#!/usr/bin/python # This program makes Debian and RPM repositories for MongoDB, by # downloading our tarballs of statically linked executables and # insinuating them into Linux packages. It must be run on a # Debianoid, since Debian provides tools to make RPMs, but RPM-based # systems don't provide debian packaging crud. # Notes: # # * Almost anything that you want to be able to influence about how a # package construction must be embedded in some file that the # packaging tool uses for input (e.g., debian/rules, debian/control, # debian/changelog; or the RPM specfile), and the precise details are # arbitrary and silly. So this program generates all the relevant # inputs to the packaging tools. # # * Once a .deb or .rpm package is made, there's a separate layer of # tools that makes a "repository" for use by the apt/yum layers of # package tools. The layouts of these repositories are arbitrary and # silly, too. # # * Before you run the program on a new host, these are the # prerequisites: # # apt-get install dpkg-dev rpm debhelper fakeroot ia32-libs createrepo git-core # echo "Now put the dist gnupg signing keys in ~root/.gnupg" import errno import getopt import httplib import os import re import stat import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import urlparse # For the moment, this program runs on the host that also serves our # repositories to the world, so the last thing the program does is # move the repositories into place. Make this be the path where the # web server will look for repositories. REPOPATH="/var/www/repo" # The 10gen names for the architectures we support. ARCHES=["i686", "x86_64"] # Made up names for the flavors of distribution we package for. DISTROS=["debian-sysvinit", "ubuntu-upstart", "redhat"] # When we're preparing a directory containing packaging tool inputs # and our binaries, use this relative subdirectory for placing the # binaries. BINARYDIR="BINARIES" class Spec(object): def __init__(self, specstr): tup = specstr.split(":") self.ver = tup[0] # Hack: the second item in the tuple is treated as a suffix if # it lacks an equals sign; otherwise it's the start of named # parameters. self.suf = None if len(tup) > 1 and tup[1].find("=") == -1: self.suf = tup[1] # Catch-all for any other parameters to the packaging. i = 2 if self.suf else 1 self.params = dict([s.split("=") for s in tup[i:]]) for key in self.params.keys(): assert(key in ["suffix", "revision"]) def version(self): return self.ver def version_better_than(self, version_string): # FIXME: this is wrong, but I'm in a hurry. # e.g., "1.8.2" < "1.8.10", "1.8.2" < "1.8.2-rc1" return self.ver > version_string def suffix(self): # suffix is what we tack on after pkgbase. if self.suf: return self.suf elif "suffix" in self.params: return self.params["suffix"] else: return "-10gen" if int(self.ver.split(".")[1])%2==0 else "-10gen-unstable" def pversion(self, distro): # Note: Debian packages have funny rules about dashes in # version numbers, and RPM simply forbids dashes. pversion # will be the package's version number (but we need to know # our upstream version too). if re.search("^(debian|ubuntu)", distro.name()): return re.sub("-", "~", self.ver) elif re.search("(redhat|fedora|centos)", distro.name()): return re.sub("\\d+-", "", self.ver) else: raise Exception("BUG: unsupported platform?") def param(self, param): if param in self.params: return self.params[param] return None class Distro(object): def __init__(self, string): self.n=string def name(self): return self.n def pkgbase(self): # pkgbase is the first part of the package's name on # this distro. return "mongo" if re.search("(redhat|fedora|centos)", self.n) else "mongodb" def archname(self, arch): if re.search("^(debian|ubuntu)", self.n): return "i386" if arch.endswith("86") else "amd64" elif re.search("^(centos|redhat|fedora)", self.n): return "i686" if arch.endswith("86") else "x86_64" else: raise Exception("BUG: unsupported platform?") def repodir(self, arch): """Return the directory where we'll place the package files for (distro, distro_version) in that distro's preferred repository layout (as distinct from where that distro's packaging building tools place the package files).""" if re.search("^(debian|ubuntu)", self.n): return "repo/%s/dists/dist/10gen/binary-%s/" % (self.n, self.archname(arch)) elif re.search("(redhat|fedora|centos)", self.n): return "repo/%s/os/%s/RPMS/" % (self.n, self.archname(arch)) else: raise Exception("BUG: unsupported platform?") def make_pkg(self, arch, spec, srcdir): if re.search("^(debian|ubuntu)", self.n): return make_deb(self, arch, spec, srcdir) elif re.search("^(centos|redhat|fedora)", self.n): return make_rpm(self, arch, spec, srcdir) else: raise Exception("BUG: unsupported platform?") def main(argv): (flags, specs) = parse_args(argv[1:]) distros=[Distro(distro) for distro in DISTROS] oldcwd=os.getcwd() srcdir=oldcwd+"/../" # We do all our work in a randomly-created directory. You can set # TEMPDIR to influence where this program will do stuff. prefix=tempfile.mkdtemp() print "Working in directory %s" % prefix # This will be a list of directories where we put packages in # "repository layout". repos=[] os.chdir(prefix) try: # Download the binaries. urlfmt="http://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-%s-%s.tgz" for (spec, arch) in crossproduct(specs, ARCHES): httpget(urlfmt % (arch, spec.version()), ensure_dir(tarfile(arch, spec))) # Build a pacakge for each distro/spec/arch tuple, and # accumulate the repository-layout directories. for (distro, spec, arch) in crossproduct(distros, specs, ARCHES): repos.append(make_package(distro, arch, spec, srcdir)) # Build the repos' metadatas. for repo in set(repos): print repo make_repo(repo) finally: os.chdir(oldcwd) if "-n" not in flags: move_repos_into_place(prefix+"/repo", REPOPATH) # FIXME: try shutil.rmtree some day. sysassert(["rm", "-rv", prefix]) def parse_args(args): if len(args) == 0: print """Usage: packager.py [OPTS] SPEC1 SPEC2 ... SPECn Options: -n: Just build the packages, don't publish them as a repo or clean out the working directory Each SPEC is a mongodb version string optionally followed by a colon and some parameters, of the form =. Supported parameters: suffix -- suffix to append to the package's base name. (If unsupplied, suffixes default based on the parity of the middle number in the version.) revision -- least-order version number to packaging systems """ sys.exit(0) try: (flags, args) = getopt.getopt(args, "n") except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) sys.exit(2) flags=dict(flags) specs=[Spec(arg) for arg in args] return (flags, specs) def crossproduct(*seqs): """A generator for iterating all the tuples consisting of elements of seqs.""" l = len(seqs) if l == 0: pass elif l == 1: for i in seqs[0]: yield [i] else: for lst in crossproduct(*seqs[:-1]): for i in seqs[-1]: lst2=list(lst) lst2.append(i) yield lst2 def sysassert(argv): """Run argv and assert that it exited with status 0.""" print "In %s, running %s" % (os.getcwd(), " ".join(argv)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() assert(subprocess.Popen(argv).wait()==0) def backtick(argv): """Run argv and return its output string.""" print "In %s, running %s" % (os.getcwd(), " ".join(argv)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() return subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] def ensure_dir(filename): """Make sure that the directory that's the dirname part of filename exists, and return filename.""" dirpart = os.path.dirname(filename) try: os.makedirs(dirpart) except OSError: # as exc: # Python >2.5 exc=sys.exc_value if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise exc return filename def tarfile(arch, spec): """Return the location where we store the downloaded tarball for (arch, spec)""" return "dl/mongodb-linux-%s-%s.tar.gz" % (spec.version(), arch) def setupdir(distro, arch, spec): # The setupdir will be a directory containing all inputs to the # distro's packaging tools (e.g., package metadata files, init # scripts, etc), along with the already-built binaries). In case # the following format string is unclear, an example setupdir # would be dst/x86_64/debian-sysvinit/mongodb-10gen-unstable/ return "dst/%s/%s/%s%s-%s/" % (arch, distro.name(), distro.pkgbase(), spec.suffix(), spec.pversion(distro)) def httpget(url, filename): """Download the contents of url to filename, return filename.""" print "Fetching %s to %s." % (url, filename) conn = None u=urlparse.urlparse(url) assert(u.scheme=='http') try: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(u.hostname) conn.request("GET", u.path) t=filename+'.TMP' res = conn.getresponse() # FIXME: follow redirects if res.status==200: f = open(t, 'w') try: f.write(res.read()) finally: f.close() else: raise Exception("HTTP error %d" % res.status) os.rename(t, filename) finally: if conn: conn.close() return filename def unpack_binaries_into(arch, spec, where): """Unpack the tarfile for (arch, spec) into directory where.""" rootdir=os.getcwd() ensure_dir(where) # Note: POSIX tar doesn't require support for gtar's "-C" option, # and Python's tarfile module prior to Python 2.7 doesn't have the # features to make this detail easy. So we'll just do the dumb # thing and chdir into where and run tar there. os.chdir(where) try: sysassert(["tar", "xvzf", rootdir+"/"+tarfile(arch, spec), "mongodb-linux-%s-%s/bin" % (arch, spec.version())]) os.rename("mongodb-linux-%s-%s/bin" % (arch, spec.version()), "bin") os.rmdir("mongodb-linux-%s-%s" % (arch, spec.version())) except Exception: exc=sys.exc_value os.chdir(rootdir) raise exc os.chdir(rootdir) def make_package(distro, arch, spec, srcdir): """Construct the package for (arch, distro, spec), getting packaging files from srcdir and any user-specified suffix from suffixes""" sdir=setupdir(distro, arch, spec) ensure_dir(sdir) # Note that the RPM packages get their man pages from the debian # directory, so the debian directory is needed in all cases (and # innocuous in the debianoids' sdirs). for pkgdir in ["debian", "rpm"]: print "Copying packaging files from %s to %s" % ("%s/%s" % (srcdir, pkgdir), sdir) # FIXME: sh-dash-cee is bad. See if tarfile can do this. sysassert(["sh", "-c", "(cd \"%s\" && git archive r%s %s/ ) | (cd \"%s\" && tar xvf -)" % (srcdir, spec.version(), pkgdir, sdir)]) # Splat the binaries under sdir. The "build" stages of the # packaging infrastructure will move the binaries to wherever they # need to go. unpack_binaries_into(arch, spec, sdir+("%s/usr/"%BINARYDIR)) # Remove the mongosniff binary due to libpcap dynamic # linkage. FIXME: this removal should go away # eventually. os.unlink(sdir+("%s/usr/bin/mongosniff"%BINARYDIR)) return distro.make_pkg(arch, spec, srcdir) def make_repo(repodir): if re.search("(debian|ubuntu)", repodir): make_deb_repo(repodir) elif re.search("(centos|redhat|fedora)", repodir): make_rpm_repo(repodir) else: raise Exception("BUG: unsupported platform?") def make_deb(distro, arch, spec, srcdir): # I can't remember the details anymore, but the initscript/upstart # job files' names must match the package name in some way; and # see also the --name flag to dh_installinit in the generated # debian/rules file. suffix=spec.suffix() sdir=setupdir(distro, arch, spec) if re.search("sysvinit", distro.name()): os.link(sdir+"debian/init.d", sdir+"debian/%s%s.mongodb.init" % (distro.pkgbase(), suffix)) os.unlink(sdir+"debian/mongodb.upstart") elif re.search("upstart", distro.name()): os.link(sdir+"debian/mongodb.upstart", sdir+"debian/%s%s.upstart" % (distro.pkgbase(), suffix)) os.unlink(sdir+"debian/init.d") else: raise Exception("unknown debianoid flavor: not sysvinit or upstart?") # Rewrite the control and rules files write_debian_control_file(sdir+"debian/control", spec) write_debian_rules_file(sdir+"debian/rules", spec) write_debian_changelog(sdir+"debian/changelog", spec, srcdir) distro_arch=distro.archname(arch) # Do the packaging. oldcwd=os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(sdir) sysassert(["dpkg-buildpackage", "-a"+distro_arch, "-k Richard Kreuter "]) finally: os.chdir(oldcwd) r=distro.repodir(arch) ensure_dir(r) # FIXME: see if shutil.copyfile or something can do this without # much pain. sysassert(["cp", "-v", sdir+"../%s%s_%s%s_%s.deb"%(distro.pkgbase(), suffix, spec.pversion(distro), "-"+spec.param("revision") if spec.param("revision") else"", distro_arch), r]) return r def make_deb_repo(repo): # Note: the Debian repository Packages files must be generated # very carefully in order to be usable. oldpwd=os.getcwd() os.chdir(repo+"../../../../") try: dirs=set([os.path.dirname(deb)[2:] for deb in backtick(["find", ".", "-name", "*.deb"]).split()]) for d in dirs: s=backtick(["dpkg-scanpackages", d, "/dev/null"]) f=open(d+"/Packages", "w") try: f.write(s) finally: f.close() b=backtick(["gzip", "-9c", d+"/Packages"]) f=open(d+"/Packages.gz", "wb") try: f.write(b) finally: f.close() finally: os.chdir(oldpwd) # Notes: the Release{,.gpg} files must live in a special place, # and must be created after all the Packages.gz files have been # done. s=""" Origin: 10gen Label: 10gen Suite: 10gen Codename: %s Version: %s Architectures: i386 amd64 Components: 10gen Description: 10gen packages """ % ("dist", "dist") if os.path.exists(repo+"../../Release"): os.unlink(repo+"../../Release") if os.path.exists(repo+"../../Release.gpg"): os.unlink(repo+"../../Release.gpg") oldpwd=os.getcwd() os.chdir(repo+"../../") s2=backtick(["apt-ftparchive", "release", "."]) try: f=open("Release", 'w') try: f.write(s) f.write(s2) finally: f.close() arg=None for line in backtick(["gpg", "--list-keys"]).split("\n"): tokens=line.split() if len(tokens)>0 and tokens[0] == "uid": arg=tokens[-1] break # Note: for some reason, I think --no-tty might be needed # here, but maybe not. sysassert(["gpg", "-r", arg, "--no-secmem-warning", "-abs", "--output", "Release.gpg", "Release"]) finally: os.chdir(oldpwd) def move_repos_into_place(src, dst): # Find all the stuff in src/*, move it to a freshly-created # directory beside dst, then play some games with symlinks so that # dst is a name the new stuff and dst+".old" names the previous # one. This feels like a lot of hooey for something so trivial. # First, make a crispy fresh new directory to put the stuff in. i=0 while True: date_suffix=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") dname=dst+".%s.%d" % (date_suffix, i) try: os.mkdir(dname) break except OSError: exc=sys.exc_value if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise exc i=i+1 # Put the stuff in our new directory. for r in os.listdir(src): sysassert(["cp", "-rv", src + "/" + r, dname]) # Make a symlink to the new directory; the symlink will be renamed # to dst shortly. i=0 while True: tmpnam=dst+".TMP.%d" % i try: os.symlink(dname, tmpnam) break except OSError: # as exc: # Python >2.5 exc=sys.exc_value if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise exc i=i+1 # Make a symlink to the old directory; this symlink will be # renamed shortly, too. oldnam=None if os.path.exists(dst): i=0 while True: oldnam=dst+".old.%d" % i try: os.symlink(os.readlink(dst), oldnam) break except OSError: # as exc: # Python >2.5 exc=sys.exc_value if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise exc os.rename(tmpnam, dst) if oldnam: os.rename(oldnam, dst+".old") def write_debian_changelog(path, spec, srcdir): oldcwd=os.getcwd() os.chdir(srcdir) preamble="" if spec.param("revision"): preamble="""mongodb%s (%s-%s) unstable; urgency=low * Bump revision number -- Richard Kreuter %s """ % (spec.suffix(), spec.pversion(Distro("debian")), spec.param("revision"), time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%m:%S %z")) try: s=preamble+backtick(["sh", "-c", "git archive r%s debian/changelog | tar xOf -" % spec.version()]) finally: os.chdir(oldcwd) f=open(path, 'w') lines=s.split("\n") # If the first line starts with "mongodb", it's not a revision # preamble, and so frob the version number. lines[0]=re.sub("^mongodb \\(.*\\)", "mongodb (%s)" % (spec.pversion(Distro("debian"))), lines[0]) # Rewrite every changelog entry starting in mongodb lines=[re.sub("^mongodb ", "mongodb%s " % (spec.suffix()), l) for l in lines] lines=[re.sub("^ --", " --", l) for l in lines] s="\n".join(lines) try: f.write(s) finally: f.close() def write_debian_control_file(path, spec): s="""Source: @@PACKAGE_BASENAME@@ Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Richard Kreuter Build-Depends: Standards-Version: 3.8.0 Homepage: http://www.mongodb.org Package: @@PACKAGE_BASENAME@@ Conflicts: @@PACKAGE_CONFLICTS@@ Architecture: any Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1) Description: An object/document-oriented database MongoDB is a high-performance, open source, schema-free document-oriented data store that's easy to deploy, manage and use. It's network accessible, written in C++ and offers the following features : . * Collection oriented storage - easy storage of object- style data * Full index support, including on inner objects * Query profiling * Replication and fail-over support * Efficient storage of binary data including large objects (e.g. videos) * Auto-sharding for cloud-level scalability (Q209) . High performance, scalability, and reasonable depth of functionality are the goals for the project. """ s=re.sub("@@PACKAGE_BASENAME@@", "mongodb%s" % spec.suffix(), s) conflict_suffixes=["", "-stable", "-unstable", "-nightly", "-10gen", "-10gen-unstable"] conflict_suffixes = [suff for suff in conflict_suffixes if suff != spec.suffix()] s=re.sub("@@PACKAGE_CONFLICTS@@", ", ".join(["mongodb"+suffix for suffix in conflict_suffixes]), s) f=open(path, 'w') try: f.write(s) finally: f.close() def write_debian_rules_file(path, spec): # Note debian/rules is a makefile, so for visual disambiguation we # make all tabs here \t. s="""#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper. # This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small. # As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a # dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction. # This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make. # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 configure: configure-stamp configure-stamp: \tdh_testdir # Add here commands to configure the package. \ttouch configure-stamp build: build-stamp build-stamp: configure-stamp \tdh_testdir # Add here commands to compile the package. # THE FOLLOWING LINE IS INTENTIONALLY COMMENTED. \t# scons #docbook-to-man debian/mongodb.sgml > mongodb.1 \tls debian/*.1 > debian/@@PACKAGE_NAME@@.manpages \ttouch $@ clean: \tdh_testdir \tdh_testroot \trm -f build-stamp configure-stamp \t# FIXME: scons freaks out at the presence of target files \t# under debian/mongodb. \t#scons -c \trm -rf $(CURDIR)/debian/@@PACKAGE_NAME@@ \trm -f config.log \trm -f mongo \trm -f mongod \trm -f mongoimportjson \trm -f mongoexport \trm -f mongorestore \trm -f mongodump \trm -f mongofiles \trm -f .sconsign.dblite \trm -f libmongoclient.a \trm -rf client/*.o \trm -rf tools/*.o \trm -rf shell/*.o \trm -rf .sconf_temp \trm -f buildscripts/*.pyc \trm -f *.pyc \trm -f buildinfo.cpp \tdh_clean debian/files install: build \tdh_testdir \tdh_testroot \tdh_prep \tdh_installdirs # THE FOLLOWING LINE IS INTENTIONALLY COMMENTED. \t# scons --prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/mongodb/usr install \tcp -v $(CURDIR)/@@BINARYDIR@@/usr/bin/* $(CURDIR)/debian/@@PACKAGE_NAME@@/usr/bin \tmkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/@@PACKAGE_NAME@@/etc \tcp $(CURDIR)/debian/mongodb.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/@@PACKAGE_NAME@@/etc/mongodb.conf \tmkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/@@PACKAGE_NAME@@/usr/share/lintian/overrides/ \tinstall -m 644 $(CURDIR)/debian/lintian-overrides \ \t\t$(CURDIR)/debian/@@PACKAGE_NAME@@/usr/share/lintian/overrides/@@PACKAGE_NAME@@ # Build architecture-independent files here. binary-indep: build install # We have nothing to do by default. # Build architecture-dependent files here. binary-arch: build install \tdh_testdir \tdh_testroot \tdh_installchangelogs \tdh_installdocs \tdh_installexamples #\tdh_install #\tdh_installmenu #\tdh_installdebconf\t #\tdh_installlogrotate #\tdh_installemacsen #\tdh_installpam #\tdh_installmime \tdh_installinit --name=@@PACKAGE_BASENAME@@ #\tdh_installinfo \tdh_installman \tdh_link # Appears to be broken on Ubuntu 11.10...? #\tdh_strip \tdh_compress \tdh_fixperms \tdh_installdeb \tdh_shlibdeps \tdh_gencontrol \tdh_md5sums \tdh_builddeb binary: binary-indep binary-arch .PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install configure """ s=re.sub("@@PACKAGE_NAME@@", "mongodb%s" % spec.suffix(), s) s=re.sub("@@PACKAGE_BASENAME@@", "mongodb", s) s=re.sub("@@BINARYDIR@@", BINARYDIR, s) f=open(path, 'w') try: f.write(s) finally: f.close() # FIXME: some versions of debianoids seem to # need the rules file to be 755? os.chmod(path, stat.S_IXUSR|stat.S_IWUSR|stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IXGRP|stat.S_IRGRP|stat.S_IXOTH|stat.S_IWOTH) def make_rpm(distro, arch, spec, srcdir): # Create the specfile. suffix=spec.suffix() sdir=setupdir(distro, arch, spec) specfile=sdir+"rpm/mongo%s.spec" % suffix write_rpm_spec_file(specfile, spec) topdir=ensure_dir(os.getcwd()+'/rpmbuild/') for subdir in ["BUILD", "RPMS", "SOURCES", "SPECS", "SRPMS"]: ensure_dir("%s/%s/" % (topdir, subdir)) distro_arch=distro.archname(arch) # RPM tools take these macro files that define variables in # RPMland. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell RPM tools to use # a given file *in addition* to the files that it would already # load, so we have to figure out what it would normally load, # augment that list, and tell RPM to use the augmented list. To # figure out what macrofiles ordinarily get loaded, older RPM # versions had a parameter called "macrofiles" that could be # extracted from "rpm --showrc". But newer RPM versions don't # have this. To tell RPM what macros to use, older versions of # RPM have a --macros option that doesn't work; on these versions, # you can put a "macrofiles" parameter into an rpmrc file. But # that "macrofiles" setting doesn't do anything for newer RPM # versions, where you have to use the --macros flag instead. And # all of this is to let us do our work with some guarantee that # we're not clobbering anything that doesn't belong to us. Why is # RPM so braindamaged? macrofiles=[l for l in backtick(["rpm", "--showrc"]).split("\n") if l.startswith("macrofiles")] flags=[] macropath=os.getcwd()+"/macros" write_rpm_macros_file(macropath, topdir) if len(macrofiles)>0: macrofiles=macrofiles[0]+":"+macropath rcfile=os.getcwd()+"/rpmrc" write_rpmrc_file(rcfile, macrofiles) flags=["--rpmrc", rcfile] else: # This hard-coded hooey came from some box running RPM # It may not work over time, but RPM isn't sanely # configurable. flags=["--macros", "/usr/lib/rpm/macros:/usr/lib/rpm/%s-linux/macros:/etc/rpm/macros.*:/etc/rpm/macros:/etc/rpm/%s-linux/macros:~/.rpmmacros:%s" % (distro_arch, distro_arch, macropath)] # Put the specfile and the tar'd up binaries and stuff in # place. FIXME: see if shutil.copyfile can do this without too # much hassle. sysassert(["cp", "-v", specfile, topdir+"SPECS/"]) oldcwd=os.getcwd() os.chdir(sdir+"/../") try: sysassert(["tar", "-cpzf", topdir+"SOURCES/mongo%s-%s.tar.gz" % (suffix, spec.pversion(distro)), os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(sdir))]) finally: os.chdir(oldcwd) # Do the build. sysassert(["rpmbuild", "-ba", "--target", distro_arch] + flags + ["%s/SPECS/mongo%s.spec" % (topdir, suffix)]) r=distro.repodir(arch) ensure_dir(r) # FIXME: see if some combination of shutil.copy and glob # can do this without shelling out. sysassert(["sh", "-c", "cp -v \"%s/RPMS/%s/\"*.rpm \"%s\""%(topdir, distro_arch, r)]) return r def make_rpm_repo(repo): oldpwd=os.getcwd() os.chdir(repo+"../") try: sysassert(["createrepo", "."]) finally: os.chdir(oldpwd) def write_rpmrc_file(path, string): f=open(path, 'w') try: f.write(string) finally: f.close() def write_rpm_macros_file(path, topdir): f=open(path, 'w') try: f.write("%%_topdir %s" % topdir) finally: f.close() def write_rpm_spec_file(path, spec): s="""Name: @@PACKAGE_BASENAME@@ Conflicts: @@PACKAGE_CONFLICTS@@ Obsoletes: @@PACKAGE_OBSOLETES@@ Version: @@PACKAGE_VERSION@@ Release: mongodb_@@PACKAGE_REVISION@@%{?dist} Summary: mongo client shell and tools License: AGPL 3.0 URL: http://www.mongodb.org Group: Applications/Databases Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root %description Mongo (from "huMONGOus") is a schema-free document-oriented database. It features dynamic profileable queries, full indexing, replication and fail-over support, efficient storage of large binary data objects, and auto-sharding. This package provides the mongo shell, import/export tools, and other client utilities. %package server Summary: mongo server, sharding server, and support scripts Group: Applications/Databases Requires: @@PACKAGE_BASENAME@@ %description server Mongo (from "huMONGOus") is a schema-free document-oriented database. This package provides the mongo server software, mongo sharding server softwware, default configuration files, and init.d scripts. %package devel Summary: Headers and libraries for mongo development. Group: Applications/Databases %description devel Mongo (from "huMONGOus") is a schema-free document-oriented database. This package provides the mongo static library and header files needed to develop mongo client software. %prep %setup %build #scons --prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr all # XXX really should have shared library here %install #scons --prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr install mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr cp -rv @@BINARYDIR@@/usr/bin $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/man/man1 cp debian/*.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/man/man1/ # FIXME: remove this rm when mongosniff is back in the package rm -v $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/man/man1/mongosniff.1* mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d cp -v rpm/init.d-mongod $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/mongod chmod a+x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/mongod mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc cp -v rpm/mongod.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/mongod.conf mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sysconfig cp -v rpm/mongod.sysconfig $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sysconfig/mongod mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/mongo mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/mongo touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/mongo/mongod.log %clean #scons -c rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %pre server if ! /usr/bin/id -g mongod &>/dev/null; then /usr/sbin/groupadd -r mongod fi if ! /usr/bin/id mongod &>/dev/null; then /usr/sbin/useradd -M -r -g mongod -d /var/lib/mongo -s /bin/false \ -c mongod mongod > /dev/null 2>&1 fi %post server if test $1 = 1 then /sbin/chkconfig --add mongod fi %preun server if test $1 = 0 then /sbin/chkconfig --del mongod fi %postun server if test $1 -ge 1 then /sbin/service mongod condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 || : fi %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) #%doc README GNU-AGPL-3.0.txt %{_bindir}/bsondump %{_bindir}/mongo %{_bindir}/mongodump %{_bindir}/mongoexport #@@VERSION!=2.1.0@@%{_bindir}/mongofiles %{_bindir}/mongoimport #@@VERSION>=2.1.0@@%{_bindir}/mongooplog #@@VERSION>=2.1.0@@%{_bindir}/mongoperf %{_bindir}/mongorestore #@@VERSION>1.9@@%{_bindir}/mongotop %{_bindir}/mongostat # FIXME: uncomment when mongosniff is back in the package #%{_bindir}/mongosniff # FIXME: uncomment this when there's a stable release whose source # tree contains a bsondump man page. #@@VERSION>1.9@@%{_mandir}/man1/bsondump.1* %{_mandir}/man1/mongo.1* %{_mandir}/man1/mongodump.1* %{_mandir}/man1/mongoexport.1* %{_mandir}/man1/mongofiles.1* %{_mandir}/man1/mongoimport.1* %{_mandir}/man1/mongorestore.1* %{_mandir}/man1/mongostat.1* # FIXME: uncomment when mongosniff is back in the package #%{_mandir}/man1/mongosniff.1* #@@VERSION>=2.4.0@@%{_mandir}/man1/mongotop.1* #@@VERSION>=2.4.0@@%{_mandir}/man1/mongoperf.1* #@@VERSION>=2.4.0@@%{_mandir}/man1/mongooplog.1* %files server %defattr(-,root,root,-) %config(noreplace) /etc/mongod.conf %{_bindir}/mongod %{_bindir}/mongos %{_mandir}/man1/mongod.1* %{_mandir}/man1/mongos.1* /etc/rc.d/init.d/mongod /etc/sysconfig/mongod #/etc/rc.d/init.d/mongos %attr(0755,mongod,mongod) %dir /var/lib/mongo %attr(0755,mongod,mongod) %dir /var/log/mongo %attr(0640,mongod,mongod) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) /var/log/mongo/mongod.log %changelog * Thu Jan 28 2010 Richard M Kreuter - Minor fixes. * Sat Oct 24 2009 Joe Miklojcik - - Wrote mongo.spec. """ suffix=spec.suffix() s=re.sub("@@PACKAGE_BASENAME@@", "mongo%s" % suffix, s) s=re.sub("@@PACKAGE_VERSION@@", spec.pversion(Distro("redhat")), s) # FIXME, maybe: the RPM guide says that Release numbers ought to # be integers starting at 1, but we use "mongodb_1{%dist}", # whatever the hell that means. s=re.sub("@@PACKAGE_REVISION@@", str(int(spec.param("revision"))+1) if spec.param("revision") else "1", s) s=re.sub("@@BINARYDIR@@", BINARYDIR, s) conflict_suffixes=["", "-10gen", "-10gen-unstable"] conflict_suffixes = [suff for suff in conflict_suffixes if suff != spec.suffix()] s=re.sub("@@PACKAGE_CONFLICTS@@", ", ".join(["mongo"+_ for _ in conflict_suffixes]), s) if suffix.endswith("-10gen"): s=re.sub("@@PACKAGE_PROVIDES@@", "mongo-stable", s) s=re.sub("@@PACKAGE_OBSOLETES@@", "mongo-stable", s) elif suffix == "-10gen-unstable": s=re.sub("@@PACKAGE_PROVIDES@@", "mongo-unstable", s) s=re.sub("@@PACKAGE_OBSOLETES@@", "mongo-unstable", s) else: raise Exception("BUG: unknown suffix %s" % suffix) lines=[] for line in s.split("\n"): m = re.search("@@VERSION(>|>=|!=)(\d.*)@@(.*)", line) if m: op = m.group(1) ver = m.group(2) fn = m.group(3) if op == '>': if spec.version_better_than(ver): lines.append(fn) elif op == '>=': if spec.version() == ver or spec.version_better_than(ver): lines.append(fn) elif op == '!=': if spec.version() != ver: lines.append(fn) else: # Since we're inventing our own template system for RPM # specfiles here, we oughtn't use template syntax we don't # support. raise Exception("BUG: probable bug in packager script: %s, %s, %s" % (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3))) else: lines.append(line) s="\n".join(lines) f=open(path, 'w') try: f.write(s) finally: f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)