"""Utilities to help generate evergreen tasks.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, List from shrub.v2 import FunctionCall, ShrubProject from shrub.v2.command import timeout_update, ShrubCommand from structlog import get_logger LOGGER = get_logger(__name__) MAX_SHRUB_TASKS_FOR_SINGLE_TASK = 1000 def resmoke_commands(run_tests_fn_name: str, run_tests_vars: Dict[str, Any], timeout_info: TimeoutInfo, use_multiversion: Optional[str] = None) -> List[ShrubCommand]: """ Create a list of commands to run a resmoke task. :param run_tests_fn_name: Name of function to run resmoke tests. :param run_tests_vars: Dictionary of variables to pass to run_tests function. :param timeout_info: Timeout info for task. :param use_multiversion: If True include multiversion setup. :return: List of commands to run a resmoke task. """ commands = [ timeout_info.cmd, FunctionCall("do setup"), FunctionCall("do multiversion setup") if use_multiversion else None, FunctionCall(run_tests_fn_name, run_tests_vars), ] return [cmd for cmd in commands if cmd] class TimeoutInfo(object): """Timeout information for a generated task.""" def __init__(self, use_defaults, exec_timeout=None, timeout=None): """ Create timeout information. :param use_defaults: Don't overwrite any timeouts. :param exec_timeout: Exec timeout value to overwrite. :param timeout: Timeout value to overwrite. """ self.use_defaults = use_defaults self.exec_timeout = exec_timeout self.timeout = timeout @classmethod def default_timeout(cls): """Create an instance of TimeoutInfo that uses default timeouts.""" return cls(True) @classmethod def overridden(cls, exec_timeout=None, timeout=None): """ Create an instance of TimeoutInfo that overwrites timeouts. :param exec_timeout: Exec timeout value to overwrite. :param timeout: Timeout value to overwrite. :return: TimeoutInfo that overwrites given timeouts. """ if not exec_timeout and not timeout: raise ValueError("Must override either 'exec_timeout' or 'timeout'") return cls(False, exec_timeout=exec_timeout, timeout=timeout) @property def cmd(self): """Create a command that sets timeouts as specified.""" if not self.use_defaults: return timeout_update(exec_timeout_secs=self.exec_timeout, timeout_secs=self.timeout) return None def __repr__(self): """Create a string representation for debugging.""" if self.use_defaults: return "" return f"" def validate_task_generation_limit(shrub_project: ShrubProject) -> bool: """ Determine if this shrub configuration generates less than the limit. :param shrub_project: Shrub configuration to validate. :return: True if the configuration is under the limit. """ tasks_to_create = len(shrub_project.all_tasks()) if tasks_to_create > MAX_SHRUB_TASKS_FOR_SINGLE_TASK: LOGGER.warning("Attempting to create more tasks than max, aborting", tasks=tasks_to_create, max=MAX_SHRUB_TASKS_FOR_SINGLE_TASK) return False return True