#!/usr/bin/python '''Helper script for constructing an archive (zip or tar) from a list of files. The output format (tar, tgz, zip) is determined from the file name, unless the user specifies --format on the command line. This script simplifies the specification of filename transformations, so that, e.g., src/mongo/foo.cpp and build/linux2/normal/buildinfo.cpp can get put into the same directory in the archive, perhaps mongodb-2.0.2/src/mongo. Usage: make_archive.py -o [--format (tar|tgz|zip)] \ [--transform match1=replacement1 [--transform match2=replacement2 [...]]] \ [...] If the input file names start with "@", the file is expected to contain a list of whitespace-separated file names to include in the archive. This helps get around the Windows command line length limit. Transformations are processed in command-line order and are short-circuiting. So, if a file matches match1, it is never compared against match2 or later. Matches are just python startswith() comparisons. For a detailed usage example, see src/SConscript.client or src/mongo/SConscript. ''' import optparse import os import sys import shlex import shutil import zipfile from subprocess import (Popen, PIPE, STDOUT) def main(argv): args = [] for arg in argv[1:]: if arg.startswith("@"): file_name = arg[1:] f_handle = open(file_name, "r") args.extend(s1.strip('"') for s1 in shlex.split(f_handle.readline(), posix=False)) f_handle.close() else: args.append(arg) opts = parse_options(args) if opts.archive_format in ('tar', 'tgz'): make_tar_archive(opts) elif opts.archive_format in ('zip'): make_zip_archive(opts) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported archive format "%s"' % opts.archive_format) def delete_directory(dir): '''Recursively deletes a directory and its contents. ''' try: shutil.rmtree(dir) except Exception: pass def make_tar_archive(opts): '''Given the parsed options, generates the 'opt.output_filename' tarball containing all the files in 'opt.input_filename' renamed according to the mappings in 'opts.transformations'. e.g. for an input file named "a/mongo/build/DISTSRC", and an existing transformation {"a/mongo/build": "release"}, the input file will be written to the tarball as "release/DISTSRC" All files to be compressed are copied into new directories as required by 'opts.transformations'. Once the tarball has been created, all temporary directory structures created for the purposes of compressing, are removed. ''' tar_options = "cvf" if opts.archive_format is 'tgz': tar_options += "z" # clean and create a temp directory to copy files to enclosing_archive_directory = os.path.join("build", "archive") delete_directory(enclosing_archive_directory) os.makedirs(enclosing_archive_directory) output_tarfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), opts.output_filename) tar_command = ["tar", tar_options, output_tarfile] for input_filename in opts.input_filenames: preferred_filename = get_preferred_filename(input_filename, opts.transformations) temp_file_location = os.path.join(enclosing_archive_directory, preferred_filename) enclosing_file_directory = os.path.dirname(temp_file_location) if not os.path.exists(enclosing_file_directory): os.makedirs(enclosing_file_directory) print "copying %s => %s" % (input_filename, temp_file_location) shutil.copy2(input_filename, temp_file_location) tar_command.append(preferred_filename) print " ".join(tar_command) # execute the full tar command run_directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), enclosing_archive_directory) proc = Popen(tar_command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, bufsize=0, cwd=run_directory) proc.wait() # delete temp directory delete_directory(enclosing_archive_directory) def make_zip_archive(opts): '''Given the parsed options, generates the 'opt.output_filename' zipfile containing all the files in 'opt.input_filename' renamed according to the mappings in 'opts.transformations'. All files in 'opt.output_filename' are renamed before being written into the zipfile. ''' archive = open_zip_archive_for_write(opts.output_filename) try: for input_filename in opts.input_filenames: archive.add(input_filename, arcname=get_preferred_filename(input_filename, opts.transformations)) finally: archive.close() def parse_options(args): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-o', dest='output_filename', default=None, help='Name of the archive to output.', metavar='FILE') parser.add_option('--format', dest='archive_format', default=None, choices=('zip', 'tar', 'tgz'), help='Format of archive to create. ' 'If omitted, use the suffix of the output filename to decide.') parser.add_option('--transform', action='append', dest='transformations', default=[]) (opts, input_filenames) = parser.parse_args(args) opts.input_filenames = [] for input_filename in input_filenames: if input_filename.startswith('@'): opts.input_filenames.extend(open(input_filename[1:], 'r').read().split()) else: opts.input_filenames.append(input_filename) if opts.output_filename is None: parser.error('-o switch is required') if opts.archive_format is None: if opts.output_filename.endswith('.zip'): opts.archive_format = 'zip' elif opts.output_filename.endswith('tar.gz') or opts.output_filename.endswith('.tgz'): opts.archive_format = 'tgz' elif opts.output_filename.endswith('.tar'): opts.archive_format = 'tar' else: parser.error('Could not deduce archive format from output filename "%s"' % opts.output_filename) try: opts.transformations = [ xform.replace(os.path.altsep or os.path.sep, os.path.sep).split('=', 1) for xform in opts.transformations] except Exception, e: parser.error(e) return opts def open_zip_archive_for_write(filename): '''Open a zip archive for writing and return it. ''' # Infuriatingly, Zipfile calls the "add" method "write", but they're otherwise identical, # for our purposes. WrappedZipFile is a minimal adapter class. class WrappedZipFile(zipfile.ZipFile): def add(self, filename, arcname): return self.write(filename, arcname) return WrappedZipFile(filename, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) def get_preferred_filename(input_filename, transformations): '''Does a prefix subsitution on 'input_filename' for the first matching transformation in 'transformations' and returns the substituted string ''' for match, replace in transformations: match_lower = match.lower() input_filename_lower = input_filename.lower() if input_filename_lower.startswith(match_lower): return replace + input_filename[len(match):] return input_filename if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv) sys.exit(0)