""" buildlogger.py Wrap a command (specified on the command line invocation of buildlogger.py) and send output in batches to the buildlogs web application via HTTP POST. The script configures itself from environment variables: required env vars: MONGO_BUILDER_NAME (e.g. "Nightly Linux 64-bit") MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER (an integer) MONGO_TEST_FILENAME (not required when invoked with -g) optional env vars: MONGO_PHASE (e.g. "core", "slow nightly", etc) MONGO_* (any other environment vars are passed to the web app) BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS (see below) This script has two modes: a "test" mode, intended to wrap the invocation of an individual test file, and a "global" mode, intended to wrap the mongod instances that run throughout the duration of a mongo test phase (the logs from "global" invocations are displayed interspersed with the logs of each test, in order to let the buildlogs web app display the full output sensibly.) If the BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS environment variable is set, it should be a path to a valid Python file containing "username" and "password" variables, which should be valid credentials for authenticating to the buildlogger web app. For example: username = "hello" password = "world" If BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS is a relative path, then the working directory and the directories one, two, and three levels up, are searched, in that order. """ import functools import os import os.path import re import signal import socket import subprocess import sys import time import traceback import urllib2 import utils # suppress deprecation warnings that happen when # we import the 'buildbot.tac' file below import warnings warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) try: import json except: try: import simplejson as json except: json = None # try to load the shared secret from settings.py # which will be one, two, or three directories up # from this file's location credentials_file = os.environ.get('BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS', 'buildbot.tac') credentials_loc, credentials_name = os.path.split(credentials_file) if not credentials_loc: here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) possible_paths = [ os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, '..')), os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, '..', '..')), os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, '..', '..', '..')), ] else: possible_paths = [credentials_loc] username, password = None, None for path in possible_paths: credentials_path = os.path.join(path, credentials_name) if os.path.isfile(credentials_path): credentials = {} try: execfile(credentials_path, credentials, credentials) username = credentials.get('slavename', credentials.get('username')) password = credentials.get('passwd', credentials.get('password')) break except: pass URL_ROOT = 'http://buildlogs.mongodb.org/' TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 10 socket.setdefaulttimeout(TIMEOUT_SECONDS) digest_handler = urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler() digest_handler.add_password( realm='buildlogs', uri=URL_ROOT, user=username, passwd=password) # This version of HTTPErrorProcessor is copied from # Python 2.7, and allows REST response codes (e.g. # "201 Created") which are treated as errors by # older versions. class HTTPErrorProcessor(urllib2.HTTPErrorProcessor): def http_response(self, request, response): code, msg, hdrs = response.code, response.msg, response.info() # According to RFC 2616, "2xx" code indicates that the client's # request was successfully received, understood, and accepted. if not (200 <= code < 300): response = self.parent.error( 'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs) return response url_opener = urllib2.build_opener(digest_handler, HTTPErrorProcessor()) def url(endpoint): if not endpoint.endswith('/'): endpoint = '%s/' % endpoint return '%s/%s' % (URL_ROOT.rstrip('/'), endpoint) def post(endpoint, data, headers=None): data = json.dumps(data, encoding='utf-8') headers = headers or {} headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'}) req = urllib2.Request(url=url(endpoint), data=data, headers=headers) try: response = url_opener.open(req) except urllib2.URLError: import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() # indicate that the request did not succeed return None response_headers = dict(response.info()) # eg "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" content_type = response_headers.get('content-type') match = re.match(r'(?P[^;]+).*(?:charset=(?P[^ ]+))?$', content_type) if match and match.group('mimetype') == 'application/json': encoding = match.group('charset') or 'utf-8' return json.load(response, encoding=encoding) return response.read() def traceback_to_stderr(func): """ decorator which logs any exceptions encountered to stderr and returns none. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except urllib2.HTTPError, err: sys.stderr.write('error: HTTP code %d\n----\n' % err.code) if hasattr(err, 'hdrs'): for k, v in err.hdrs.items(): sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (k, v)) sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.stderr.write(err.read()) sys.stderr.write('\n----\n') sys.stderr.flush() except: sys.stderr.write('Traceback from buildlogger:\n') traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() return None return wrapper @traceback_to_stderr def get_or_create_build(builder, buildnum, extra={}): data = {'builder': builder, 'buildnum': buildnum} data.update(extra) response = post('build', data) if response is None: return None return response['id'] @traceback_to_stderr def create_test(build_id, test_filename, test_command, test_phase): response = post('build/%s/test' % build_id, { 'test_filename': test_filename, 'command': test_command, 'phase': test_phase, }) if response is None: return None return response['id'] @traceback_to_stderr def append_test_logs(build_id, test_id, log_lines): response = post('build/%s/test/%s' % (build_id, test_id), data=log_lines) if response is None: return False return True @traceback_to_stderr def append_global_logs(build_id, log_lines): """ "global" logs are for the mongod(s) started by smoke.py that last the duration of a test phase -- since there may be output in here that is important but spans individual tests, the buildlogs webapp handles these logs specially. """ response = post('build/%s' % build_id, data=log_lines) if response is None: return False return True @traceback_to_stderr def finish_test(build_id, test_id, failed=False): response = post('build/%s/test/%s' % (build_id, test_id), data=[], headers={ 'X-Sendlogs-Test-Done': 'true', 'X-Sendlogs-Test-Failed': failed and 'true' or 'false', }) if response is None: return False return True def run_and_echo(command): """ this just calls the command, and returns its return code, allowing stdout and stderr to work as normal. it is used as a fallback when environment variables or python dependencies cannot be configured, or when the logging webapp is unavailable, etc """ proc = subprocess.Popen(command) def handle_sigterm(signum, frame): try: proc.send_signal(signum) except AttributeError: os.kill(proc.pid, signum) orig_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_sigterm) proc.wait() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, orig_handler) return proc.returncode class LogAppender(object): def __init__(self, callback, args, send_after_lines=2000, send_after_seconds=2): self.callback = callback self.callback_args = args self.send_after_lines = send_after_lines self.send_after_seconds = send_after_seconds self.buf = [] self.retrybuf = [] self.last_sent = time.time() def __call__(self, line): self.buf.append((time.time(), line)) delay = time.time() - self.last_sent if len(self.buf) >= self.send_after_lines or delay >= self.send_after_seconds: self.submit() # no return value is expected def submit(self): if len(self.buf) + len(self.retrybuf) == 0: return True args = list(self.callback_args) args.append(list(self.buf) + self.retrybuf) self.last_sent = time.time() if self.callback(*args): self.buf = [] self.retrybuf = [] return True else: self.retrybuf += self.buf self.buf = [] return False def wrap_test(command): """ call the given command, intercept its stdout and stderr, and send results in batches of 100 lines or 10s to the buildlogger webapp """ # get builder name and build number from environment builder = os.environ.get('MONGO_BUILDER_NAME') buildnum = os.environ.get('MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER') if builder is None or buildnum is None: return run_and_echo(command) try: buildnum = int(buildnum) except ValueError: sys.stderr.write('buildlogger: build number ("%s") was not an int\n' % buildnum) sys.stderr.flush() return run_and_echo(command) # test takes some extra info phase = os.environ.get('MONGO_PHASE', 'unknown') test_filename = os.environ.get('MONGO_TEST_FILENAME', 'unknown') build_info = dict((k, v) for k, v in os.environ.items() if k.startswith('MONGO_')) build_info.pop('MONGO_BUILDER_NAME', None) build_info.pop('MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER', None) build_info.pop('MONGO_PHASE', None) build_info.pop('MONGO_TEST_FILENAME', None) build_id = get_or_create_build(builder, buildnum, extra=build_info) if not build_id: return run_and_echo(command) test_id = create_test(build_id, test_filename, ' '.join(command), phase) if not test_id: return run_and_echo(command) # the peculiar formatting here matches what is printed by # smoke.py when starting tests output_url = '%s/build/%s/test/%s/' % (URL_ROOT.rstrip('/'), build_id, test_id) sys.stdout.write(' (output suppressed; see %s)\n' % output_url) sys.stdout.flush() callback = LogAppender(callback=append_test_logs, args=(build_id, test_id)) returncode = loop_and_callback(command, callback) failed = bool(returncode != 0) # this will append any remaining unsubmitted logs, or # return True if there are none left to submit tries = 5 while not callback.submit() and tries > 0: sys.stderr.write('failed to finish sending test logs, retrying in 1s\n') sys.stderr.flush() time.sleep(1) tries -= 1 tries = 5 while not finish_test(build_id, test_id, failed) and tries > 5: sys.stderr.write('failed to mark test finished, retrying in 1s\n') sys.stderr.flush() time.sleep(1) tries -= 1 return returncode def wrap_global(command): """ call the given command, intercept its stdout and stderr, and send results in batches of 100 lines or 10s to the buildlogger webapp. see :func:`append_global_logs` for the difference between "global" and "test" log output. """ # get builder name and build number from environment builder = os.environ.get('MONGO_BUILDER_NAME') buildnum = os.environ.get('MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER') if builder is None or buildnum is None: return run_and_echo(command) try: buildnum = int(buildnum) except ValueError: sys.stderr.write('int(os.environ["MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER"]):\n') sys.stderr.write(traceback.format_exc()) sys.stderr.flush() return run_and_echo(command) build_info = dict((k, v) for k, v in os.environ.items() if k.startswith('MONGO_')) build_info.pop('MONGO_BUILDER_NAME', None) build_info.pop('MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER', None) build_id = get_or_create_build(builder, buildnum, extra=build_info) if not build_id: return run_and_echo(command) callback = LogAppender(callback=append_global_logs, args=(build_id, )) returncode = loop_and_callback(command, callback) # this will append any remaining unsubmitted logs, or # return True if there are none left to submit tries = 5 while not callback.submit() and tries > 0: sys.stderr.write('failed to finish sending global logs, retrying in 1s\n') sys.stderr.flush() time.sleep(1) tries -= 1 return returncode def loop_and_callback(command, callback): """ run the given command (a sequence of arguments, ordinarily from sys.argv), and call the given callback with each line of stdout or stderr encountered. after the command is finished, callback is called once more with None instead of a string. """ proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) def handle_sigterm(signum, frame): try: proc.send_signal(signum) except AttributeError: os.kill(proc.pid, signum) # register a handler to delegate SIGTERM # to the child process orig_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_sigterm) while proc.poll() is None: try: line = proc.stdout.readline().strip('\r\n') line = utils.unicode_dammit(line) callback(line) except IOError: # if the signal handler is called while # we're waiting for readline() to return, # don't show a traceback break # There may be additional buffered output for line in proc.stdout.readlines(): callback(line.strip('\r\n')) # restore the original signal handler, if any signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, orig_handler) return proc.returncode if __name__ == '__main__': # argv[0] is 'buildlogger.py' del sys.argv[0] if sys.argv[0] in ('-g', '--global'): # then this is wrapping a "global" command, and should # submit global logs to the build, not test logs to a # test within the build del sys.argv[0] wrapper = wrap_global else: wrapper = wrap_test # if we are missing credentials or the json module, then # we can't use buildlogger; so just echo output, but also # log why we can't work. if json is None: sys.stderr.write('buildlogger: could not import a json module\n') sys.stderr.flush() wrapper = run_and_echo elif username is None or password is None: sys.stderr.write('buildlogger: could not find or import %s for authentication\n' % credentials_file) sys.stderr.flush() wrapper = run_and_echo # otherwise wrap a test command as normal; the # wrapper functions return the return code of # the wrapped command, so that should be our # exit code as well. sys.exit(wrapper(sys.argv))