// @file bsonmisc.h /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once namespace mongo { int getGtLtOp(const BSONElement& e); struct BSONElementCmpWithoutField { bool operator()( const BSONElement &l, const BSONElement &r ) const { return l.woCompare( r, false ) < 0; } }; class BSONObjCmp { public: BSONObjCmp( const BSONObj &_order = BSONObj() ) : order( _order ) {} bool operator()( const BSONObj &l, const BSONObj &r ) const { return l.woCompare( r, order ) < 0; } private: BSONObj order; }; class BSONObjCmpDefaultOrder : public BSONObjCmp { public: BSONObjCmpDefaultOrder() : BSONObjCmp( BSONObj() ) {} }; typedef set< BSONObj, BSONObjCmpDefaultOrder > BSONObjSetDefaultOrder; enum FieldCompareResult { LEFT_SUBFIELD = -2, LEFT_BEFORE = -1, SAME = 0, RIGHT_BEFORE = 1 , RIGHT_SUBFIELD = 2 }; FieldCompareResult compareDottedFieldNames( const string& l , const string& r ); /** Use BSON macro to build a BSONObj from a stream e.g., BSON( "name" << "joe" << "age" << 33 ) with auto-generated object id: BSON( GENOID << "name" << "joe" << "age" << 33 ) The labels GT, GTE, LT, LTE, NE can be helpful for stream-oriented construction of a BSONObj, particularly when assembling a Query. For example, BSON( "a" << GT << 23.4 << NE << 30 << "b" << 2 ) produces the object { a: { \$gt: 23.4, \$ne: 30 }, b: 2 }. */ #define BSON(x) (( mongo::BSONObjBuilder(64) << x ).obj()) /** Use BSON_ARRAY macro like BSON macro, but without keys BSONArray arr = BSON_ARRAY( "hello" << 1 << BSON( "foo" << BSON_ARRAY( "bar" << "baz" << "qux" ) ) ); */ #define BSON_ARRAY(x) (( mongo::BSONArrayBuilder() << x ).arr()) /* Utility class to auto assign object IDs. Example: cout << BSON( GENOID << "z" << 3 ); // { _id : ..., z : 3 } */ extern struct GENOIDLabeler { } GENOID; /* Utility class to add a Date element with the current time Example: cout << BSON( "created" << DATENOW ); // { created : "2009-10-09 11:41:42" } */ extern struct DateNowLabeler { } DATENOW; // Utility class to implement GT, GTE, etc as described above. class Labeler { public: struct Label { Label( const char *l ) : l_( l ) {} const char *l_; }; Labeler( const Label &l, BSONObjBuilderValueStream *s ) : l_( l ), s_( s ) {} template BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( T value ); /* the value of the element e is appended i.e. for "age" << GT << someElement one gets { age : { $gt : someElement's value } } */ BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( const BSONElement& e ); private: const Label &l_; BSONObjBuilderValueStream *s_; }; extern Labeler::Label GT; extern Labeler::Label GTE; extern Labeler::Label LT; extern Labeler::Label LTE; extern Labeler::Label NE; extern Labeler::Label SIZE; // $or helper: OR(BSON("x" << GT << 7), BSON("y" << LT << 6)); // becomes : {$or: [{x: {$gt: 7}}, {y: {$lt: 6}}]} inline BSONObj OR(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b); inline BSONObj OR(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b, const BSONObj& c); inline BSONObj OR(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b, const BSONObj& c, const BSONObj& d); inline BSONObj OR(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b, const BSONObj& c, const BSONObj& d, const BSONObj& e); inline BSONObj OR(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b, const BSONObj& c, const BSONObj& d, const BSONObj& e, const BSONObj& f); // definitions in bsonobjbuilder.h b/c of incomplete types // Utility class to implement BSON( key << val ) as described above. class BSONObjBuilderValueStream : public boost::noncopyable { public: friend class Labeler; BSONObjBuilderValueStream( BSONObjBuilder * builder ); BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( const BSONElement& e ); template BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( T value ); BSONObjBuilder& operator<<(DateNowLabeler& id); Labeler operator<<( const Labeler::Label &l ); void endField( const char *nextFieldName = 0 ); bool subobjStarted() const { return _fieldName != 0; } private: const char * _fieldName; BSONObjBuilder * _builder; bool haveSubobj() const { return _subobj.get() != 0; } BSONObjBuilder *subobj(); auto_ptr< BSONObjBuilder > _subobj; }; /** used in conjuction with BSONObjBuilder, allows for proper buffer size to prevent crazy memory usage */ class BSONSizeTracker { public: BSONSizeTracker(){ _pos = 0; for ( int i=0; i= SIZE ) _pos = 0; } /** * right now choosing largest size */ int getSize() const { int x = 16; // sane min for ( int i=0; i x ) x = _sizes[i]; } return x; } private: enum { SIZE = 10 }; int _pos; int _sizes[SIZE]; }; }