"""Tools for detecting changes in a commit.""" import os from itertools import chain from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Set, Optional, List import structlog from git import DiffIndex, Repo LOGGER = structlog.get_logger(__name__) RevisionMap = Dict[str, str] def _get_id_from_repo(repo: Repo) -> str: """ Get the identifier of the given repo. :param repo: Repository to get id for. :return: Identifier for repository. """ if repo.working_dir == os.getcwd(): return "mongo" return os.path.basename(repo.working_dir) def generate_revision_map(repos: List[Repo], revisions_data: Dict[str, str]) -> RevisionMap: """ Generate a revision map for the given repositories using the revisions in the given file. :param repos: Repositories to generate map for. :param revisions_data: Dictionary of revisions to use for repositories. :return: Map of repositories to revisions """ revision_map = {repo.git_dir: revisions_data.get(_get_id_from_repo(repo)) for repo in repos} return {k: v for k, v in revision_map.items() if v} def _paths_for_iter(diff, iter_type): """ Get the set for all the files in the given diff for the specified type. :param diff: git diff to query. :param iter_type: Iter type ['M', 'A', 'R', 'D']. :return: set of changed files. """ a_path_changes = {change.a_path for change in diff.iter_change_type(iter_type)} b_path_changes = {change.b_path for change in diff.iter_change_type(iter_type)} return a_path_changes.union(b_path_changes) def _modified_files_for_diff(diff: DiffIndex, log: Any) -> Set: """ Get the set of files modified in the given git diff. :param diff: Git diff information. :param log: Logger for logging. :return: Set of files that were modified in diff. """ modified_files = _paths_for_iter(diff, 'M') log.debug("modified files", files=modified_files) added_files = _paths_for_iter(diff, 'A') log.debug("added files", files=added_files) renamed_files = _paths_for_iter(diff, 'R') log.debug("renamed files", files=renamed_files) deleted_files = _paths_for_iter(diff, 'D') log.debug("deleted files", files=deleted_files) return modified_files.union(added_files).union(renamed_files).union(deleted_files) def find_changed_files(repo: Repo, revision_map: Optional[RevisionMap] = None) -> Set[str]: """ Find files that were new or added to the repository between commits. :param repo: Git repository. :param revision_map: Map of revisions to compare against for repos. :return: Set of changed files. """ LOGGER.info("Getting diff for repo", repo=repo.git_dir) if not revision_map: revision_map = {} diff = repo.index.diff(None) work_tree_files = _modified_files_for_diff(diff, LOGGER.bind(diff="working tree diff")) commit = repo.index diff = commit.diff(revision_map.get(repo.git_dir, repo.head.commit)) index_files = _modified_files_for_diff(diff, LOGGER.bind(diff="index diff")) untracked_files = set(repo.untracked_files) LOGGER.info("untracked files", files=untracked_files, diff="untracked diff") paths = work_tree_files.union(index_files).union(untracked_files) return { os.path.relpath(f"{repo.working_dir}/{os.path.normpath(path)}", os.getcwd()) for path in paths } def find_changed_files_in_repos(repos: Iterable[Repo], revision_map: Optional[RevisionMap] = None) -> Set[str]: """ Find the changed files. Use git to find which files have changed in this patch. :param repos: List of repos containing changed files. :param revision_map: Map of revisions to compare against for repos. :return: Set of changed files. """ return set(chain.from_iterable([find_changed_files(repo, revision_map) for repo in repos]))