# -*- mode: python; -*- # build file for MongoDB # this requires scons # you can get from http://www.scons.org # then just type scons # some common tasks # build 64-bit mac and pushing to s3 # scons --64 s3dist # scons --distname=0.8 s3dist # all s3 pushes require settings.py and simples3 # This file, SConstruct, configures the build environment, and then delegates to # several, subordinate SConscript files, which describe specific build rules. import buildscripts import buildscripts.bb import datetime import imp import os import re import shutil import stat import sys import types import urllib import urllib2 from buildscripts import utils from buildscripts import moduleconfig import libdeps EnsureSConsVersion( 1, 1, 0 ) if "uname" in dir(os): scons_data_dir = ".scons/%s/%s" % ( os.uname()[0] , os.getenv( "HOST" , "nohost" ) ) else: scons_data_dir = ".scons/%s/" % os.getenv( "HOST" , "nohost" ) SConsignFile( scons_data_dir + "/sconsign" ) DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR = "/usr/local" def _rpartition(string, sep): """A replacement for str.rpartition which is missing in Python < 2.5 """ idx = string.rfind(sep) if idx == -1: return '', '', string return string[:idx], sep, string[idx + 1:] buildscripts.bb.checkOk() def findSettingsSetup(): sys.path.append( "." ) sys.path.append( ".." ) sys.path.append( "../../" ) # --- options ---- options = {} options_topass = {} def add_option( name, help, nargs, contributesToVariantDir, dest=None, default = None, type="string", choices=None ): if dest is None: dest = name AddOption( "--" + name , dest=dest, type=type, nargs=nargs, action="store", choices=choices, default=default, help=help ) options[name] = { "help" : help , "nargs" : nargs , "contributesToVariantDir" : contributesToVariantDir , "dest" : dest, "default": default } def get_option( name ): return GetOption( name ) def _has_option( name ): x = get_option( name ) if x is None: return False if x == False: return False if x == "": return False return True def has_option( name ): x = _has_option(name) if name not in options_topass: # if someone already set this, don't overwrite options_topass[name] = x return x def use_system_version_of_library(name): return has_option('use-system-all') or has_option('use-system-' + name) def get_variant_dir(): a = [] for name in options: o = options[name] if not has_option( o["dest"] ): continue if not o["contributesToVariantDir"]: continue if get_option(o["dest"]) == o["default"]: continue if o["nargs"] == 0: a.append( name ) else: x = get_option( name ) x = re.sub( "[,\\\\/]" , "_" , x ) a.append( name + "_" + x ) s = "#build/${PYSYSPLATFORM}/" if len(a) > 0: a.sort() s += "/".join( a ) + "/" else: s += "normal/" return s # build output add_option( "mute" , "do not display commandlines for compiling and linking, to reduce screen noise", 0, False ) # installation/packaging add_option( "prefix" , "installation prefix" , 1 , False, default=DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR ) add_option( "distname" , "dist name (0.8.0)" , 1 , False ) add_option( "distmod", "additional piece for full dist name" , 1 , False ) add_option( "nostrip", "do not strip installed binaries" , 0 , False ) add_option( "sharedclient", "build a libmongoclient.so/.dll" , 0 , False ) add_option( "full", "include client and headers when doing scons install", 0 , False ) # linking options add_option( "release" , "release build" , 0 , True ) add_option( "static" , "fully static build" , 0 , True ) # base compile flags add_option( "64" , "whether to force 64 bit" , 0 , True , "force64" ) add_option( "32" , "whether to force 32 bit" , 0 , True , "force32" ) add_option( "cxx", "compiler to use" , 1 , True ) add_option( "cc", "compiler to use for c" , 1 , True ) add_option( "cpppath", "Include path if you have headers in a nonstandard directory" , 1 , True ) add_option( "libpath", "Library path if you have libraries in a nonstandard directory" , 1 , True ) add_option( "extrapath", "comma separated list of add'l paths (--extrapath /opt/foo/,/foo) static linking" , 1 , True ) add_option( "extrapathdyn", "comma separated list of add'l paths (--extrapath /opt/foo/,/foo) dynamic linking" , 1 , True ) add_option( "extralib", "comma separated list of libraries (--extralib js_static,readline" , 1 , True ) add_option( "boost-compiler", "compiler used for boost (gcc41)" , 1 , True , "boostCompiler" ) add_option( "boost-version", "boost version for linking(1_38)" , 1 , True , "boostVersion" ) add_option( "no-glibc-check" , "don't check for new versions of glibc" , 0 , False ) # experimental features add_option( "mm", "use main memory instead of memory mapped files" , 0 , True ) add_option( "asio" , "Use Asynchronous IO (NOT READY YET)" , 0 , True ) add_option( "ssl" , "Enable SSL" , 0 , True ) # library choices add_option( "usesm" , "use spider monkey for javascript" , 0 , True ) add_option( "usev8" , "use v8 for javascript" , 0 , True ) # mongo feature options add_option( "noshell", "don't build shell" , 0 , True ) add_option( "safeshell", "don't let shell scripts run programs (still, don't run untrusted scripts)" , 0 , True ) add_option( "win2008plus", "use newer operating system API features" , 0 , False ) # dev options add_option( "d", "debug build no optimization, etc..." , 0 , True , "debugBuild" ) add_option( "dd", "debug build no optimization, additional debug logging, etc..." , 0 , True , "debugBuildAndLogging" ) add_option( "durableDefaultOn" , "have durable default to on" , 0 , True ) add_option( "durableDefaultOff" , "have durable default to off" , 0 , True ) add_option( "pch" , "use precompiled headers to speed up the build (experimental)" , 0 , True , "usePCH" ) add_option( "distcc" , "use distcc for distributing builds" , 0 , False ) add_option( "clang" , "use clang++ rather than g++ (experimental)" , 0 , True ) # debugging/profiling help add_option( "allocator" , "allocator to use (tcmalloc or system)" , 1 , True, default=((sys.platform.startswith('linux') and (os.uname()[-1] == 'x86_64')) and 'tcmalloc' or 'system') ) add_option( "gdbserver" , "build in gdb server support" , 0 , True ) add_option( "heapcheck", "link to heap-checking malloc-lib and look for memory leaks during tests" , 0 , False ) add_option( "gcov" , "compile with flags for gcov" , 0 , True ) add_option("smokedbprefix", "prefix to dbpath et al. for smoke tests", 1 , False ) add_option("smokeauth", "run smoke tests with --auth", 0 , False ) add_option( "use-system-tcmalloc", "use system version of tcmalloc library", 0, True ) add_option( "use-system-pcre", "use system version of pcre library", 0, True ) add_option( "use-system-boost", "use system version of boost libraries", 0, True ) add_option( "use-system-snappy", "use system version of snappy library", 0, True ) add_option( "use-system-sm", "use system version of spidermonkey library", 0, True ) add_option( "use-system-all" , "use all system libraries", 0 , True ) add_option( "use-cpu-profiler", "Link against the google-perftools profiler library", 0, True ) add_option("mongod-concurrency-level", "Concurrency level, \"global\" or \"db\"", 1, True, type="choice", choices=["global", "db"]) add_option('client-dist-basename', "Name of the client source archive.", 1, False, default='mongo-cxx-driver') # don't run configure if user calls --help if GetOption('help'): Return() # --- environment setup --- variantDir = get_variant_dir() def printLocalInfo(): import sys, SCons print( "scons version: " + SCons.__version__ ) print( "python version: " + " ".join( [ `i` for i in sys.version_info ] ) ) printLocalInfo() boostLibs = [ "thread" , "filesystem" , "program_options", "system" ] onlyServer = len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 0 or ( len( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS ) == 1 and str( COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0] ) in [ "mongod" , "mongos" , "test" ] ) nix = False linux = False linux64 = False darwin = False windows = False freebsd = False openbsd = False solaris = False force32 = has_option( "force32" ) force64 = has_option( "force64" ) if not force64 and not force32 and os.getcwd().endswith( "mongo-64" ): force64 = True print( "*** assuming you want a 64-bit build b/c of directory *** " ) msarch = None if force32: msarch = "x86" elif force64: msarch = "amd64" release = has_option( "release" ) static = has_option( "static" ) debugBuild = has_option( "debugBuild" ) or has_option( "debugBuildAndLogging" ) debugLogging = has_option( "debugBuildAndLogging" ) noshell = has_option( "noshell" ) usesm = has_option( "usesm" ) usev8 = has_option( "usev8" ) asio = has_option( "asio" ) usePCH = has_option( "usePCH" ) justClientLib = (COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS == ['mongoclient']) env = Environment( BUILD_DIR=variantDir, CLIENT_ARCHIVE='${CLIENT_DIST_BASENAME}${DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX}', CLIENT_DIST_BASENAME=get_option('client-dist-basename'), CLIENT_LICENSE='#distsrc/client/LICENSE.txt', CLIENT_SCONSTRUCT='#distsrc/client/SConstruct', DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX='.tgz', EXTRAPATH=get_option("extrapath"), MODULETEST_LIST='#build/moduletests.txt', MSVS_ARCH=msarch , PYTHON=utils.find_python(), SERVER_ARCHIVE='${SERVER_DIST_BASENAME}${DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX}', TARGET_ARCH=msarch , tools=["default", "gch", "jsheader", "mergelib", "unittest"], UNITTEST_ALIAS='unittests', UNITTEST_LIST='#build/unittests.txt', PYSYSPLATFORM=os.sys.platform, PCRE_VERSION='8.30', CONFIGUREDIR = '#' + scons_data_dir + '/sconf_temp', CONFIGURELOG = '#' + scons_data_dir + '/config.log' ) env['_LIBDEPS'] = '$_LIBDEPS_OBJS' if has_option('mute'): env.Append( CCCOMSTR = "Compiling $TARGET" ) env.Append( CXXCOMSTR = env["CCCOMSTR"] ) env.Append( LINKCOMSTR = "Linking $TARGET" ) env.Append( ARCOMSTR = "Generating library $TARGET" ) if has_option('mongod-concurrency-level'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['MONGOD_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=MONGOD_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL_%s' % get_option('mongod-concurrency-level').upper()]) libdeps.setup_environment( env ) if env['PYSYSPLATFORM'] == 'linux3': env['PYSYSPLATFORM'] = 'linux2' if 'freebsd' in env['PYSYSPLATFORM']: env['PYSYSPLATFORM'] = 'freebsd' if os.sys.platform == 'win32': env['OS_FAMILY'] = 'win' else: env['OS_FAMILY'] = 'posix' if has_option( "cxx" ): env["CC"] = get_option( "cxx" ) env["CXX"] = get_option( "cxx" ) elif has_option("clang"): env["CC"] = 'clang' env["CXX"] = 'clang++' if has_option( "cc" ): env["CC"] = get_option( "cc" ) if env['PYSYSPLATFORM'] in ('linux2', 'freebsd'): env['LINK_LIBGROUP_START'] = '-Wl,--start-group' env['LINK_LIBGROUP_END'] = '-Wl,--end-group' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_START'] = '--whole-archive' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_END'] = '--no-whole-archive' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_ITEM'] = '' elif env['PYSYSPLATFORM'] == 'darwin': env['RELOBJFLAGS'] = [ '-arch', '$PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE' ] env['LINK_LIBGROUP_START'] = '' env['LINK_LIBGROUP_END'] = '' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_START'] = '-all_load' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_END'] = '' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_ITEM'] = '' elif env['PYSYSPLATFORM'].startswith('sunos'): if force64: env['RELOBJFLAGS'] = ['-64'] env['LINK_LIBGROUP_START'] = '-z rescan' env['LINK_LIBGROUP_END'] = '' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_START'] = '-z allextract' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_END'] = '-z defaultextract' env['RELOBJ_LIBDEPS_ITEM'] = '' env["LIBPATH"] = [] if has_option( "libpath" ): env["LIBPATH"] = [get_option( "libpath" )] if has_option( "cpppath" ): env["CPPPATH"] = [get_option( "cpppath" )] env.Prepend( CPPDEFINES=[ "_SCONS" , "MONGO_EXPOSE_MACROS" , "SUPPORT_UTF8" ], # for pcre CPPPATH=[ '$BUILD_DIR', "$BUILD_DIR/mongo" ] ) if has_option( "safeshell" ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "MONGO_SAFE_SHELL" ] ) if has_option( "durableDefaultOn" ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_DURABLEDEFAULTON" ] ) if has_option( "durableDefaultOff" ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_DURABLEDEFAULTOFF" ] ) boostCompiler = GetOption( "boostCompiler" ) if boostCompiler is None: boostCompiler = "" else: boostCompiler = "-" + boostCompiler boostVersion = GetOption( "boostVersion" ) if boostVersion is None: boostVersion = "" else: boostVersion = "-" + boostVersion if ( not ( usesm or usev8 or justClientLib) ): usesm = True options_topass["usesm"] = True extraLibPlaces = [] env['EXTRACPPPATH'] = [] env['EXTRALIBPATH'] = [] def addExtraLibs( s ): for x in s.split(","): env.Append( EXTRACPPPATH=[ x + "/include" ] ) env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=[ x + "/lib" ] ) env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=[ x + "/lib64" ] ) extraLibPlaces.append( x + "/lib" ) if has_option( "extrapath" ): addExtraLibs( GetOption( "extrapath" ) ) release = True # this is so we force using .a if has_option( "extrapathdyn" ): addExtraLibs( GetOption( "extrapathdyn" ) ) if has_option( "extralib" ): for x in GetOption( "extralib" ).split( "," ): env.Append( LIBS=[ x ] ) class InstallSetup: binaries = False libraries = False headers = False def __init__(self): self.default() def default(self): self.binaries = True self.libraries = False self.headers = False installSetup = InstallSetup() if has_option( "full" ): installSetup.headers = True installSetup.libraries = True # ---- other build setup ----- platform = os.sys.platform if "uname" in dir(os): processor = os.uname()[4] else: processor = "i386" if force32: processor = "i386" if force64: processor = "x86_64" env['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'] = processor installDir = DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR nixLibPrefix = "lib" dontReplacePackage = False isBuildingLatest = False if has_option( "prefix" ): installDir = GetOption( "prefix" ) def findVersion( root , choices ): if not isinstance(root, list): root = [root] for r in root: for c in choices: if ( os.path.exists( r + c ) ): return r + c raise RuntimeError("can't find a version of [" + repr(root) + "] choices: " + repr(choices)) def filterExists(paths): return filter(os.path.exists, paths) if "darwin" == os.sys.platform: darwin = True platform = "osx" # prettier than darwin if env["CXX"] is None: print( "YO" ) if os.path.exists( "/usr/bin/g++-4.2" ): env["CXX"] = "g++-4.2" nix = True if force64: env.Append( EXTRACPPPATH=["/usr/64/include"] ) env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=["/usr/64/lib"] ) if installDir == DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR: installDir = "/usr/64/" else: env.Append( EXTRACPPPATH=filterExists(["/sw/include" , "/opt/local/include"]) ) env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=filterExists(["/sw/lib/", "/opt/local/lib"]) ) elif os.sys.platform.startswith("linux"): linux = True platform = "linux" env.Append( LIBS=['m'] ) if os.uname()[4] == "x86_64" and not force32: linux64 = True nixLibPrefix = "lib64" env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=["/usr/lib64" , "/lib64" ] ) env.Append( LIBS=["pthread"] ) force64 = False if force32: env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=["/usr/lib32"] ) nix = True if static: env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" -static " ) elif "sunos5" == os.sys.platform: nix = True solaris = True env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "__sunos__" ] ) env.Append( LIBS=["socket","resolv"] ) elif os.sys.platform.startswith( "freebsd" ): nix = True freebsd = True env.Append( LIBS=[ "kvm" ] ) env.Append( EXTRACPPPATH=[ "/usr/local/include" ] ) env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=[ "/usr/local/lib" ] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "__freebsd__" ] ) env.Append( CCFLAGS=[ "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ] ) elif os.sys.platform.startswith( "openbsd" ): nix = True openbsd = True env.Append( EXTRACPPPATH=[ "/usr/local/include" ] ) env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=[ "/usr/local/lib" ] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "__openbsd__" ] ) elif "win32" == os.sys.platform: windows = True env['DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX'] = '.zip' if has_option( "win2008plus" ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "MONGO_USE_SRW_ON_WINDOWS" ] ) for pathdir in env['ENV']['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pathdir, 'cl.exe')): print( "found visual studio at " + pathdir ) break else: #use current environment env['ENV'] = dict(os.environ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_UNICODE" ] ) env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "UNICODE" ] ) winSDKHome = findVersion( [ "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/" ] , [ "v7.1", "v7.0A", "v7.0", "v6.1", "v6.0a", "v6.0" ] ) print( "Windows SDK Root '" + winSDKHome + "'" ) env.Append( EXTRACPPPATH=[ winSDKHome + "/Include" ] ) # /EHsc exception handling style for visual studio # /W3 warning level # /WX abort build on compiler warnings env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/EHsc","/W3"]) # some warnings we don't like: # c4355 # 'this' : used in base member initializer list # The this pointer is valid only within nonstatic member functions. It cannot be used in the initializer list for a base class. # c4800 # 'type' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) # This warning is generated when a value that is not bool is assigned or coerced into type bool. # c4267 # 'var' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', possible loss of data # When compiling with /Wp64, or when compiling on a 64-bit operating system, type is 32 bits but size_t is 64 bits when compiling for 64-bit targets. To fix this warning, use size_t instead of a type. # c4244 # 'conversion' conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data # An integer type is converted to a smaller integer type. env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/wd4355", "/wd4800", "/wd4267", "/wd4244"] ) # PSAPI_VERSION relates to process api dll Psapi.dll. env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["_CONSOLE","_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS","PSAPI_VERSION=1" ] ) # this would be for pre-compiled headers, could play with it later #env.Append( CCFLAGS=['/Yu"pch.h"'] ) # docs say don't use /FD from command line (minimal rebuild) # /Gy function level linking (implicit when using /Z7) # /Z7 debug info goes into each individual .obj file -- no .pdb created env.Append( CCFLAGS= ["/Z7", "/errorReport:none"] ) if release: # /O2: optimize for speed (as opposed to size) # /Oy-: disable frame pointer optimization (overrides /O2, only affects 32-bit) # /MT: use the multithreaded, static version of the run-time library (LIBCMT.lib) env.Append( CCFLAGS= ["/O2", "/Oy-", "/MT"] ) # TODO: this has caused some linking problems : # /GL whole program optimization # /LTCG link time code generation env.Append( CCFLAGS= ["/GL"] ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" /LTCG " ) env.Append( ARFLAGS=" /LTCG " ) # for the Library Manager # /DEBUG will tell the linker to create a .pdb file # which WinDbg and Visual Studio will use to resolve # symbols if you want to debug a release-mode image. # Note that this means we can't do parallel links in the build. env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" /DEBUG " ) else: # /RTC1: - Enable Stack Frame Run-Time Error Checking; Reports when a variable is used without having been initialized # (implies /Od: no optimizations) # /MTd: Defines _DEBUG, _MT, and causes your application to use the # debug multithread version of the run-time library (LIBCMTD.lib) env.Append( CCFLAGS=["/RTC1", "/Od", "/MTd"] ) if debugBuild: # If you build without --d, no debug PDB will be generated, and # linking will be faster. However, you won't be able to debug your code with the debugger. env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" /debug " ) #if debugLogging: # This is already implicit from /MDd... #env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "_DEBUG" ] ) # This means --dd is always on unless you say --release # This gives 32-bit programs 4 GB of user address space in WOW64, ignored in 64-bit builds env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" /LARGEADDRESSAWARE " ) if force64: env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=[ winSDKHome + "/Lib/x64" ] ) else: env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=[ winSDKHome + "/Lib" ] ) if release: env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCPRT " ) else: env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCPRT /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT " ) winLibString = "ws2_32.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib Psapi.lib DbgHelp.lib" if force64: winLibString += "" else: winLibString += " user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib " winLibString += " odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib uuid.lib " # v8 calls timeGetTime() if usev8: winLibString += " winmm.lib " env.Append( LIBS=Split(winLibString) ) env.Append( EXTRACPPPATH=["#/../winpcap/Include"] ) env.Append( EXTRALIBPATH=["#/../winpcap/Lib"] ) else: print( "No special config for [" + os.sys.platform + "] which probably means it won't work" ) env['STATIC_AND_SHARED_OBJECTS_ARE_THE_SAME'] = 1 if nix: if has_option( "distcc" ): env["CXX"] = "distcc " + env["CXX"] # -Winvalid-pch Warn if a precompiled header (see Precompiled Headers) is found in the search path but can't be used. env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-fPIC", "-fno-strict-aliasing", "-ggdb", "-pthread", "-Wall", "-Wsign-compare", "-Wno-unknown-pragmas", "-Winvalid-pch"] ) # env.Append( " -Wconversion" ) TODO: this doesn't really work yet if linux: env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-Werror", "-pipe"] ) if not has_option('clang'): env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-fno-builtin-memcmp"] ) # glibc's memcmp is faster than gcc's env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64"] ) env.Append( CXXFLAGS=["-Wnon-virtual-dtor", "-Woverloaded-virtual"] ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=["-fPIC", "-pthread", "-rdynamic"] ) env.Append( LIBS=[] ) #make scons colorgcc friendly for key in ('HOME', 'TERM'): try: env['ENV'][key] = os.environ[key] except KeyError: pass if linux and has_option( "sharedclient" ): env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-zdefs " ) if linux and has_option( "gcov" ): env.Append( CXXFLAGS=" -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage " ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS=" -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage " ) if debugBuild: env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-O0", "-fstack-protector"] ) env['ENV']['GLIBCXX_FORCE_NEW'] = 1; # play nice with valgrind else: env.Append( CCFLAGS=["-O3"] ) if debugLogging: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["_DEBUG"] ); if force64: env.Append( CCFLAGS="-m64" ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS="-m64" ) if force32: env.Append( CCFLAGS="-m32" ) env.Append( LINKFLAGS="-m32" ) if has_option( "gdbserver" ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["USE_GDBSERVER"] ) # pre-compiled headers if usePCH and 'Gch' in dir( env ): print( "using precompiled headers" ) if has_option('clang'): #env['GCHSUFFIX'] = '.pch' # clang++ uses pch.h.pch rather than pch.h.gch #env.Prepend( CXXFLAGS=' -include pch.h ' ) # clang++ only uses pch from command line print( "ERROR: clang pch is broken for now" ) Exit(1) env['Gch'] = env.Gch( "$BUILD_DIR/mongo/pch.h$GCHSUFFIX", "src/mongo/pch.h" )[0] env['GchSh'] = env[ 'Gch' ] elif os.path.exists( env.File("$BUILD_DIR/mongo/pch.h$GCHSUFFIX").abspath ): print( "removing precompiled headers" ) os.unlink( env.File("$BUILD_DIR/mongo/pch.h.$GCHSUFFIX").abspath ) # gcc uses the file if it exists if usev8: env.Prepend( EXTRACPPPATH=["#/../v8/include/"] ) env.Prepend( EXTRALIBPATH=["#/../v8/"] ) if usesm: env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["JS_C_STRINGS_ARE_UTF8"] ) if "uname" in dir(os): hacks = buildscripts.findHacks( os.uname() ) if hacks is not None: hacks.insert( env , { "linux64" : linux64 } ) if has_option( "ssl" ): env.Append( CPPDEFINES=["MONGO_SSL"] ) env.Append( LIBS=["ssl"] ) env.Append( LIBS=["crypto"] ) try: umask = os.umask(022) except OSError: pass if not windows: for keysuffix in [ "1" , "2" ]: keyfile = "jstests/libs/key%s" % keysuffix os.chmod( keyfile , stat.S_IWUSR|stat.S_IRUSR ) if not use_system_version_of_library("pcre"): env.Prepend(CPPPATH=[ '$BUILD_DIR/third_party/pcre-${PCRE_VERSION}' ]) if not use_system_version_of_library("boost"): env.Prepend(CPPPATH=['$BUILD_DIR/third_party/boost'], CPPDEFINES=['BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB']) env.Append( CPPPATH=['$EXTRACPPPATH'], LIBPATH=['$EXTRALIBPATH'] ) # --- check system --- def doConfigure(myenv): conf = Configure(myenv) if 'CheckCXX' in dir( conf ): if not conf.CheckCXX(): print( "c++ compiler not installed!" ) Exit(1) if use_system_version_of_library("boost"): if not conf.CheckCXXHeader( "boost/filesystem/operations.hpp" ): print( "can't find boost headers" ) Exit(1) for b in boostLibs: l = "boost_" + b if not conf.CheckLib([ l + boostCompiler + "-mt" + boostVersion, l + boostCompiler + boostVersion ], language='C++' ): Exit(1) if conf.CheckHeader('unistd.h'): myenv.Append(CPPDEFINES=['MONGO_HAVE_HEADER_UNISTD_H']) if solaris or conf.CheckDeclaration('clock_gettime', includes='#include '): conf.CheckLib('rt') if (conf.CheckCXXHeader( "execinfo.h" ) and conf.CheckDeclaration('backtrace', includes='#include ') and conf.CheckDeclaration('backtrace_symbols', includes='#include ')): myenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "MONGO_HAVE_EXECINFO_BACKTRACE" ] ) myenv["_HAVEPCAP"] = conf.CheckLib( ["pcap", "wpcap"], autoadd=False ) if solaris: conf.CheckLib( "nsl" ) if usev8: if debugBuild: v8_lib_choices = ["v8_g", "v8"] else: v8_lib_choices = ["v8"] if not conf.CheckLib( v8_lib_choices ): Exit(1) # requires ports devel/libexecinfo to be installed if freebsd or openbsd: if not conf.CheckLib("execinfo"): Exit(1) # 'tcmalloc' needs to be the last library linked. Please, add new libraries before this # point. if get_option('allocator') == 'tcmalloc': if use_system_version_of_library('tcmalloc'): if not conf.CheckLib("tcmalloc"): Exit(1) elif has_option("heapcheck"): print ("--heapcheck does not work with the tcmalloc embedded in the mongodb source " "tree. Use --use-system-tcmalloc.") Exit(1) elif get_option('allocator') == 'system': pass else: print "Invalid --allocator parameter: \"%s\"" % get_option('allocator') Exit(1) if has_option("heapcheck"): if ( not debugBuild ) and ( not debugLogging ): print( "--heapcheck needs --d or --dd" ) Exit( 1 ) if not conf.CheckCXXHeader( "google/heap-checker.h" ): print( "--heapcheck neads header 'google/heap-checker.h'" ) Exit( 1 ) myenv.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "HEAP_CHECKING" ] ) myenv.Append( CCFLAGS=["-fno-omit-frame-pointer"] ) # discover modules (subdirectories of db/modules/), and # load the (python) module for each module's build.py modules = moduleconfig.discover_modules('.') # ask each module to configure itself, and return a # dictionary of name => list_of_sources for each module. env["MONGO_MODULES"] = moduleconfig.configure_modules(modules, conf, env) return conf.Finish() env = doConfigure( env ) env['PDB'] = '${TARGET.base}.pdb' testEnv = env.Clone() testEnv.Append( CPPPATH=["../"] ) shellEnv = None if noshell: print( "not building shell" ) elif not onlyServer: shellEnv = env.Clone(); if release and ( ( darwin and force64 ) or linux64 ): shellEnv["SLIBS"] = [] if windows: shellEnv.Append( LIBS=["winmm.lib"] ) def checkErrorCodes(): import buildscripts.errorcodes as x if x.checkErrorCodes() == False: print( "next id to use:" + str( x.getNextCode() ) ) Exit(-1) checkErrorCodes() # ---- Docs ---- def build_docs(env, target, source): from buildscripts import docs docs.main() env.Alias("docs", [], [build_docs]) env.AlwaysBuild("docs") # ---- astyle ---- def doStyling( env , target , source ): res = utils.execsys( "astyle --version" ) res = " ".join(res) if res.count( "2." ) == 0: print( "astyle 2.x needed, found:" + res ) Exit(-1) files = utils.getAllSourceFiles() files = filter( lambda x: not x.endswith( ".c" ) , files ) cmd = "astyle --options=mongo_astyle " + " ".join( files ) res = utils.execsys( cmd ) print( res[0] ) print( res[1] ) env.Alias( "style" , [] , [ doStyling ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "style" ) # ---- INSTALL ------- def getSystemInstallName(): n = platform + "-" + processor if static: n += "-static" if has_option("nostrip"): n += "-debugsymbols" if nix and os.uname()[2].startswith( "8." ): n += "-tiger" try: findSettingsSetup() import settings if "distmod" in dir( settings ): n = n + "-" + str( settings.distmod ) except: pass dn = GetOption( "distmod" ) if dn and len(dn) > 0: n = n + "-" + dn return n def getCodeVersion(): fullSource = open( "src/mongo/util/version.cpp" , "r" ).read() allMatches = re.findall( r"versionString.. = \"(.*?)\"" , fullSource ); if len(allMatches) != 1: print( "can't find version # in code" ) return None return allMatches[0] mongoCodeVersion = getCodeVersion() if mongoCodeVersion == None: Exit(-1) if has_option('distname'): distName = GetOption( "distname" ) elif mongoCodeVersion[-1] not in ("+", "-"): dontReplacePackage = True distName = mongoCodeVersion else: isBuildingLatest = True distName = utils.getGitBranchString("" , "-") + datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") env['SERVER_DIST_BASENAME'] = 'mongodb-%s-%s' % (getSystemInstallName(), distName) distFile = "${SERVER_ARCHIVE}" env['NIX_LIB_DIR'] = nixLibPrefix env['INSTALL_DIR'] = installDir if testEnv is not None: testEnv['INSTALL_DIR'] = installDir if shellEnv is not None: shellEnv['INSTALL_DIR'] = installDir # ---- CONVENIENCE ---- def tabs( env, target, source ): from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from re import search, match diff = Popen( [ "git", "diff", "-U0", "origin", "master" ], stdout=PIPE ).communicate()[ 0 ] sourceFile = False for line in diff.split( "\n" ): if match( "diff --git", line ): sourceFile = not not search( "\.(h|hpp|c|cpp)\s*$", line ) if sourceFile and match( "\+ *\t", line ): return True return False env.Alias( "checkSource", [], [ tabs ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "checkSource" ) def gitPush( env, target, source ): import subprocess return subprocess.call( [ "git", "push" ] ) env.Alias( "push", [ ".", "smoke", "checkSource" ], gitPush ) env.AlwaysBuild( "push" ) # ---- deploying --- def s3push( localName , remoteName=None , remotePrefix=None , fixName=True , platformDir=True ): localName = str( localName ) if remotePrefix is None: if isBuildingLatest: remotePrefix = utils.getGitBranchString( "-" ) + "-latest" else: remotePrefix = "-" + distName findSettingsSetup() import simples3 import settings s = simples3.S3Bucket( settings.bucket , settings.id , settings.key ) if remoteName is None: remoteName = localName if fixName: (root,dot,suffix) = _rpartition( localName, "." ) name = remoteName + "-" + getSystemInstallName() name += remotePrefix if dot == "." : name += "." + suffix name = name.lower() else: name = remoteName if platformDir: name = platform + "/" + name print( "uploading " + localName + " to http://s3.amazonaws.com/" + s.name + "/" + name ) if dontReplacePackage: for ( key , modify , etag , size ) in s.listdir( prefix=name ): print( "error: already a file with that name, not uploading" ) Exit(2) s.put( name , open( localName , "rb" ).read() , acl="public-read" ); print( " done uploading!" ) def s3shellpush( env , target , source ): s3push( "mongo" , "mongo-shell" ) env.Alias( "s3shell" , [ "mongo" ] , [ s3shellpush ] ) env.AlwaysBuild( "s3shell" ) def s3dist( env , target , source ): s3push( str(source[0]) , "mongodb" ) def s3distclient(env, target, source): s3push(str(source[0]), "cxx-driver/mongodb", platformDir=False) env.Alias( "dist" , '$SERVER_ARCHIVE' ) env.Alias( "distclient", "$CLIENT_ARCHIVE") env.AlwaysBuild(env.Alias( "s3dist" , [ '$SERVER_ARCHIVE' ] , [ s3dist ] )) env.AlwaysBuild(env.Alias( "s3distclient" , [ '$CLIENT_ARCHIVE' ] , [ s3distclient ] )) # --- an uninstall target --- if len(COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS) > 0 and 'uninstall' in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS: SetOption("clean", 1) # By inspection, changing COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS here doesn't do # what we want, but changing BUILD_TARGETS does. BUILD_TARGETS.remove("uninstall") BUILD_TARGETS.append("install") clientEnv = env.Clone() clientEnv['CPPDEFINES'].remove('MONGO_EXPOSE_MACROS') if not use_system_version_of_library("boost"): clientEnv.Append(LIBS=['boost_thread', 'boost_filesystem', 'boost_system']) clientEnv.Prepend(LIBPATH=['$BUILD_DIR/third_party/boost/']) # The following symbols are exported for use in subordinate SConscript files. # Ideally, the SConscript files would be purely declarative. They would only # import build environment objects, and would contain few or no conditional # statements or branches. # # Currently, however, the SConscript files do need some predicates for # conditional decision making that hasn't been moved up to this SConstruct file, # and they are exported here, as well. Export("env") Export("clientEnv") Export("shellEnv") Export("testEnv") Export("has_option use_system_version_of_library") Export("installSetup") Export("usesm usev8") Export("darwin windows solaris linux nix") env.SConscript( 'src/SConscript', variant_dir='$BUILD_DIR', duplicate=False ) env.SConscript( 'src/SConscript.client', variant_dir='$BUILD_DIR/client_build', duplicate=False ) env.SConscript( ['SConscript.buildinfo', 'SConscript.smoke'] ) def clean_old_dist_builds(env, target, source): prefix = "mongodb-%s-%s" % (platform, processor) filenames = sorted(os.listdir(".")) filenames = [x for x in filenames if x.startswith(prefix)] to_keep = [x for x in filenames if x.endswith(".tgz") or x.endswith(".zip")][-2:] for filename in [x for x in filenames if x not in to_keep]: print "removing %s" % filename try: shutil.rmtree(filename) except: os.remove(filename) env.Alias("dist_clean", [], [clean_old_dist_builds]) env.AlwaysBuild("dist_clean") env.Alias('all', ['core', 'tools', 'clientTests', 'test', 'unittests'])