import json import os import subprocess from typing import Any, Dict import uuid import argparse import yaml COMMENT = """# This file is intended to track tests that should be denylisted from multiversion testing due to # changes that have not yet been backported to the last-lts or last-continuous development # branches. # # Usage: # Add the server ticket number and the path to the test file for the test you intend to denylist # under the appropriate suite. Any test in a (ticket, test_file) pair that appears in this file but # not in the last-lts or last-continuous branch version of this file indicates that a commit has # not yet been backported to the last-lts or last-continuous branch and will be excluded from the # multiversion suite corresponding to the root level suite key. # # Example: To prevent 'my_test_file.js' from running in the 'replica_sets_multiversion' suite with the last-continuous binary # replica_sets_multiversion: # - ticket: SERVER-1000 # test_file: jstests/core/my_test_file.js # # The above example will denylist jstests/core/my_test_file.js from the # 'replica_sets_multiversion_gen' task until this file has been updated with the same # (ticket, test_file) pair on the last-lts branch. # """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Compare two branches yaml file and create a non-overalpping set') parser.add_argument( "--branches", type=str, help= "Comma seperated list of branches to compare, any entires in all of these branches can be removed.", default="v4.2,v4.4,v5.0,v6.0,v6.1,master") parser.add_argument("--backport-file", type=str, help="Yaml file to compare and remove overlapping set from.", default="etc/backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml") parser.add_argument("--remote", type=str, help="Remote to fetch from for comparision", default="origin") parser.add_argument("--dup-tickets-file", type=str, help="File to store duplicate tickets while waiting", default="duplicate_tickets.json") args = parser.parse_args() branches = args.branches.strip().split(",") backport_file = args.backport_file remote = args.remote dup_tickets_file = args.dup_tickets_file def create_duplicates_file(): tests_by_branch: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} for branch in branches: remote_branch = f"{remote}/{branch}"["git", "fetch", remote, branch], check=True, capture_output=True) file_data_proc =["git", "show", f"{remote_branch}:{backport_file}"], check=True, capture_output=True) multiversion_tests = yaml.safe_load(file_data_proc.stdout.decode('UTF-8')) tests_by_branch[branch] = multiversion_tests def get_tickets(tests): return [test["ticket"] for test in tests] overlapping_continous = set( get_tickets(tests_by_branch[branches[-1]]["last-continuous"]["all"])) overlapping_lts = set(get_tickets(tests_by_branch[branches[-1]]["last-lts"]["all"])) for branch in branches[:-1]: try: overlapping_continous.intersection_update( get_tickets(tests_by_branch[branch]["last-continuous"]["all"])) overlapping_lts.intersection_update( get_tickets(tests_by_branch[branch]["last-lts"]["all"])) except KeyError: # 4.4 and 4.2 have a different format overlapping_continous.intersection_update(get_tickets(tests_by_branch[branch]["all"])) overlapping_lts.intersection_update(get_tickets(tests_by_branch[branch]["all"])) overlapping_tickets = { "overlapping_continous": sorted(list(overlapping_continous)), "overlapping_lts": sorted(list(overlapping_lts)), "tests_by_branch": tests_by_branch, } with open(dup_tickets_file, 'w') as dup_tickets_fp: json.dump(overlapping_tickets, dup_tickets_fp, indent=4, sort_keys=True) print(f"Saved duplicate tickets to {dup_tickets_file}") def update_backports(): with open(dup_tickets_file, 'r') as dup_tickets_fp: overlapping_tickets = json.load(dup_tickets_fp) overlapping_continous = overlapping_tickets["overlapping_continous"] overlapping_lts = overlapping_tickets["overlapping_lts"] tests_by_branch: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = overlapping_tickets["tests_by_branch"] for branch in branches: remote_branch = f"{remote}/{branch}" while input(f"Checking out {remote_branch} branch. Enter y to continue... ") != "y": pass tmp_branch_name = uuid.uuid4().hex["git", "checkout", remote_branch, "-b", tmp_branch_name], check=True) if branch in ("v4.4", "v4.2"): continous_removed = [ test for test in tests_by_branch[branch]["all"] if (not test["ticket"] in overlapping_continous) and ( not test["ticket"] in overlapping_lts) ] continous_removed.sort(key=lambda d: d['ticket']) tests_by_branch[branch]["all"] = continous_removed else: continous_removed = [ test for test in tests_by_branch[branch]["last-continuous"]["all"] if not test["ticket"] in overlapping_continous ] continous_removed.sort(key=lambda d: d['ticket']) tests_by_branch[branch]["last-continuous"]["all"] = continous_removed lts_removed = [ test for test in tests_by_branch[branch]["last-lts"]["all"] if not test["ticket"] in overlapping_lts ] lts_removed.sort(key=lambda d: d['ticket']) tests_by_branch[branch]["last-lts"]["all"] = lts_removed with open(backport_file, 'w') as backport_fp: backport_fp.write(COMMENT) yaml.dump(tests_by_branch[branch], backport_fp) while input( f"Please send the current change to the commit queue for {remote_branch}. Enter y to continue... " ) != "y": pass["git", "checkout", remote_branch], check=True)["git", "branch", "-D", tmp_branch_name], check=True) if os.path.exists(dup_tickets_file): while True: prune_file = input( f"Duplicate tickets file exists {dup_tickets_file}, would you like to use this file to prune duplicate tickets (y/n): " ) if prune_file == "n": create_duplicates_file() break elif prune_file == "y": break else: create_duplicates_file() update_backports()