import os import sys import shutil import datetime import time import subprocess import urllib import urllib2 import json import pprint import boto import simples3 import pymongo def findSettingsSetup(): sys.path.append( "./" ) sys.path.append( "../" ) sys.path.append( "../../" ) sys.path.append( "../../../" ) findSettingsSetup() import settings import buildscripts.utils as utils import buildscripts.smoke as smoke bucket = simples3.S3Bucket( settings.emr_bucket , settings.emr_id , settings.emr_key ) def _get_status(): def gh( cmds ): txt = "" for cmd in cmds: res = utils.execsys( "git " + cmd ) txt = txt + res[0] + res[1] return utils.md5string( txt ) return "%s-%s" % ( utils.execsys( "git describe" )[0].strip(), gh( [ "diff" , "status" ] ) ) def _get_most_recent_tgz( prefix ): # this is icky, but works for now all = [] for x in os.listdir( "." ): if not x.startswith( prefix ) or not x.endswith( ".tgz" ): continue all.append( ( x , os.stat(x).st_mtime ) ) if len(all) == 0: raise Exception( "can't find file with prefix: " + prefix ) all.sort( lambda x,y: int(y[1] - x[1]) ) return all[0][0] def get_build_info(): return ( os.environ.get('MONGO_BUILDER_NAME') , os.environ.get('MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER') ) def make_tarball(): m = _get_most_recent_tgz( "mongodb-" ) c = "test-code-emr.tgz" tar = "tar zcf %s src jstests buildscripts" % c log_config = "" if os.path.exists( log_config ): os.unlink( log_config ) credentials = do_credentials() if credentials: builder , buildnum = get_build_info() if builder and buildnum: file = open( log_config , "wb" ) file.write( 'username="%s"\npassword="%s"\n' % credentials ) file.write( 'name="%s"\nnumber=%s\n'% ( builder , buildnum ) ) file.close() tar = tar + " " + log_config utils.execsys( tar ) return ( m , c ) def _put_ine( bucket , local , remote ): print( "going to put\n\t%s\n\t" % ( local , settings.emr_bucket , remote ) ) for x in bucket.listdir( prefix=remote ): print( "\talready existed" ) return remote bucket.put( remote , open( local , "rb" ).read() , acl="public-read" ) return remote def build_jar(): root = "build/emrjar" src = "buildscripts/emr" if os.path.exists( root ): shutil.rmtree( root ) os.makedirs( root ) for x in os.listdir( src ): if not x.endswith( ".java" ): continue shutil.copyfile( src + "/" + x , root + "/" + x ) shutil.copyfile( src + "/MANIFEST.MF" , root + "/MANIFEST.FM" ) classpath = os.listdir( src + "/lib" ) for x in classpath: shutil.copyfile( src + "/lib/" + x , root + "/" + x ) classpath.append( "." ) classpath = ":".join(classpath) for x in os.listdir( root ): if x.endswith( ".java" ): if [ "javac" , "-cp" , classpath , x ] , cwd=root) != 0: raise Exception( "compiled failed" ) args = [ "jar" , "-cfm" , "emr.jar" , "MANIFEST.FM" ] for x in os.listdir( root ): if x.endswith( ".class" ): args.append( x ) args , cwd=root ) shutil.copyfile( root + "/emr.jar" , "emr.jar" ) return "emr.jar" def push(): mongo , test_code = make_tarball() print( mongo ) print( test_code ) root = "emr/%s/%s" % ("%Y-%m-%d") , os.uname()[0].lower() ) def make_long_name(local,hash): pcs = local.rpartition( "." ) h = _get_status() if hash: h = utils.md5sum( local ) return "%s/%s-%s.%s" % ( root , pcs[0] , h , pcs[2] ) mongo = _put_ine( bucket , mongo , make_long_name( mongo , False ) ) test_code = _put_ine( bucket , test_code , make_long_name( test_code , True ) ) jar = build_jar() jar = _put_ine( bucket , jar , make_long_name( jar , False ) ) setup = "buildscripts/emr/" setup = _put_ine( bucket , setup , make_long_name( setup , True ) ) return mongo , test_code , jar , setup def run_tests( things , tests ): if len(tests) == 0: raise Exception( "no tests" ) oldNum = len(tests) tests = fix_suites( tests ) print( "tests expanded from %d to %d" % ( oldNum , len(tests) ) ) print( "things:%s\ntests:%s\n" % ( things , tests ) ) emr = boto.connect_emr( settings.emr_id , settings.emr_key ) def http(path): return "" % ( settings.emr_bucket , path ) run_s3_path = "emr/%s/%s/%s/" % ( os.getenv( "USER" ) , os.getenv( "HOST" ) , "%Y%m%d-%H%M" ) ) run_s3_root = "s3n://%s/%s/" % ( settings.emr_bucket , run_s3_path ) out = run_s3_root + "out" logs = run_s3_root + "logs" jar="s3n://%s/%s" % ( settings.emr_bucket , things[2] ) step_args=[ http(things[0]) , http(things[1]) , out , ",".join(tests) ] step = boto.emr.step.JarStep( "emr main" , jar=jar,step_args=step_args ) print( "jar:%s\nargs:%s" % ( jar , step_args ) ) setup = boto.emr.BootstrapAction( "setup" , "s3n://%s/%s" % ( settings.emr_bucket , things[3] ) , [] ) jobid = emr.run_jobflow( name = "Mongo EMR for %s from %s" % ( os.getenv( "USER" ) , os.getenv( "HOST" ) ) , ec2_keyname = "emr1" , slave_instance_type = "m1.large" , ami_version = "latest" , num_instances=5 , log_uri = logs , bootstrap_actions = [ setup ] , steps = [ step ] ) print( "%s jobid: %s" % ( , jobid ) ) while ( True ): flow = emr.describe_jobflow( jobid ) print( "%s status: %s" % ( , flow.state ) ) if flow.state == "COMPLETED" or flow.state == "FAILED": break time.sleep(30) syncdir = "build/emrout/" + jobid + "/" sync_s3( run_s3_path , syncdir ) final_out = "build/emrout/" + jobid + "/" print("output in: " + final_out ) do_output( final_out ) def sync_s3( remote_dir , local_dir ): for x in bucket.listdir( remote_dir ): out = local_dir + "/" + x[0] if os.path.exists( out ) and x[2].find( utils.md5sum( out ) ) >= 0: continue dir = out.rpartition( "/" )[0] if not os.path.exists( dir ): os.makedirs( dir ) thing = bucket.get( x[0] ) open( out , "wb" ).write( ) def fix_suites( suites ): fixed = [] for name,x in smoke.expand_suites( suites , False ): idx = name.find( "/jstests" ) if idx >= 0: name = name[idx+1:] fixed.append( name ) return fixed def do_credentials(): root = "buildbot.tac" while len(root) < 40 : if os.path.exists( root ): break root = "../" + root if not os.path.exists( root ): return None credentials = {} execfile(root, credentials, credentials) if "slavename" not in credentials: return None if "passwd" not in credentials: return None return ( credentials["slavename"] , credentials["passwd"] ) def do_output( dir ): def go_down( start ): lst = os.listdir(dir) if len(lst) != 1: raise Exception( "sad: " + start ) return start + "/" + lst[0] while "out" not in os.listdir( dir ): dir = go_down( dir ) dir = dir + "/out" pieces = os.listdir(dir) pieces.sort() passed = [] failed = [] times = {} for x in pieces: if not x.startswith( "part" ): continue full = dir + "/" + x for line in open( full , "rb" ): if line.find( "-passed" ) >= 0: passed.append( line.partition( "-passed" )[0] ) continue if line.find( "-failed" ) >= 0: failed.append( line.partition( "-failed" )[0] ) continue if line.find( "-time-seconds" ) >= 0: p = line.partition( "-time-seconds" ) times[p[0]] = p[2].strip() continue print( "\t" + line.strip() ) def print_list(name,lst): print( name ) for x in lst: print( "\t%s\t%s" % ( x , times[x] ) ) print_list( "passed" , passed ) print_list( "failed" , failed ) if do_credentials(): builder , buildnum = get_build_info() if builder and buildnum: conn = pymongo.Connection( "" ) db = conn.buildlogs q = { "builder" : builder , "buildnum" : int(buildnum) } doc = db.builds.find_one( q ) if doc: print( "\n" % doc["_id"] ) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 1: print( "need an arg" ) elif sys.argv[1] == "tarball": make_tarball() elif sys.argv[1] == "jar": build_jar() elif sys.argv[1] == "push": print( push() ) elif sys.argv[1] == "sync": sync_s3( sys.argv[2] , sys.argv[3] ) elif sys.argv[1] == "fix_suites": for x in fix_suites( sys.argv[2:] ): print(x) elif sys.argv[1] == "credentials": print( do_credentials() ) elif sys.argv[1] == "test": m , c = make_tarball() build_jar() cmd = [ "java" , "-cp" , os.environ.get( "CLASSPATH" , "." ) + ":emr.jar" , "emr" ] workingDir = "/data/emr/test" cmd.append( "--workingDir" ) cmd.append( workingDir ) if os.path.exists( workingDir ): shutil.rmtree( workingDir ) cmd.append( "file://" + os.getcwd() + "/" + m ) cmd.append( "file://" + os.getcwd() + "/" + c ) out = "/tmp/emrresults" cmd.append( out ) if os.path.exists( out ): shutil.rmtree( out ) cmd.append( "jstests/basic1.js" ) cmd ) for x in os.listdir( out ): if x.startswith( "." ): continue print( x ) for z in open( out + "/" + x ): print( "\t" + z.strip() ) elif sys.argv[1] == "output": do_output( sys.argv[2] ) elif sys.argv[1] == "full": things = push() run_tests( things , sys.argv[2:] ) else: things = push() run_tests( things , sys.argv[1:] )