import argparse import dataclasses import json import logging import os import platform import sys import time import traceback import uuid from concurrent import futures from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple, Set import docker import docker.errors import requests from docker.client import DockerClient from docker.models.containers import Container from docker.models.images import Image from simple_report import Result, Report root = logging.getLogger() root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s]%(levelname)s:%(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) root.addHandler(handler) PACKAGE_MANAGER_COMMANDS = { "apt": { "update": "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && apt-get update -y", "install": "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && apt-get install -y {}", }, "yum": { "update": "yum update -y", "install": "yum install -y {}", }, "zypper": { "update": "zypper -n update", "install": "zypper -n install {}", }, } # Lookup table used when building and running containers # os_name, Optional[(base_image, package_manager, frozenset(base_packages), python_command)] OS_DOCKER_LOOKUP = { 'amazon': None, 'amzn64': None, 'amazon2': ('amazonlinux:2', "yum", frozenset(["python", "python3", "wget", "pkgconfig", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'amazon2022': ('amazonlinux:2022', "yum", frozenset( ["python", "python3", "wget", "pkgconfig", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'debian10': ('debian:10-slim', "apt", frozenset(["python", "python3", "wget", "pkg-config", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'debian11': ('debian:11-slim', "apt", frozenset([ "python3", "python-is-python3", "wget", "pkg-config", "systemd", "procps", "file" ]), "python3"), 'debian71': ('debian:7-slim', "apt", frozenset(["python", "python3", "wget", "pkg-config", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'debian81': ('debian:8-slim', "apt", frozenset(["python", "python3", "wget", "pkg-config", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'debian92': ('debian:9-slim', "apt", frozenset(["python", "python3", "wget", "pkg-config", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'linux_i686': None, 'linux_x86_64': None, 'macos': None, 'osx': None, 'osx-ssl': None, 'rhel55': None, 'rhel57': None, 'rhel62': None, 'rhel70': ('centos:7', "yum", frozenset(["rh-python38.x86_64", "wget", "pkgconfig", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "/opt/rh/rh-python38/root/usr/bin/python3"), 'rhel71': ('centos:7', "yum", frozenset(["rh-python38.x86_64", "wget", "pkgconfig", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "/opt/rh/rh-python38/root/usr/bin/python3"), 'rhel72': ('centos:7', "yum", frozenset(["rh-python38.x86_64", "wget", "pkgconfig", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "/opt/rh/rh-python38/root/usr/bin/python3"), 'rhel80': ('almalinux:8', "yum", frozenset(["python3", "wget", "pkgconfig", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'rhel81': ('almalinux:8', "yum", frozenset(["python3", "wget", "pkgconfig", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'rhel82': ('almalinux:8', "yum", frozenset(["python3", "wget", "pkgconfig", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'rhel83': ('almalinux:8', "yum", frozenset(["python3", "wget", "pkgconfig", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'rhel90': ('almalinux:9', "yum", frozenset(["python3", "wget", "pkgconfig", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'sunos5': None, 'suse11': None, 'suse12': None, 'suse15': ('', "zypper", frozenset(["python3", "wget", "pkg-config", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), # Has the same error as above 'ubuntu1204': None, 'ubuntu1404': None, 'ubuntu1604': ('ubuntu:16.04', "apt", frozenset( ["python", "python3", "wget", "pkg-config", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'ubuntu1804': ('ubuntu:18.04', "apt", frozenset( ["python", "python3", "wget", "pkg-config", "systemd", "procps", "file"]), "python3"), 'ubuntu2004': ('ubuntu:20.04', "apt", frozenset([ "python3", "python-is-python3", "wget", "pkg-config", "systemd", "procps", "file" ]), "python3"), 'ubuntu2204': ('ubuntu:22.04', "apt", frozenset([ "python3", "python-is-python3", "wget", "pkg-config", "systemd", "procps", "file" ]), "python3"), 'windows': None, 'windows_i686': None, 'windows_x86_64': None, 'windows_x86_64-2008plus': None, 'windows_x86_64-2008plus-ssl': None, 'windows_x86_64-2012plus': None, } VERSIONS_TO_SKIP = set(['3.0.15', '3.2.22', '3.4.24', '3.6.23', '4.0.28']) # TODO(SERVER-70016) These can be deleted once these versions are no longer is current.json DISABLED_TESTS = [("amazon2", "4.4.16"), ("amazon2", "4.4.17-rc2"), ("amazon2", "4.2.23-rc0"), ("amazon2", "4.2.23-rc1"), ("amazon2", "4.2.22")] @dataclasses.dataclass class Test: """Class to track a single test.""" os_name: str version: str base_image: str = dataclasses.field(default="", repr=False) package_manager: str = dataclasses.field(default="", repr=False) update_command: str = dataclasses.field(default="", repr=False) install_command: str = dataclasses.field(default="", repr=False) base_packages: List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) python_command: str = dataclasses.field(default="", repr=False) packages_urls: List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) packages_paths: List[Path] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) def __post_init__(self) -> None: assert OS_DOCKER_LOOKUP[self.os_name] is not None self.base_image = OS_DOCKER_LOOKUP[self.os_name][0] self.package_manager = OS_DOCKER_LOOKUP[self.os_name][1] self.base_packages = list(OS_DOCKER_LOOKUP[self.os_name][2]) self.python_command = OS_DOCKER_LOOKUP[self.os_name][3] self.update_command = PACKAGE_MANAGER_COMMANDS[self.package_manager]["update"] self.install_command = PACKAGE_MANAGER_COMMANDS[self.package_manager]["install"] def __repr__(self) -> str: ret = f"\nTest:\n\tos: {self.os_name}\n" ret += f"image: {self.base_image}\n" ret += f"\tversion: {self.version}\n" ret += f"\tpackages_urls: {self.packages_urls}\n" ret += f"\tpackages_paths: {self.packages_paths}\n" return ret def name(self) -> str: return self.os_name + "-" + self.version def get_image(test: Test, client: DockerClient) -> Image: tries = 1 while True: try:"Pulling base image for %s: %s, try %s", test.os_name, test.base_image, tries) base_image = client.images.pull(test.base_image) except docker.errors.ImageNotFound as exc: if tries >= 5: logging.error("Base image %s not found after %s tries", test.base_image, tries) raise exc else: return base_image finally: tries += 1 time.sleep(1) def join_commands(commands: List[str], sep: str = ' && ') -> str: return sep.join(commands) def run_test(test: Test, client: DockerClient) -> Result: result = Result(status="pass",, start=time.time(), log_raw="") log_name = f"logs/{test.os_name}_{test.version}_{uuid.uuid4().hex}.log" test_docker_root = Path("/mnt/package_test").resolve() log_docker_path = Path.joinpath(test_docker_root, log_name) test_external_root = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() logging.debug(test_external_root) log_external_path = Path.joinpath(test_external_root, log_name) commands: List[str] = [] if test.os_name.startswith('rhel'): if test.os_name.startswith('rhel7'): # RHEL 7 needs the SCL installed for Python 3 commands += [ "yum -y install centos-release-scl", "yum-config-manager --enable centos-sclo-rh", ] # RHEL distros need EPEL for Compass dependencies commands += [ "yum -y install yum-utils epel-release", "yum-config-manager --enable epel", ] commands += [ test.update_command, test.install_command.format(" ".join(test.base_packages)), ] if test.python_command != 'python3': commands.append(f"ln -s {test.python_command} /usr/bin/python3") os.makedirs(log_external_path.parent, exist_ok=True) commands.append( f"python3 /mnt/package_test/ {log_docker_path} {' '.join(test.packages_urls)}" ) logging.debug("Attempting to run the following docker commands:\n\t%s", join_commands(commands, sep='\n\t')) image: Image | None = None container: Container | None = None try: image = get_image(test, client) container =, command=f"bash -c \"{join_commands(commands)}\"", auto_remove=True, detach=True, volumes=[f'{test_external_root}:{test_docker_root}']) for log in container.logs(stream=True): result["log_raw"] += log.decode('UTF-8') # This is pretty verbose, lets run this way for a while and we can delete this if it ends up being too much logging.debug(log.decode('UTF-8').strip()) exit_code = container.wait() result["exit_code"] = exit_code['StatusCode'] except docker.errors.APIError as exc: traceback.print_exception(type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__) logging.error("Failed to start test") result["end"] = time.time() result['status'] = 'fail' result["exit_code"] = 1 return result try: with open(log_external_path, 'r') as log_raw: result["log_raw"] += except OSError as oserror: logging.error("Failed to open %s with error %s", log_external_path, oserror) if exit_code['StatusCode'] != 0: logging.error("Failed test %s with exit code %s", test, exit_code) result['status'] = 'fail' result["end"] = time.time() return result"Attempting to download current mongo releases json") r = requests.get('') current_releases = r.json()"Attempting to download current mongo tools releases json") r = requests.get('') current_tools_releases = r.json()"Attempting to download current mongosh releases json") r = requests.get('') mongosh_releases = r.json() def iterate_over_downloads() -> Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]: # TODO: TOOLS-3204 - we need to sub the arch alias until package # rchitectures are named consistently with the server packages for version in current_releases["versions"]: for download in version["downloads"]: if download["edition"] == "source": continue if version["version"] in VERSIONS_TO_SKIP: continue download["version"] = version["version"] yield download def get_tools_package(arch_name: str, os_name: str) -> Optional[str]: # TODO: MONGOSH-1308 - we need to sub the arch alias until package # architectures are named consistently with the server packages if arch_name == "aarch64" and os_name != "amazon2": arch_name = "arm64" for download in current_tools_releases["versions"][0]["downloads"]: if download["name"] == os_name and download["arch"] == arch_name: return download["package"]["url"] return None def get_mongosh_package(arch_name: str, os_name: str) -> Optional[str]: if arch_name == "aarch64": arch_name = "arm64" if arch_name in ("x86_64", "amd64"): arch_name = "x64" pkg_ext = "rpm" if "debian" in os_name or "ubuntu" in os_name: pkg_ext = "deb" for platform_type in mongosh_releases["versions"][0]["platform"]: if platform_type["os"] == pkg_ext and platform_type["arch"] == arch_name: return platform_type["download_link"] return None def get_arch_aliases(arch_name: str) -> List[str]: if arch_name in ('amd64', 'x86_64'): return ['amd64', 'x86_64'] if arch_name in ('ppc64le', 'ppc64el'): return ['ppc64le', 'ppc64el'] return [arch_name] arches: Set[str] = set() oses: Set[str] = set() editions: Set[str] = set() versions: Set[str] = set() for dl in iterate_over_downloads(): editions.add(dl["edition"]) arches.add(dl["arch"]) oses.add(dl["target"]) versions.add(dl["version"]) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Test packages on various hosts. This will spin up docker containers and test the installs.') parser.add_argument("--arch", type=str, help="Arch of host machine to use", choices=["auto"] + list(arches), default="auto") parser.add_argument( "--os", type=str, help= "OS of docker image to run test(s) on. All means run all os tests on this arch. None means run no os test on this arch (except for one specified in extra-packages.", choices=["all", "none"] + list(oses), default="all") parser.add_argument( "-e", "--extra-test", type=str, help= "Space-separated tuple of (test_os, package_archive_path). For example ubuntu2004,${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/artifacts/${build_id}-packages.tgz.", action='append', nargs=2, default=[]) args = parser.parse_args() mongo_os: str = args.os extra_tests: List[Tuple[str, str]] = args.extra_test arch: str = args.arch if arch == "auto": arch = platform.machine() tests: List[Test] = [] for extra_test in extra_tests: test_os = extra_test[0][1]) urls: List[str] = [extra_test[1]] if test_os not in OS_DOCKER_LOOKUP: logging.error("We have not seen this OS %s before, please add it to OS_DOCKER_LOOKUP", test_os) sys.exit(1) if not OS_DOCKER_LOOKUP[test_os]:"Skipping test on target because the OS has no associated container %s->???", test_os) continue tools_package = get_tools_package(arch, test_os) mongosh_package = get_mongosh_package(arch, test_os) if tools_package: urls.append(tools_package) else: logging.error("Could not find tools package for %s and %s", arch, test_os) sys.exit(1) if mongosh_package: urls.append(mongosh_package) else: logging.error("Could not find mongosh package for %s and %s", arch, test_os) sys.exit(1) tests.append(Test(os_name=test_os, version="custom", packages_urls=urls)) # If os is None we only want to do the tests specified in the arguments if mongo_os != "none": for dl in iterate_over_downloads(): if mongo_os not in ["all", dl["target"]]: continue # amd64 and x86_64 should be treated as aliases of each other if dl["arch"] not in get_arch_aliases(arch): continue if not OS_DOCKER_LOOKUP[dl["target"]]: "Skipping test on target because the OS has no associated container %s->??? on mongo version %s", dl['target'], dl['version']) continue if "packages" not in dl: "Skipping test on target because there are no packages %s->??? on mongo version %s", dl['target'], dl['version']) continue if (dl["target"], dl["version"]) in DISABLED_TESTS: continue tests.append( Test(os_name=dl["target"], packages_urls=dl["packages"], version=dl["version"])) docker_client = docker.client.from_env() docker_username = os.environ.get('docker_username') docker_password = os.environ.get('docker_password') if all((docker_username, docker_password)):"Logging into") response = docker_client.login(username=docker_username, password=docker_password) logging.debug("Login response: %s", response) else: logging.warning("Skipping docker login") report = Report(results=[], failures=0) with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as tpe: test_futures = [tpe.submit(run_test, test, docker_client) for test in tests] completed_tests = 0 # pylint: disable=invalid-name for f in futures.as_completed(test_futures): completed_tests += 1 test_result = f.result() if test_result["exit_code"] != 0: report["failures"] += 1 report["results"].append(test_result)"Completed %s/%s tests", completed_tests, len(test_futures)) with open("report.json", "w") as fh: json.dump(report, fh) if report["failures"] == 0:"All %s tests passed :)", len(report['results'])) sys.exit(0) else: success_count = sum([1 for test_result in report["results"] if test_result["exit_code"] == 0])"%s/%s tests passed", success_count, len(report['results'])) sys.exit(1)