#!/usr/bin/env python """Produces a report of all assertions in the MongoDB server codebase. Parses .cpp files for assertions and verifies assertion codes are distinct. Optionally replaces zero codes in source code with new distinct values. """ import bisect import os import sys import utils from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple from optparse import OptionParser try: import regex as re except ImportError: print("*** Run 'pip2 install --user regex' to speed up error code checking") import re ASSERT_NAMES = [ "uassert" , "massert", "fassert", "fassertFailed" ] MINIMUM_CODE = 10000 codes = [] # Each AssertLocation identifies the C++ source location of an assertion AssertLocation = namedtuple( "AssertLocation", ['sourceFile', 'byteOffset', 'lines', 'code'] ) list_files = False # Of historical interest only def assignErrorCodes(): cur = MINIMUM_CODE for root in ASSERT_NAMES: for x in utils.getAllSourceFiles(): print( x ) didAnything = False fixed = "" for line in open( x ): s = line.partition( root + "(" ) if s[1] == "" or line.startswith( "#define " + root): fixed += line continue fixed += s[0] + root + "( " + str( cur ) + " , " + s[2] cur = cur + 1 didAnything = True if didAnything: out = open( x , 'w' ) out.write( fixed ) out.close() def parseSourceFiles( callback ): """Walks MongoDB sourcefiles and invokes callback for each AssertLocation found.""" quick = ["assert", "Exception", "ErrorCodes::Error"] patterns = [ re.compile( r"(?:u|m(?:sg)?)asser(?:t|ted)(?:NoTrace)?\s*\(\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE ) , re.compile( r"(?:DB|Assertion)Exception\s*[({]\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE ), re.compile( r"fassert(?:Failed)?(?:WithStatus)?(?:NoTrace)?(?:StatusOK)?\s*\(\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE ), re.compile( r"ErrorCodes::Error\s*[({]\s*(\d+)", re.MULTILINE ) ] for sourceFile in utils.getAllSourceFiles(prefix='src/mongo/'): if list_files: print 'scanning file: ' + sourceFile with open(sourceFile) as f: text = f.read() if not any([zz in text for zz in quick]): continue matchiters = [p.finditer(text) for p in patterns] for matchiter in matchiters: for match in matchiter: code = match.group(1) codeOffset = match.start(1) # Note that this will include the text of the full match but will report the # position of the beginning of the code portion rather than the beginning of the # match. This is to position editors on the spot that needs to change. thisLoc = AssertLocation(sourceFile, codeOffset, text[match.start():match.end()], code) callback( thisLoc ) # Converts an absolute position in a file into a line number. def getLineAndColumnForPosition(loc, _file_cache={}): if loc.sourceFile not in _file_cache: with open(loc.sourceFile) as f: text = f.read() line_offsets = [0] for line in text.splitlines(True): line_offsets.append(line_offsets[-1] + len(line)) _file_cache[loc.sourceFile] = line_offsets # These are both 1-based, but line is handled by starting the list with 0. line = bisect.bisect(_file_cache[loc.sourceFile], loc.byteOffset) column = loc.byteOffset - _file_cache[loc.sourceFile][line - 1] + 1 return (line, column) def isTerminated( lines ): """Given .cpp/.h source lines as text, determine if assert is terminated.""" x = " ".join(lines) return ';' in x \ or x.count('(') - x.count(')') <= 0 def getNextCode(): """Finds next unused assertion code. Called by: SConstruct and main() Since SConstruct calls us, codes[] must be global OR WE REPARSE EVERYTHING """ if not len(codes) > 0: readErrorCodes() highest = reduce( lambda x, y: max(int(x), int(y)), (loc.code for loc in codes) ) return highest + 1 def checkErrorCodes(): """SConstruct expects a boolean response from this function. """ (codes, errors) = readErrorCodes() return len( errors ) == 0 def readErrorCodes(): """Defines callback, calls parseSourceFiles() with callback, and saves matches to global codes list. """ seen = {} errors = [] dups = defaultdict(list) # define callback def checkDups( assertLoc ): codes.append( assertLoc ) code = assertLoc.code if not code in seen: seen[code] = assertLoc else: if not code in dups: # on first duplicate, add original to dups, errors dups[code].append( seen[code] ) errors.append( seen[code] ) dups[code].append( assertLoc ) errors.append( assertLoc ) parseSourceFiles( checkDups ) if seen.has_key("0"): code = "0" bad = seen[code] errors.append( bad ) line, col = getLineAndColumnForPosition(bad) print( "ZERO_CODE:" ) print( " %s:%d:%d:%s" % (bad.sourceFile, line, col, bad.lines) ) for code, locations in dups.items(): print( "DUPLICATE IDS: %s" % code ) for loc in locations: line, col = getLineAndColumnForPosition(loc) print( " %s:%d:%d:%s" % (loc.sourceFile, line, col, loc.lines) ) return (codes, errors) def replaceBadCodes( errors, nextCode ): """Modifies C++ source files to replace invalid assertion codes. For now, we only modify zero codes. Args: errors: list of AssertLocation nextCode: int, next non-conflicting assertion code """ zero_errors = [e for e in errors if int(e.code) == 0] skip_errors = [e for e in errors if int(e.code) != 0] for loc in skip_errors: line, col = getLineAndColumnForPosition(loc) print ("SKIPPING NONZERO code=%s: %s:%d:%d" % (loc.code, loc.sourceFile, line, col)) # Dedupe, sort, and reverse so we don't have to update offsets as we go. for assertLoc in reversed(sorted(set(zero_errors))): (sourceFile, byteOffset, lines, code) = assertLoc lineNum, _ = getLineAndColumnForPosition(assertLoc) print "UPDATING_FILE: %s:%s" % (sourceFile, lineNum) ln = lineNum - 1 with open(sourceFile, 'r+') as f: print "LINE_%d_BEFORE:%s" % (lineNum, f.readlines()[ln].rstrip()) f.seek(0) text = f.read() assert text[byteOffset] == '0' f.seek(0) f.write(text[:byteOffset]) f.write(str(nextCode)) f.write(text[byteOffset+1:]) f.seek(0) print "LINE_%d_AFTER :%s" % (lineNum, f.readlines()[ln].rstrip()) nextCode += 1 def getBestMessage( lines , codeStr ): """Extracts message from one AssertionLocation.lines entry Args: lines: list of contiguous C++ source lines codeStr: assertion code found in first line """ line = lines if isinstance(lines, str) else " ".join(lines) err = line.partition( codeStr )[2] if not err: return "" # Trim to outer quotes m = re.search(r'"(.*)"', err) if not m: return "" err = m.group(1) # Trim inner quote pairs err = re.sub(r'" +"', '', err) err = re.sub(r'" *<< *"', '', err) err = re.sub(r'" *<<[^<]+<< *"', '', err) err = re.sub(r'" *\+[^+]+\+ *"', '', err) # Trim escaped quotes err = re.sub(r'\\"', '', err) # Iff doublequote still present, trim that and any trailing text err = re.sub(r'".*$', '', err) return err.strip() def main(): parser = OptionParser(description=__doc__.strip()) parser.add_option("--fix", dest="replace", action="store_true", default=False, help="Fix zero codes in source files [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", default=False, help="Suppress output on success [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--list-files", dest="list_files", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print the name of each file as it is scanned [default: %default]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() global list_files list_files = options.list_files (codes, errors) = readErrorCodes() ok = len(errors) == 0 if ok and options.quiet: return next = getNextCode() print("ok: %s" % ok) print("next: %s" % next) if ok: sys.exit(0) elif options.replace: replaceBadCodes(errors, next) else: print ERROR_HELP sys.exit(1) ERROR_HELP = """ ERRORS DETECTED. To correct, run "buildscripts/errorcodes.py --fix" to replace zero codes. Other errors require manual correction. """ if __name__ == "__main__": main()