#!/usr/bin/env python """ eslint.py Will download a prebuilt ESLint binary if necessary (i.e. it isn't installed, isn't in the current path, or is the wrong version). It works in much the same way as clang_format.py. In lint mode, it will lint the files or directory paths passed. In lint-patch mode, for upload.py, it will see if there are any candidate files in the supplied patch. Fix mode will run ESLint with the --fix option, and that will update the files with missing semicolons and similar repairable issues. There is also a -d mode that assumes you only want to run one copy of ESLint per file / directory parameter supplied. This lets ESLint search for candidate files to lint. """ import Queue import itertools import os import re import shutil import string import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile import threading import time import urllib from distutils import spawn from multiprocessing import cpu_count from optparse import OptionParser # Get relative imports to work when the package is not installed on the PYTHONPATH. if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None: sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__))))) from buildscripts.resmokelib.utils import globstar from buildscripts import moduleconfig ############################################################################## # # Constants for ESLint # # # Expected version of ESLint. ESLINT_VERSION = "2.3.0" # Name of ESLint as a binary. ESLINT_PROGNAME = "eslint" # URL location of our provided ESLint binaries. ESLINT_HTTP_LINUX_CACHE = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/boxes.10gen.com/build/eslint-" + \ ESLINT_VERSION + "-linux.tar.gz" ESLINT_HTTP_DARWIN_CACHE = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/boxes.10gen.com/build/eslint-" + \ ESLINT_VERSION + "-darwin.tar.gz" # Path in the tarball to the ESLint binary. ESLINT_SOURCE_TAR_BASE = string.Template(ESLINT_PROGNAME + "-$platform-$arch") # Path to the modules in the mongodb source tree. # Has to match the string in SConstruct. MODULE_DIR = "src/mongo/db/modules" def callo(args): """Call a program, and capture its output """ return subprocess.check_output(args) def extract_eslint(tar_path, target_file): tarfp = tarfile.open(tar_path) for name in tarfp.getnames(): if name == target_file: tarfp.extract(name) tarfp.close() def get_eslint_from_cache(dest_file, platform, arch): """Get ESLint binary from mongodb's cache """ # Get URL if platform == "Linux": url = ESLINT_HTTP_LINUX_CACHE elif platform == "Darwin": url = ESLINT_HTTP_DARWIN_CACHE else: raise ValueError('ESLint is not available as a binary for ' + platform) dest_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() temp_tar_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, "temp.tar.gz") # Download the file print("Downloading ESLint %s from %s, saving to %s" % (ESLINT_VERSION, url, temp_tar_file)) urllib.urlretrieve(url, temp_tar_file) eslint_distfile = ESLINT_SOURCE_TAR_BASE.substitute(platform=platform, arch=arch) extract_eslint(temp_tar_file, eslint_distfile) shutil.move(eslint_distfile, dest_file) class ESLint(object): """Class encapsulates finding a suitable copy of ESLint, and linting an individual file """ def __init__(self, path, cache_dir): eslint_progname = ESLINT_PROGNAME # Initialize ESLint configuration information if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): self.arch = "x86_64" self.tar_path = None elif sys.platform == "darwin": self.arch = "x86_64" self.tar_path = None self.path = None # Find ESLint now if path is not None: if os.path.isfile(path): self.path = path else: print("WARNING: Could not find ESLint at %s" % (path)) # Check the environment variable if "MONGO_ESLINT" in os.environ: self.path = os.environ["MONGO_ESLINT"] if self.path and not self._validate_version(warn=True): self.path = None # Check the user's PATH environment variable now if self.path is None: self.path = spawn.find_executable(eslint_progname) if self.path and not self._validate_version(warn=True): self.path = None # Have not found it yet, download it from the web if self.path is None: if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) self.path = os.path.join(cache_dir, eslint_progname) if not os.path.isfile(self.path): if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): get_eslint_from_cache(self.path, "Linux", self.arch) elif sys.platform == "darwin": get_eslint_from_cache(self.path, "Darwin", self.arch) else: print("ERROR: eslint.py does not support downloading ESLint " + "on this platform, please install ESLint " + ESLINT_VERSION) # Validate we have the correct version if not self._validate_version(): raise ValueError('correct version of ESLint was not found.') self.print_lock = threading.Lock() def _validate_version(self, warn=False): """Validate ESLint is the expected version """ esl_version = callo([self.path, "--version"]).rstrip() # Ignore the leading v in the version string. if ESLINT_VERSION == esl_version[1:]: return True if warn: print("WARNING: eslint found in path, but incorrect version found at " + self.path + " with version: " + esl_version) return False def _lint(self, file_name, print_diff): """Check the specified file for linting errors """ # ESLint returns non-zero on a linting error. That's all we care about # so only enter the printing logic if we have an error. try: eslint_output = callo([self.path, "-f", "unix", file_name]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if print_diff: # Take a lock to ensure error messages do not get mixed when printed to the screen with self.print_lock: print("ERROR: ESLint found errors in " + file_name) print(e.output) return False except: print("ERROR: ESLint process threw unexpected error", sys.exc_info()[0]) return False return True def lint(self, file_name): """Check the specified file has no linting errors """ return self._lint(file_name, print_diff=True) def autofix(self, file_name): """ Run ESLint in fix mode. """ return not subprocess.call([self.path, "--fix", file_name]) def parallel_process(items, func): """Run a set of work items to completion """ try: cpus = cpu_count() except NotImplementedError: cpus = 1 task_queue = Queue.Queue() # Use a list so that worker function will capture this variable pp_event = threading.Event() pp_result = [True] pp_lock = threading.Lock() def worker(): """Worker thread to process work items in parallel """ while not pp_event.is_set(): try: item = task_queue.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: # if the queue is empty, exit the worker thread pp_event.set() return try: ret = func(item) finally: # Tell the queue we finished with the item task_queue.task_done() # Return early if we fail, and signal we are done if not ret: with pp_lock: pp_result[0] = False pp_event.set() return # Enqueue all the work we want to process for item in items: task_queue.put(item) # Process all the work threads = [] for cpu in range(cpus): thread = threading.Thread(target=worker) thread.daemon = True thread.start() threads.append(thread) # Wait for the threads to finish # Loop with a timeout so that we can process Ctrl-C interrupts # Note: On Python 2.6 wait always returns None so we check is_set also, # This works because we only set the event once, and never reset it while not pp_event.wait(1) and not pp_event.is_set(): time.sleep(1) for thread in threads: thread.join() return pp_result[0] def get_base_dir(): """Get the base directory for mongo repo. This script assumes that it is running in buildscripts/, and uses that to find the base directory. """ try: return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']).rstrip() except: # We are not in a valid git directory. Use the script path instead. return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) def get_repos(): """Get a list of linked repos and directories to run ESLint on. """ base_dir = get_base_dir() # Get a list of modules # TODO: how do we filter rocks, does it matter? mongo_modules = moduleconfig.discover_module_directories( os.path.join(base_dir, MODULE_DIR), None) paths = [os.path.join(base_dir, MODULE_DIR, m) for m in mongo_modules] paths.append(base_dir) return [Repo(p) for p in paths] class Repo(object): """Class encapsulates all knowledge about a git repository, and its metadata to run ESLint. """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = path # Get candidate files self.candidate_files = self.get_candidate_files() self.root = self._get_root() def _callgito(self, args): """Call git for this repository """ # These two flags are the equivalent of -C in newer versions of Git # but we use these to support versions back to ~1.8 return callo(['git', '--git-dir', os.path.join(self.path, ".git"), '--work-tree', self.path] + args) def _get_local_dir(self, path): """Get a directory path relative to the git root directory """ if os.path.isabs(path): return os.path.relpath(path, self.root) return path def get_candidates(self, candidates): """Get the set of candidate files to check by doing an intersection between the input list, and the list of candidates in the repository Returns the full path to the files for ESLint to consume. """ # NOTE: Files may have an absolute root (i.e. leading /) if candidates is not None and len(candidates) > 0: candidates = [self._get_local_dir(f) for f in candidates] valid_files = list(set(candidates).intersection(self.get_candidate_files())) else: valid_files = list(self.get_candidate_files()) # Get the full file names here valid_files = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.root, f)) for f in valid_files] return valid_files def _get_root(self): """Gets the root directory for this repository from git """ gito = self._callgito(['rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']) return gito.rstrip() def get_candidate_files(self): """Query git to get a list of all files in the repo to consider for analysis """ gito = self._callgito(["ls-files"]) # This allows us to pick all the interesting files # in the mongo and mongo-enterprise repos file_list = [line.rstrip() for line in gito.splitlines() if "src/mongo" in line or "jstests" in line] files_match = re.compile('\\.js$') file_list = [a for a in file_list if files_match.search(a)] return file_list def expand_file_string(glob_pattern): """Expand a string that represents a set of files """ return [os.path.abspath(f) for f in globstar.iglob(glob_pattern)] def get_files_to_check(files): """Filter the specified list of files to check down to the actual list of files that need to be checked.""" candidates = [] # Get a list of candidate_files candidates = [expand_file_string(f) for f in files] candidates = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(candidates)) repos = get_repos() valid_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([r.get_candidates(candidates) for r in repos])) return valid_files def get_files_to_check_from_patch(patches): """Take a patch file generated by git diff, and scan the patch for a list of files to check. """ candidates = [] # Get a list of candidate_files check = re.compile(r"^diff --git a\/([\w\/\.\-]+) b\/[\w\/\.\-]+") lines = [] for patch in patches: with open(patch, "rb") as infile: lines += infile.readlines() candidates = [check.match(line).group(1) for line in lines if check.match(line)] repos = get_repos() valid_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([r.get_candidates(candidates) for r in repos])) return valid_files def _get_build_dir(): """Get the location of the scons build directory in case we need to download ESLint """ return os.path.join(get_base_dir(), "build") def _lint_files(eslint, files): """Lint a list of files with ESLint """ eslint = ESLint(eslint, _get_build_dir()) lint_clean = parallel_process([os.path.abspath(f) for f in files], eslint.lint) if not lint_clean: print("ERROR: ESLint found errors. Run ESLint manually to see errors in "\ "files that were skipped") sys.exit(1) return True def lint_patch(eslint, infile): """Lint patch command entry point """ files = get_files_to_check_from_patch(infile) # Patch may have files that we do not want to check which is fine if files: return _lint_files(eslint, files) return True def lint(eslint, dirmode, glob): """Lint files command entry point """ if dirmode and glob: files = glob else: files = get_files_to_check(glob) _lint_files(eslint, files) return True def _autofix_files(eslint, files): """Auto-fix the specified files with ESLint. """ eslint = ESLint(eslint, _get_build_dir()) autofix_clean = parallel_process([os.path.abspath(f) for f in files], eslint.autofix) if not autofix_clean: print("ERROR: failed to auto-fix files") return False def autofix_func(eslint, dirmode, glob): """Auto-fix files command entry point """ if dirmode: files = glob else: files = get_files_to_check(glob) return _autofix_files(eslint, files) def main(): """Main entry point """ success = False usage = "%prog [-e ] [-d] lint|lint-patch|fix [glob patterns] " description = "lint runs ESLint on provided patterns or all .js files under jstests/ "\ "and src/mongo. lint-patch runs ESLint against .js files modified in the "\ "provided patch file (for upload.py). "\ "fix runs ESLint with --fix on provided patterns "\ "or files under jstests/ and src/mongo." epilog ="*Unless you specify -d a separate ESLint process will be launched for every file" parser = OptionParser() parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description, epilog=epilog) parser.add_option("-e", "--eslint", type="string", dest="eslint", help="Fully qualified path to eslint executable",) parser.add_option("-d", "--dirmode", action="store_true", default=True, dest="dirmode", help="Considers the glob patterns as directories and runs ESLint process " \ "against each pattern",) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=sys.argv) if len(args) > 1: command = args[1] searchlist = args[2:] if not searchlist: searchlist = ["jstests/", "src/mongo/"] if command == "lint": success = lint(options.eslint, options.dirmode, searchlist) elif command == "lint-patch": if not args[2:]: success = False print("You must provide the patch's fully qualified file name with lint-patch") else: success = lint_patch(options.eslint, searchlist) elif command == "fix": success = autofix_func(options.eslint, options.dirmode, searchlist) else: parser.print_help() else: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0 if success else 1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()