@echo off cls echo This script builds the boost libs that MongoDB requires on Windows. echo We assume boost source is in machine's \boost directory. echo You can get boost at www.boost.org. echo . echo Note: you will want boost v1.42 or higher with VS2010. echo . echo We assume you have bjam. To build bjam: echo cd tools\jam\src echo build.bat echo . cd \boost echo bin\bjam --version bin\bjam --version echo . echo . echo . echo About to build release libraries pause cls bin\bjam variant=release runtime-link=static link=static --with-filesystem --with-thread --with-date_time --with-program_options --layout=versioned threading=multi toolset=msvc echo . echo . echo . echo About to try to move libs from /boost/stage/lib to /boost/lib/ pause cls rem bjam makes extra copies without the ver #; we kill those: del stage\lib\*s.lib move stage\lib\* lib\ echo . echo . echo . echo About to build debug libraries pause cls bin\bjam variant=debug --with-filesystem --with-thread --with-date_time --with-program_options --layout=versioned threading=multi toolset=msvc echo . echo . echo . echo About to try to move libs from /boost/stage/lib to /boost/lib/ pause cls rem bjam makes extra copies without the ver #; we kill those: del stage\lib\*-gd.lib move stage\lib\* lib\ echo Done - try running "dir \boost\lib\"