"""Mypy linter support module.""" import os from typing import List from . import base class MypyLinter(base.LinterBase): """Mypy linter.""" def __init__(self): # type: () -> None """Create a mypy linter.""" # User can override the location of mypy from an environment variable. super(MypyLinter, self).__init__("mypy", "mypy 0.580", os.getenv("MYPY")) def get_lint_version_cmd_args(self): # type: () -> List[str] """Get the command to run a linter version check.""" return ["--version"] def get_lint_cmd_args(self, file_name): # type: (str) -> List[str] """Get the command to run a linter.""" # Only idl and linter should be type checked by mypy. Other # files return errors under python 3 type checking. If we # return an empty list the runner will skip this file. if 'idl' in file_name or 'linter' in file_name: return [file_name] return []