#!/bin/bash # Create a git hook driver in this repo. The hook will run all # excutable scripts in the directory ~/.githooks//[HOOK_TRIGGER]/ # where HOOK_TRIGGER can be any one of the following: # https://git-scm.com/docs/githooks#_hooks # If you add a new type of HOOK_TRIGGER, this script needs to be run again. # Find out the repo name and where the .git directory is for this repo origin="$(git config remote.origin.url)" repo="$(basename -s .git $origin)" tld="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" # Location for the hooks. # WARNING: if you change this you'll need to change the value of the # "hooks_dir" variable in the heredoc below as well hooks_dir="$HOME/.githooks/$repo" tmp_hook=$(mktemp) usage() { echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-f|-h]" echo echo " git hooks in $tld/.git/hooks that run scripts in $hooks_dir" echo " -f force overwriting existing hooks" echo " -h print this help" echo return } if [ ! -d "$hooks_dir" ]; then # Bail out if the githooks directory doesn't exist. echo "Place your scripts in the directory $hooks_dir/[HOOK_TRIGGER]/ where [HOOK_TRIGGER] is the" echo "name of the git hook that you want your script to run under, like 'pre-push' or 'pre-commit'" echo echo "See the full list of git hooks here: https://git-scm.com/docs/githooks#_hooks" echo echo "Once you have placed your scripts, re-run this file." echo return fi # --- Command line options --- force=0 while getopts fh opt_arg; do case $opt_arg in f) force=1 ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1) # ---------------------------- set -e cat > $tmp_hook <<'EOF' #!/bin/bash # set GITHOOKS_QUIET to anything to anything to make this script quiet quiet=${GITHOOKS_QUIET:-""} [ -z "$quiet" ] && echo -e "[INFO] Starting up hook runner ..." origin="$(git config remote.origin.url)" repo="$(basename -s .git $origin)" this_script=$(basename "$0") hooks_dir=$HOME/.githooks/$repo/$this_script if [ ! -d "$hooks_dir" ]; then echo "[WARNING] Hooks directory doesn't exist: $hooks_dir. Running $this_script anyway" sleep 2 exit 0 fi num_hooks_run=0 all_hooks="$(/bin/ls -1 $hooks_dir 2>/dev/null)" for hook_name in $(echo $all_hooks) ; do hook_path=$hooks_dir/$hook_name if [ -e "$hook_path" ]; then [ -z "$quiet" ] && echo -e "[INFO] Running hook: $hook_path" $hook_path "$@" hook_status=$? num_hooks_run=$((num_hooks_run + 1)) if [ $hook_status -ne 0 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Hook $hook_path returned non-zero status: $hook_status" exit $hook_status else [ -z "$quiet" ] && echo "[INFO] Done." fi fi done if [ $num_hooks_run -eq 0 ]; then echo "[WARNING] Couldn't find any hooks to run in $hooks_dir. Running $this_script anyway" sleep 2 fi exit 0 EOF hook_types=($(ls -d $hooks_dir/*)) for cur_hook_full_path in "${hook_types[@]}" do cur_hook_type=$(basename $cur_hook_full_path) cur_hook_path="$tld/.git/hooks/$cur_hook_type" echo "Installing $cur_hook_type hook in $cur_hook_path ..." # If there's already a hook installed, bail out. We don't want to overwrite it. # (unless -f is passed in the command line) if [ -e "$cur_hook_path" -a $force -eq 0 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Found an existing $cur_hook_type hook: $cur_hook_path" exit 1 fi cp $tmp_hook $cur_hook_path chmod +x $cur_hook_path done rm $tmp_hook echo "Done."