforms if conf.CheckLibWithHeader( "curl", ["curl/curl.h"], "C", "curl_global_init(0);", autoadd=False): return True if required: env.ConfError("Could not find and curl lib") return False if use_system_version_of_library("pcre"): conf.FindSysLibDep("pcre", ["pcre"]) conf.FindSysLibDep("pcrecpp", ["pcrecpp"]) else: env.Prepend(CPPDEFINES=['PCRE_STATIC']) if use_system_version_of_library("snappy"): conf.FindSysLibDep("snappy", ["snappy"]) if use_system_version_of_library("zlib"): conf.FindSysLibDep("zlib", ["zdll" if conf.env.TargetOSIs('windows') else "z"]) if use_system_version_of_library("zstd"): conf.FindSysLibDep("zstd", ["libzstd" if conf.env.TargetOSIs('windows') else "zstd"]) if use_system_version_of_library("stemmer"): conf.FindSysLibDep("stemmer", ["stemmer"]) if use_system_version_of_library("yaml"): conf.FindSysLibDep("yaml", ["yaml-cpp"]) if use_system_version_of_library("fmt"): conf.FindSysLibDep("fmt", ["fmt"]) if use_system_version_of_library("libunwind"): conf.FindSysLibDep("unwind", ["unwind"]) if use_system_version_of_library("intel_decimal128"): conf.FindSysLibDep("intel_decimal128", ["bid"]) if use_system_version_of_library("icu"): conf.FindSysLibDep("icudata", ["icudata"]) # We can't use FindSysLibDep() for icui18n and icuuc below, since SConf.CheckLib() (which # FindSysLibDep() relies on) doesn't expose an 'extra_libs' parameter to indicate that the # library being tested has additional dependencies (icuuc depends on icudata, and icui18n # depends on both). As a workaround, we skip the configure check for these two libraries and # manually assign the library name. We hope that if the user has icudata installed on their # system, then they also have icu18n and icuuc installed. conf.env['LIBDEPS_ICUI18N_SYSLIBDEP'] = 'icui18n' conf.env['LIBDEPS_ICUUC_SYSLIBDEP'] = 'icuuc' if wiredtiger and use_system_version_of_library("wiredtiger"): if not conf.CheckCXXHeader( "wiredtiger.h" ): myenv.ConfError("Cannot find wiredtiger headers") conf.FindSysLibDep("wiredtiger", ["wiredtiger"]) conf.env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ ("BOOST_THREAD_VERSION", "5"), "BOOST_THREAD_USES_DATETIME", "BOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED", "BOOST_MATH_NO_LONG_DOUBLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS", "BOOST_ENABLE_ASSERT_DEBUG_HANDLER", "BOOST_LOG_NO_SHORTHAND_NAMES", "BOOST_LOG_USE_NATIVE_SYSLOG", "BOOST_LOG_WITHOUT_THREAD_ATTR", "ABSL_FORCE_ALIGNED_ACCESS", ] ) if link_model.startswith("dynamic") and not link_model == 'dynamic-sdk': conf.env.AppendUnique( CPPDEFINES=[ "BOOST_LOG_DYN_LINK", ] ) if use_system_version_of_library("boost"): if not conf.CheckCXXHeader( "boost/filesystem/operations.hpp" ): myenv.ConfError("can't find boost headers") if not conf.CheckBoostMinVersion(): myenv.ConfError("system's version of boost is too old. version 1.49 or better required") # Note that on Windows with using-system-boost builds, the following # FindSysLibDep calls do nothing useful (but nothing problematic either) # # NOTE: Pass --system-boost-lib-search-suffixes= to suppress these checks, which you # might want to do if using autolib linking on Windows, for example. if boostSuffixList: for b in boostLibs: boostlib = "boost_" + b conf.FindSysLibDep( boostlib, [boostlib + suffix for suffix in boostSuffixList], language='C++') if posix_system: conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_HEADER_UNISTD_H") conf.CheckLib('rt') conf.CheckLib('dl') if posix_monotonic_clock: conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK") if get_option('use-diagnostic-latches') == 'off': conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_USE_RAW_LATCHES") if (conf.CheckCXXHeader( "execinfo.h" ) and conf.CheckDeclaration('backtrace', includes='#include ') and conf.CheckDeclaration('backtrace_symbols', includes='#include ') and conf.CheckDeclaration('backtrace_symbols_fd', includes='#include ')): conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_HAVE_EXECINFO_BACKTRACE") conf.env["_HAVEPCAP"] = conf.CheckLib( ["pcap", "wpcap"], autoadd=False ) if env.TargetOSIs('solaris'): conf.CheckLib( "nsl" ) conf.env['MONGO_BUILD_SASL_CLIENT'] = bool(has_option("use-sasl-client")) if conf.env['MONGO_BUILD_SASL_CLIENT'] and not conf.CheckLibWithHeader( "sasl2", ["stddef.h","sasl/sasl.h"], "C", "sasl_version_info(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);", autoadd=False ): myenv.ConfError("Couldn't find SASL header/libraries") # requires ports devel/libexecinfo to be installed if env.TargetOSIs('freebsd', 'openbsd'): if not conf.CheckLib("execinfo"): myenv.ConfError("Cannot find libexecinfo, please install devel/libexecinfo.") # 'tcmalloc' needs to be the last library linked. Please, add new libraries before this # point. if myenv['MONGO_ALLOCATOR'] == 'tcmalloc': if use_system_version_of_library('tcmalloc'): conf.FindSysLibDep("tcmalloc", ["tcmalloc"]) elif myenv['MONGO_ALLOCATOR'] in ['system', 'tcmalloc-experimental']: pass else: myenv.FatalError("Invalid --allocator parameter: $MONGO_ALLOCATOR") def CheckStdAtomic(context, base_type, extra_message): test_body = """ #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {{ std::atomic<{0}> x; x.store(0); // Use argc to ensure we can't optimize everything away. {0} y = argc; x.fetch_add(y); x.fetch_sub(y); x.exchange(y); if (x.compare_exchange_strong(y, x) && x.is_lock_free()) return 0; return x.load(); }} """.format(base_type) context.Message( "Checking if std::atomic<{0}> works{1}... ".format( base_type, extra_message ) ) ret = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf.AddTest("CheckStdAtomic", CheckStdAtomic) def check_all_atomics(extra_message=''): for t in ('int64_t', 'uint64_t', 'int32_t', 'uint32_t'): if not conf.CheckStdAtomic(t, extra_message): return False return True if not check_all_atomics(): if not conf.CheckLib('atomic', symbol=None, header=None, language='C', autoadd=1): myenv.ConfError("Some atomic ops are not intrinsically supported, but " "no libatomic found") if not check_all_atomics(' with libatomic'): myenv.ConfError("The toolchain does not support std::atomic, cannot continue") def CheckExtendedAlignment(context, size): test_body = """ #include #include #include static_assert(alignof(std::max_align_t) < {0}, "whatever"); alignas({0}) std::mutex aligned_mutex; alignas({0}) std::atomic aligned_atomic; struct alignas({0}) aligned_struct_mutex {{ std::mutex m; }}; struct alignas({0}) aligned_struct_atomic {{ std::atomic m; }}; struct holds_aligned_mutexes {{ alignas({0}) std::mutex m1; alignas({0}) std::mutex m2; }} hm; struct holds_aligned_atomics {{ alignas({0}) std::atomic a1; alignas({0}) std::atomic a2; }} ha; """.format(size) context.Message('Checking for extended alignment {0} for concurrency types... '.format(size)) ret = context.TryCompile(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret) return ret conf.AddTest('CheckExtendedAlignment', CheckExtendedAlignment) # If we don't have a specialized search sequence for this # architecture, assume 64 byte cache lines, which is pretty # standard. If for some reason the compiler can't offer that, try # 32. default_alignment_search_sequence = [ 64, 32 ] # The following are the target architectures for which we have # some knowledge that they have larger cache line sizes. In # particular, POWER8 uses 128 byte lines and zSeries uses 256. We # start at the goal state, and work down until we find something # the compiler can actualy do for us. extended_alignment_search_sequence = { 'ppc64le' : [ 128, 64, 32 ], 's390x' : [ 256, 128, 64, 32 ], } for size in extended_alignment_search_sequence.get(env['TARGET_ARCH'], default_alignment_search_sequence): if conf.CheckExtendedAlignment(size): conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_MAX_EXTENDED_ALIGNMENT", size) break def CheckMongoCMinVersion(context): compile_test_body = textwrap.dedent(""" #include #if !MONGOC_CHECK_VERSION(1,13,0) #error #endif """) context.Message("Checking if mongoc version is 1.13.0 or newer...") result = context.TryCompile(compile_test_body, ".cpp") context.Result(result) return result conf.AddTest('CheckMongoCMinVersion', CheckMongoCMinVersion) if env.TargetOSIs('darwin'): def CheckMongoCFramework(context): context.Message("Checking for mongoc_get_major_version() in darwin framework mongoc...") test_body = """ #include int main() { mongoc_get_major_version(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } """ lastFRAMEWORKS = context.env['FRAMEWORKS'] context.env.Append(FRAMEWORKS=['mongoc']) result = context.TryLink(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".c") context.Result(result) context.env['FRAMEWORKS'] = lastFRAMEWORKS return result conf.AddTest('CheckMongoCFramework', CheckMongoCFramework) mongoc_mode = get_option('use-system-mongo-c') conf.env['MONGO_HAVE_LIBMONGOC'] = False if mongoc_mode != 'off': if conf.CheckLibWithHeader( ["mongoc-1.0"], ["mongoc/mongoc.h"], "C", "mongoc_get_major_version();", autoadd=False ): conf.env['MONGO_HAVE_LIBMONGOC'] = "library" if not conf.env['MONGO_HAVE_LIBMONGOC'] and env.TargetOSIs('darwin') and conf.CheckMongoCFramework(): conf.env['MONGO_HAVE_LIBMONGOC'] = "framework" if not conf.env['MONGO_HAVE_LIBMONGOC'] and mongoc_mode == 'on': myenv.ConfError("Failed to find the required C driver headers") if conf.env['MONGO_HAVE_LIBMONGOC'] and not conf.CheckMongoCMinVersion(): myenv.ConfError("Version of mongoc is too old. Version 1.13+ required") # ask each module to configure itself and the build environment. moduleconfig.configure_modules(mongo_modules, conf) # Resolve --enable-free-mon if free_monitoring == "auto": if 'enterprise' not in conf.env['MONGO_MODULES']: free_monitoring = "on" else: free_monitoring = "off" if free_monitoring == "on": checkHTTPLib(required=True) # Resolve --enable-http-client if http_client == "auto": if checkHTTPLib(): http_client = "on" else: print("Disabling http-client as libcurl was not found") http_client = "off" elif http_client == "on": checkHTTPLib(required=True) # Sanity check. # We know that http_client was explicitly disabled here, # because the free_monitoring check would have failed if no http lib were available. if (free_monitoring == "on") and (http_client == "off"): env.ConfError("FreeMonitoring requires an HTTP client which has been explicitly disabled") if env['TARGET_ARCH'] == "ppc64le": # This checks for an altivec optimization we use in full text search. # Different versions of gcc appear to put output bytes in different # parts of the output vector produced by vec_vbpermq. This configure # check looks to see which format the compiler produces. # # NOTE: This breaks cross compiles, as it relies on checking runtime functionality for the # environment we're in. A flag to choose the index, or the possibility that we don't have # multiple versions to support (after a compiler upgrade) could solve the problem if we # eventually need them. def CheckAltivecVbpermqOutput(context, index): test_body = """ #include #include #include #include int main() {{ using Native = __vector signed char; const size_t size = sizeof(Native); const Native bits = {{ 120, 112, 104, 96, 88, 80, 72, 64, 56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8, 0 }}; uint8_t inputBuf[size]; std::memset(inputBuf, 0xFF, sizeof(inputBuf)); for (size_t offset = 0; offset <= size; offset++) {{ Native vec = vec_vsx_ld(0, reinterpret_cast(inputBuf)); uint64_t mask = vec_extract(vec_vbpermq(vec, bits), {0}); size_t initialZeros = (mask == 0 ? size : __builtin_ctzll(mask)); if (initialZeros != offset) {{ return 1; }} if (offset < size) {{ inputBuf[offset] = 0; // Add an initial 0 for the next loop. }} }} return 0; }} """.format(index) context.Message('Checking for vec_vbperm output in index {0}... '.format(index)) ret = context.TryRun(textwrap.dedent(test_body), ".cpp") context.Result(ret[0]) return ret[0] conf.AddTest('CheckAltivecVbpermqOutput', CheckAltivecVbpermqOutput) outputIndex = next((idx for idx in [0,1] if conf.CheckAltivecVbpermqOutput(idx)), None) if outputIndex is not None: conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_ALTIVEC_VEC_VBPERMQ_OUTPUT_INDEX", outputIndex) else: myenv.ConfError("Running on ppc64le, but can't find a correct vec_vbpermq output index. Compiler or platform not supported") myenv = conf.Finish() conf = Configure(myenv) usdt_enabled = get_option('enable-usdt-probes') usdt_provider = None if usdt_enabled in ('auto', 'on'): if env.TargetOSIs('linux'): if conf.CheckHeader('sys/sdt.h'): usdt_provider = 'SDT' # can put other OS targets here if usdt_enabled == 'on' and not usdt_provider: myenv.ConfError("enable-usdt-probes flag was set to on, but no USDT provider could be found") elif usdt_provider: conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_USDT_ENABLED") conf.env.SetConfigHeaderDefine("MONGO_CONFIG_USDT_PROVIDER", usdt_provider) return conf.Finish() env = doConfigure( env ) env["NINJA_SYNTAX"] = "#site_scons/third_party/ninja_syntax.py" # Now that we are done with configure checks, enable ccache and # icecream, if available. Per the rules declared in the icecream tool, # load the ccache tool first. env.Tool('ccache') if env.ToolchainIs("clang"): env["ICECC_COMPILER_TYPE"] = "clang" elif env.ToolchainIs("gcc"): env["ICECC_COMPILER_TYPE"] = "gcc" env.Tool('icecream') if get_option('ninja') != 'disabled': if get_option('ninja') == 'stable': ninja_builder = Tool("ninja") ninja_builder.generate(env) # Explicitly add all generated sources to the DAG so NinjaBuilder can # generate rules for them. SCons if the files don't exist will not wire up # the dependencies in the DAG because it cannot scan them. The Ninja builder # does not care about the actual edge here as all generated sources will be # pushed to the "bottom" of it's DAG via the order_only dependency on # _generated_sources (an internal phony target) if get_option('install-mode') == 'hygienic': env.Alias("install-common-base", env.Alias("generated-sources")) else: env.Alias("all", env.Alias("generated-sources")) env.Alias("core", env.Alias("generated-sources")) if env.get("NINJA_SUFFIX") and env["NINJA_SUFFIX"][0] != ".": env["NINJA_SUFFIX"] = "." + env["NINJA_SUFFIX"] if get_option("install-mode") == "hygienic": ninja_build = env.Ninja( target="${NINJA_PREFIX}.ninja$NINJA_SUFFIX", source=[ env.Alias("install-all-meta"), env.Alias("test-execution-aliases"), ], ) else: ninja_build = env.Ninja( target="${NINJA_PREFIX}.ninja$NINJA_SUFFIX", source=[ env.Alias("all"), env.Alias("test-execution-aliases"), ], ) env.Alias("generate-ninja", ninja_build) else: ninja_builder = Tool("ninja_next") ninja_builder.generate(env) env.Default(env.Alias("install-all-meta")) # idlc.py has the ability to print it's implicit dependencies # while generating, Ninja can consume these prints using the # deps=msvc method. env.AppendUnique(IDLCFLAGS=[ "--write-dependencies-inline", ]) env.NinjaRule( rule="IDLC", command="cmd /c $cmd" if env.TargetOSIs("windows") else "$cmd", description="Generating $out", deps="msvc", pool="local_pool", ) def get_idlc_command(env, node, action, targets, sources, executor=None): _, variables = env.NinjaGetShellCommand(node, action, targets, sources, executor=executor) variables["msvc_deps_prefix"] = "import file:" return "IDLC", variables env.NinjaRuleMapping("$IDLCCOM", get_idlc_command) env.NinjaRuleMapping(env["IDLCCOM"], get_idlc_command) # We can create empty files for FAKELIB in Ninja because it # does not care about content signatures. We have to # write_uuid_to_file for FAKELIB in SCons because SCons does. env.NinjaRule( rule="FAKELIB", command="cmd /c copy 1>NUL NUL $out" if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" else "touch $out", ) def fakelib_in_ninja(env, node): """Generates empty .a files""" return { "outputs": [node.get_path()], "rule": "FAKELIB", "implicit": [str(s) for s in node.sources], } env.NinjaRegisterFunctionHandler("write_uuid_to_file", fakelib_in_ninja) def ninja_test_list_builder(env, node): test_files = [test_file.path for test_file in env["MONGO_TEST_REGISTRY"][node.path]] files = "\\n".join(test_files) return { "outputs": node.get_path(), "rule": "TEST_LIST", "implicit": test_files, "variables": { "files": files, } } env.NinjaRule( rule="TEST_LIST", description="Compiling test list: $out", command="{prefix}echo {flags} '$files' > '$out'".format( prefix="cmd.exe /c " if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" else "", flags="-n" if env["PLATFORM"] != "win32" else "", ), ) env.NinjaRegisterFunctionHandler("test_list_builder_action", ninja_test_list_builder) # TODO: Later, this should live somewhere more graceful. if get_option('install-mode') == 'hygienic': if get_option('separate-debug') == "on" or env.TargetOSIs("windows"): env.Tool('separate_debug') env["AUTO_ARCHIVE_TARBALL_SUFFIX"] = "tgz" env["AIB_META_COMPONENT"] = "all" env["AIB_BASE_COMPONENT"] = "common" env["AIB_DEFAULT_COMPONENT"] = "mongodb" env.Tool('auto_install_binaries') env.Tool('auto_archive') env.DeclareRoles( roles=[ env.Role( name="base", ), env.Role( name="debug", ), env.Role( name="dev", dependencies=[ "runtime" ], ), env.Role( name="meta", ), env.Role( name="runtime", dependencies=[ # On windows, we want the runtime role to depend # on the debug role so that PDBs end in the # runtime package. "debug" if env.TargetOSIs('windows') else None, ], silent=True, ), ], base_role="base", meta_role="meta", ) def _aib_debugdir(source, target, env, for_signature): for s in source: origin = getattr(s.attributes, "debug_file_for", None) oentry = env.Entry(origin) osuf = oentry.get_suffix() map_entry = env["AIB_SUFFIX_MAP"].get(osuf) if map_entry: return map_entry[0] return "Unable to find debuginfo for {}".format(str(source)) env["PREFIX_DEBUGDIR"] = _aib_debugdir env.AddSuffixMapping({ "$PROGSUFFIX": env.SuffixMap( directory="$PREFIX_BINDIR", default_role="runtime", ), "$SHLIBSUFFIX": env.SuffixMap( directory="$PREFIX_BINDIR" \ if mongo_platform.get_running_os_name() == "windows" \ else "$PREFIX_LIBDIR", default_role="runtime", ), ".debug": env.SuffixMap( directory="$PREFIX_DEBUGDIR", default_role="debug", ), ".dSYM": env.SuffixMap( directory="$PREFIX_DEBUGDIR", default_role="debug", ), ".pdb": env.SuffixMap( directory="$PREFIX_DEBUGDIR", default_role="debug", ), }) env.AddPackageNameAlias( component="dist", role="runtime", name="mongodb-dist", ) env.AddPackageNameAlias( component="dist", role="debug", name="mongodb-dist-debugsymbols", ) env.AddPackageNameAlias( component="dist-test", role="runtime", name="mongodb-binaries", ) env.AddPackageNameAlias( component="dist-test", role="debug", name="mongo-debugsymbols", ) env.AddPackageNameAlias( component="dbtest", role="runtime", name="dbtest-binary", ) env.AddPackageNameAlias( component="dbtest", role="debug", name="dbtest-debugsymbols", ) env.AddPackageNameAlias( component="shell", role="runtime", name="mongodb-shell", ) env.AddPackageNameAlias( component="shell", role="debug", name="mongodb-shell-debugsymbols", ) env.AddPackageNameAlias( component="mongocryptd", role="runtime", name="mongodb-cryptd", ) env.AddPackageNameAlias( component="mongocryptd", role="debug", name="mongodb-cryptd-debugsymbols", ) env.AddPackageNameAlias( component="mh", role="runtime", # TODO: we should be able to move this to where the mqlrun binary is # defined when AIB correctly uses environments instead of hooking into # the first environment used. name="mh-binaries", ) env.AddPackageNameAlias( component="mh", role="debug", # TODO: we should be able to move this to where the mqlrun binary is # defined when AIB correctly uses environments instead of hooking into # the first environment used. name="mh-debugsymbols", ) if env['PLATFORM'] == 'posix': env.AppendUnique( RPATH=[ # In the future when we want to improve dynamic builds # we should set this to $PREFIX ideally env.Literal('\\$$ORIGIN/../lib'), ], LINKFLAGS=[ # Most systems *require* -z,origin to make origin work, but android # blows up at runtime if it finds DF_ORIGIN_1 in DT_FLAGS_1. # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/bionic/+/cbc80ba9d839675a0c4891e2ab33f39ba51b04b2/linker/linker.h#68 # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/bionic/+/cbc80ba9d839675a0c4891e2ab33f39ba51b04b2/libc/include/elf.h#215 '-Wl,-z,origin' if not env.TargetOSIs('android') else [], '-Wl,--enable-new-dtags', ], SHLINKFLAGS=[ # -h works for both the sun linker and the gnu linker. "-Wl,-h,${TARGET.file}", ] ) elif env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin': env.AppendUnique( LINKFLAGS=[ '-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../lib', '-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../Frameworks' ], SHLINKFLAGS=[ "-Wl,-install_name,@rpath/${TARGET.file}", ], ) elif get_option('separate-debug') == "on": env.FatalError('Cannot use --separate-debug without --install-mode=hygienic') # If the flags in the environment are configured for -gsplit-dwarf, # inject the necessary emitter. split_dwarf = Tool('split_dwarf') if split_dwarf.exists(env): split_dwarf(env) # Load the compilation_db tool. We want to do this after configure so we don't end up with # compilation database entries for the configure tests, which is weird. if get_option('ninja') == 'disabled': env.Tool("compilation_db") # If we can, load the dagger tool for build dependency graph introspection. # Dagger is only supported on Linux and OSX (not Windows or Solaris). should_dagger = ( mongo_platform.is_running_os('osx') or mongo_platform.is_running_os('linux') ) and "dagger" in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS if should_dagger: env.Tool("dagger") incremental_link = Tool('incremental_link') if incremental_link.exists(env): incremental_link(env) # Resource Files are Windows specific def env_windows_resource_file(env, path): if env.TargetOSIs('windows'): return [ env.RES(path) ] else: return [] env.AddMethod(env_windows_resource_file, 'WindowsResourceFile') # --- lint ---- if get_option('lint-scope') == 'changed': patch_file = env.Command( target="$BUILD_DIR/current.git.patch", source=[env.WhereIs("git")], action="${SOURCES[0]} diff $GITDIFFFLAGS > $TARGET" ) env.AlwaysBuild(patch_file) pylinters = env.Command( target="#lint-pylinters", source=[ "buildscripts/pylinters.py", patch_file, ], action="$PYTHON ${SOURCES[0]} lint-patch ${SOURCES[1]}" ) clang_format = env.Command( target="#lint-clang-format", source=[ "buildscripts/clang_format.py", patch_file, ], action="$PYTHON ${SOURCES[0]} lint-patch ${SOURCES[1]}" ) eslint = env.Command( target="#lint-eslint", source=[ "buildscripts/eslint.py", patch_file, ], action="REVISION=$REVISION ENTERPRISE_REV=$ENTERPRISE_REV $PYTHON ${SOURCES[0]} lint-git-diff" ) else: pylinters = env.Command( target="#lint-pylinters", source=[ "buildscripts/pylinters.py", ], action="$PYTHON ${SOURCES[0]} lint-all" ) clang_format = env.Command( target="#lint-clang-format", source=[ "buildscripts/clang_format.py", ], action="$PYTHON ${SOURCES[0]} lint-all" ) eslint = env.Command( target="#lint-eslint", source=[ "buildscripts/eslint.py", ], action="$PYTHON ${SOURCES[0]} --dirmode lint jstests/ src/mongo", ) lint_py = env.Command( target="#lint-lint.py", source=["buildscripts/quickcpplint.py"], action="$PYTHON ${SOURCES[0]} lint", ) lint_errorcodes = env.Command( target="#lint-errorcodes", source=["buildscripts/errorcodes.py"], action="$PYTHON ${SOURCES[0]} --quiet", ) env.Alias( "lint" , [ lint_py, eslint, clang_format, pylinters, lint_errorcodes ] ) env.Alias( "lint-fast" , [ eslint, clang_format, pylinters, lint_errorcodes ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "lint" ) env.AlwaysBuild( "lint-fast" ) # ---- INSTALL ------- def getSystemInstallName(): arch_name = env.subst('$MONGO_DISTARCH') # We need to make sure the directory names inside dist tarballs are permanently # consistent, even if the target OS name used in scons is different. Any differences # between the names used by env.TargetOSIs/env.GetTargetOSName should be added # to the translation dictionary below. os_name_translations = { 'windows': 'win32', 'macOS': 'macos' } os_name = env.GetTargetOSName() os_name = os_name_translations.get(os_name, os_name) n = os_name + "-" + arch_name if len(mongo_modules): n += "-" + "-".join(m.name for m in mongo_modules) dn = env.subst('$MONGO_DISTMOD') if len(dn) > 0: n = n + "-" + dn return n # This function will add the version.txt file to the source tarball # so that versioning will work without having the git repo available. def add_version_to_distsrc(env, archive): version_file_path = env.subst("$MONGO_DIST_SRC_PREFIX") + "version.json" if version_file_path not in archive: version_data = { 'version': env['MONGO_VERSION'], 'githash': env['MONGO_GIT_HASH'], } archive.append_file_contents( version_file_path, json.dumps( version_data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') ) ) env.AddDistSrcCallback(add_version_to_distsrc) env['SERVER_DIST_BASENAME'] = env.subst('mongodb-%s-$MONGO_DISTNAME' % (getSystemInstallName())) env['MH_DIST_BASENAME'] = 'mh' if get_option('legacy-tarball') == 'true': if ('tar-dist' not in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS and 'zip-dist' not in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS and 'archive-dist' not in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS): env.FatalError('option --legacy-tarball only valid with an archive-dist target') env['PREFIX'] = '$SERVER_DIST_BASENAME' module_sconscripts = moduleconfig.get_module_sconscripts(mongo_modules) # The following symbols are exported for use in subordinate SConscript files. # Ideally, the SConscript files would be purely declarative. They would only # import build environment objects, and would contain few or no conditional # statements or branches. # # Currently, however, the SConscript files do need some predicates for # conditional decision making that hasn't been moved up to this SConstruct file, # and they are exported here, as well. Export([ 'debugBuild', 'endian', 'free_monitoring', 'get_option', 'has_option', 'http_client', 'module_sconscripts', 'optBuild', 'serverJs', 'ssl_provider', 'use_libunwind', 'use_system_libunwind', 'use_system_version_of_library', 'use_vendored_libunwind', 'usemozjs', 'wiredtiger', ]) def injectMongoIncludePaths(thisEnv): thisEnv.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=['$BUILD_DIR']) env.AddMethod(injectMongoIncludePaths, 'InjectMongoIncludePaths') def injectModule(env, module, **kwargs): injector = env['MODULE_INJECTORS'].get(module) if injector: return injector(env, **kwargs) return env env.AddMethod(injectModule, 'InjectModule') if get_option('ninja') == 'disabled': compileCommands = env.CompilationDatabase('compile_commands.json') compileDb = env.Alias("compiledb", compileCommands) msvc_version = "" if 'MSVC_VERSION' in env and env['MSVC_VERSION']: msvc_version = "--version " + env['MSVC_VERSION'] + " " # Microsoft Visual Studio Project generation for code browsing if get_option("ninja") == "disabled": vcxprojFile = env.Command( "mongodb.vcxproj", compileCommands, r"$PYTHON buildscripts\make_vcxproj.py " + msvc_version + "mongodb") vcxproj = env.Alias("vcxproj", vcxprojFile) # TODO: maybe make these work like the other archive- hygienic aliases # even though they aren't piped through AIB? distSrc = env.DistSrc("distsrc.tar", NINJA_SKIP=True) env.NoCache(distSrc) env.Alias("distsrc-tar", distSrc) distSrcGzip = env.GZip( target="distsrc.tgz", source=[distSrc], NINJA_SKIP=True) env.NoCache(distSrcGzip) env.Alias("distsrc-tgz", distSrcGzip) distSrcZip = env.DistSrc("distsrc.zip", NINJA_SKIP=True) env.NoCache(distSrcZip) env.Alias("distsrc-zip", distSrcZip) env.Alias("distsrc", "distsrc-tgz") # Defaults for SCons provided flags. SetOption only sets the option to our value # if the user did not provide it. So for any flag here if it's explicitly passed # the values below set with SetOption will be overwritten. # # Default j to the number of CPUs on the system. Note: in containers this # reports the number of CPUs for the host system. Perhaps in a future version of # psutil it will instead report the correct number when in a container. # # The presence of the variable ICECC means the icecream tool is # enabled and so the default j value should scale accordingly. In this # scenario multiply the cpu count by 8 to set a reasonable default since the # cluster can handle many more jobs than your local machine but is # still throttled by your cpu count in the sense that you can only # handle so many python threads sending out jobs. # # psutil.cpu_count returns None when it can't determine the number. This always # fails on BSD's for example. cpu_count = psutil.cpu_count() if cpu_count is not None and 'ICECC' in env and get_option("ninja") == "disabled": env.SetOption('num_jobs', 8 * cpu_count) elif cpu_count is not None: env.SetOption('num_jobs', cpu_count) # Do this as close to last as possible before reading SConscripts, so # that any tools that may have injected other things via emitters are included # among the side effect adornments. # # TODO: Move this to a tool. if has_option('jlink'): jlink = get_option('jlink') if jlink <= 0: env.FatalError("The argument to jlink must be a positive integer or float") elif jlink < 1 and jlink > 0: jlink = env.GetOption('num_jobs') * jlink jlink = round(jlink) if jlink < 1.0: print("Computed jlink value was less than 1; Defaulting to 1") jlink = 1.0 jlink = int(jlink) target_builders = ['Program', 'SharedLibrary', 'LoadableModule'] # A bound map of stream (as in stream of work) name to side-effect # file. Since SCons will not allow tasks with a shared side-effect # to execute concurrently, this gives us a way to limit link jobs # independently of overall SCons concurrency. jlink_stream_map = dict() def jlink_emitter(target, source, env): name = str(target[0]) se_name = "#jlink-stream" + str(hash(name) % jlink) se_node = jlink_stream_map.get(se_name, None) if not se_node: se_node = env.Entry(se_name) # This may not be necessary, but why chance it env.NoCache(se_node) jlink_stream_map[se_name] = se_node env.SideEffect(se_node, target) return (target, source) for target_builder in target_builders: builder = env['BUILDERS'][target_builder] base_emitter = builder.emitter new_emitter = SCons.Builder.ListEmitter([base_emitter, jlink_emitter]) builder.emitter = new_emitter # Keep this late in the game so that we can investigate attributes set by all the tools that have run. if has_option("cache"): if get_option("cache") == "nolinked": def noCacheEmitter(target, source, env): for t in target: try: if getattr(t.attributes, 'thin_archive', False): continue except(AttributeError): pass env.NoCache(t) return target, source def addNoCacheEmitter(builder): origEmitter = builder.emitter if SCons.Util.is_Dict(origEmitter): for k,v in origEmitter: origEmitter[k] = SCons.Builder.ListEmitter([v, noCacheEmitter]) elif SCons.Util.is_List(origEmitter): origEmitter.append(noCacheEmitter) else: builder.emitter = SCons.Builder.ListEmitter([origEmitter, noCacheEmitter]) addNoCacheEmitter(env['BUILDERS']['Program']) addNoCacheEmitter(env['BUILDERS']['StaticLibrary']) addNoCacheEmitter(env['BUILDERS']['SharedLibrary']) addNoCacheEmitter(env['BUILDERS']['LoadableModule']) resmoke_install_dir = env.subst("$PREFIX_BINDIR") if get_option("install-mode") == "hygienic" else env.Dir("#").abspath resmoke_install_dir = os.path.normpath(resmoke_install_dir).replace("\\", r"\\") # Much blood sweat and tears were shed getting to this point. Any version of # this that uses SCons builders and a scanner will either not regenerate when it # should, cause everything to rebuild, or conflict with ninja. Sometimes all # three. So we've decieded it's best to just write this file here every time # because it's the only solution that always works. with open("resmoke.ini", "w") as resmoke_config: resmoke_config.write(""" [resmoke] install_dir = {install_dir} """.format(install_dir=resmoke_install_dir)) env.SConscript( dirs=[ 'src', ], duplicate=False, exports=[ 'env', ], variant_dir='$BUILD_DIR', ) # TODO: find a way to consolidate SConscript calls to one call in # SConstruct so they all use variant_dir env.SConscript( dirs=[ 'jstests', ], duplicate=False, exports=[ 'env', ], ) if get_option("install-mode") != "hygienic": allTargets = ['core', 'tools', 'unittests', 'integration_tests', 'libfuzzer_tests', 'benchmarks'] if not has_option('noshell') and usemozjs: allTargets.extend(['dbtest']) env.Alias('all', allTargets) # run the Dagger tool if it's installed if should_dagger: dependencyDb = env.Alias("dagger", env.Dagger('library_dependency_graph.json')) # Require everything to be built before trying to extract build dependency information env.Requires(dependencyDb, 'all') # Declare the cache prune target cachePrune = env.Command( target="#cache-prune", source=[ "#buildscripts/scons_cache_prune.py", ], action="$PYTHON ${SOURCES[0]} --cache-dir=${CACHE_DIR.abspath} --cache-size=${CACHE_SIZE} --prune-ratio=${CACHE_PRUNE_TARGET/100.00}", CACHE_DIR=env.Dir(cacheDir), ) env.AlwaysBuild(cachePrune) if get_option('install-mode') == 'hygienic': env.FinalizeInstallDependencies() # We don't want installing files to cause them to flow into the cache, # since presumably we can re-install them from the origin if needed. env.NoCache(env.FindInstalledFiles()) # Substitute environment variables in any build targets so that we can # say, for instance: # # > scons --prefix=/foo/bar '$DESTDIR' # or # > scons \$BUILD_DIR/mongo/base # # That way, you can reference targets under the variant dir or install # path via an invariant name. # # We need to replace the values in the BUILD_TARGETS object in-place # because SCons wants it to be a particular object. for i, s in enumerate(BUILD_TARGETS): BUILD_TARGETS[i] = env.subst(s)