/*- * Public Domain 2014-2015 MongoDB, Inc. * Public Domain 2008-2014 WiredTiger, Inc. * * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. * * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or * distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled * binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any * means. * * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors * of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the * software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and * successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of * relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this * software under copyright law. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * wtperf_opt.i * List of options for wtperf. This is included multiple times. */ #ifdef OPT_DECLARE_STRUCT #define DEF_OPT_AS_BOOL(name, initval, desc) int name; #define DEF_OPT_AS_CONFIG_STRING(name, initval, desc) const char *name; #define DEF_OPT_AS_STRING(name, initval, desc) const char *name; #define DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(name, initval, desc) uint32_t name; #endif #ifdef OPT_DEFINE_DESC #define DEF_OPT_AS_BOOL(name, initval, desc) \ { #name, desc, #initval, BOOL_TYPE, offsetof(CONFIG, name) }, #define DEF_OPT_AS_CONFIG_STRING(name, initval, desc) \ { #name, desc, initval, CONFIG_STRING_TYPE, \ offsetof(CONFIG, name) }, #define DEF_OPT_AS_STRING(name, initval, desc) \ { #name, desc, initval, STRING_TYPE, offsetof(CONFIG, name) }, #define DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(name, initval, desc) \ { #name, desc, #initval, UINT32_TYPE, offsetof(CONFIG, name) }, #endif #ifdef OPT_DEFINE_DEFAULT #define DEF_OPT_AS_BOOL(name, initval, desc) initval, #define DEF_OPT_AS_CONFIG_STRING(name, initval, desc) initval, #define DEF_OPT_AS_STRING(name, initval, desc) initval, #define DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(name, initval, desc) initval, #endif #ifdef OPT_DEFINE_DOXYGEN #define DEF_OPT_AS_BOOL(name, initval, desc) \ { #name, desc, #initval, BOOL_TYPE, 0 }, #define DEF_OPT_AS_CONFIG_STRING(name, initval, desc) \ { #name, desc, initval, CONFIG_STRING_TYPE, 0 }, #define DEF_OPT_AS_STRING(name, initval, desc) \ { #name, desc, initval, STRING_TYPE, 0 }, #define DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(name, initval, desc) \ { #name, desc, #initval, UINT32_TYPE, 0 }, #endif /* * Each option listed here represents a CONFIG struct field that may be * altered on command line via -o and -O. Each option appears here as: * DEF_OPT_AS_BOOL(name, initval, desc) * DEF_OPT_AS_CONFIG_STRING(name, initval, desc) * DEF_OPT_AS_STRING(name, initval, desc) * DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(name, initval, desc) * * The first four forms (*_{CONFIG_STRING|STRING|BOOL|UINT}) have these * parameters: * name: a C identifier, this identifier will be a field in CONFIG, * and identifies the option for -o or -O. * initval: a default initial value for the field. * The default values are tiny, we want the basic run to be fast. * desc: a description that will appear in the usage message. * * The difference between CONFIG_STRING and STRING is that CONFIG_STRING * options are appended to existing content, whereas STRING options overwrite. */ DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(async_threads, 0, "number of async worker threads") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(checkpoint_interval, 120, "checkpoint every interval seconds during the workload phase.") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(checkpoint_stress_rate, 0, "checkpoint every rate operations during the populate phase in the " "populate thread(s), 0 to disable") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(checkpoint_threads, 0, "number of checkpoint threads") DEF_OPT_AS_CONFIG_STRING(conn_config, "create", "connection configuration string") DEF_OPT_AS_BOOL(compact, 0, "post-populate compact for LSM merging activity") DEF_OPT_AS_STRING(compression, "none", "compression extension. Allowed configuration values are: " "'none', 'bzip', 'lz4', 'snappy', 'zlib'") DEF_OPT_AS_BOOL(create, 1, "do population phase; false to use existing database") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(database_count, 1, "number of WiredTiger databases to use. Each database will execute the" " workload using a separate home directory and complete set of worker" " threads") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(icount, 5000, "number of records to initially populate. If multiple tables are " "configured the count is spread evenly across all tables.") DEF_OPT_AS_BOOL(insert_rmw, 0, "execute a read prior to each insert in workload phase") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(key_sz, 20, "key size") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(min_throughput, 0, "abort if any throughput measured is less than this amount. Requires " "sample_interval to be configured") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(max_latency, 0, "abort if any latency measured exceeds this number of milliseconds." "Requires sample_interval to be configured") DEF_OPT_AS_BOOL(pareto, 0, "use pareto 80/20 distribution for random numbers") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(populate_ops_per_txn, 0, "number of operations to group into each transaction in the populate " "phase, zero for auto-commit") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(populate_threads, 1, "number of populate threads, 1 for bulk load") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(random_range, 0, "if non zero choose a value from within this range as the key for " "insert operations") DEF_OPT_AS_BOOL(random_value, 0, "generate random content for the value") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(report_interval, 2, "output throughput information every interval seconds, 0 to disable") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(run_ops, 0, "total read, insert and update workload operations") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(run_time, 0, "total workload seconds") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(sample_interval, 0, "performance logging every interval seconds, 0 to disable") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(sample_rate, 50, "how often the latency of operations is measured. One for every operation," "two for every second operation, three for every third operation etc.") DEF_OPT_AS_CONFIG_STRING(sess_config, "", "session configuration string") DEF_OPT_AS_CONFIG_STRING(table_config, "key_format=S,value_format=S,type=lsm,exclusive=true," "allocation_size=4kb,internal_page_max=64kb,leaf_page_max=4kb," "split_pct=100", "table configuration string") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(table_count, 1, "number of tables to run operations over. Keys are divided evenly " "over the tables. Default 1, maximum 99.") DEF_OPT_AS_STRING(threads, "", "workload configuration: each 'count' " "entry is the total number of threads, and the 'insert', 'read' and " "'update' entries are the ratios of insert, read and update operations " "done by each worker thread; If a throttle value is provided each thread " "will do a maximum of that number of operations per second; multiple " "workload configurations may be " "specified; for example, a more complex threads configuration might be " "'threads=((count=2,reads=1)(count=8,reads=1,inserts=2,updates=1))' " "which would create 2 threads doing nothing but reads and 8 threads " "each doing 50% inserts and 25% reads and updates. Allowed configuration " "values are 'count', 'throttle', 'reads', 'inserts', 'updates'. There are " "also behavior modifiers, supported modifiers are 'ops_per_txn'") DEF_OPT_AS_CONFIG_STRING(transaction_config, "", "transaction configuration string, relevant when populate_opts_per_txn " "is nonzero") DEF_OPT_AS_STRING(table_name, "test", "table name") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(value_sz, 100, "value size") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(verbose, 1, "verbosity") DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32(warmup, 0, "How long to run the workload phase before starting measurements") #undef DEF_OPT_AS_BOOL #undef DEF_OPT_AS_CONFIG_STRING #undef DEF_OPT_AS_STRING #undef DEF_OPT_AS_UINT32