#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Determine the timeout value a task should use in evergreen.""" import argparse import math import os import sys from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional import inject import structlog import yaml from pydantic import BaseModel from evergreen import EvergreenApi, RetryingEvergreenApi from buildscripts.ciconfig.evergreen import (EvergreenProjectConfig, parse_evergreen_file) from buildscripts.timeouts.timeout_service import (TimeoutParams, TimeoutService, TimeoutSettings) from buildscripts.util.cmdutils import enable_logging from buildscripts.util.taskname import determine_task_base_name LOGGER = structlog.get_logger(__name__) DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_OVERRIDES = "etc/evergreen_timeouts.yml" DEFAULT_EVERGREEN_CONFIG = "etc/evergreen.yml" DEFAULT_EVERGREEN_AUTH_CONFIG = "~/.evergreen.yml" COMMIT_QUEUE_ALIAS = "__commit_queue" UNITTEST_TASK = "run_unittests" IGNORED_SUITES = { "integration_tests_replset", "integration_tests_replset_ssl_auth", "integration_tests_sharded", "integration_tests_standalone", "integration_tests_standalone_audit", "mongos_test", "server_selection_json_test" } HISTORY_LOOKBACK = timedelta(weeks=2) COMMIT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT = timedelta(minutes=40) DEFAULT_REQUIRED_BUILD_TIMEOUT = timedelta(hours=1, minutes=20) DEFAULT_NON_REQUIRED_BUILD_TIMEOUT = timedelta(hours=2) # 2x the longest "run tests" phase for unittests as of c9bf1dbc9cc46e497b2f12b2d6685ef7348b0726, # which is 5 mins 47 secs, excluding outliers below UNITTESTS_TIMEOUT = timedelta(minutes=12) class TimeoutOverride(BaseModel): """ Specification for overriding a task timeout. * task: Name of task to overide. * exec_timeout: Value to override exec timeout with. * idle_timeout: Value to override idle timeout with. """ task: str exec_timeout: Optional[int] = None idle_timeout: Optional[int] = None def get_exec_timeout(self) -> Optional[timedelta]: """Get a timedelta of the exec timeout to use.""" if self.exec_timeout is not None: return timedelta(minutes=self.exec_timeout) return None def get_idle_timeout(self) -> Optional[timedelta]: """Get a timedelta of the idle timeout to use.""" if self.idle_timeout is not None: return timedelta(minutes=self.idle_timeout) return None class TimeoutOverrides(BaseModel): """Collection of timeout overrides to apply.""" overrides: Dict[str, List[TimeoutOverride]] @classmethod def from_yaml_file(cls, file_path: Path) -> "TimeoutOverrides": """Read the timeout overrides from the given file.""" with open(file_path) as file_handler: return cls(**yaml.safe_load(file_handler)) def _lookup_override(self, build_variant: str, task_name: str) -> Optional[TimeoutOverride]: """ Check if the given task on the given build variant has an override defined. Note: If multiple overrides are found, an exception will be raised. :param build_variant: Build Variant to check. :param task_name: Task name to check. :return: Timeout override if found. """ overrides = [ override for override in self.overrides.get(build_variant, []) if override.task == task_name ] if overrides: if len(overrides) > 1: LOGGER.error("Found multiple overrides for the same task", build_variant=build_variant, task=task_name, overrides=[override.dict() for override in overrides]) raise ValueError(f"Found multiple overrides for '{task_name}' on '{build_variant}'") return overrides[0] return None def lookup_exec_override(self, build_variant: str, task_name: str) -> Optional[timedelta]: """ Look up the exec timeout override of the given build variant/task. :param build_variant: Build Variant to check. :param task_name: Task name to check. :return: Exec timeout override if found. """ override = self._lookup_override(build_variant, task_name) if override is not None: return override.get_exec_timeout() return None def lookup_idle_override(self, build_variant: str, task_name: str) -> Optional[timedelta]: """ Look up the idle timeout override of the given build variant/task. :param build_variant: Build Variant to check. :param task_name: Task name to check. :return: Idle timeout override if found. """ override = self._lookup_override(build_variant, task_name) if override is not None: return override.get_idle_timeout() return None def _is_required_build_variant(build_variant: str) -> bool: """ Determine if the given build variants is a required build variant. :param build_variant: Name of build variant to check. :return: True if the given build variant is required. """ return build_variant.endswith("-required") def output_timeout(exec_timeout: timedelta, idle_timeout: Optional[timedelta], output_file: Optional[str]) -> None: """ Output timeout configuration to the specified location. :param exec_timeout: Exec timeout to output. :param idle_timeout: Idle timeout to output. :param output_file: Location of output file to write. """ output = { "exec_timeout_secs": math.ceil(exec_timeout.total_seconds()), } if idle_timeout is not None: output["timeout_secs"] = math.ceil(idle_timeout.total_seconds()) if output_file: with open(output_file, "w") as outfile: yaml.dump(output, stream=outfile, default_flow_style=False) yaml.dump(output, stream=sys.stdout, default_flow_style=False) class TaskTimeoutOrchestrator: """An orchestrator for determining task timeouts.""" @inject.autoparams() def __init__(self, timeout_service: TimeoutService, timeout_overrides: TimeoutOverrides, evg_project_config: EvergreenProjectConfig) -> None: """ Initialize the orchestrator. :param timeout_service: Service for calculating historic timeouts. :param timeout_overrides: Timeout overrides for specific tasks. """ self.timeout_service = timeout_service self.timeout_overrides = timeout_overrides self.evg_project_config = evg_project_config def determine_exec_timeout( self, task_name: str, variant: str, idle_timeout: Optional[timedelta] = None, exec_timeout: Optional[timedelta] = None, evg_alias: str = "") -> timedelta: """ Determine what exec timeout should be used. :param task_name: Name of task being run. :param variant: Name of build variant being run. :param idle_timeout: Idle timeout if specified. :param exec_timeout: Override to use for exec_timeout or 0 if no override. :param evg_alias: Evergreen alias running the task. :return: Exec timeout to use for running task. """ determined_timeout = DEFAULT_NON_REQUIRED_BUILD_TIMEOUT override = self.timeout_overrides.lookup_exec_override(variant, task_name) if exec_timeout and exec_timeout.total_seconds() != 0: LOGGER.info("Using timeout from cmd line", exec_timeout_secs=exec_timeout.total_seconds()) determined_timeout = exec_timeout elif task_name == UNITTEST_TASK and override is None: LOGGER.info("Overriding unittest timeout", exec_timeout_secs=UNITTESTS_TIMEOUT.total_seconds()) determined_timeout = UNITTESTS_TIMEOUT elif evg_alias == COMMIT_QUEUE_ALIAS: LOGGER.info("Overriding commit-queue timeout", exec_timeout_secs=COMMIT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT.total_seconds()) determined_timeout = COMMIT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT elif override is not None: LOGGER.info("Overriding configured timeout", exec_timeout_secs=override.total_seconds()) determined_timeout = override elif _is_required_build_variant(variant): LOGGER.info("Overriding required-builder timeout", exec_timeout_secs=DEFAULT_REQUIRED_BUILD_TIMEOUT.total_seconds()) determined_timeout = DEFAULT_REQUIRED_BUILD_TIMEOUT # The timeout needs to be at least as large as the idle timeout. if idle_timeout and determined_timeout.total_seconds() < idle_timeout.total_seconds(): LOGGER.info("Making exec timeout as large as idle timeout", exec_timeout_secs=idle_timeout.total_seconds()) return idle_timeout return determined_timeout def determine_idle_timeout(self, task_name: str, variant: str, idle_timeout: Optional[timedelta] = None) -> Optional[timedelta]: """ Determine what idle timeout should be used. :param task_name: Name of task being run. :param variant: Name of build variant being run. :param idle_timeout: Override to use for idle_timeout. :return: Idle timeout to use for running task. """ determined_timeout = None override = self.timeout_overrides.lookup_idle_override(variant, task_name) if idle_timeout and idle_timeout.total_seconds() != 0: LOGGER.info("Using timeout from cmd line", idle_timeout_secs=idle_timeout.total_seconds()) determined_timeout = idle_timeout elif override is not None: LOGGER.info("Overriding configured timeout", idle_timeout_secs=override.total_seconds()) determined_timeout = override return determined_timeout def determine_historic_timeout(self, task: str, variant: str, suite_name: str, exec_timeout_factor: Optional[float]) -> Optional[timedelta]: """ Calculate the timeout based on historic test results. :param task: Name of task to query. :param variant: Name of build variant to query. :param suite_name: Name of test suite being run. :param exec_timeout_factor: Scaling factor to use when determining timeout. """ if suite_name in IGNORED_SUITES: return None timeout_params = TimeoutParams( evg_project="mongodb-mongo-master", build_variant=variant, task_name=task, suite_name=suite_name, is_asan=self.is_build_variant_asan(variant), ) timeout_estimate = self.timeout_service.get_timeout_estimate(timeout_params) if timeout_estimate and timeout_estimate.is_specified(): exec_timeout = timeout_estimate.calculate_task_timeout( repeat_factor=1, scaling_factor=exec_timeout_factor) if exec_timeout is not None: LOGGER.info("Using historic based timeout", exec_timeout_secs=exec_timeout) return timedelta(seconds=exec_timeout) return None def is_build_variant_asan(self, build_variant: str) -> bool: """ Determine if the given build variant is an ASAN build variant. :param build_variant: Name of build variant to check. :return: True if build variant is an ASAN build variant. """ bv = self.evg_project_config.get_variant(build_variant) return bv.is_asan_build() def determine_timeouts(self, cli_idle_timeout: Optional[timedelta], cli_exec_timeout: Optional[timedelta], outfile: Optional[str], task: str, variant: str, evg_alias: str, suite_name: str, exec_timeout_factor: Optional[float]) -> None: """ Determine the timeouts to use for the given task and write timeouts to expansion file. :param cli_idle_timeout: Idle timeout specified by the CLI. :param cli_exec_timeout: Exec timeout specified by the CLI. :param outfile: File to write timeout expansions to. :param variant: Build variant task is being run on. :param evg_alias: Evergreen alias that triggered task. :param suite_name: Name of evergreen suite being run. :param exec_timeout_factor: Scaling factor to use when determining timeout. """ idle_timeout = self.determine_idle_timeout(task, variant, cli_idle_timeout) exec_timeout = self.determine_exec_timeout(task, variant, idle_timeout, cli_exec_timeout, evg_alias) historic_timeout = self.determine_historic_timeout(task, variant, suite_name, exec_timeout_factor) if historic_timeout: exec_timeout = historic_timeout output_timeout(exec_timeout, idle_timeout, outfile) def main(): """Determine the timeout value a task should use in evergreen.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=main.__doc__) parser.add_argument("--task-name", dest="task", required=True, help="Task being executed.") parser.add_argument("--suite-name", dest="suite_name", required=True, help="Resmoke suite being run against.") parser.add_argument("--build-variant", dest="variant", required=True, help="Build variant task is being executed on.") parser.add_argument("--evg-alias", dest="evg_alias", required=True, help="Evergreen alias used to trigger build.") parser.add_argument("--timeout", dest="timeout", type=int, help="Timeout to use (in sec).") parser.add_argument("--exec-timeout", dest="exec_timeout", type=int, help="Exec timeout to use (in sec).") parser.add_argument("--exec-timeout-factor", dest="exec_timeout_factor", type=float, help="Exec timeout factor to use (in sec).") parser.add_argument("--out-file", dest="outfile", help="File to write configuration to.") parser.add_argument("--timeout-overrides", dest="timeout_overrides_file", default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_OVERRIDES, help="File containing timeout overrides to use.") parser.add_argument("--evg-api-config", dest="evg_api_config", default=DEFAULT_EVERGREEN_AUTH_CONFIG, help="Evergreen API config file.") parser.add_argument("--evg-project-config", dest="evg_project_config", default=DEFAULT_EVERGREEN_CONFIG, help="Evergreen project config file.") options = parser.parse_args() end_date = datetime.now() start_date = end_date - HISTORY_LOOKBACK timeout_override = timedelta(seconds=options.timeout) if options.timeout else None exec_timeout_override = timedelta( seconds=options.exec_timeout) if options.exec_timeout else None task_name = determine_task_base_name(options.task, options.variant) timeout_overrides = TimeoutOverrides.from_yaml_file( os.path.expanduser(options.timeout_overrides_file)) enable_logging(verbose=False) def dependencies(binder: inject.Binder) -> None: binder.bind( EvergreenApi, RetryingEvergreenApi.get_api(config_file=os.path.expanduser(options.evg_api_config))) binder.bind(TimeoutSettings, TimeoutSettings(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)) binder.bind(TimeoutOverrides, timeout_overrides) binder.bind(EvergreenProjectConfig, parse_evergreen_file(os.path.expanduser(options.evg_project_config))) inject.configure(dependencies) task_timeout_orchestrator = inject.instance(TaskTimeoutOrchestrator) task_timeout_orchestrator.determine_timeouts( timeout_override, exec_timeout_override, options.outfile, task_name, options.variant, options.evg_alias, options.suite_name, options.exec_timeout_factor) if __name__ == "__main__": main()