# This script needs to be compatible with odler versions of python since it runs on older versions of OSs when testing packaging # For example ubuntu 1604 uses python3.5 import sys import subprocess import tarfile import logging from logging.handlers import WatchedFileHandler from typing import List root = logging.getLogger() root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) stdout_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler = WatchedFileHandler(sys.argv[1], mode='w') file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s]%(levelname)s:%(message)s') stdout_handler.setFormatter(formatter) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) root.addHandler(stdout_handler) root.addHandler(file_handler) def run_and_log(cmd: str, end_on_error: bool = True) -> 'subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes]': proc = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # pylint: disable=subprocess-run-check logging.debug(cmd) logging.debug(proc.stdout.decode("UTF-8").strip()) if end_on_error and proc.returncode != 0: logging.error("Command %s failed, failing test\n", cmd) raise RuntimeError("Command failed") return proc def download_extract_package(package: str) -> List[str]: # Use wget here because using urllib we get errors like the following # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27835619/urllib-and-ssl-certificate-verify-failed-error run_and_log("wget -q \"{}\"".format(package)) downloaded_file = package.split('/')[-1] if not package.endswith(".tgz"): return [downloaded_file] extracted_paths = [] with tarfile.open(downloaded_file) as tf: for member in tf.getmembers(): if member.name.endswith('.deb') or member.name.endswith('.rpm'): extracted_paths.append(member.name) tf.extractall() return extracted_paths def run_apt_test(packages: List[str]): logging.info("Detected apt running test.") install_together = "" for package in packages: deb_names = download_extract_package(package) for deb_name in deb_names: install_together += "./" + deb_name + " " run_and_log("DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y {}".format(install_together)) def run_yum_test(packages: List[str]): logging.info("Detected yum running test.") install_together = "" for package in packages: rpm_names = download_extract_package(package) install_together += ' '.join(rpm_names) + " " run_and_log("yum install -y {}".format(install_together)) def run_zypper_test(packages: List[str]): logging.info("Detected zypper running test.") install_together = "" for package in packages: rpm_names = download_extract_package(package) install_together += ' '.join(rpm_names) + " " run_and_log("zypper -n --no-gpg-checks install {}".format(install_together)) def run_startup_test(): logging.info("Starting mongod.") # TODO SERVER-70425: We can remove these once we have figured out why # packager.py sometimes uses distro files from older revisions. # Remove the PIDFile, PermissionsStartOnly, and Type configurations from # the systemd service file because they are not needed for simple-type # (non-forking) services and confuse the systemd emulator script. run_and_log( "sed -Ei '/^PIDFile=|PermissionsStartOnly=|Type=/d' $(pkg-config systemd --variable=systemdsystemunitdir)/mongod.service" ) # Remove the journal: line (and the next) from mongod.conf, which is a # removed configuration. The Debian version of the config never got updated. run_and_log("sed -i '/journal:/,+1d' /etc/mongod.conf") # Remove fork: and pidFilePath: from mongod.conf because we want mongod to be # a non-forking service under systemd. run_and_log("sed -Ei '/fork:|pidFilePath:/d' /etc/mongod.conf") # Overwrite the installed systemd with the emulator script and set up # the required symlinks so it all works correctly. # TODO SERVER-70426: Remove these when we have a fake systemd package # that does all of this for us. run_and_log("ln -sf /usr/bin/systemctl3.py /bin/systemctl") run_and_log("ln -sf /usr/bin/systemctl3.py /usr/bin/systemctl") run_and_log("ln -sf /usr/bin/systemctl3.py /bin/systemd") run_and_log("ln -sf /usr/bin/systemctl3.py /usr/bin/systemd") run_and_log("ln -sf /usr/bin/journalctl3.py /bin/journalctl") run_and_log("ln -sf /usr/bin/journalctl3.py /usr/bin/journalctl") run_and_log("systemctl enable mongod.service") run_and_log("systemctl start mongod.service") package_urls = sys.argv[2:] if len(package_urls) == 0: logging.error("No packages to test... Failing test") sys.exit(1) apt_proc = run_and_log("apt --help", end_on_error=False) yum_proc = run_and_log("yum --help", end_on_error=False) zypper_proc = run_and_log("zypper -n --help", end_on_error=False) # zypper if apt_proc.returncode == 0: run_apt_test(packages=package_urls) elif yum_proc.returncode == 0: run_yum_test(packages=package_urls) elif zypper_proc.returncode == 0: run_zypper_test(packages=package_urls) else: logging.error("Found no supported package manager...Failing Test\n") sys.exit(1) run_startup_test() sys.exit(0)