"""Utility functions for SCons to discover and configure MongoDB modules. A MongoDB module is an organized collection of source code and build rules that can be provided at compile-time to alter or extend the behavior of MongoDB. The files comprising a single MongoDB module are arranged in a directory hierarchy, rooted in a directory whose name is by convention the module name, and containing in that root directory at least two files: a build.py file and a SConscript file. MongoDB modules are discovered by a call to the discover_modules() function, whose sole parameter is the directory which is the immediate parent of all module directories. The exact directory is chosen by the SConstruct file, which is the direct consumer of this python module. The only rule is that it must be a subdirectory of the src/ directory, to correctly work with the SCons variant directory system that separates build products for source. Once discovered, modules are configured by the configure_modules() function, and the build system integrates their SConscript files into the rest of the build. MongoDB module build.py files implement a single function, configure(conf, env), which they may use to configure the supplied "env" object. The configure functions may add extra LIBDEPS to mongod, mongos and the mongo shell (TODO: other mongo tools and the C++ client), and through those libraries alter those programs' behavior. MongoDB module SConscript files can describe libraries, programs and unit tests, just as other MongoDB SConscript files do. """ __all__ = ('discover_modules', 'configure_modules', 'register_module_test') import imp import inspect import os def discover_modules(module_root, allowed_modules): """Scans module_root for subdirectories that look like MongoDB modules. Returns a list of imported build.py module objects. """ found_modules = [] if allowed_modules is not None: allowed_modules = allowed_modules.split(',') if not os.path.isdir(module_root): return found_modules for name in os.listdir(module_root): root = os.path.join(module_root, name) if name.startswith('.') or not os.path.isdir(root): continue build_py = os.path.join(root, 'build.py') module = None if allowed_modules is not None and name not in allowed_modules: print "skipping module: %s" % name continue if os.path.isfile(build_py): print "adding module: %s" % name fp = open(build_py, "r") try: module = imp.load_module("module_" + name, fp, build_py, (".py", "r", imp.PY_SOURCE)) if getattr(module, "name", None) is None: module.name = name found_modules.append(module) finally: fp.close() return found_modules def configure_modules(modules, conf): """ Run the configure() function in the build.py python modules for each module in "modules" (as created by discover_modules). The configure() function should prepare the Mongo build system for building the module. """ for module in modules: name = module.name print "configuring module: %s" % name root = os.path.dirname(module.__file__) module.configure(conf, conf.env) def get_module_sconscripts(modules): sconscripts = [] for m in modules: module_dir_path = __get_src_relative_path(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(m.__file__))) sconscripts.append(os.path.join(module_dir_path, 'SConscript')) return sconscripts def __get_src_relative_path(path): """Return a path relative to ./src. The src directory is important because of its relationship to BUILD_DIR, established in the SConstruct file. For variant directories to work properly in SCons, paths relative to the src or BUILD_DIR must often be generated. """ src_dir = os.path.abspath('src') path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(path)) if not path.startswith(src_dir): raise ValueError('Path "%s" is not relative to the src directory "%s"' % (path, src_dir)) result = path[len(src_dir) + 1:] return result def __get_module_path(module_frame_depth): """Return the path to the MongoDB module whose build.py is executing "module_frame_depth" frames above this function, relative to the "src" directory. """ module_filename = inspect.stack()[module_frame_depth + 1][1] return os.path.dirname(__get_src_relative_path(module_filename)) def __get_module_src_path(module_frame_depth): """Return the path relative to the SConstruct file of the MongoDB module's source tree. module_frame_depth is the number of frames above the current one in which one can find a function from the MongoDB module's build.py function. """ return os.path.join('src', __get_module_path(module_frame_depth + 1)) def __get_module_build_path(module_frame_depth): """Return the path relative to the SConstruct file of the MongoDB module's build tree. module_frame_depth is the number of frames above the current one in which one can find a function from the MongoDB module's build.py function. """ return os.path.join('$BUILD_DIR', __get_module_path(module_frame_depth + 1)) def get_current_module_src_path(): """Return the path relative to the SConstruct file of the current MongoDB module's source tree. May only meaningfully be called from within build.py """ return __get_module_src_path(1) def get_current_module_build_path(): """Return the path relative to the SConstruct file of the current MongoDB module's build tree. May only meaningfully be called from within build.py """ return __get_module_build_path(1) def get_current_module_libdep_name(libdep_rel_path): """Return a $BUILD_DIR relative path to a "libdep_rel_path", where "libdep_rel_path" is specified relative to the MongoDB module's build.py file. May only meaningfully be called from within build.py """ return os.path.join(__get_module_build_path(1), libdep_rel_path)