# How to Use Antithesis ## Context Antithesis is a third party vendor with an environment that can perform network fuzzing. We can upload images containing `docker-compose.yml` files, which represent various MongoDB topologies, to the Antithesis Docker registry. Antithesis runs `docker-compose up` from these images to spin up the corresponding multi-container application in their environment and run a test suite. Network fuzzing is performed between the containers while the test suite runs & a report is generated by Antithesis identifying bugs. ## Base Images The `base_images` directory consists of the building blocks for creating a MongoDB test topology. These images are uploaded to the Antithesis Docker registry weekly during the `antithesis_image_build` task. For more visibility into how these images are built and uploaded to the Antithesis Docker registry, please see `evergreen/antithesis_image_build.sh`. ### mongo_binaries This image contains the latest `mongo`, `mongos` and `mongod` binaries. It can be used to start a `mongod` instance, `mongos` instance or execute `mongo` commands. This is the main building block for creating the System Under Test topology. ### workload This image contains the latest `mongo` binary as well as the `resmoke` test runner. The `workload` container is not part of the actual toplogy. The purpose of a `workload` container is to execute `mongo` commands to complete the topology setup, and to run a test suite on an existing topology like so: ```shell buildscript/resmoke.py run --suite antithesis_concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns_and_balancer --shellConnString "mongodb://mongos:27017" ``` **Every topology must have 1 workload container.** Note: During `workload` image build, `buildscripts/antithesis_suite.py` runs, which generates "antithesis compatible" test suites and prepends them with `antithesis_`. These are the test suites that can run in antithesis and are available from witihin the `workload` container. ## Topologies The `topologies` directory consists of subdirectories representing various mongo test topologies. Each topology has a `Dockerfile`, a `docker-compose.yml` file and an optional `scripts` directory. ### Dockerfile This assembles an image with the necessary files for spinning up the corresponding topology. It consists of a `docker-compose.yml`, a `logs` directory and an optional `scripts` directory. If this is structured properly, you should be able to copy the files from this image and run `docker-compose up` to set up the desired multi-container topology. Example from `buildscripts/antithesis/topologies/replica_set/Dockerfile`: ```Dockerfile FROM scratch COPY docker-compose.yml / ADD scripts /scripts ADD logs /logs ``` All topology images are built and uploaded to the Antithesis Docker registry during the `antithesis_image_build` task in the `evergreen/antithesis_image_build.sh` script. Note: These image serve solely as a filesystem containing all necessary files for a topology, therefore use `FROM scratch`. ### docker-compose.yml This describes how to construct the corresponding topology using the `mongo-binaries` and `workload` images. Example from `buildscripts/antithesis/topologies/replica_set/docker-compose.yml`: ```yml version: '3.0' services: database1: container_name: database1 hostname: database1 image: mongo-binaries:evergreen-latest-master command: /usr/bin/mongod --bind_ip --replSet RollbackFuzzerTest --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log --setParameter enableTestCommands=1 volumes: - ./logs/database1:/var/log/mongodb/ networks: antithesis-net: ipv4_address: # Set the an IPv4 with an address of or higher # to be ignored by the fault injector # database2: ... database3: ... workload: container_name: workload hostname: workload image: workload:evergreen-latest-master command: /bin/bash /scripts/workload_init.sh volumes: - ./scripts:/scripts/ depends_on: - "database1" - "database2" - "database3" networks: antithesis-net: ipv4_address: # The subnet provided here is an example # An alternative subnet can be used networks: antithesis-net: driver: bridge ipam: config: - subnet: ``` Each container must have a `command`. If it is a single line it can be included directly in the `docker-compose.yml` -- as in `database1`. If it is more involved, it can be put in a shell script in the `scripts` directory, included as a volume and `command` can be set to `/bin/bash /scripts/[script_name].sh` -- as in `workload`. When creating `mongod` or `mongos` instances, route the logs like so: `--logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log` and utilize `volumes` -- as in `database1`. This enables us to easily retrieve logs if a bug is detected by Antithesis. The `ipv4_address` should be set to `` or higher if you do not want that container to be affected by network fuzzing. For instance, you would likely not want the `workload` container to be affected by network fuzzing -- as shown in the example above. Use the `evergreen-latest-master` tag for all images. This is updated automatically in `evergreen/antithesis_image_build.sh` during the `antithesis_image_build` task -- if needed. ### scripts This is an optional directory, which can be used for the reason described above. Example from `buildscripts/antithesis/topologies/replica_set/scripts/workload_init.sh`: ```shell sleep 5s mongo --host database1 --port 27017 --eval "config={\"_id\" : \"RollbackFuzzerTest\",\"protocolVersion\" : 1,\"members\" : [{\"_id\" : 0,\"host\" : \"database1:27017\"}, {\"_id\" : 1,\"host\" : \"database2:27017\"}, {\"_id\" : 2,\"host\" : \"database3:27017\"} ],\"settings\" : {\"chainingAllowed\" : false,\"electionTimeoutMillis\" : 500, \"heartbeatTimeoutSecs\" : 1, \"catchUpTimeoutMillis\": 700}}; rs.initiate(config)" # this cryptic statement keeps the workload container running. tail -f /dev/null ``` The `sleep` command can be useful to ensure that other containers have had a chance to start. In this example, the `workload` container waits 5 seconds while the database containers start. After that, it initiates the replica set. It is now ready to run a test suite using `resmoke`. The `tail -f /dev/null` is required for `workload` containers otherwise the container shuts down. ## How do I create a new topology for Antithesis testing? To create a new topology for Antithesis testing is easy & requires a few simple steps. 1. Add a new directory in `buildscripts/antithesis/topologies` to represent your desired topology. You can use existing topologies as an example. 2. Update the `evergreen/antithesis_image_build.sh` file so that your new topology image is uploaded to the Antithesis Docker registry. 3. Reach out to #server-testing on Slack & provide the new topology image name as well as the desired test suite to run. 4. Include a member of the STM team on the code review. These are the required updates to `evergreen/antithesis_image_build.sh`: - Add the following command for each of your `mongos` and `mongod` containers in your topology to create your log directories. ```shell mkdir -p antithesis/topologies/[topology_name]/logs/[container_name] ``` - Build an image for your new topology ending in `-config` ```shell cd [your_topology_dir] sed -i s/evergreen-latest-master/$tag/ docker-compose.yml docker build . -t [your-topology-name]-config:$tag ``` - Push your new image to the Antithesis Docker registry ```shell docker tag "[your-topology-name]-config:$tag" "us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/molten-verve-216720/mongodb-repository/[your-topology-name]-config:$tag" docker push "us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/molten-verve-216720/mongodb-repository/[your-topology-name]-config:$tag" ```