# Check create and drop behavior concurrent with checkpoints (WT-2798). # Setup a multiple tables and a cache size large enough that checkpoints can # take a long time. conn_config="cache_size=8GB,log=(enabled=false),checkpoint=(wait=30)" table_config="leaf_page_max=4k,internal_page_max=16k,type=file" icount=10000000 table_count=100 table_count_idle=100 # Turn on create/drop of idle tables, but don't worry if individual operations # take a long time. idle_table_cycle=120 populate_threads=5 checkpoint_threads=0 report_interval=5 # 100 million random_range=10000000 run_time=300 # Setup a workload that dirties a lot of the cache threads=((count=2,reads=1),(count=2,inserts=1),(count=2,updates=1)) value_sz=500