"""Options used for building process.""" import re class PathOptions: """Get options/methods to resolve path-related stuff.""" main_binary_folder_name = "bin" shared_library_folder_name = "lib" # extend the below list if there are new types of shared libraries _shared_library_file_patterns = [r".+\.so(\.\d{1,})?$", r".+\.dylib$"] _compiled_shared_library_file_patterns = None @property def shared_library_file_patterns(self) -> list: """Cache & return compiled regex patterns for further usage.""" if not self._compiled_shared_library_file_patterns: self._compiled_shared_library_file_patterns = tuple( map(re.compile, self._shared_library_file_patterns)) return self._compiled_shared_library_file_patterns def is_shared_library_file(self, path: str) -> bool: """Check if given path points to a shared library file.""" for pattern in self.shared_library_file_patterns: if pattern.match(path): return True return False def get_binary_folder_name(self, path: str) -> str: """Analyze path/file and return name of folder which contains that file.""" if self.is_shared_library_file(path): return self.shared_library_folder_name # fallback to default, main binary folder return self.main_binary_folder_name