#!/usr/bin/env python """ Command line utility for determining what jstests have been added or modified """ from __future__ import absolute_import import collections import copy import json import optparse import os.path import subprocess import re import requests import shlex import sys import urlparse import yaml # Get relative imports to work when the package is not installed on the PYTHONPATH. if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None: sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) from buildscripts import resmokelib from buildscripts.ciconfig import evergreen API_SERVER_DEFAULT = "https://evergreen.mongodb.com" def parse_command_line(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options] [resmoke command]") parser.add_option("--maxRevisions", dest="max_revisions", help="Maximum number of revisions to check for changes. Default is 25.") parser.add_option("--branch", dest="branch", help="The name of the branch the working branch was based on.") parser.add_option("--baseCommit", dest="base_commit", help="The base commit to compare to for determining changes.") parser.add_option("--buildVariant", dest="buildvariant", help=("The buildvariant the tasks will execute on. Required when" " generating the JSON file with test executor information")) parser.add_option("--checkEvergreen", dest="check_evergreen", action="store_true", help=("Checks Evergreen for the last commit that was scheduled." " This way all the tests that haven't been burned in will be run.")) parser.add_option("--noExec", dest="no_exec", action="store_true", help="Do not run resmoke loop on new tests.") parser.add_option("--reportFile", dest="report_file", help="Write a JSON file with test results.") parser.add_option("--testListFile", dest="test_list_file", metavar="TESTLIST", help="Load a JSON file with tests to run.") parser.add_option("--testListOutfile", dest="test_list_outfile", help="Write a JSON file with test executor information.") # The executor_file and suite_files defaults are required to make the # suite resolver work correctly. parser.set_defaults(base_commit=None, branch="master", buildvariant=None, check_evergreen=False, evergreen_file="etc/evergreen.yml", selector_file="etc/burn_in_tests.yml", max_revisions=25, no_exec=False, executor_file=None, report_file="report.json", suite_files="with_server", test_list_file=None, test_list_outfile=None) # This disables argument parsing on the first unrecognized parameter. This allows us to pass # a complete resmoke.py command line without accidentally parsing its options. parser.disable_interspersed_args() return parser.parse_args() def callo(args): """Call a program, and capture its output """ return subprocess.check_output(args) def read_evg_config(): # Expand out evergreen config file possibilities file_list = [ "./.evergreen.yml", os.path.expanduser("~/.evergreen.yml"), os.path.expanduser("~/cli_bin/.evergreen.yml") ] for filename in file_list: if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, "r") as fstream: return yaml.load(fstream) return None def find_last_activated_task(revisions, variant, branch_name): """ Get the git hash of the most recently activated build before this one """ rest_prefix = "/rest/v1/" project = "mongodb-mongo-" + branch_name build_prefix = "mongodb_mongo_" + branch_name + "_" + variant.replace('-', '_') evg_cfg = read_evg_config() if evg_cfg is not None and "api_server_host" in evg_cfg: api_server = "{url.scheme}://{url.netloc}".format( url=urlparse.urlparse(evg_cfg["api_server_host"])) else: api_server = API_SERVER_DEFAULT api_prefix = api_server + rest_prefix for githash in revisions: response = requests.get(api_prefix + "projects/" + project + "/revisions/" + githash) revision_data = response.json() try: for build in revision_data["builds"]: if build.startswith(build_prefix): build_resp = requests.get(api_prefix + "builds/" + build) build_data = build_resp.json() if build_data["activated"]: return build_data["revision"] except: # Sometimes build data is incomplete, as was the related build. next return None def find_changed_tests(branch_name, base_commit, max_revisions, buildvariant, check_evergreen): """ Use git to find which files have changed in this patch. TODO: This should be expanded to search for enterprise modules. The returned file paths are in normalized form (see os.path.normpath(path)). """ changed_tests = [] if base_commit is None: base_commit = callo(["git", "merge-base", branch_name + "@{upstream}", "HEAD"]).rstrip() if check_evergreen: # We're going to check up to 200 commits in Evergreen for the last scheduled one. # The current commit will be activated in Evergreen; we use --skip to start at the # previous commit when trying to find the most recent preceding commit that has been # activated. revs_to_check = callo(["git", "rev-list", base_commit, "--max-count=200", "--skip=1"]).splitlines() last_activated = find_last_activated_task(revs_to_check, buildvariant, branch_name) if last_activated is None: # When the current commit is the first time 'buildvariant' has run, there won't be a # commit among 'revs_to_check' that's been activated in Evergreen. We handle this by # only considering tests changed in the current commit. last_activated = "HEAD" print "Comparing current branch against", last_activated revisions = callo(["git", "rev-list", base_commit + "..." + last_activated]).splitlines() base_commit = last_activated else: revisions = callo(["git", "rev-list", base_commit + "...HEAD"]).splitlines() revision_count = len(revisions) if revision_count > max_revisions: print "There are too many revisions included (%d)." % revision_count, \ "This is likely because your base branch is not " + branch_name + ".", \ "You can allow us to review more than 25 revisions by using", \ "the --maxRevisions option." return changed_tests changed_files = callo(["git", "diff", "--name-only", base_commit]).splitlines() # New files ("untracked" in git terminology) won't show up in the git diff results. untracked_files = callo(["git", "status", "--porcelain"]).splitlines() # The lines with untracked files start with '?? '. for line in untracked_files: if line.startswith("?"): (status, line) = line.split(" ", 1) changed_files.append(line) for line in changed_files: line = line.rstrip() # Check that the file exists because it may have been moved or deleted in the patch. if os.path.splitext(line)[1] != ".js" or not os.path.isfile(line): continue if "jstests" in line: path = os.path.normpath(line) changed_tests.append(path) return changed_tests def find_exclude_tests(selector_file): """ Parses etc/burn_in_tests.yml. Returns lists of excluded suites, tasks & tests. """ if not selector_file: return ([], [], []) with open(selector_file, "r") as fstream: yml = yaml.load(fstream) try: js_test = yml['selector']['js_test'] except KeyError: raise Exception( "The selector file " + selector_file + " is missing the 'selector.js_test' key") return (resmokelib.utils.default_if_none(js_test.get("exclude_suites"), []), resmokelib.utils.default_if_none(js_test.get("exclude_tasks"), []), resmokelib.utils.default_if_none(js_test.get("exclude_tests"), [])) def filter_tests(tests, exclude_tests): """ Excludes tests which have been blacklisted. A test is in the tests list, i.e., ['jstests/core/a.js'] The tests paths must be in normalized form (see os.path.normpath(path)). """ if not exclude_tests or not tests: return tests # The exclude_tests can be specified using * and ** to specify directory and file patterns. excluded_globbed = set() for exclude_test_pattern in exclude_tests: excluded_globbed.update(resmokelib.utils.globstar.iglob(exclude_test_pattern)) return set(tests) - excluded_globbed def find_tests_by_executor(suites): """ Looks up what other resmoke suites run the tests specified in the suites parameter. Returns a dict keyed by test name, value is array of suite names. """ memberships = {} test_membership = resmokelib.suitesconfig.create_test_membership_map() for suite in suites: for test in suite.tests: memberships[test] = test_membership[test] return memberships def create_executor_list(suites, exclude_suites): """ Looks up what other resmoke suites run the tests specified in the suites parameter. Returns a dict keyed by suite name / executor, value is tests to run under that executor. """ memberships = collections.defaultdict(list) test_membership = resmokelib.suitesconfig.create_test_membership_map() for suite in suites: for test in suite.tests: for executor in set(test_membership[test]) - set(exclude_suites): memberships[executor].append(test) return memberships def create_task_list(evergreen_conf, buildvariant, suites, exclude_tasks): """ Finds associated tasks for the specified buildvariant and suites. Returns a dict keyed by task_name, with executor, resmoke_args & tests, i.e., {'jsCore_small_oplog': {'resmoke_args': '--suites=core_small_oplog --storageEngine=mmapv1', 'tests': ['jstests/core/all2.js', 'jstests/core/all3.js']} } """ evg_buildvariant = evergreen_conf.get_variant(buildvariant) if not evg_buildvariant: print "Buildvariant", buildvariant, "not found in", evergreen_conf.path sys.exit(1) # Find all the buildvariant task's resmoke_args. variant_task_args = {} exclude_tasks_set = set(exclude_tasks) for task in evg_buildvariant.tasks: if task.name not in exclude_tasks_set: # Using 'task.combined_resmoke_args' to include the variant's test_flags and # allow the storage engine to be overridden. resmoke_args = task.combined_resmoke_args if resmoke_args: variant_task_args[task.name] = resmoke_args # Create the list of tasks to run for the specified suite. tasks_to_run = {} for suite in suites.keys(): for task_name, task_arg in variant_task_args.items(): # Find the resmoke_args for matching suite names. if re.compile('--suites=' + suite + '(?:\s+|$)').match(task_arg): tasks_to_run[task_name] = {"resmoke_args": task_arg, "tests": suites[suite]} return tasks_to_run def _write_report_file(tests_by_executor, pathname): """ Writes out a JSON file containing the tests_by_executor dict. This should be done during the compile task when the git repo is available. """ with open(pathname, "w") as fstream: json.dump(tests_by_executor, fstream) def _load_tests_file(pathname): """ Load the list of tests and executors from the specified file. The file might not exist, and this is fine. The task running this becomes a nop. """ if not os.path.isfile(pathname): return None with open(pathname, "r") as fstream: return json.load(fstream) def _save_report_data(saved_data, pathname, task): """ Read in the report file from the previous resmoke.py run if it exists. We'll concat it to the passed saved_data dict. """ if not os.path.isfile(pathname): return None with open(pathname, "r") as fstream: current_data = json.load(fstream) for result in current_data["results"]: result["test_file"] += ":" + task saved_data["failures"] += current_data["failures"] saved_data["results"] += current_data["results"] def main(): values, args = parse_command_line() # If a resmoke.py command wasn't passed in, use a simple version. if not args: args = ["python", "buildscripts/resmoke.py", "--repeat=2"] # Load the dict of tests to run. if values.test_list_file: tests_by_task = _load_tests_file(values.test_list_file) # If there are no tests to run, carry on. if tests_by_task is None: test_results = {"failures": 0, "results": []} _write_report_file(test_results, values.report_file) sys.exit(0) # Run the executor finder. else: # Parse the Evergreen project configuration file. evergreen_conf = evergreen.EvergreenProjectConfig(values.evergreen_file) if values.buildvariant is None: print "Option buildVariant must be specified to find changed tests.\n", \ "Select from the following: \n" \ "\t", "\n\t".join(sorted(evergreen_conf.variant_names)) sys.exit(1) changed_tests = find_changed_tests(values.branch, values.base_commit, values.max_revisions, values.buildvariant, values.check_evergreen) exclude_suites, exclude_tasks, exclude_tests = find_exclude_tests(values.selector_file) changed_tests = filter_tests(changed_tests, exclude_tests) # If there are no changed tests, exit cleanly. if not changed_tests: print "No new or modified tests found." if values.test_list_outfile is not None: _write_report_file({}, values.test_list_outfile) sys.exit(0) suites = resmokelib.suitesconfig.get_suites( suite_files=values.suite_files.split(","), test_files=changed_tests) tests_by_executor = create_executor_list(suites, exclude_suites) tests_by_task = create_task_list(evergreen_conf, values.buildvariant, tests_by_executor, exclude_tasks) if values.test_list_outfile is not None: _write_report_file(tests_by_task, values.test_list_outfile) # If we're not in noExec mode, run the tests. if not values.no_exec: test_results = {"failures": 0, "results": []} for task in sorted(tests_by_task): resmoke_cmd = copy.deepcopy(args) resmoke_cmd.extend(shlex.split(tests_by_task[task]["resmoke_args"])) resmoke_cmd.extend(tests_by_task[task]["tests"]) try: subprocess.check_call(resmoke_cmd, shell=False) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: print "Resmoke returned an error with task:", task _save_report_data(test_results, values.report_file, task) _write_report_file(test_results, values.report_file) sys.exit(err.returncode) _save_report_data(test_results, values.report_file, task) _write_report_file(test_results, values.report_file) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()