#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Script for symbolizing multithread MongoDB stack traces. Accepts mongod multithread stacktrace lines. These are produced by hitting mongod with SIGUSR2. Assembles json documents which are fed to the mongosymb library. See mongosymb.py. """ import argparse import json import re import subprocess import sys import mongosymb def main(): """Execute Main program.""" parent_parser = mongosymb.make_argument_parser(add_help=False) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[parent_parser], description=__doc__, add_help=True) options = parser.parse_args() # Remember the prologue between lines, # Prologue defines the library ids referred to by each record line. prologue = None for line in sys.stdin: try: doc = json.JSONDecoder().raw_decode(line)[0] if "attr" not in doc: continue attr = doc["attr"] if "prologue" in attr: prologue = attr["prologue"] # "threadRecord" is an older name for "record". # Accept either name. for record_field_name in ("record", "threadRecord"): if record_field_name not in attr: continue thread_record = attr[record_field_name] merged = {**thread_record, **prologue} output_fn = None if options.output_format == 'json': output_fn = json.dump if options.output_format == 'classic': output_fn = mongosymb.classic_output resolver = None if options.debug_file_resolver == 'path': resolver = mongosymb.PathDbgFileResolver(options.path_to_executable) elif options.debug_file_resolver == 's3': resolver = mongosymb.S3BuildidDbgFileResolver(options.s3_cache_dir, options.s3_bucket) frames = mongosymb.symbolize_frames(merged, resolver, **vars(options)) print("\nthread {{name='{}', tid={}}}:".format(thread_record["name"], thread_record["tid"])) output_fn(frames, sys.stdout, indent=2) except json.JSONDecodeError: print("failed to parse line: `{}`".format(line), file=sys.stderr) if __name__ == '__main__': main() sys.exit(0)